January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Congrats LL - what an incredibly fast labour! I am so glad she didnt keep you waiting too much longer. Ive had a few after pains, but nothing too bad. I didn't get any first time round.

Apple - what an achievement for getting everyone ready for 8.25! You're super mum!

vrogers - sorry your milk supply has plummeted. I've heard great things about fenugreek so I hope it helps you be able to express at least :hugs:

greats - you make it sound so easy with 3! I am glad you've all found your feet and everything has slotted together. I am with you, it is easier going from 1 to 2 than 0 to 1. First time round you just dont know what has hit you!

AliJo - sorry LO is having what seems like reflux issues. I hope the gripe water helps.

Sorry if I;ve missed anyone, trying to catch up as and when!

AFM - We are loving life with little Jamie. He seems the most contented little boy during the day. He sleeps anywhere and for very long periods of time and never cries unless he wants milk. Night times are more difficult as he is unsettled and fussy and wants to be held. He definitely has his days and nights mixed up I think. I started breast feeding but found it SO painful, I switched to expressing. I get around 4-5oz each time I express so starting to build a little stash. However I have the time to do it now because my husband is off work and Jamie sleeps so much. Not sure how it'll work out when my husband is back at work on 6th feb. I've tried putting him back to breast and he has taken a few times but most of the times refuses. I knew that would be a risk, but decided to take it anyway. Anabella loves her little brother, but her behaviour overall has become a little bit challenging than it was. I guess it's a big adjustment for her!
Ali - hopefully his issues will just resolve themselves before that March appointment!
I'm glad your after pains aren't bad. I remember last time them being no big deal and not knowing what people were complaining about. Now I get it. Haha, oh well. Hopefully they stop soon.
Dd1 loves her baby sister! She loves just sitting there and constantly saying, "this is my baby sister! Her have eyes! Her have tiny little hands! Her so beautiful! Her so cute!" for ages and ages. So sweet haha! It's going to be hard keeping her off of her though. Thankfully my parents are taking her home for one more night tonight so we can have one last night just dealing with ONE kid. I am quite grateful. I thought dd1 would be missing me more, but she seemed more than content to have another sleepover at grandma's house. She is a bit stressed though. It is coming out in other ways such as she hasn't really been eating much the last couple days. Hopefully she'll adjust soon.

Greats - glad I'm not the only one with bad after pains, but sorry you had to deal with them as well! Good to know the ibuprofen helped. I'm on some pain meds the hospital gave me (similar to ibuprofen? But different) and I'm not sure how much they're helping. Having a hot pack on my stomach during them definitely helps though.

Oh no! Sounds like you definitely did too much housework lately. Try to take it easy! :) Glad the transition to 3 kids has been so good.

VRogers - oh ok! I'm sorry your supply dropped so much! But I agree - doesn't matter how she's fed as long as she is fed that matters! And such a nice perk of formula is that your husband can help out so much more. I do hope the supplements help build your supply back up if that's your wish! :) I'm glad your cramping hasn't been bad at all! Mine definitely wasn't with my first.

Ally - we got home at about 4 this afternoon! I'll share my birth story soon.
That's good your DH at least usually does diapers in the night. That still helps!

Pompey - glad things are going well there. Let's hope Jamie sorts out his nights and days soon! I hope the transition is smooth when your DH goes back to work. My DH also goes back to work on the 6th of feb.
My labour wasn't QUITE as fast as it sounds, but we definitely cut it close with getting to the hospital on time!

AFM - I wish I'd just typed out my birth story that first day when still in the hospital and still feeling euphoric from the birth. Now the tiredness and crash of hormones are definitely hitting me and I am not up for typing it out just yet (but I will soon)! I cried the entire way home from the hospital today, and when I got home I got so emotional and kept bursting out crying about all the little traces in our house of us leaving in a hurry during labour. Like seeing dd1's rumpled bed made me emotional because that was how she left it in the excitement of knowing she'd soon be a big sister, and that was the last time she got out of bed as an only child! So dumb but I remember being very emotional the day we came back from the hospital with dd1 as well. I think it's pretty normal in the first few days.

I definitely hope we get a tad more sleep tonight. Did you all wake your babies up at night to feed I n the early days? I am tempted to not now that Violet is swallowing a LOT during feeds and has had 6 poopy diapers already today. It does seem she is feeding quite well already.
DH is a big huge grump since we got home and it's really annoying me. He is being that way because he's tired, but I've had far less sleep in the past 2 days than he has! So it annoys me that he is taking his mood out on me when I am the one recovering from birth and having crashing hormones! I'll probably have to just let him sleep tonight because even though I'd sure love the help for the short time that he's off work, I can't deal with his cranky moods all day. Might as well just do it all by myself. :/
Pompey- I'm sorry he's so fussy at night! It's good you are able to have dh for a little while longer and hopefully you all are able to make a smooth transition when he goes back to work!

Literati- thank you! I do like that he can help out with feedings!
I don't think how you're feeling is dumb at all, I think it's perfectly normal. When we came home I cried how things were left just because I was still pregnant "when I left my makeup bag on the bed" and basically every. little. thing. Made me cry. I still feel hormonal and emotional!
We had that issue the first week with my milk not being in, baby not getting enough to eat and having to introduce formula. So she lost a ton of weight and did eat more often including at night. But now that she's gained enough weight we kind of just follow her lead. With formula I try not to let her go over 4 hours without eating though. But I'm definitely no expert! And oh my goodness, I'm having the same issues with dh being a grump! The first few days he was amazing, did everything without asking- changed diapers, fed and woke up with the baby, even tended to me and made sure I was comfortable when BFing. Now he tends to gripe when I ask him to change a diaper or feed her, and I know it's because he's exhausted but so am I! One bad night when I asked him to change her he made a snippy comment "I changed all her diapers in the hospital" yes because I had just had surgery and had trouble getting out of bed! Sorry for the venting! Hopefully both of our dh's get some good rest and get better attitudes!
Literati and vrogers sorry you are dealing with grumpy husbands! It's hard to balance things with both parents being exhausted. DH is still being helpful and good so far, lol. But we managed to both get se decent sleep the last two nights so that has helped.

I find it hard to sleep without my baby on/beside me. I'll wake wondering if he's hungry and can't really relax. If he's with me I know I'll wake whenever he needs to be fed.

Those struggling with gassiness/reflux - so sorry! Even without actual reflux I think it just takes weeks for babies' guts to mature a bit and get used to eating, digesting, passing gas, pooping. It's just a tough time! Jack gets fussy when he needs to burp and poop.

Things are going pretty good here. My mom is staying with us for another day I think and while she's not a huge help, she helps a little with entertaining DD or holding Jack. Jack is feeding well - a little painful at the start of feedings because he doesn't like to open his mouth wide, but it gets better once he gets going.

I'm suffering serious constipation and it's horrible. Colace and metamucil are not helping. Trying Epsom salt now. I also need to drink more water for sure. Want to cry about it!
pomp- glad jamie is so settled!

lit+ vrogers husbands can be funny- they almost act as if they went through the labour themselves. i hope both your dh's are less grumpy soon!

Lit-On the first night i didn't wake to feed Isa, he just slept through the night and i was so very tired. how are you feeling today?

slammer- glad you have your mum for some extra help. Yes i agree i think it takes time for babies stomachs to adjust, they are so new after all!
Hope you manage to poop soon!:D

AFM- not much, yesterday my parents, brothers Isa and i went to visit my aunt who lives about an hour away. DH stayed and chilled on his home, and i think it was good for him to get some time to himself. Today i got my hair cut and later have a waxing appt. Guess i am having some me time today :D

has everyone who is active to some degree on this forum had babies now? i dont think there is anyone left?
I think so. It's exciting that we've all got our babies now. Z is 4 weeks today. Time is flying.

Does anyone know how and if we should change this thread to a parenting thread instead of a pregnancy one?
Ali - I would think one of the bigger signs would be if he can't handle lying flat on his back? It definitely sounds like he could just be gassy and troubled by your let-down... or at least I hope so! When is his next doctor's appointment? Hopefully they can help figure out the problem soon!
I'm sure you'll get the crib thing sorted soon. It would be difficult to get anything done with two at home I'm sure! I'm worried about leaving the hospital later and having to deal with two!

Newbie - sorry baby Z struggles with spit up and gassiness as well! Having 1 baby is really hard too - especially as a new mom! So don't feel bad that you're overwhelmed with one. We all were too! But having said that I'm definitely worried about transitioning to life with two! We are still in the hospital so only had dd1 for a short visit. When she came is was tiring enough. I am sort of stressed about dealing with both of them at home. It's going to be a bit nuts for a while!

VRogers - that's amazing that your DH takes over the nights on the weekends so you can sleep! That would be wonderful. Do you supplement with formula on those nights? Thanks for checking in still even though baby keeps you so busy!

AFM - Violet is doing great. She only lost 4 oz in 24 hours so not bad at all considering how big she was to begin with. She seems to be feeding really well. We got very minimal sleep last night and she had one very long feed in there which made things difficult (to get sleep). Worried about tonight when we will be dealing with two kids waking up. We will be discharged probably in an hour or two once I receive my Win Rho shot.

Anyone else with 2+ babies have bad after pains? Thankfully they're not all the time but wow they are bad this time! They were pretty minimal with dd1. These ones drain all the colour from my face and make me feel quite awful for a while. Earlier in the night I got horrible cramps and ended up suddenly shivering violently - teeth chattering and all! My BP was quite high at the same time. Thankfully it appeared to just be a pain response mixed with hormone changes, as my BP was perfectly normal an hour or so later once the pain had calmed down.

Ll my after pains this time were horrific. I was in tears!
LL & vrogers - sorry your husband;s are being grumps!! I do think men cope so much worse on little sleep compared to us. I am thankful that so far my husband is OK and is very very helpful, but I do worry how it's going to work when he goes back to work.

LL - I think the emotions of having a baby are so intense! I totally get how you felt when you got back from the hospital!

slammer - I am so glad everything is going well for you at the moment and that Jack is feeding well. I am in awe of women who successfully feed from the breast. I was in SO MUCH PAIN I had bleeding and cracked nipples after just a couple of days even though I sought advice about the latch and had several professionals observe me feeding :(

I am glad you had some nice me time, Ally!

AFM - I think I got a case of the baby blues today as I could not stop crying this morning. I just feel useless and inactive and stuck at home day after day. I am usually so busy and active and I am not really a home body at all. I really shouldn't complain as Jamie is such a contented baby (at the moment) that he was sleeping all morning and I could just sit and watch TV, but I just want to be able to go out and about again. I started to get jealous of my husband being able to take Anabella swimming, to gymnastics and soft play whilst I am stuck at home. I KNOW in time it will get easier .. first of all when Nick goes back to work and I have to get out and about with pre school runs etc and then even more so when I can start driving again. I just feel a little lost at the moment , but I am sure it'll pass and I'll feel differently again tomorrow.
Hi ladies,

Lit, glad Ur home and doing ok, I had afterpains for about a week, more pains when I fed ollie but that has eased as well now.

Lit/vrogers.. Sorry your DHs are being grumpy, but in a way it's nice to hear im not the only one in this situation, my oh has gas been really supportive and still is but has also started to be really grumpy at times, going hot and cold, I know it is also fown to tiredness but I also think he needs to get over it at times, im doing the nights, he does more with toddler which I do appreciate but then he is shattered and grumpy with me.. hard work :(

Pomp/ glad little Jamie is doing ok. Hope he Susses the day / night thing out soon .. :) my ds is also being a bit challenging at the min but improving slightly, all new to him too x

Ollie is doing ok, I got some cream from boots for his rash so wil see how he goes on..I do think it's prob hormones..He seems to cry a bit before he poos as well, not sure what's going on there..he is feeding well, but does have 90%breast milk topped up with formula the odd time , not sure if this may be causing the problem..

Slammer / constipation :( it's so horrible !! I'm a bit that way as well but no way near like I was in pregnancy early on.. I found at the time that if I drank tropicarna Orange juice with bits in I didn't struggle half as much the next day..it had to be tropicarna tho lol ... Gonna get some myself tomoz x

Ali/ I just got ollie some cream today so gonna try it see if it helps .. And yes the injections are a blood thinner.. I'm just being soft ha.. They do sting tho !! I have to dare myself to do it every night lol ..

Greats/ u dound like me with the housework and im sure that's why my loss started to go bright red again a couple of days ago.. Take it easy hon x

Gonna have to cut it short there as im In demand .. Sorry can't reply to all x
Ally enjoy that time to yourself!

Pompey sorry you had a rough morning! Just let yourself have a good cry. It's a hard time! That really sucks that BF didn't go well for you this time either. Its not fair that some women have that kind of pain.

Apple I hope Ollie's rash clears up with the cream.

A little worried about Jack's cord stump. It's a little gooey and smelly. Might have to call the doctor tomorrow if its still like this. Don't want to have him get an infection. Ugh.
Heya guys updatee.

Freddy is here!!! he was born via water birth, I had absolutely no pain relief (I still don't know how I managed) I went into labor at around 6am and he was born after almost 11 hours at 4.51pm on the 26th January (39+5) weighing 8lb9oz. He is perfectly healthy and I only needed a few stitches, we are both doing very well :) He has so much thick black hair the midwife thought he had an afro when he was coming out :lol:


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Congrats elonaire, beautiful pics x

Ally, enjoy me time :)

Slammer / hope jack hasn't got infection bless him, when me eldest was born they used to give us medicated talc and tell u to bathe cord daily with water, and we bathed baby before leaving hospital , now we just get told to leave it altogether and I was told this time not to bath lo for a week.. Advice just changes all the time.. I tend to just do my own thing anyway x :)

Well it's 3am and I'm sat up with my poor little man, he has become really congested and struggling to feed as nose is blocked:(
It has been so horrible for him bless him struggling to feed getting distressed which then made him worse.
Me and oh googled it to see what could help with him being so little, we have made the room full of steam and it suggested little bit if breast milk up his nose which I had never heard of. He passed a big bogey bless him after the breast milk drops had been done a couple of times ( just dropped straight to nostrils from boob when dosing ) and seems to have definately helped .. He won't let me put him down now though.. Looks like long night of cuddles x

To top it off toddler woke with all commotion do is now at other side of me in bed so no room lol .. The joys !! Thank goodness baby seems to have settled bless him..
Congrats elonaire!

Apple I hope your little man feels better tomorrow. It's so hard when they're sick!

Definitely calling the doc about Jack's stump tomorrow. :(
Elonaire- oh he's precious, all that hair! Congratulations!!

Apple- poor baby, I hope he feels better soon and you are all able to get some rest! Enjoy the baby cuddles though, there's nothing like them I've found

Slammer- I hope the stump isn't infected, but either way heals fast!
pomp-i agree that DH;s dont cope well with sleep loss. We women are built of stronger stuff.
honestly- your comment about feeling useless and active is how i feel, i was always out and about, and i hate being indoors all day. I know its for a temporary period and i am lucky to have a healthy baby, but yeah , i miss going out and about.

apple- hope the cream helps, my mum picked me one up today called metanium- is that the one you got? never heard of the breast milk drops but glad it helped. Sounds like he needs lots of cuddles from his mum :)

slammer- hope his cord heals soon!

elonaire- yah anther baby update!! massive congratulations to you and well done on the no pain relief!

AFM- Had health visitor today, hes gaining weight just fine, 9ibs 6 now. Just a horrid nappy rash to deal with. His gassiness is getting better, think the gripe water helps/ The last few nights he has slept for longer bouts and also had a few hours in the crib which is nice as i can sleep in whatever position i feel. After he wakes though i keep him in bed so i can cuddle him all night, nothing beats those cuddles :)
I want to reply to everyone but also want to record my birth story and don't have to energy to do it all, so I am going to write down my birth story, and just know that I have been reading all your replies and keeping up to date!

Congrats to elonaire on the birth of sweet Freddy.

midnight- that's horrible about your after pains! I can't imagine how bad they'd be after 4 kids. Almost puts me off having another! :o

Ok - and my Birth story! Be prepared that it is very long!

On Fri, Jan 27th, I woke up at 4:10 am with my first contraction. It was relatively mild (just that first one) but definitely the real deal. I tried to just get back to sleep in between but couldn't, and they were coming about 8-10 minutes apart right away. I wanted to make sure it was the real deal and they wouldn't just fizzle out on me, so I texted my mom letting her know I was likely in early labour but nothing to be alarmed about just yet.

I sneaked upstairs so as not to disturb DH's sleep and tried to find some comfy positions to labour in. I immediately found I was too uncomfortable to lie down for them or even sit/squat while leaning over anything (which had been comfortable for my early labour with dd1). When I did that this time the pain and pressure was just too unbearable. I felt nauseated from the pain but never threw up.

I ended up finding that the best way to cope was to walk around the house in between contractions and then to lean on the kitchen counter while standing and swaying back and forth and wiping my face with a cool cloth during contractions. By 5:25 am the contractions started coming 5 minutes apart consistently. However, there was the odd one that would be slightly longer in between but there would be CONSTANT pain and cramping during the in between time. At the time, I was worried this meant I was having ineffective contractions and that I wouldn't even be dilating properly. In retrospect, I realize it was probably a sign that things were progressing very quickly.

The contractions were fairly intense and I was having trouble with them, but I was really in the zone in the quiet by myself with the routine of walking and leaning. Through each contraction I followed Apple's lead (&some notes I had) and just told myself over and over, "this is one contraction closer to my baby" and, "I can handle anything for one minute!" This helped a lot. Since I was in such a rhythm and was worried about being 'gun shy' going to the hospital too soon, I didn't wake DH up until 6:40 am, when contractions had been 5 min apart for 1.25 hours. I told him I wanted to be alone and that he should go eat some breakfast while I showered and then have it all cleaned up by the time I got upstairs so the smell wouldn't make me sick. Then gave him some orders on last minute hospital bag items, etc.

I hopped in the shower at 6:45 and so wasn't able to time contractions very well, but they became a lot more frequent at this point and I am guessing this is when they became 3 min apart consistently. The shower felt so good and I basically got 'stuck' in the shower because there was so little time in between and if I got out of the shower, the contractions were too cripplingly painful to manage. When the water was aimed at my back during them, it felt so much easier to cope. I did have to get out of the shower to text my mom to come get dd1 right away and to give DH a few more instructions. I barely had time to send a few texts in between contractions (which I'd hop back in the shower for) which is how I realized the contractions were only about 2-3 minutes apart at this point.

I realized I had to get out of the shower so we could get to the hospital, but getting ready was very difficult since so little time between contractions, and the contractions were extremely intense and unbearable. I was feeling loads and loads of pressure low down by this time (and had felt a lot more low pressure the entire time I was labouring compared to the early stages with dd1). This did make me think the baby was getting a lot lower and closer to needing pushing, but at the same time I had a VERY long labour with dd1 and when my contractions had been 3 min apart with her, I was only 4 cm! So with only that last experience to go off of, I was really worried I would get there and only be 4 cm again. I felt like maybe I was a wimp because I felt like I could barely cope and everything was unbearable.

My mom finally arrived to pick up dd1 at about 7:30 am. I said a quick goodbye to dd1 but she was very good about not disturbing me during contractions. She seemed to sense I needed to be alone. She was very excited about her baby sister coming soon. As soon as my mom left, we prepared to get out the door to the hospital. However, I kept having to wait for another contraction to pass before doing another step like just putting on my jacket or putting on my boots, so that was a bit scary because it felt like we were never getting out the door and I just wanted to be there already. I was worried about signing in and getting assessed in uncomfortable positions when I was in so much pain.

Finally got in the vehicle and had an extremely painful car ride mostly contracting the entire time. I was again having loads and loads of pressure down below as I contracted.

We got to the hospital and I was immediately struck with another bad contraction. Someone saw us standing there (me gripping DH and in pain) and offered to get us a wheelchair. However, she took too long and as soon as the contraction was over I knew we needed to MOVE to get me signed in. We got upstairs at 7:58 am and DH signed me in while I had contractions the whole time.

Got into assessment and I couldn't even get into bed before having another seriously intense contraction with an extreme amount of pressure in my bottom. As soon as that ended I just got into bed and had another one. I would say they were 2 min apart but lasting over a minute so very little time in between. The nurse checked me which hurt a LOT, but then she wouldn't tell me how dilated I was because my waters were bulging and she said sometimes after waters break, the cervix collapses, so she wanted to get the doctor to check before she told us how dilated I was. She just said I was "doing very well" but I had no idea what that meant. I felt so awful but at the same time was worried I was only 4-6 cm and was going to be in that much pain for a lot longer!
Basically the minute the nurse left the room to get the doctor, my water broke in one big burst, and I was overcome with the most painful I've ever felt in my entire life. I started screaming in agony and yelling that I needed to push right now. I actually was unable to stop myself from bearing down during the contraction. It was an irresistible urge and reflex like I'd heard people talk about but never experienced with dd1.

Nurses came running into the room and I kept saying, "I NEED TO PUSH!" But they started yammering about how I couldn't push there and telling me to get into a wheelchair but I could NOT move and NEEDED to push so they quickly just wheeled me in the bed over to the labour & delivery room. Got in the room at 8:14 am. Was in total agony and immobilized by pain by managed to transfer to the l&d bed. I was surrounded by nurses and a dr and someone helped me get my pants off. It is all a blur of pain. I just kept yelling that I needed to push, and during my contractions all I could do was push - there was nothing I could do to stop myself! But since this was so fast and no one had even told me how dilated I was, I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to push or dilated enough yet? But they let me just push and I couldn't stop myself so kept pushing.

They wanted me to move to my back (I was on my side) but I was in so much pain I couldn't even think about moving. Finally there was a tiny break in contractions and they managed to roll me over and break the bed very quickly. They could see the head and told me that in the next contraction they would direct my pushing and I would probably deliver my baby! So, that contraction started and I did one big push for the head, then a bunch of very short little pushes as I pushed the shoulders out, then pushed the rest of her out, and at 8:22 am she was born and on my chest, just 9 minutes after starting to push, and 24 minutes after arriving at the hospital!

Even though it had been so agonizing and intense, as soon as it was over I felt so amazing and relieved! She was put on my chest and did take a bit to cry because she was stunned from the fast exit! But she did cry and was fine and I had lots of skin to skin while they stitched me back up. I experienced an endorphin rush I never had with dd1, and I was surprised when they told me I had 2nd degree tears because I felt no pain at first. I didn't even feel the freezing needles going in for stitching, which is sort of funny because I had no pain relief/drugs whatsoever (whereas with dd1 I felt EVERYTHING after despite having an epidural). I did start to feel after a bit more time but it was nothing major. Also, this time delivering the placenta was no big deal at all. Just delivered it in one easy push! Made me realize why others don't have a terrible experience and that the manual extraction I had last time really was terrible! Basically as soon as she was born I couldn't believe how happy I was that she was here already and that the experience was so much better than last time! My doctor of course missed the delivery, but the doctor there was so incredibly nice and so was our nurse! I had a wonderful experience and was allowed to have 90 min of skin on skin, I was able to nurse after about 20 min (she wasn't interested before then), and no one pushed me to give up my baby and go take a shower immediately. I was able to just bask in the glory of her birth! It was so wonderful and makes me want to cry just thinking of it! My stomach was also in a lot less pain after and I was able to walk to the shower without bending over etc! I felt amazing and euphoric for that entire first day of birth! :) So happy it is over now! It was so intense and scary at the time but so amazing in the end.
I'm wondering what everyone's experiences are with gripe water vs gas drops? Gas drops sometimes help Melody, but sometimes don't and I was doing some research and have seen some people recommend gripe water instead. She also gets hiccups 3-4 times a day, and while I know they say the hiccups don't bother them, often they sound fairly painful and she starts crying and screaming if they last more than a few minutes. Plus, they get strong enough to force her to start spitting up, and then she screams more. It breaks my heart. :( I've heard the gripe water can help with hiccups. Just wondering what other thoughts/experiences have been?

Other than that, things are going well. I'm finally feeling actually human and have started doing some housework again when M lets me sleep. We've had family visiting since Wednesday (my cousin from Wed - Sat, and now my MIL and BIL Sat - tomorrow). DH and I are exhausted from people and have decided that after this we don't want company for several weeks. We want to have some "family" time just us. The last two days we did go out and take a walk with M in a carrier and that was great. She falls asleep so quickly that way and was able to get a great nap in, I think the fresh air really is good for her. Now that I'm more comfortable using the carrier I think I'm going to try to get a walk in each day with her.

newbie - I'm right there with you, I am struggling with one and I don't know how I would cope with two right now! That's great that you've got support from your mom though.

Lite - That's great that Violet is doing so well! So sorry about the after pains though! That sounds awful! I hope that gets better/easier quickly.

greats - sounds like you need to slow down a little and let yourself rest, if you can.

Pompey - I'm sorry that it's been difficult to BF, but that's great that you're able to get 4-5oz when you express! Even if he won't take the breast, at least you are able to still provide breastmilk. Sounds like you do have a case of baby blues. :hugs: I understand, some days I feel very similar and it's hard to not get out of the house. I haven't really gone anywhere in 3 weeks and I feel so useless some days because I'm not even doing much housework (doctor didn't want me doing anything for at least 2 weeks). I'm hoping this passes for you soon and you feel better, I'm sure once you can get out you'll feel better. If it gets worse, definitely talk to your doctor! :hugs:

Lite - I found the same thing, that by waiting to type out my birth story I ended up postponing writing it even longer because I wasn't up to do it once the hormones hit. The emotional crying is completely normal, I had the same problem. Hopefully it gets easier for you soon! Thank you for sharing your story! That's amazing how quickly it went. I'm so glad all went well! :)

I did wake Melody to feed at night if she went more than 4 hours. When we were in the hospital they actually wanted me to do every 3 hours, and once I got home if she lasted 4 hours I woke her up until she started gaining her weight back. I don't think you have to, but with M having jaundice and as much weight as she lost they wanted me to make sure we fed her. If Violet is having enough wet/poopy diapers that meet the "recommended output" then I wouldn't bother waking her at night if she'll sleep that long take advantage of the sleep!

Vrogers & Lite - I'm so sorry though that your DH's are being grumpy! That's really frustrating when we're the ones who just went through a huge ordeal and our body and hormones are wrecked. I feel like the men just need to suck it up and deal with it without being grumpy or taking it out on us after everything we go through. I hope things get better soon!

Slammer - oh constipation is awful! I'm so sorry nothing is helping! how much water are you getting? As a last resort I sometimes use dulcolax. It "claims" to be "easy" but it never goes easy for me, but it works. The cord stump for Jack doesn't sound good....I would definitely call the doctor just to make sure there's nothing wrong.

Elonaire - what a doll! He's adorable! Congrats!

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