January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vrogers - Right?! I expected it to be out of nowhere.. but I expected to see her saying that she was maybe in labor first!

Angel - I struggled to get anything extra last time so this is nice! I can pump get 4-5 ounces and still feed him enough for him to be content.

My bleeding is pretty much done, but the discharge I'm getting is still a large enough amount that I need to wear a pad, but it's mostly the yellowish stuff. Every once and awhile theirs enough blood to make it more red. Last time I was done after like 2-3 weeks with all of it. This time it's a bit more persistent.

Does anyone else take baths with their newborns? I absolutely love it! DS1's first bath was with me. I wanted to do the same with DS2, but there was too much going on. I took one with both boys today.. mainly because I wanted to soak with DS2 for a bit to calm him down and of course I can't leave DS1 to do whatever he wants. He would want to join anyways. So he played and I snuggled and bathed DS2.
Lit- WOW CONGRATS!!! I am so so happy for you!!! Can't wait to hear labour story. And yah we have two Violets!

Never bathed with Isa he just seems to hate them n it's always a stressful quick ordeal. I defo will once he's a bit bigger and more chilled about baths
Ack congrats literati!! Can't wait to hear more about how things went! So glad you didn't have to wait any longer.
Ally - Maybe he'll like it more if you're in a bath holding him? Just a thought!
lite - CONGRATS!! That was so sudden! Only 9 minutes of pushing? I'm jealous! :haha: I love the name, Violet is a gorgeous name. <3 Can't wait to hear your birth story!

Ali - That's awesome that you can get 4-5 ounces and still feed him! I'm hoping that my pumping amount will increase with time. I don't know what a common amount is that the baby will drink at a given feeding though. I know what is normal for formula, but I'm told breastmilk is totally different. It's hard to know how MUCH She's actually consuming since I can't see it, like one can in a bottle.

I haven't taken baths with Melody at this point. My sister actually did with her daughter and loved it but I'm actually scared I'd drop her or something. lol. We've only given her a couple baths at this point. Now that the umbilical cord and the scab have finally fallen off and healed I think we'll start bathing more often.
Angel - If you do decide to take one make sure to do it when DH is home if you're nervous about doing it! That way he can have the towel ready and take her from you so you can get out comfortably. I didn't know how it would work with two. Don't have room to set DS2 down anywhere in the bathroom so I had to one arm take DS1 out. I did it!

I Googled it and this is what they say "Because newborns' stomachs are so small, during the first week most full-term babies take no more than 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 mL) at feedings. After about four to five weeks, babies reach their peak feeding volume of about 3 to 4 ounces (90 to 120 mL) and peak daily milk intake of about 30 ounces per day (900 mL)." Keep in mind that nursing is much more effective at expressing so you can't pump as much as a baby is able to express out. Also I think they're referring to newborns when they say peak feeding volume.
Lit... Yay congratulations hon, made up
For you, love the name..two little violets On thread ..cool xxxxx
So I'm starting to think T has reflux. Not exciting.
Thanks, everyone! I'll share more soon!

Angel - you might get lucky next time! Last time I pushed for nearly 2 hours and I envied anyone who didn't have to push for long. This was very, very intense, though! But so glad it was over with quickly. :)

Ali - sorry T might have reflux! That sounds difficult! That's sweet ds2 loves to have a nice warm bath with you! :)
Hi ladies,

Lit / hope ur going ok with little violet :) n recovering well yourself

Ali/ oh no reflux is horrible hope lo is better soon x

Ive only bathed Ollie once, I just top and tail him the min, think I'm going to have to put something in his skin as after his bath he went really dry everywhere, we used little bit of olive oil on toddler when he was little. I was unsure at first but it worked brilliantly.

Quite tired at the min, toddler has started waking up at night and wanting to come in our bed for a cuddle but only wants me ..and it always seems to be between settling baby or as im feeding him, So getting no break between..

Ollie has little rash under his neck and bottom just starting to get little bit sore.. I give him loads of air between changes, use water to clean him and have put little bit if cream on but he seems to be little poo machine , so frustrating at night when changed , fed , all comfy and then u hear him Poo again !! ha x it goes in one end and out of the other ! Lol it's started to be a little joke with me and oh now ha ..
He is still feeding ok , I express still and he sometimes has bit of formula but seems to be ok back and forth bottle then boob ok, he is mainly noob now tho x

Hope everyone else doing ok x

Post birth im going ok, I have to give myself these stupid injections every day for 6 weeks! They bloody wreck !! Stinging after.. It's to do with a vein I have in my leg! The joys.. !!
I'm still losing a bit , im 15 days since birtt now...was havivg emotional days but doing better now.. Oh goes back to work Wednesday not looking forward to that..
Did school and nursery run for first time yesterday on my own .. Teenager to school , toddler ready and taken to nursery and ollie fed , changed and in car for 8.25 am .. Let's just say it was eventful ! I'm sure I'll get into a routine soon ha..! X

Managed to get toddler to new nursery for a Visit other day and it went really well..which is good as we were nervous about it.. And then I had some mummy time just with toddler.. Went to macdonalds and park.. It was really nice &#65039;xx

Sorry if not commented to everyone trying to catch up when I can x
Apple - I know one day I'll be doing the same and running the kids around, but I so don't look forward to it!

Do you use some kind of barrier cream at night? You can use it on his neck as well.

Also are the injections of blood thinner? My SIL had to give herself blood thinner injections for awhile after she was released from the hospital. She hated them as well!

I still need to get the crib moved over. I just don't have to motivation to mess with it. If I don't get it while DH is working I'll get it on his days off. I'm thinking I'll have to get one of those foam mattress toppers to layer under it. We'll see. I wish we had a foam mattress where it was more flat. Ours has a small pillow top on it. I was also looking and if it works out well and there is a big dip between the beds you can get a bed bridge to connect beds. They're only like 15 dollars on Amazon so I'll do that to make it a bit more safer. It'll be more of an issue when he starts to roll. I'm eager to try it, though.

If he has reflux it isn't horrible. He doesn't spit up much, but the sounds and struggles he has while eating makes me think he has it. Then with my rapid let down it can make it worse. I hope I'm wrong or if he does have it he'll grow out of it sooner rather than later.
Hmm... Sounds and struggles when feeding... Z has been struggling like crazy in the last week and has always been vocal while feeding. I've been wondering what's causing it. With his struggles with gas and now regular spit ups... I'm off to google reflux!

By the way, I am in awe of the ones with more than one child. I'm honestly struggling with the one... And i have amazing support from my mum (who's putting him to sleep now so I can sleep). I really don't know how I'd cope with two and I know some of you have more than that. Super impressed.
Newbie - I thought it was just my rapid let down at first, but I'm thinking it might be more than that. I watched some videos and the sounds he makes are just like those in the videos. I could be wrong but DS1 never made sounds like that. Of course I want to know what it is so I looked for an answer lol
Ali- I'm sorry about the possible reflux!
Lillian grunts and struggles for awhile while passing gas and because I've never done this before I'm not sure if it's normal or not. A couple times we've used gripe water so she could sleep, because she woke up at night grunting.

Weekends are my favorite because that's when dh takes over at night and lets me sleep, and I slept HARD last night! It's amazing-during the week when I'm on baby duty I wake up at the slightest noise baby makes but during weekends I don't even hear dh get up with her. At least I have 2 nights a week where I sleep!

Hope everyone and their new LOs are doing well! I'm not able to post as much as I did when pregnant of course but think of you ladies often! :)
Ali - I would think one of the bigger signs would be if he can't handle lying flat on his back? It definitely sounds like he could just be gassy and troubled by your let-down... or at least I hope so! When is his next doctor's appointment? Hopefully they can help figure out the problem soon!
I'm sure you'll get the crib thing sorted soon. It would be difficult to get anything done with two at home I'm sure! I'm worried about leaving the hospital later and having to deal with two!

Newbie - sorry baby Z struggles with spit up and gassiness as well! Having 1 baby is really hard too - especially as a new mom! So don't feel bad that you're overwhelmed with one. We all were too! But having said that I'm definitely worried about transitioning to life with two! We are still in the hospital so only had dd1 for a short visit. When she came is was tiring enough. I am sort of stressed about dealing with both of them at home. It's going to be a bit nuts for a while!

VRogers - that's amazing that your DH takes over the nights on the weekends so you can sleep! That would be wonderful. Do you supplement with formula on those nights? Thanks for checking in still even though baby keeps you so busy!

AFM - Violet is doing great. She only lost 4 oz in 24 hours so not bad at all considering how big she was to begin with. She seems to be feeding really well. We got very minimal sleep last night and she had one very long feed in there which made things difficult (to get sleep). Worried about tonight when we will be dealing with two kids waking up. We will be discharged probably in an hour or two once I receive my Win Rho shot.

Anyone else with 2+ babies have bad after pains? Thankfully they're not all the time but wow they are bad this time! They were pretty minimal with dd1. These ones drain all the colour from my face and make me feel quite awful for a while. Earlier in the night I got horrible cramps and ended up suddenly shivering violently - teeth chattering and all! My BP was quite high at the same time. Thankfully it appeared to just be a pain response mixed with hormone changes, as my BP was perfectly normal an hour or so later once the pain had calmed down.
Lite - Glad she's doing so well! I hope having to handle two goes well for you. What does DD1 think of her new little sister?

He's usually fine on his back so it's confusing. The thing is he still does it with a slow flow nipple. Not as bad, but he does. So I'm not sure. I wonder if they can have reflux just while eating?

His next appointment is March 7th. I'm hoping he just starts to get over whatever it is. Unless he starts having more problems I'll just wait till then. They probably wouldn't do anything even if it was reflux because it's not very bad.

I had almost no after pains. Some mild aching while breastfeeding, but that was it. I lucked out I think.

Vrogers - That's great that he takes care of her at least two days of the week! I don't sleep hard at all when I know I need to respond to baby. If DH is home and he has T then I can get some good solid rest. A hour of sleep without being on constant alert is better than 3 while being constantly alert.

I'm hoping to get some new gripe water today.
Literati, congratulations! Yes, I had horrendous after pains for the entire first week. I took 600mg ibuprofen every 6 hours to deal with them.

Ali, my oldest Rylee had horrendous reflux, like projectile vomiting every other feed. She's 4 now and still has issues... she threw up her dinner last night.

Newbie, honestly? For me, it was WAYYYYY more difficult going from no kids to 1 than it was having a 2nd and now 3rd baby. After I had Rylee I was a ball of emotions, had no idea what I was doing, add in Rylee was an absolute shit sleeper so I was severely sleep deprived. Now with my 3 girls it's like a walk in the park lol I'm not stressed about things I was when I first became a mom, things are seriously so much easier now lol

Afm, I started doing too much housework apparently as my bleeding has come back with some cramping and bad lower back pain... pretty sure I pulled a muscle doing laundry yesterday. But my weekend has officially started as DH just came home from work so it's nap time for me now lol
Literati- I am thankful, the week is exhausting but I'm glad I'm able to rest on weekends.
Unfortunately (for me) we're having to do all formula right now because my milk supply plummeted. I'm hoping the nasal spray and this drink I have (it has fenugreek and blessed thistle in it) bring it back, I really really miss breastfeeding! If nothing else it would be nice to be able to pump and at least get some breastmilk to her. As long as she's fed and happy that's what matters but I am trying everything I can before I give up!
I hope your first night home isn't too restless! And those after pains sound awful. I had cramping while breastfeeding or pumping but it wasn't too bad. I hope it gets better for you soon!

Ali- yes I completely agree with the being alert and sleeping statement! It's like it's a complete mental thing, but I think it's a good thing.
Gripe water has definitely helped us a few times!

Greats- have a nice long nap and take it easy!
apple- well done on getting the school run and baby ready! Sorry about Ollie's rash, Isa has one too and we are doing the same- lots of air, changng nappy often and lots of cream.. It is just so persistent but looks so sore.

ali- Isa defo has some reflux, does not like being on his back etc. Glad it's not too bad for babyT though!

newbie- i agree, im in awe also. isa knackers me!

vrogers- so nice dh does the nights at weekends. dh and i sort of share, normally he does nappies at night and i just do the feeds but normally i end up doing both on weekdays as he gets up so early for work. Hope the drink works and you have more breastmilk soon.

Lit- Are you home now? :) really hope you feel better soon and recover quickly. Then tell us your birth story!

greats- hope u have a nice restful weekend!

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