January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

What a story lit!!! I Can't believe how fast it all happened!
Literati thanks for sharing! What a great story. Sounds very intense but I'm glad you had such a feeling of euphoria afterward. I swear I'm gonna finish my story today and post it!

Angel getting out on walks would be great for you and baby. Carriers are awesome. I'll break mine our this week I think. I did finally get some relief today. Tried benefiber and more Epsom salt. What a pain in the ass...literally, lol.

We did take Jack to the doc today and he said the cord stump was fine and the discharge and odor were normal. The dried bit was also hanging on by a thread, which I thought was too soon for it to be nearly detached, but he said it was OK. He just said to swab it clean and put some bacitracin on it once a day. By the next diaper change it had actually come off, so that will make everything easier. I just don't recall DD's being oozy and smelly like this.

He also got weighed and has gained a whole pound in just four days! He's past his birth weight already! 8 lbs 11 oz (birth weight was 8 lbs 7 oz). I patted my boobs and said "way to go girls!" Haha!
Literati- thank you for sharing, sounds like it went fast and was intense!

Slammer- glad everything is normal with his stump and no infection, I bet that's a relief. I giggled at your last sentence..that's so awesome! Glad everything is going well!

I've been a bit discouraged and down about the BFing. I am kicking myself for not pumping more and getting up at least once in the night to pump. I have been pumping as much as I can (I admit it's harder during the week when I'm alone with the baby) just to stimulate. I'll get a couple drops maybe. I've started back drinking that fenugreek and blessed thistle drink (I may have already said that? I'm so tired!) and am waiting for the oxytocin medicine to come in the mail. I'm also awful at drinking enough water so I'm sure that doesn't help.
Anyways, I just HATE formula because of the smell, the time and effort it takes to mix, all the spitting up, and this morning the baby woke at 3:30ish to eat and then wouldn't go back to sleep, then around 5 projectile spit up what looked like all of it. We think the formula went bad because the exp date is feb 2017 so we threw it out and are going back to the formula that seems better on her stomach.
I really really am trying to remind myself she is getting fed and that is what matters, but I just miss BFing because of how close I felt to her and the whole experience. So hoping this medicine and the herbal drink helps and I can start back at least getting some breastmilk to her.
I'm so sorry for the long complaining, I'll eventually get over it either way, just needed to vent really!
VRogers - sorry you're feeling discouraged about having to give formula and such. I hope these supplements help get your supply back up. Are you still nursing a bit to keep her used to it?

Angel - sorry melody is struggling with gas! It's so hard to see them in distress.
That amount of company sounds very exhausting. I don't blame you for not wanting company for a few weeks. I am struggling with having people visit as well. I want people to meet Violet, but when they come I just want them to leave the entire time and it always feels like they stay too long. We were disappointed not more family visited in the hospital, as I was feeling so happy that day and it would have been nice to get more visits over with early. Now it feels like we are 'wasting' our one week with DH off getting constant visitors.
I had to laugh at myself after asking about waking Violet in the night because that night she ended up nursing for the ENTIRE night! I would put her down after a long feed only to have her wake 1 minute later wanting more! Oy. That is when my milk came in though so hopefully that doesn't happen again. Last night I did end up waking her after a 4-hr stretch which was tempting not to do but now I guess I'm glad I did because today when the HV came she was actually a bit jaundiced and they have to check her again in a day or two. It's nothing overly concerning and since she is feeding so well and having so many dirty diapers, it is likely to resolve itself. Sounds like you can relate if M was jaundiced too! I totally agree that 4 hours is sufficient for waking up. at the hospital they told me 3 hrs as well. Um, no thanks! As long as they feed lots during the day I'm not going to make things harder for myself at night!

I agree our husbands should just suck it up and deal with it since we are going through a lot more than they are and need their help. Thankfully DH hasn't been as grumpy today but he was powering out this evening so I just sent him for a nap.

Slammer - glad your issues have resolved. ;) Yay for Jack's weight gain! I also chuckled at your last comment. That's good his cord stump was nothing to worry about. Surprisingly, Violet's has fallen off already! Can't wait to read your birth story! It's so hard to find the time and motivation to write it all down. How is your dd liking being a big sister?

AFM - Violet is feeding super well and having lots of dirty diapers. She somehow likes being put down even less than my dd1 did, so I have been co sleeping at night. She literally wakes up the second I put her down in the bassinet, and won't go back to sleep until she's nestled into my chest. My dd1 needed to co sleep a bit later on, but as a newborn she was still sleepy enough to not mind being put down for at least one stretch at night. I feel quite surprised we could possibly have a clingier baby than dd1!
She has lost another 0.5 oz since coming home from the hospital so is 8 lb 8.5 oz now which the HV said was pretty good! I'm sure she'll gain her birth weight back in no time.
She is pretty quiet so far unless she's hungry or we dare put her down. Her cry is quiet and grunty though, whereas my dd1's was high pitched and extremely loud! It's interesting seeing all the differences and similarities between them. I have to say I am SO in love and never stop marvelling at how cute she is. I am sure I am annoying everyone on my Facebook by posting a dozen photos per day! Hope you are all doing well! I have to say I am so happy to not be pregnant anymore! It feels so great, even with the postpartum healing and sleep deprivation!
Vrogers I'm sorry BF has you down. I forget...what happened to bring your supply down? I hope you can get it back, but if not, try not to let regrets get in the way of enjoying feeding DD.

Literati that's great that Violet is feeding so well. Maybe she will be clingy early on and give you a break when she gets a bit older. I'm doing the same thing of noticing all the similarities and differences between my babes. Jack hates cold wipes on his bum, while DD couldn't have cared less lol.
Finally my birth story! Um, sorry it's so long, lol.

Around 5am monday I thought I may have sprung a tiny leak from my waters. I woke to a wet sensation and went to the bathroom and noticed it had dampened my underwear and shorts slightly in addition to my pantiliner. But nothing further happened, so I wasn't sure if it was my water or just some other leakiness. I also had a few contractions in the night that I felt a little in my back, but nothing convincing.

I had some more contractions on and off after getting up for the day, but nothing strong or consistent. I tried to do some work online, but knew this was going to be my last day working since I wanted to take off Tuesday before my induction scheduled for Weds.

I went for a shower around noon. After the shower I walked out into the bedroom to get underwear, but felt a decent gush. It wasn't a huge flood but seemed highly unlikely to be anything other than my waters. I had a couple more small gushes when I went back to the toilet.

Nothing significant happened right away. A random contraction or two was all. I messaged DH about what happened and suggested he work his way home from the play place he'd taken DD to - they were just leaving to come home anyway.

I messaged my mom to start making her way down and texted with my sister to let her know things were probably going to happen today. She would be meeting us at the hospital at some point.

When DH came home I still wasn't having any consistent contractions. I waited until about 2:30 to call the midwife on call at the hospital and she wanted me to come in within 6 hours of water breaking (I was counting 12:30 as being the real “break”). I still needed to wait for my mom to get down to watch DD so I said I might be later than that.

I can't quite remember when contractions really started because I was distracted with DD and wasn't timing, but by 5:00 they were definitely coming on and when I actually started tracking they were every 2.5 minutes and nearly a minute long. I texted my sister that we were going to eat and head into the hospital so she said she'd start getting ready to leave.

We went to the hospital and checked in. I was 3cm and 70%. We got into a room and were just working through contractions and waiting for my sister to arrive. Like with my first I had more back pain than anything else, but I was working through it on the ball. My sister arrived around 8:30 and my contractions were starting to get really really painful in my back. I was vocalizing through them really loudly and cursing up a storm. The ball got uncomfortable after a while because of the pressure on my girl bits. I started laboring standing leaning over a high table and that was sort of working with DH massaging my back, but the back pain was still so bad and I just wanted to lay down. I was yawning after each one. I tried a few contractions kneeling and leaning on the back of the bed but that was horrible. I laid down sort of on my right side with my left knee up. My sister massaged my back from one side while DH was on the other side facing me as I clutched his hands for dear life through each contraction. I was really really struggling and was sweating and shaking. I was checked at some point and I was 6cm and 90%. My sister was encouraging me that since it was so intense things would probably go fast and it would be over soon. I even started to do some involuntary pushing. The midwife and doctor both asked if I was sure I didn't want an epidural because baby had been predicted to be over 9 lbs. I felt like they were trying to scare me, but at the same time it was so hard to get through the pain. I finally said to DH and my sister that I was thinking about getting the epidural. DH really thought I should and my sister was supportive either way. A couple more contractions sent me over the edge and I said I wanted it, so my sister immediately went to tell the nurse.

I was still having some involuntary pushing and had to wait maybe 20 minutes for the anesthesiologist to get there. Only DH could be in the room for it. I had to sit on the edge of the bed and hunch over. I actually handled the 2-3 contractions I had during the insertion better than I thought I would, though it was still really hard to breathe through and stay still. It was supposed to take another 20 minutes to take effect and I was wondering how the hell I was going to make it another 20 minutes, but I actually felt relief almost immediately. I went back to laying a bit on my right side, but my right leg was getting more numb so I tried to lay on my left side too to even things out. It improved, but through the end I was still more numb on the right than left.

Things immediately chilled out and slowed down. I worried a bit about the epidural slowing down/weakening my contractions, but my sister was watching the monitor and said they were still looking good - I just couldn't really feel them that well. It was nice to be able to relax and talk for a couple hours. I felt a little disappointed that I had failed to make it through naturally, but the feeling of relief was much greater. The pain had been so so bad - so far beyond what Ava’s birth had been like. I had never expected it to be so bad this time around.

I think I got the epidural at 11:00 and shortly before 1:00am the midwife checked me and said it was time to have a baby! It was really weird, actually, because there was no physical indication for me that it was time. But hey, I wanted to have my baby, so OK, let's make a move. Up come the leg holders. My sister helped hold my left leg and DH held my right. I found it really strange and kind of frustrating to push with the epidural. While I could feel pressure (and the midwife’s fingers all up in there stretching me ugh) I couldn't feel any urge to push. The midwife was telling me when to push for a little while but then she slacked off and I felt directionless. I started putting my hand on my belly so that I could feel when I was getting a contraction and just push then. It was frustrating.

At some point the midwife was asking me about where I had my previous repair done and was making disapproving faces about how it was done. It really pissed me off. Like I really need you asking me about my repair and making faces while I'm trying to push for god’s sake. I even said “I could really do without the faces”. But so apparently I had a tight band of scar tissue that wasn't stretching to let baby out.

At some point then were putting oxygen to my face, which I hated, but they said it was for the baby, not me, so I had to do it. But I wouldn't let them hold it on me. I hate having people in my face, so I held it myself between contractions/pushes. The doctor came in at some point as well.

I was starting to get really emotional with everything going on and tearing up. It was hard to keep calm and try not to cry.

Finally the doctor explained that she really thought I needed an episiotomy because of the scar tissue. She said they don't do it routinely, but in this case she was worried the tearing would be much worse if it had to go through that tissue. It was my choice. I looked to my sister, who's a nurse and has five kids, 4 natural deliveries. She agreed with the doctor. I trusted her opinion so I said OK.

Once she made the cut, baby came out with the next push. I thought it was just his head but I guess it was his whole body because all of a sudden he was on my chest! I had my eyes closed so I was actually disoriented when I felt something on my face and was trying to bat it away...it was a towel then were rubbing him with. Once I realized it was him I completely broke down sobbing. That was totally different from my first birth where I didn't shed a tear when DD came out. In the end I pushed for 51 minutes this time.

He seemed fine and I even got him latched on almost immediately, which was awesome! But after a few minutes the nurse took him away to the warmer because he was still a little blue. The nurse did whatever it was that needed to be done and then my sister brought him back to me.

While he was being tended to the doctor did my repair. I was thankful for the epidural then because I didn't need to be numbed, and while I felt pulling there was no pain. I also noticed the placenta sitting on the table, and thought it was strange I didn't even notice that coming out and wasn't asked to push for it or anything.

Once I got the baby back he latched a bit more and I just snuggled him. It was nice to have him with me so soon. I didn't get to enjoy DD after she was born because of the placenta complications I had that resulted in a transfer from birth center to hospital.

I felt very positive about the birth right afterward because it was complication-free and I didn't have to be separated from my baby for a long stretch of time like I was with DD. But over the next few days I came to feel a little more emotional/sad about parts of it. The intense labor pain with this one was a little traumatizing and completely unexpected. And while I was happy that I got the epidural it still wasn't what I had planned on. Having an episiotomy was also something I never thought I'd get, though I think it was the right choice. And mostly I'm unhappy with how the pushing phase went with how unnatural and frustrating it was with so many people around me and how emotional I was during it. It's not a nice feeling to remember crying through much of that phase. One thing that was definitely good about this birth was that DH and I were more in tune and connected during it I think. He knew more what he was getting into and was better able to support me. It was really nice.

Ultimately I'm sad that I can't look back on either of my births without some sadness about how they went. But I have to be thankful for my two healthy, beautiful children. I won't have another and after two very different birth experiences I'm just glad I never have to do it again.
Literati- thank you! Yes, I'll do skin to skin and have her latch and she'll suck for about 10-15 seconds before getting a little frustrated from no milk. We're also using the nuk simply natural bottles and those seem to help her keep a good latch!
Oh wow, I'm sure you are ready to get some sleep after nursing all night! Glad you and new LO are doing so well though!

Slammer- thank you for the encouragement! I think a lot of it was my ignorance actually. I never took a BF class and didn't really talk to anyone about it. There was a day or two delay where she had gotten all my colostrum but my milk was still coming in so she was starving. We had to give her a little formula and I started pumping, but I don't think I nursed her enough, especially overnight.
If my milk decides to come back in I will definitely feed her as much as she wants, now I know!
Wow, thank you for sharing your birth story! It's interesting how different places are about the epidural. They made dh leave the room and only a nurse and the anesthesiologist were in the room with me.
I got a little emotional when you were talking about how emotional you got. I can understand looking back with some sadness. I am thankful my baby got here safe and healthy, but I still get bummed and frustrated at my body when I think of her birth process.
Its good your dh was so supportive, that makes a world of a difference in my opinion!
Slammer - thanks for sharing your birth story! I find it interesting that we both couldn't handle the kneeling and leaning over something position for labour this time, and both liked standing and leaning on a higher surface!

Sounds like it was a pretty hard labour and the pushing part sounds frustrating! That is pretty annoying your midwife slacked on the job directing you when to push. When I had my epidural with dd1, they definitely had to direct me the whole time but they never once slacked on that front, so I was never left feeling directionless, although I found the pushing phase to be absolutely horrible still.

It's so interesting comparing different things about the labours/births and our babies, isn't it? Such as how emotional you felt this time! Makes you realize that there really is no experience that is totally alike and you certainly can't judge someone else's experience based on your own! I was quite shocked by the night and day difference between my labours!
I'm sorry to hear you have some sadness surrounding both births. I understand having a bit of disappointment about certain things not going as planned. It's great you can now say you're done with labour and birth for good now, and will never have to go through it again! Hopefully the sadness you feel will subside and you can focus on the positive. It really sounds like you made the best decisions for you during your labour. Also, it's so great your DH was so in sync with you for the process and that your sister was there for you as well!

Btw - that is appalling about your midwife making faces at your previous stitching job. That seems so unprofessional! I'm glad you made a comment to her.

AFM - my lovely DH who is off this week to 'help' me went to bed at 7 and now I have to figure out how to put both dd1 and dd2 to bed by myself! He had a headache but "didn't want to leave me" so I told him to just go have a one hour nap while dd1 watched tv and then he could get up and help me again. Well when I went to wake him up he said his head was still pounding so he never got up, and now I'm completely alone! I'm pretty ticked off right now, tbh! Not sure what the use is in having him home.

Edited to add - DH finally woke up when he heard me screaming as dd1 threw a hard plastic doll at me and Violet (thankfully it missed Violet by a lot). I guess she isn't adjusting QUITE as well I thought. At least I have help with bedtime now, but still very annoyed.
angel - never tried gas drops but gripe water does help Isa with gas but he still can get very gassy and uncomfy. I hope he just settles in a few weeks.

slammer0 amazing weight gain well done! i just read your birth story and not gonna lie- it bought tears to my eyes. I also feel a little sadness when i think back to mine. my contractions were so intense, i really wanted to go natural but i got an epidural. Like you it gave me a little relief and i felt more relaxed but the anesthetist took ages to come, and i had intense contractions as they were trying to do the epidural that it took ages. The contractions were traumatic for me, i still think back and shudder. I think they were so bad as Isa was back to back and they were just so intense and i took so long to dilate! i think very few have their labour go exactly as they planned. You did really well! it must be a strange feeling to know you are done with babies and labour now.
I think i would only have one more also, but not for a few years.

vrogers- i hope supply ups itself soon but don't get down, main thing is baby is being fed. Have lots of skin to skin with her to help you get the closeness of bf?

lit- so glad Violet is doing well and hope the jaundice reoslves itself. i am sure it will since she is feeding and pooping lots! I think you just like to make clingy babies haha. Im sure it will get better, but at least you can enjoy lots of newborn cuddles :)
hope your dh is a bit more helpful! sorry to hear about dd1, i think she must be feeling a lot of different emotions etc about sharing her mum and having a sister.

AFM- we had a bad sleepless night, isa just seemed so restless and wouldn't settle in crib or even in our bed. DH and I are exhausted, but poor dh had to get up and go to work. i could tell he just wanted to sleep and forget about work. I feeling quite emotional i think from the sleep loss and would just love an hour to myself tonight with dh to cuddle and just watch something silly and random. That sounds like an impossible task, but maybe isa will settle better later.
i think these first weeks are the hardest! i really am looking forward to when isa sleeps more at night.

on a more positive note- i have my massage tomorrow!
Sorry for the long post!!!
Great birth story. Thanks for sharing. Your emotions really came through. I don't think I'll have another one. Maybe it is too early for me to decide but baby z is really taking a toll on me physically and emotionally. I'm worried about how I'll cope going back to work and then when my mum leaves. Not receiving much from dh right now as he's dealing with family issues. Not sure how much he'll step up once my mum leaves... :-(
Ally- yes skin to skin does at least help with the closeness feeling!
Enjoy the much deserved massage, maybe you can even get a nap in! That sounds amazing

Newbie- I know you weren't talking to me but I so relate to how you feel! Dh and I always wanted 2 but this newborn stage is ROUGH on us. The first week we both said no more, I've since decided I won't throw out the idea of baby number 2 this early in but dh constantly says he doesn't want any more.
I'm sorry you aren't getting much support from dh right now. It's hard enough WITH support. I hope he does step up once your mom leaves

Lillian's stomach was upset all day yesterday from that formula, by the time we went to bed she was a little fussy so dh burped her for about 30 min in different positions, fed her, and then she slept from about 1am until 7:30. She had been majorly fighting sleep and I do feel much better after the awful night before that!
I haven't really had much time or willpower to reply to everyone the last couple of days. I've been reading along, but still need to catch up on some of it.

Definitely want to say congratulations to Elonaire! Freddy is totally adorable! Awesome job on doing it without pain relief!

Thank you for the birth stories Lite and Slammer! I still need to really read them instead of scanning them.

Vrogers - Are you still putting her to the breast? Non nutritive suckling is a good way to stimulate as well.

I don't really have time to reply to everyone right now. I'm going to try to catch up with everyone later.

Baby T is starting to be awake more in the morning which makes the mornings long because he's fussy. I got some gripe water and I'm trying that. He's also starting to be extremely fussy at night before bedtime. He definitely follows the PURPLE crying on that. I feel pretty much at a loss of what to do for him. If it's just the crying for no reason there really is nothing you can do except try to comfort them, but it's so hard.

He is starting to smile, though!
Ally - I think you're right that dd1 has a lot of mixed emotions to process about being a big sister. She is so happy and in love with her that I forget it's still a hard adjustment for her. Then she has those moments of acting out and I realize there's a lot more going on under the surface.

I'm sorry Isa had such a rough night! That makes everything harder to cope with during the day. Sounds like your poor DH is going to have a rough day at work.

Make sure you talk to someone if you continue feeling quite down. :hugs:

VRogers - Sounds like you and DH are both having quite a bit of trouble adjusting to having a newborn. It is a huge change and don't feel bad about it being difficult to process. DH and I had trouble adjusting to dd1 as well. I think he actually was depressed for the better part of her first year! And I had such a horrible labour and birth experience that I shuddered at the thought of having two kids for a couple months! I would see parents at the park with two kids and just cringe because I couldn't believe they had gone through birth TWICE! Haha. But I did come around eventually and I'm so glad I had a second! So I wouldn't base any decisions on whether or not to have more kids in the early days. Give it a year or two or even three and see how you feel! :) Lots of :hugs:.

Newbie - I'm also sorry you're having trouble adjusting to life with a baby. Like I said to VRogers, I wouldn't jump to any final decisions about more kids in the early days. It is all so difficult at first and you just need to get through that fog and come out the other side!
I'm sorry your DH isn't being very supportive and is preoccupied with his own family situation. When I had dd1, my DH had just started a new job with a steep learning curve and was very stressed. He worked long hours and also seemed depressed at home. He barely helped with dd1 at first even though his personality is usually to be very involved and share responsibility (except when he has a headache and goes to bed at 7, of course). It was very difficult and I felt like I was doing it all on my own. But dd1 did eventually get easier and more interactive, and I got into a groove and was able to manage and actually not feel lost anymore. And DH gradually came out of his funk and although it's been the hardest thing that's ever happened to our marriage, it has made us stronger for it! Not saying any of those things will happen to you, but just wanted to relate and say I know how hard it is when your DH is distracted and not very helpful. It is really tough. I hope he will start being more supportive soon.

Ali - good to hear from you. It sounds like baby T is quite a difficult baby. Dd1 was pretty challenging as well as we definitely had some rough times in those early days. She stayed very needy but we eventually found our rhythm and I was able to read her better so at least I felt a bit more in control and less stressed after a little while. I'm sure soon you'll figure out what baby T's triggers are soon, and although they won't be able to be avoided completely I'm sure, he will hopefully get a bit easier to manage during his fussy periods! Lots of hugs! You're amazing for managing as well as you have. I was about to have a fit just thinking of putting both kids to bed last night, so no idea how you've managed and kept your sanity doing it several times per week! You're an all star!

AFM - I'm super emotional and had a big cry this morning because my mom has been making comments at two and three days old that Violet is "spoiled" already from being held. Um, what!? I firmly believe you cannot "spoil" a newborn (or a baby at all, in my opinion) by holding them! But to imply I am supposed to not hold my 4-day-old!? It's absolutely ridiculous. I remember this from when dd1 was born. People are so bloody opinionated about the dumbest things and judge you for actually loving your own baby.
Ali- I have a few times, I know I definitely could more! Thankfully she still has a good latch and does suckle for anywhere from 10-30 seconds

Literati- thank you so much for the encouragement!! I have done the same thing when I see 2+ kids haha but I try to remember this is just one stage and she won't be this way long which is good and sad at the same time!
About your mom, what the heck?! I don't understand why people think you can spoil a baby especially a baby that new! They don't have the ability to manipulate you when they are that little, I say you hold that baby as much as you want. I'm sorry she upset you!
Forgot to add the oxytocin nasal spray just came in the mail, just took the first dose and am supposed to wait 15 min before BFing. Hope this works!
Vrogers - BF is really something you need support and good advice on, and it's sad so many women don't get that. I'm lucky to have a strong BF tradition in my family so I got the best advice from my mom and sister. Without that it can be very hard to know what to do! I'm sorry you also have some sadness about Lillian’s birth. I guess it's pretty common to have these feelings. It's hard bringing a child into this world!

I'm glad Lillian had a nice sleep after being so unsettled the night before.

Literati - I noticed that similarity in our labors too on positions! You also have two very different birth experiences. I agree - having two births under my belt now I understand much more how it can be so individual and you never know what someone else's experience was like.

Sorry DH nearly abandoned you with bedtime! Goodness you're only a few days out from birth. I can't imagine. I have to do the evening on my own tomorrow when DH works and I'm already dreading it.

And oh lord about your mom saying Violet will be spoiled. Completely agree that you can't spoil a baby. You just keep on doing your own thing girl!

Ally - I shudder thinking back on the contractions too. I had a few spasms of back pain in the first few days after birth and it was like a flash back to labor and horrible. I suppose this is the norm really - to have mixed emotions about birth. It's a hard journey.

I'm sorry Isa had a bad night. I know the exhaustion well. Just so what you have to to get through. DH and I did a lot of trading off naps when DD became a crap sleeper.

Newbie - I wasn't sure about another kid after DD was born either. Though it was less about how she was and more about her traumatic birth. But just don't worry about it for now. A few years may change your mind. And that sucks that DH is so wrapped up in family stuff. I hope he can get more involved with baby Z soon.

AliJo - that is rough that T is having PURPLE crying. I don't know how I would handle that either. I hope it passes very soon for you both!
Thanks for the encougement, ladies. I haven't completely ruling it out yet, but I'm in my late 30s and this baby was 4 years in the making and is an ivf baby. I doubt we'll be able to have another naturally and the ivf took such an emotional and physical toll on me that I'm not keen to do it again. I still have one frozen embryo, so that could be our only chance.

I'm sorry we've had a couple of babies (and parents) having rough nights. I've been grateful that baby Z has been settling quite well at night... Until now when he's just stopped screaming after an hour of it. Hope he settles now!
VRogers - that's true! It is good and sad at the same time how fast it goes. It's fun as they grow up, but I know from dd1 how short of a time they are small like this. It is already making me sad this time around!
Thanks - I'm glad you agree on the babies not being manipulative front! It was a dumb comment.

Slammer - Thanks. :) I'm definitely not about to change anything, but it sucks feeling judged!
Good luck with your evening by yourself tomorrow. That would be so tough! At least your dd occasionally can go to sleep on her own. Have you found her sleep has regressed at all since Jack arrived, or is she still doing well? I hope you can manage and don't get too stressed! Will this be your first evening without DH?

Newbie - that makes sense with your long fertility journey that you might not be up for having another. What a blessing this one is! I hope if you do end up wanting another that it all works out.

That is good Baby z is mostly having decent nights. I hope his screaming session didn't last long!
Slammer- I agree, that's why I wish I had taken the BF class. That's good you have the support of people who have been there and can advise you!

I hope everyone is able to get at least some sleep!

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