January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I keep meaning to say that I got some cloth nappies/daipers - not enough to use all the time but enough to try them out. I have to say, they're so easy to use and deal with. If anything they're easier to put on and take off than disposable and I'm surprised that the rinsing and washing of them isn't as bad as I thought it would be - just rinse and put in the pail liner then turn that out into the washing machine. The wash cycle is long, but that's OK. The only hassle I have is with the cotton liners that I got because they take forever to dry as we don't get much sun on our balconies. The microfiber ones dry super quickly. They give baby Z such a cute big butt when he's wearing them too :)
Cloth diaper bums are so cute. I did some CD with my first early on, but DH was really bad at them so I gave up when I went back to work, since he was doing so much of the diapering while I was gone.

Jack is a poop monster, sheesh! One or two poops during the night and another three this morning.

Speaking of poo - since I finally got things moving for myself I now can't stop pooping. Ughhhhh..I can't win. And I think I have a hemorrhoid from straining while constipated. Still too scared to take a look at things down below. Anyone else suffer hemorrhoids? :(
I spoke too soon with the cloth diapers! Baby Z hadn't pooped for about 6 days and had an epic one today - of course on a day where I was using the cloth diapers! Meaning, I had to rinse it off rather than just throw away - and that was after an emergency bath (due to extreme bm!). It was so enormous I got my mum to take a photo to send to dh - lol! Although, I'm pretty sure if he was in a disposable it would have been a blow out but the CD kept it contained.

No haemorrhoids here, thankfully, but I did have at the end of pregnancy. I found it helped to put my feet up on a low step while trying to go when constipated. It took the pressure off and lessened the need to strain. Hope you feel better!
VRogers - I'm also sorry you didn't get enough BFing support. Thanks for the well wishes on sleep. I actually had my most decent night yet. Violet woke up slightly more often than the night before to feed, but I didn't have to get up to change as many diapers so I was able to get right back to sleep after. Hope you had an ok night as well!

Slammer - haha, Violet is a poop machine as well! I had to change 5 poopy diapers during the night alone a couple nights ago! She goes like 3 times during a feed so I am learning to wait until she is fully done before I change her! :haha:
I am sorry you might have a hemorrhoid! I don't think I have one yet but I remember thinking I likely had one with dd1. It did end up resolving itself fairly quickly so hopefully that will be the same for you.
How is your dd liking being a big sister?

Newbie - I'm glad cloth diapers have mostly been working out well for you! I am too lazy to do all that laundry.

AFM - in the evenings I've been getting the baby blues. I think that's when the tiredness really hits. Last night was the worst yet and I cried for hours after I put Violet down in her bassinet and offered to cuddle dd1 for a while but she rejected me and said she wanted to cuddle with her daddy instead. I have ALWAYS been the favourite so I immediately burst into tears and then cried and cried thinking about all the lovely times we had when it was just the two of us, and now that DH is having to do so much with her while I tend to Violet, I felt we had lost our special bond. I don't think we actually have, but I was in hysterics about it at the time. Such an emotional time this first week is.
Newbie - What type of cloth diapers did you end up getting? There are so many out there! I really wish I could do both disposable and cloth but without a washer and dryer hook up in our apartment it would be too much of a headache.

I hope whatever decision you come to about more children it works out for you. One might be perfect for you!

Slammer - It's amazing what we can handle when forced to. He was perfect last night! Usually when he's crying at night it seems that he is tired, but can't fall asleep. He slept all through the evening yesterday and I thought I was in for it for overnight, but he continued to sleep. I don't know if the gripe water was to credit or not. Going to try it again tonight.

I'm sorry both births cause you a little sadness to look back on. I'm glad you didn't have complications, though! Being able to be with baby right away is amazing. My first was definitely worse than my second. I guess my second birth the only thing I kind of regret is getting the epidural because I was SO CLOSE. At the same time I was scared to do it without it because it was so awfully painful. I remember being a bit frustrated with the nurse while I was getting my epidural because I had to move to sit on the edge of the bed and moving was so difficult for me at the time because the pain was so great. She didn't seem the least bit understanding. She was pregnant with her first. I remember thinking "Just you wait.. just you wait.."

I can't believe she was making faces.. That's awful! I don't think many realize how insensitive a lot of what they say or do can be. I just read an article about a doctor that ended up being hospitalized at her own hospital and realizing how awful some of the stuff they say really is. She realized she said many of the same things and when she finally recovered and was able to return to work it changed how she acted and said things.

Vrogers - I would definitely keep her on the breast as much as possible! Their suckling is a much better stimulate than pumping.

Lite - Ugh, I grind my teeth so bad at comments like that! You can't "spoil" them and it's scientifically proven you can't. Not until they start to figure out "Hey, if I do this they do this!" Which can start developing around 6 months. I honestly would rather my child be a little spoiled and have them know that I am there for them vs not being spoiled at all and doesn't come to me when they need to. I have an aunt who I was talking to about having difficulties putting T down at night and she likes to say "My girls put theirs in the crib since day one and never had any problems" Um, okay. Way to just dismiss me like it's my fault. Tried that, failed. Thanks for nothing!

I'm sorry DD1 isn't adjusting as well as you thought she was. I think it's to be expected. It comes out in different ways. I'm sure most of the time at their age they don't even realize why they're so upset or feeling different when a big life change happens. They're still learning to process. It seems DS1 is starting to calm down a bit for me, so give it a couple of weeks and I'm sure things will start to be more normal.

It definitely is interesting to see the differences!

That was a fast labor! I felt like mine was fast, but it wasn't. It just went fast as soon as things picked up. That's great that you didn't feel the tearing! If I remember right during schooling they said a lot of the times they don't have to give any numbing agents because the pressure from baby ends up numbing it down there.

Ally - I hope you enjoyed your massage! Oh how I would love one. I'm so sore and stiff from all these co sleeping nights. I also really need to go to a chiropractor. He'd probably do an x-ray on me and wonder how I even manage to walk!

I'm sure I didn't catch up with everyone, but it's so long already!

I messaged the clinic about T's feeding issues. I figured I'd better be safe. It definitely sounds like he's aspirating some while eating. I'm pretty sure no matter what it is I'm going to have to manage it, but at least then his pediatrician is aware.

T had a much better night last night. I don't know if it was luck or if it was the gripe water. He's pretty fussy this morning, but he's also ready to nap and is fighting it. Doesn't help when O is all over me and making noise.
Lite - I'm so sorry that DD1 rejected you! I'm sure you haven't lost that bond either, but it might take her some time to come around. I was afraid that what was going to happen with DS1, but he's still all over me and that sometimes makes things complicated. I'm sure the baby blues and being tired are connected. I definitely feel more down when I'm tired lately.

No hemorrhoids here.. I don't think. I've been dealing with constipation, though. I really should try to get it under control. Not that I haven't been trying, but it's definitely not under control.
Ali - thanks. Dd1 is still doing surprisingly well most of the time. It just comes out in certain moments of frustration, especially when she is tired. I agree they don't even necessarily realize what is making them upset in a way. I'm glad your ds1 is calming down now. Makes sense that it would take a little while.

That was a very dismissive and annoying comment for your aunt to make. People like that tend to take credit for their babies' individual personalities thinking it's something THEY did when really it's just how their baby was. If they had ended up having a baby who wouldn't sleep for longer than a minute in a crib, I guarantee they would be doing the same thing as you! I have a friend who said she would NEVER co sleep (although she didn't judge anyone who did), and her first two babies were easy and never required it. She just had her third a few months ago, and this one will only sleep while being held! I felt quite vindicated.

I am also sore from co sleeping. I forgot the awkward position it forces you to be in for long periods of time! Sleeping with a toddler is quite different.
Ha, third post! I don't feel like editing.

Something I meant to say. I managed to get out of the apartment yesterday and it felt great. It was with the boys and DH. We just headed over to a strip mall so I could look for new bras since my old ones are definitely too small. They didn't have any nursing ones, but I have had no luck with those. I have a hard time finding bras that fit well and are comfortable. I was a bit nervous to take both boys with T being fussy and O not listening very well. It turned out well, though! T slept the whole way there, while we were there, and back! It's a 40 minute drive both ways. O was good and just wanted to take me around the store. Only had a little bit of a fit when we walked away from some stuffed animals. He absolutely loves his stuffed animals. I got him a fish and when we were at the check out I told him that he had to have it scanned first. He didn't fuss and when she handed it back to him he said "Thank you!" He melts my heart when he's so polite! The first time he ever said it, he did it without us ever prompting him. Now we sometimes prompt him, but he won't say it. He usually does it on his own as he did with the cashier.

Anyways, it was super nice to get out. Even the car ride was amazing. I really want spring to arrive so I can take the boys to the park and on walks. Going to be ordering a baby carrier soon. I'll wear T and push O in the stroller. If I feel generous when I'm by myself I'll tie our dog to the stroller to join!
Lite - Right! Although, with my toddler I get feet in my face, have to pull him back from the edge, wake up to him on the floor crying, sometimes end up with him trying to lay on my face. It goes on! :haha:

Yeah, my aunt is pretty bad about stuff like that. I even bring up things that have been studied repeatedly and she dismisses it as not mattering.
Literati - DD is doing good so far, but we'll see what happens when I'm on my own. So far she likes to look at Jack and gives him hugs and kisses. She hasn't been upset at him crying yet. She likes to watch us change diapers. I tried to do bedtime with her last night, but she wanted me to stay until she fell asleep and it was taking too long. I heard Jack fussing so DH and I had to trade off. She was pissed for a minute but got over it quick and she and DH snuggled till she was asleep. She also came into our bed at some point last night. That is the first time she's come out of her room during the night since he was born. She's actually been amazing with sleeping until last night.

Sounds like an emotional time with your DD1. I'm sure you still have that strong bond. It's healthy for her to develop more of an attachment to DH too. I'm used to rejection after DD favored DH for nearly a year until last spring. It makes my life easier when she prefers him, lol.

AliJo - glad T had a better night last night!

Yeah, so many health care providers don't seem to think the things they say and do through. Must be why I don't click with many of them.

I feel the same about the epidural. I probably would have been so close and reached the end sooner if I didn't get it, but like you said, it was so painful.

Glad you had a great trip out of the house! I've only been out twice since getting home from the hospital - both times to take Jack to the doctor. I want to go to H&M for more nursing tanks and Target for some random things, but I just haven't been up to it despite planning on it the last two days.

I'm also sore from cosleeping! Mostly just my neck, which also gives me a headache.
Thanks for sharing your birth story , slammer. I am sorry it didn't go the way you wanted it too and I am shocked at the comments the nurse made about your down below area when you were at your most vulnerable :growlmad: I am glad Ava is adjusting well to being a big sister , she sounds very much like Anabella with the hugs and kisses she constantly gives! I hope your first night without DH goes well.

Ali - I am glad you had a better night with T, that must be a relief! I am with you on how much I want to get out of the house. I am struggling with that as I am not really a home body , yet since Jamie was born, I've only been out 3 times! I too am looking forward to milder weather and lighter evenings to get out and about more. I bought a wrap called a papoozle which I tried Jamie in the other day. It is a stretchy wrap and so easy to use and Jamie loved it. I'd definitely recommend it if you are looking to buy one.

LL - I totally get the emotions you are feeling right now. It's such a varied time of complete highs and lows! Sorry your DD1 rejected you for Daddy, but try not to let it get to you. She is just adjusting and it's hard for her. She will be a mummies girl again soon enough :hugs: Anabella's behaviour went downhill for the first few days we were home, but she has settled now and she is back to her normal self which is good!

newbie & vrogers - sorry you are finding the newborn stage so hard. It is and I don't think anything can really prepare you for it. I struggled when Anabella was a newborn and found myself wishing time away. It's only now I have Jamie that I realise what a short space of time they are so little for & I am trying to make the most of it. Just remember , everything is just a phase and every difficult phase will pass with time :hugs:

AFM - Yesterday we found out Jamie has a hole in his heart :cry: He was born with a heart murmur and had a follow up scan yesterday where it was discovered. We have another scan Friday and another next week and it's likely he will go on medication. 75-80% of babies born with a hole in the heart close by the age of 12 months. However, there is a chance he may need to have surgery but at this time it is too early to tell. My poor poor boy :cry: Whilst he was being scanned with a cold probe (for 20 mins) he was such a good boy. Hr had some milk and then I gave him my finger to suck and I stroked his head until he fell asleep :cloud9: I am really worried and I just hope it heals itself.

Expressing is going really well. I am averaging approx 6oz per time. I am expressing 6 times over 24 hours and am getting quite a stash built up. I am not sure how its going to work when my husband is back at work next week, but I am going to certainly try my best to maintain what I've been doing so far. I keep trying Jamie back on the boob, but he just isn't interested :(
I'm just quickly skimming, sounds like we have a lot of tired ladies and some feeling blue. I'm feeling the same, tired & down
I had my massage today and it was divine ,was great to get out for a few hours.

Slammer- congrats on being able to poo ��

Pomp- sorry to hear about Jamie, I hope it resolves itself m he won't need surgery. Sending you a big hug!

Ali- glad you managed to get out!

Will catch up properly tomorrow, hope everyone gets a good sleep tonight and sorry that I missed some of you out x
Pomp - I'm sorry he isn't interested! Something I might suggest is using a shield to get him started back on the breast. I don't like the shield overall, but I'm wondering since it will be more like the bottle's nipple if he will use it? I used a shield to get DS1 from the breast to the bottle. What I did is I started him on the breast with the shield, then half way through feeding with him still close to me I switched and he took the bottle just fine. I did that a few times and he then would start taking the bottle without doing the trick. If you can do that but reversed maybe it will work. Then you'll have to work on removing the shield, but it would be more familiar to be at the breast and possibly make it easier.

Thanks for the suggestion! After a quick look I don't think I could get it. Doesn't seem to be available in the United States. It looks super comfortable, though.

Slammer - There isn't even a H&M in Iowa. I could order online, though. I had to go take a gander at their stock for nursing stuff. Much better than most places I have looked! I may need to get some now.

Ally - Glad you enjoyed your massage!

T's pediatrician got back to me and she suspects he has a very mild congenital abnormality of his airway. Said it should go away in time as the cartilage firms up. She just kind of wants to check his weight, but other than that she feels okay waiting till his 2 month to see him. I'm relieved that it should start to resolve on it's own and hopefully sooner rather than later.

I'm not concerned about his weight, but I'll probably go ahead and have it checked since she wants to. I did an unofficial check and he was 10.6 lbs. So he's gained over a pound in two weeks. I'd say he's okay in that department!
That is great that some of you have gotten out of the house a couple times in just the first week or two! I haven't left the house a single time yet, and don't really feel the desire to. I would like to maybe take an outing to a coffee shop on Friday before DH has to go back to work.

Slammer - I'm glad your dd is adjusting well so far and she isn't too bothered by the changes! I hope she keeps that up when your DH goes back to work. That's great she's been sleeping really well too!
My dd1 also isn't disturbed by Violet's crying and she absolutely loves holding her and comments about how cute she is constantly. It's very sweet seeing her as a big sister. I also expected her to be more attention seeking but she hasn't been so far. However, I worry she'll get a lot worse for that when DH is back at work as well. I am sad he has to go back so soon. It doesn't feel like enough time at all.
I may have to check out h&m online and order some stuff!

Pompey - that's good your dd's behaviour has gotten better now and she is adjusting well.

I'm so sorry about Jamie having a hole in his heart! That must be so scary and sad to find out. I truly hope and pray it corrects itself and he doesn't need surgery. Poor little guy!

VRogers - so glad you enjoyed your massage. Sorry you're also down and tired but at least we can all relate. I am very UP and down so actually for the most part way happier than I've ever been, but then with really low lows every once in a while.

Ali - I'm glad your outing felt so good! Sorry to hear about the abnormality in T's airway! I hope it clears up soon.
It sounds like his weight gain is great!
Hi all. So sorry for the replies I miss, just seem to have no time

Ll- the first week was realy hard. My toddler kept saying I didnt love her! I managed to spend time huggi her when the baby slept. She is ok now.
They adjust but it is heartbreaking. I sobbed too. Hang in there!

Vix- so sorry to hear about Jamies heart. Must be a worry for you. Hope you get answers soon.

How is everyone doing?

Iife seems back to normal here. Obviously more hectic and with less sleep but she really has just slotted in. My anxiety seems alot more controlled now meds are working and my OH also got a payrise so that is good. My car is broke though!
now sitting propely to catch up

newbie- i can see then why baby z might be the only one, he is truely a blessing then :) i really wanted to do cloth but left it too late. we use a more environmentally friendly nappy though- naty nappies.

lit- perhaps dd1 is just jealous that your attention is now also on dd2 and favouring her dad at that moment. It must be hard but totally normal. My mum said i was so jealous of my little brother that i used to favour my dad also.

ali- yes massage was lovely, you should try to book one at some point. fingers crossed his congenital abnormality will just sort itself andit's good you know what it is now also.

ali-slammer- also sore from co -sleeping- my neck, ouch!!

midnight- nice to hear from you, thats great dh got a payrise but sorry about your car! that is great that things seem more normal and anxiety is lower.

AFM- so i had my lovely massage yesterday which was just divine and well needed but in general i can get quite blue. i think isa has been very demanding and hard work and my days can seem so monotonous. I am going to try and get out for half an hour today and maybe start a book so i can add something different to my day.

on a more positive note, i weighed myself. I am about 10 pounds above my pre preg, and i haven;t made any real effort. i think i gained about 3 stone in pregnancy so i am pretty chuffed!I think the breastfeeding and appetite being smaller has helped. I used to run before, and i am looking forward to starting that up again at some point.
I'd like to get back into exercising soon too. I went for a short walk yesterday and it exhausted me. Hopefully I can continue to get more and more active. I need to - only three weeks before I have to go back to work - thinking about that makes me want to cry even though I love my job. Can't imagine how I'm going to cope with baby Z and work. Hoping he'll be in more of a routine by then.

Speaking of which, those of you with older children and bfing, how and when did you start getting your babies into a feeding routine? Right now, I'm feeding on demand. He's slow at gaining weight so I want to give him as much as he wants until he catches up.
Hi ladies, this is my 3rd attempt to wotits in here in 2 days lol.. U wrote long comment other day then phone played up and it didn't post.. Then yesterday I wrote whilst in bed and fell asleep mid post lol., Hun that Suns up my last few days haha..

Thanks lit and slammer for your birth stories,
Lit your experience reminds me of my last birth .. Very quick and intense at the end x I have to say this birth was nowhere near as intense and i was really nervous it would be the same ..glad you felt so positive after tho and had a nice day with your new little one.., love the name..sort your dd1 is struggling a little bit. By little boys is 3 and wanting pits of extra cuddles. I feel really guilty all the time. Ive been trying to stick to bedtime routines and things we would normally do together as much as poss he has also been asking daddy to take him to park ect and I felt really bad :(

Slammer/ sorry you ended up with episiotomy. I can't believe the comments u got from the nurse when u were at such a vulnerable position. I did smile when I read that u have her comment a back :)

Pomp/ sorry Jamie has hole in heart , everything crossed hon that it rectifies itself in time x my toddler has had to have a couple of operations over last two years I j is how worrying it can be.

Ally glad you enjoyed your massage, sorry you have been feeling a little down , it's very tiring at times and days seem the same. Go u with the weight loss !! That's fab.. I'm wanting to start eating more healthy and exercise. Ollie is only 3 weeks tomoz but I feel I need to start soon. I have tried this week but keep popping to biscuit drawer in kitchen ha.. Ive read it's not good time when u r b/ feeding..

Newbie , sorry you are havivg to go back to work hon, I hope you get some routine sorted so u can feel more settled ️xx hugs

Midnight, good to hear u r doing ok, nice that DH has got pay rise, typical your car breaks around same time !! 😁glad your anxiety is improving ..

Little update, ollie been very clingy last few days and toddler decided he wants to spend nights in our bed which makes night times very difficult, thankfully last night toddler slept through so we got a catch up but last few night been very tiring .. He doesn't like being put down at all so im constantly cuddling him. He seeks to get wind everytine he is on his back. Ive tried propping him up but as soon as I put him down he cries :(
He also get very upset just before he pops and it flies out of him :( not sure if this is normal as can't remember this with other x
Apple - I believe it can be normal for them to be fussy before a BM. It's too bad he's so clingy he can't be put down. Have you tried swaddling him? You could try snuggling him to sleep while he's beside you as well and see if you can sneak away? I did that with DS1. Of course you need to be able to leave them safely on the surface you put them to sleep on.

Newbie - With my first he just ended up eating whenever he wanted to. He kind of made his own pattern, but generally it was on demand. I guess when he was 6 months and started eating solids is when it really hit a good rhythm because I'd feed him a meal then BF and generally a nap right after. I think T is going to be an on demand eater for as long as he's having issues. We have a lot of short feedings because it just gets to be too much and I need him to settle and then feed again.

Ally - Lucky.. I wish I was just 10 lbs away. I was losing then I gained a little back because I was shoving too much crap in my mouth since I couldn't sit down for a meal. I'm being more conscious of what I'm eating again. Half the time I don't get to eat what I want for lunch because I make DS1 something then he won't eat it so it becomes mine. I'm also not getting much for exercise. Our apartment is small so even walking around doesn't give me much. I need to start getting out for walks daily.

T is really demanding as well. I'm glad you are getting some time to yourself, though. It does help!

Midnight - I'm glad things are settling for you. I wish things felt normal to me. I think they would if T didn't have some feeding issues and wasn't so fussy.

Pomp - I'm sorry I forgot to comment on Jamie's heart condition, I promise I didn't overlook it! I really hope it closes for him! With such high chances I truly believe it will. It sounds like it is one of the openings that babies have in their heart while in the womb. They're suppose to close pretty quickly after birth, but sometimes they don't. They have a different flow of blood while in the womb.

When will they be doing a follow up scan?

AFM - I'll be taking T in to get his weight checked today. I know he's gaining well, but it's good to have it actually checked in case he slows down then they will know that it might be affecting him. I think it affects him while he's on his back flat as well. His bassinet that I use for him is at a slight incline. Well last night I finally tried to use the crib since I got it set up to use as a bedside co sleeper and when he's on his back in it he'll sometimes do some of the breathing noises that he does while feeding. They don't stick around but it's enough to start to stir him and he wakes up. He does a lot better on his side, but in the crib he doesn't really stay on his side since it's so firm. He slept about half the night in it fitfully and I finally just pulled him over to bed with me and he slept a lot better since he could stay on his side. At least I felt a little more comfortable since if he did roll away somehow he would just end up in the crib.

Bad thing is, he's starting to outgrow the bassinet I have for him. Thinking I may have to order a rock and play since they seem larger and have the incline he needs. I'll be bringing up the flat laying issue with the nurse when I go in so they're aware.

I can't catch a break with the sleeping issues.. I swear!
Midnight - good to hear from someone who can relate. I'm glad your toddler is adjusting now. Sorry you had to feel the heartbreak of it as well though.
Very wonderful that life is feeling more normal and that your husband got a pay raise! That's always one less thing to worry about! Too bad about your vehicle though. Car repairs are so expensive.

Ally - yes, I definitely think it stems from a bit of jealousy. It does sound like Isa is a lot of hard work, and I'm sure it can easily become too much. That sounds like a great idea to mix things up and get out for a little bit and also to start a new book! I loved reading while on maternity leave last time. So far I don't have the mental capacity but hopefully I will manage to get some reading in soon.
Well done on the weight loss! BFing makes it so much easier (for most people)! I still have a LOT to go at only 6 days postpartum, but I love seeing the number on the scale go down every single day even though I am still having lots of treats and am not exercising at all. I'm sure at this point a lot of it is just fluids and swelling going away but won't be long before the fat burning starts.
It sounds like you might be feeling down a bit longer than is normal. Please don't hesitate to talk to someone if you don't feel better soon! :hugs:

Newbie - I always fed on demand! I am a firm believe in the benefits of feeding on demand. It is actually great for baby and helps your supply and ensures your baby gets the higher quality/higher fat milk. I would say you could try to get on a loose routine around 6 weeks, but I would never ever hesitate to feed in the between times when baby needs it. It's just so important!
I'm so sorry you have to go back to work soon. I can't imagine how hard it will be to work with all that sleep deprivation, and also how hard it will be to be away from your LO. Lots of :hugs:

Apple - interesting you can relate to the fast/intense labour as well. I'm glad this experience wasn't nearly as intense for you (although it was very long!!). Sorry you've been experiencing the same guilt with your toddler. It can be so hard. Sounds like you're doing a great job though. That sounds difficult with ollie being so clingy and your toddler wanting to co sleep. Violet also won't be put down normally at all - especially at night. Even if she's all fed and settled, if I put her down she just wakes right up! So I haven't been able to co sleep with dd for safety reasons, which means DH has to go to dd's bed half the night and he has not been able to help at all with Violet's nighttime diaper changes etc. I find that difficult since I find it sooo hard to get fully out of bed and wake up so much in the middle of the night. Then I have trouble falling back asleep. This week I am lucky because DH gets up in the AM with dd1 and I can stay sleeping, but not sure how I'll manage as of Monday when he's back to work. :(
Sorry Ollie is having trouble with gas when on his back and such!

Ally - good thinking bringing up the flat lying issue with the nurse. It does sound like he could have reflux. That sounds like a safe arrangement you have going for you.
Sorry you're having so many sleeping issues though. It's very hard!

AFM - Violet seems pretty content as long as she is mostly always held. We've managed a couple naps with her in her bassinet but she won't settle at all at night unless she's beside me. I don't mind as I actually feel safer and sleep better with her right next to me but it brings up difficulty with dd1 once my DH goes back to work.
I seem to have an overly fast let down and Violet keeps choking when I feed her. I feel so bad for her because as a newborn she is so helpless and all she can do is try to cough and look at me with desperate eyes as I pat her back so she will start breathing again. It's kind of scary. I hope it settles down soon. She is already having a bit longer wake times (but still sleeps a LOT) and loves looking at people's faces already. Such a sweet girl!

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