January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

apple- Ollie sounds a lot like isa, in that he hates to be on his back and gets a bit distressed before pooping. I hope you get a better sleep tonight!

ali- how was baby t's weight? your sleeping situation does sounds stressful, i hope you get it sorted soon.

lit- glad violet is doing well, i have a fast let down too. I always sleep better when co -sleeping. we normally put him in crib at the start of the night and he will be there for an hour or so, but during it he makes so many noises and i don't sleep anyway.

so isa has a persistant nappy rash, and i actually think its a yeast rash. I have doc appt on tues but has anyone elses babies ever had this? i am just putting coconut oil on it and giving him some nappy free time
Ally - I'm quite the same! If I don't have her right there beside me I'm constant jumping up to check on her and see what this or that noise or grunt was about. It's not conducive to a good night's sleep at all!

Sorry about his diaper rash! That sounds troublesome. My babies have never had a yeast infection but I've heard it often involves open sores and will tend to be worse in the crack. Have you tried maybe something other than coconut oil? Perhaps a zinc ointment might be worth a try if the coconut oil isn't doing much? Hope your dr can give you some better direction on Tuesday!
Ally - If it is yeast you'll need an antifungal cream to treat it. If there are red dots surrounding the rash it most likely is yeast. I'd suggest going and getting a diaper rash cream with zinc and continue with the diaper free time as much as possible.

Lite & Ally - I'm pretty bad about getting up with every noise as well. I actually love having the crib attached to the bed for that reason. He's right there so I don't shoot out of bed and check on him. Although, doesn't seem like it's going to work for me. I'll keep trying, but if he keeps having issues on his back I'll probably just keep him with me till they resolve.

Lite - I know your pain in regards to the choking. It's awful for T. It scares him so bad and there isn't much you can do other than help them through it and comfort them. Definitely is scary. Hopefully she learns to manage it soon! Look at that link you posted awhile back. They give some tips on how to help them with the rapid let down.

I'm glad she's content at least when she's being held! I go through a lot of position changes, surface changes, rocking, bouncing, and anything to just try to keep T calm. He does have periods where he's content, but they usually don't last too long.

AFM - T's weight is great. 10lbs 9oz! Up from 9lbs 3oz two weeks ago. He's on the road to being heavier and longer than O was at his 2 month. I guess I'm just going to have 80-100 percentile children!

T is also a month today!! It's crazy. He's smiling more and more, I love it! They're definitely real smiles because I can provoke them. He's also starting to make other little baby sounds. O has been doing better and better I feel. Starting to be more like his old self. He'll "hold" T and give him kisses. He wants to be in his face a lot so I'm trying to teach him boundaries.
Pompey- thank you!! I'm apparently emotional, I got a little teary with what you said, but you are right, I already see what people mean when they say don't blink because time flies...she'll be a month old next week!
I'm so sorry about Jamie's heart. The odds seem great that it will close and resolve itself, I hope that's what happens! That's gotta be scary not knowing what will happen.

Ally- glad you enjoyed your massage! I completely understand what you mean about the monotony. I am thankful for weekends when dh is off work and we can get out of the house and lounge around and I have help with the baby. It feels like I am so anxious and tense on weekdays and can finally breathe on weekends. I hear everyone say how hard the first few weeks are and how you are just trying to keep everyone alive and in survival mode, and that is exactly how this feels! I hope we all adjust and transition with our new families as smooth as possible. It really is hard. You are doing a great job! And your new avi is adorable, you have a cutie!

Apple- I'm sorry your toddler is being clingy lately! I imagine it's especially exhausting adding that onto having a newborn. I hope it passes quickly!

Ali- I can't believe we have babies turning a month old! Mine will be next week and it feels like I JUST had her, like last week?
Glad T is gaining well! And I'm sure it's amazing to see real smiles!

AFM- the medicine is helping at least somewhat, I'm able to get drops of milk when pumping instead of nothing. Lillian nursed on one side for at least (but I think more than) 5 mins and definitely got milk, I could hear swallowing. The other side she latched, suckled, and then scrunched her face up like she does when she isn't getting milk.
I don't have time to pump when I'm home during the day with her unless she's napping, so I decided to offer her the boobs before formula even if just to stimulate. Then I'll pump as much as I can. I know it's probably getting old to keep reading me go on and on about my BFing woes, I apologize!!
Thankfully baby blues seem to be slowly getting better. It seems like it's just going to take some time to adjust to a new family member and new way of living. It's the biggest change I'll ever have and I was expecting myself to adjust faster than I should.
Last night Lillian was up at 3:30 after eating around midnight, then didn't go back down until 4:40. Then she was up again around 7:15. I have definitely had a decent amount of coffee today and looking forward to this weekend!
Pompey - again, so sorry about Jamie's heart and I hope it resolves itself!

That papoozle wrap looks interesting. It's like a cross between an Ergo, a Moby, and a Baby K’Tan. I got a Baby K’Tan to use with this baby, but I think I got a size too small. I tried to put Jack in it today and it was just too snug. I pulled out my Mei Tai from when DD was a baby and was reminded again how much I love it - so easy to use.

Ally - glad you enjoyed your massage! Good job on the weight loss too. I was feeling disheartened the first few days because I was only 7 lbs down - not even as much as Jack weighed! But continuing to shed fluid weight and finally clearing out the bowels (lol, ew) has helped and I'm down 15 now. Still have like 25 to go.

AliJo - I'm really liking the H&M tanks. Thankfully we have an H&M in the mall nearby, but their selection is limited. Might try their bras at some point if my Target ones bite the dust.

Midnight - sorry to hear about your car, but good thing OH got that payrise!

Newbie - good luck getting back to exercise. I was too lazy after DD. Didn't get proper exercise until she was 18 months old!

Regarding BF routine I fed DD on demand basically the whole time. She nursed pretty much every two hours until a year old. She was late to get interested in solids - around 10 months. Only when it was no longer her primary source of food did I feel OK about limiting when and how often.

Apple - sorry Ollie is a bit clingy and fussy. Jack is definitely fussy when he needs to burp or toot or poop. It's a struggle to deal with.

AliJo - good idea to get T’s weight tracked. I'm sorry sleep issues are so ongoing for you. Babies sure do test our strength at times!

Literati - sorry Violet is struggling with your flow. Jack struggles a bit too. I just bought a couple pacifiers because he seems to have such a powerful need to suck even when he's full to bursting. He's just starting to have short periods of awake time, but is mostly cranky during them.

Ally - DD never had a yeast rash, but yeah if it's the worst in the creases then it could be. I'd also try something more than coconut oil too.

Vrogers - that's awesome that you're getting some milk! I hope it continues to come back. Ugh, sounds like a poor night of rest for you.

AFM - I had my first night on my own last night and it went fine for the most part. Managed to play with DD and read books and even cook Mac n cheese. She went to bed without asking me to stay with her. Jack was kind of the tough one. He was wanting to suck so bad after DD went to bed but was so full of milk. I had to give him my finger and then when I wanted to go to bed I had to bounce around with him. Then he was just restless and noisy all night. Couldn't get any good sleep myself. I'm sure he needed to poop but didn't manage it until this morning.

DH is off tonight and we managed a trip to the mall, all four of us. I shopped for some things with Jack while DH took DD to the play area. DH is cranky though, so I'm doing bedtime with DD to avoid him completely flipping his lid with her.

Back on my own tomorrow through Monday in the evenings. Send me strength y'all. I just want my bottom area to be all healed. I'll feel much more comfortable caring for two kids when I am not conscious of the discomfort down there. It's definitely getting better, but still a way to go.
lit- thanks- the coconut oil seems to be helping for now and he isn't so distressed when i change him so hopefully that will help till tuesday.

ali- time flies! month already, and its so cute he is smiling away. I havent seen isa smile yet, can't wait till he does- he is 6 weeks on sunday! :O

vrogers-i agree these early weeks are so very hard and im glad you understand. It always helps to know others feel the same. You are doing well too! I love the weekends when dh is home and we can do stuff.
I like your plan for the BF'ing, hope it works.
I had a tiresome night too- he was up from 3.30-5.30! he would not settle.

slammer- wow every 2 hours till a year old, that sounds so intense!! Glad all four of you got out and well done on the night alone! haha i am sending you strength and hope your bottom parts heal quickly!!

afm- had an awful night last night, started off great, isa fell asleep on dh and i just left them and crawled into bed to sleep. He then woke at around 3/3.30 ate a little but seemed distressed. Tried burping him etc but he just cried more and more. DH got up and walked around with him, gave him dummy, changed nappy again. I offered him boob several times but each time he came off really quickly. Eventually about 5ish he took the boob, fed and then fell asleep. DH had to get up for work at 6 ( i felt so bad for him!) and i slept in a tiny corner of the bed- i was too scared to move isa in case he woke.
Fingers crossed tonight will be easier!!

I am going out with my mum tonight, its her friends daughters wedding on sunday and tonight she is having a little dance party with henna, music and dancing etc. So i am going to pop along for a couple hours- it's only 10 mins away from the house so i can just come home whenever. think i will take isa so dh gets a break tonight.

sorry for long message!
Ally - I bet he'll start smiling soon! Their smiles ares always so heart warming!

I'm sorry your night was so rough. T does that exact thing almost every night before he goes to sleep for the night. It's very distressing, but I'm getting into a routine with it. Thankfully he's been much better the last couple of nights. Hopefully Isa won't do it again!

Enjoy your time out with your mom! That's nice that it's close by. Sure makes going out with a newborn much less distressing if you know you can pop out easily.

Slammer - They definitely have some cute ones compared to the ones I've seen elsewhere. Target is very limited in what they have in stores and online.

Sounds like your first night went well, all things considering! T does the same with wanting to suckle but being already full. I usually have to give him a breast then he'll take a pacifier. He'll straight up refuse it if I don't offer the breast first usually.

Hope you start to feel better down there quickly. When I tore with my first I felt it all the time as well. Definitely sucks when you have to be careful how you do things as well. I hated sitting down and even standing up. This time I hardly ever notice it.. even in the beginning. Was still the same degree of tear, though.

Vrogers - I'm so glad the medication is helping!! Definitely keep putting her to the breast before giving the bottle. That sounds like a really good way to help stimulate.

AFM - My nights on my own are becoming more routine for me. I don't worry about it anymore, I just do it. I didn't try the crib at all last night, but will again tonight. I was so exhausted yesterday I just wanted us both to get some good sleep.

I feel things are getting back to normal. I guess to the new normal. O is starting to act more like his old self. Isn't extra whiny most of the time like he was. Just tends to get that way when he's tired. He keeps wanting to carry T and hold him. Gives him kisses and likes to play with him. T is starting to smile at him as well! I think they'll end up being close if O keeps showing this much interest in him.

I kept forgetting, but I know someone mentioned something about changing this a parenting forum. I can change the forum name or something but they don't have a group and discussions area for parenting. So to keep a group discussion we'll just have to stay here I think.
Slammer- sounds like you did great on your first night alone! I hope you feel better soon, while I have a different area healing it does make it that much harder to do everything while recovering and uncomfortable!

Ally- I'm sorry you guys had an awful night! It's hard not knowing what is causing them to be upset when it isn't hunger. We couldn't get Lillian down until almost 2am, she wouldn't eat or take a paci and changing her didn't help, she just kept whining and crying. Finally I grabbed the swaddleme thinking it wouldn't work because she hates having her hands swaddles, zipped her up all the way in it and she immediately calmed and took her paci and fell asleep until almost 6am. It was weird! I hope tonight is better for you guys and you are able to get at least some rest!

Ali- sounds like you are adjusting well! O sounds so sweet with T, that's great! I bet it'll be so fun to see them play together and interact as T gets older.

Does anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend?
We get out more on the weekends because I'm not comfortable enough to go out alone during weekdays till she's older. I like to go walking, sometimes around our neighborhood and last weekend we went to a park, just weren't able to stay long because it was quite chilly and I wasn't dressed right. Just feels soooo good to get out of the house!
Jack took a paci a bit last evening, thank goodness (after a long bit of fussing for both DH and I). Wish he'd take it more quickly, but hopefully it will get better. I got him to take a short nap in the bouncy seat with the pacifier today and took a shower while DH and DD were out shopping.

Nothing fun planned here at all. Just hoping to keep everyone alive and reasonably well with DH going back to work.

Finally chanced a look at things down below, lol. Looked pretty good actually. I was too scared to look earlier. Seems to be healing well.
Ali - that's great about T smiling more and gaining weight so well. Sounds like you may just have to embrace the co sleeping. At least you've found a pretty safe arrangement now!

VRogers - I'm glad you have made a bit more BFing progress! Yay!
That is definitely understandable that you've taken longer to adjust than you thought you would. It's a very big life change and no one can really prepare you for it before it happens! I'm glad the baby blues seem to be lessening. They're no fun.
Sorry about the rough night last night but I'm so glad the swaddle helped! Dd1 didn't like swaddling at first either and then suddenly she did, so I guess they can change preferences fairly quickly!

Ally - sorry about your bad night as well. I hope you have fun out with your mom tonight. That sounds like a good time.

Slammer - sounds like you did great without DH the other night. Well done! I'm glad Jack took a pacifier for you. Good luck with the remainder of the weekend on your own.
Keeping everyone alive definitely seems like enough of a goal to me!

AFM - Violet is already one week old today. It's so hard to believe. It feels like we were in the hospital just yesterday. Makes me feel sad that it's flying by so quickly. I didn't get to sleep in today (as much) which was my last chance to until next weekend because we have newborn photos tomorrow morning, church Sunday and then DH is back to work. I was seriously tired all day and it put me in a much worse mood. I haven't felt as emotional and hormonal, but the tiredness made me rather irritable and I also just didn't feel nearly as happy or as much in my 'baby bubble' today. Don't know how I'll survive next week, but guess I'll figure it out then.
Literati- wow! It feels like just yesterday we were all waiting on you to have your baby haha.
I'm the same way when tired, seems like most people are! I love my sleep and that hasn't happened in quite some time, probably since early pregnancy!
I have had to just take it one day at a time. It's daunting when I think I have to make it through the whole week by myself, I actually usually take it hour by hour...and try not to look at the clock too much! :haha:
You've got this though!
Hi ladies, everyone sounds like they are having similar experiences at the min adjusting to newborns.. Ollie is my 4th, u would think Id be a pro.. Lol .. Def doesn't work like that .. I know a few have mentioned how quick times goes , I think that is one thing I def do appreciate so trying make the most of this very little stage as ollie is def our last addition to family :) still very tiring though..

Slammer / glad u are healing well, my midwife told me lavender oil in bath is suppose to help with healing, and few drops of tea tree oil in your wash, not tried any myself. x

Ally, hope Isas bottom is better soon, it's so upsetting when they have something like this. Ollie has like little Boyle type lumps in his creases, I keep giving him air and they do seem to be improving x

Ali/ it's loverly that O is showing interest in T, I really do hope that my two little boys are close that was the plan wen we decided to have this baby, my eldest are so close x

Lit/ a week already .. Goes so quickly..It really doesn't seem
2 mins since we were all waiting for little violet to arrive :)

Vrogers/ im glad the medication seems to be helping with milk, it's good that you keep putting lo to breast. That's what I did last time with same problem. In glad baby blues are passing as well hon. You will be in good routine soon. It's all so overwhelming at first xx

Pomp, hope Jamie doing ok x

Midnight / nice to hear you are doing ok x

My other ds is settling with his little brother but im not sure if it's just me but he seems so loud lately .. Very excitable and legging it round all the time. Sure it's just me ha.. He is Prob just the same as he was before baby arrived.. He is definitely being more cheeky, im not imagining that ! I feel really guilty as its Prob me that's tired..

Ollies had had a bit of a cold for last few days, his nose still sniffly , he gets so frustrated with it. His bottom seems to be getting better gradually , ive been using a barrier cream called alveeno, I read up on it on google and it seems to be working well. Ally I think it was you that mentioned matainium, I have used that in the past hope it is working.. I'd def recommend the Alveeno., it has oatmeal in it but really smooth going on.. On a positive he was weighed the other day he is now9lb 6. He was last weighed 10 days ago and was 8lb.. :)

We went a walk today In park , first time we have been out properly, I was like u vrogers .. So glad to get out !! I'm still trying to suss out best way of going out alone with 3year old and pram. I'm not sure if there is a buggy board that fits my pram . I have an i candy.?
Apple - O is definitely louder. Or at least he is loud more often. He's very excitable when it comes to T which causes him to get loud and he doesn't listen very well when he's excited.

Can't help you with the iCandy. They aren't over here and if they are they're hard to get. I definitely need to get something so I can take both boys on a walk more easily. That's where the baby carrier is going to come in to play for awhile at least. I'll definitely need to get a double stroller of some sort down the road, but hoping to wait. I actually want this folding wagon that has double seats with harnesses for when T gets bigger!

Lite - I decided to embrace it for now. I will keep trying to get him in the crib, but since it's right next to me I think it will be easier. Then once I get him use to even sleeping an arms reach away from me I will eventually put the side back on but keep the bed right up against it. Hopefully I can get him to sleep on his own down the road.

Can't believe V is already a week! They're all growing so fast already! Before we know it we will be talking about how they're meeting their milestones!

Slammer - T definitely doesn't take right to the paci either. Usually I have to give him the breast first then he'll take it. Usually doesn't last super long, though.

Vrogers - No plans. DH's birthday is Monday so I'm going to try to get to the store so I can get stuff bought for his cake and see if I can find him a little something. I couldn't decide on what to get him then by the time I did it wouldn't arrive in time. So I'm going to get it for him on Valentine's Day I think.

AFM - T slept 5 hours straight last night! Somehow I managed to get both boys asleep by 10:15! I don't know how I got O to sleep that early. I guess I made him bored. Definitely was a nice end to the horrible evening. T was very fussy and doing his most heartbreaking cry. Then O was being difficult. I definitely wasn't ready for it because they've been going decent so I didn't expect that to come out of nowhere.
AliJo - wow, 5 hours sleep in a row, fantastic! Sorry the evening was a struggle before that though. It's lovely how T is now smiling at O :cloud9:
Thanks for the tips with the nipple shields, my midwife actually suggested the same thing. I do have shields, I just need to give them a go now.

Apple - Sorry Ollie has a cold, I hope it shifts soon. I am glad his bum is getting better though :) It's lovely your toddler is enjoying Ollie, hopefully they will grow up close.

LL - Happy one week to Violet!
Tiredness is so hard isn't it. My husband is also back at work next week and I am dreading how it's going to go. I am normally fine until the afternoon and then I struggle to keep my eyes open. We have a playground walking distance to home, so if weather is OK, I may just take Anabella there as I find being outside much better! You just gotta take one day at time, it'll work out :hugs:

slammer - I am glad you are healing OK down below and it doesn't look too bad. I am glad Jack took the pacifier, hopefully that'll be a solution when he still wants to suckle even when full. We've tried Jamie on one, but he isn't interested!

vrogers - I hate being at home and before Jamie came along, I spend more time out of the house than in! However, since he has been born I've had to take it easy recovering from my section and at times I've been going out of my mind. We've been out today though, we took Anabella to a farm park which was great and it felt good to be 'normal' again! Getting out even for just a walk is good, I find fresh air to be great for clearing headaches and given self time to reflect.
I am glad swaddling seem to work well for Lillian. We used to swaddle Anabella and it worked well. Reluctant to do it with Jamie as he shuffles about in his sleep and often wakes on his side. It really is difficult when they are fussing and won't settle. It's bad enough in the day but so much worse at night!
Well done on getting some drops of milk out and getting Lillian to suckle from the breast - you are honestly doing great!

Ally - sorry you had a bad night. It is so hard when they wont settle and are shuffling about until the early hours of the morning. We have similar issues with Jamie :(
I hope you had a good evening with your mum.

AFM - Jamie is a great sleeper in the day.... he will sleep for hours prety much anywhere without so much of a whimper. But at night, he is just so fussy and noisy. He never cries , but won't stop making noises. We THINK it's wind, but who know's. He is burped and we are using infacol in his milk, but nothing seems to work. I am a light sleeper and can't sleep through it, but my husband can. I had Jamie in with me until 3 last night and I couldn't take the noises anymore so put him in with my husband. I don't understand why he sleeps so soundly in the day but not at night? It is so frustrating!

Today we went to a farm park. It was nice to get out and have a family day and Anabella loved it. I used the Papoozle for Jamie for the first time and he was very contented in there. It sure is handy to be hands free.

I missed a pump session whilst out and when I got in, I managed to express 12oz!!! That's a record for me!

Husband back at work Monday and am dreading it. I have no idea how I am going to be able to do everything alone :wacko:
Ali - sorry you had a difficult evening. It would be hard with O acting up and T being fussy. I'm glad T gave you a longer stretch last night. I find I am just as tired no matter what. Can't seem to catch up.

I am also just going to embrace co sleeping for the time being and then try the bassinet again later. Violet is handling some naps put down now but she just seems less settled at night and we all need sleep more than she needs to be in her bassinet.

Pompey - sorry Jamie is so unsettled at night. Violet also seems way less settled at night even though she sleeps so much and quite peacefully during the day. Hopefully they'll sort themselves out soon. Good luck on Monday when your husband is back to work. We will get through it together! Not sure how, but I guess just one day or even hour at a time like others suggested.

Apple - glad you got a walk in. Sorry Ollie might have a bit of a cold.

VRogers - I agree it feels like just yesterday. How time flies. I'll take your suggestion and try to take it one hour at a time.

AFM - the sleep deprivation is getting to me more and more. I am a big grump today. We had newborn photos in the morning, and I found that incredibly stressful! I was about ready for a meltdown after. Then this evening DH and I got in a big fight over grated cheese. Very dumb, but he made a comment about how I could just grate my own cheese on Monday for lunch since I would just be home anyway, and I sort of flipped my lid a bit feeling like he was just assuming I'd have all the time in the world to do whatever I want being home with two kids on my own for the first time by myself for the whole day. (I know it probably sounds dramatic, but whatever - I'm hormonal! Haha). He was not apologetic at all and it was quite ugly.
Now DH has a stupid migraine again and has abandoned me for the evening, and guess what? The minute he went downstairs, dd1 started acting up and she's being absolutely atrocious because she knows I can't do much while feeding Violet! She just went around the room throwing all her toys around the room and things off the couches. I'm at my wit's end. I don't think I'll survive on my own at all if I can't even handle half an hour.
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been replying much. Keep trying to but keep getting distracted.

Thanks for your thoughts on routine. I think I'll have to just do what someone said - an hour at a time. Every time I think about it, I'm so grateful I'm no longer in the classroom teaching. My day is much more flexible now.

I have the grovia hybrid cloth nappies. Unfortunately only the velcro covers fit Z right now and I only have a couple of them. I borrowed some more from a friend, but they're quite well used and don't stay on well. Hopefully he'll grow abit more soon and I can use the snap ones.

I'm sorry to hear that a couple of our los have health concerns. I hope they resolve on their own and don't need surgery. Praying for you!

It seems dh is super keen to cosleep, but I'm terrified. We both move so much in our sleep that I'm worried we'd hurt him or that I would be so stressed about him being in bed that I wouldn't sleep at all. Dh also has nightmares at times and lashes out. He's whacked me a few time. Would be worried he'd accidentally hit the baby. Maybe when he gets a bit bigger.

I like the papozzle carrier. Very similar to the moby that was given to me. I've put Z in it a couple of times to see if we both like it and he's fallen asleep within minutes both times. I'm going to try using it next time I go to the supermarket because the pram can get annoying there.

Baby Z still isn't gaining weight like he should be, but not going to add formula just yet because he is gaining a little. Hoping my milk supply improves and he gains this week.

Got to go... Just about to put him down and my alarm will go off in 40 minutes as we've got an appointment this morning... Would prefer to sleep more!
Ali- happy early bday to your dh! Hope you guys are able to celebrate.
5 hours straight sounds glorious, I'm sure you enjoyed that!

Pompey- I'm glad you had a good day, that sounds lovely! And thank you so much for the encouragement, made me tear up.
I understand the sleep issue, Lillian sleeps best and most quiet evenings/early night but then when we put her down later she is SO noisy. I'm wondering if it has to do with their nights and days being backwards. Hopefully it settles down as they get a little older and learn night from day!

Literati- I'm sorry about your evening! I don't think you were being dramatic with the grated cheese comment. I've had similar arguments with dh. And I would be so frustrated if dh went off, headache or not I would definitely want help. Maybe you could talk to him when he's in a better mood/feeling better? I don't get migraines so I don't know how bad they are, but I also know I would be frustrated and resent dh if I kept having to take care of the baby much less baby and a toddler.

Newbie- i hope your supply does increase and you don't have to add formula! It's so frustrating to do when that isn't what you want. I hope the appointment goes well and I hear you on the sleep!

We didn't get out as much today but after a late lunch we decided to go on a walk and I tried out my ergo baby carrier (I have the infant insert with mine). Lillian was acting cranky so I wasn't sure if it would go well but she fell almost immediately asleep and stayed that way the whole walk. I really like it! Just wish I could figure out the moby wrap I have as well-I did watch a YouTube video where a girl demonstrated and made it look easier than the instructions so will try again. It would be nice to use during the week when I'm home alone and want to get stuff done around the house!
We have Lillian's appointment this Thursday and I'm interested to see what she weighs now
I must admit my friend showed me how to wrap the moby... Couldn't figure it out myself!
VRogers - Thanks. DH's migraines are pretty severe and he can't really help it when he has them, but I still had being abandoned during them. It also is frustrating because not enough sleep can be a trigger, and yesterday he CHOSE to not have a nap and to play video games instead when the girls and I were napping. I feel like if he'd had a nap he might not have gotten one. Grrr.
I also wonder if the lack of settling properly at night is from nights/day confusion, but who knows! Hopefully they all sort it out soon.
I hope you can figure out the moby wrap. I have a different kind of wrap but had to have my SIL show me how to use it. Is there any friend or family member who might know how to wrap it? I'm curious what Lillian will weigh as well!

Newbie - for safe co sleeping, it's recommended to have baby on the outer edge of the bed (away from your DH), so perhaps that would reduce your worry about DH thrashing around in your sleep? still not a bad idea to wait to co sleep until he is older. I hope baby z starts gaining weight better and your supply improves. That sounds stressful.
Thanks for the advice, lit. I think it would be better to wait as well. Dh is frustrated because he wants me to pump so he can feed him but with my concerns about weight gain I'm trying to get him to feed as much as possible.

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