January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

How cute, but I don't know why the photo is sideways, grrr!


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Just quickly passing

Lit- so sorry you felt like that and had such a rough night.i hope today is better. I do really think you should talk to your dh about how you feel.he should support you More.sending you a big cuddle!

Pomp- great about Jamie's weight gain! I guess he was just having an off week. Looking forward to the pic! X
Pompey - such a cute pic! Thanks for sharing. Yay for Jamie's great weight gain!

I haven't told my parents how I am feeling and they work full time so they can't help much anymore (they were on holidays before). However, my SIL offered to take my dd1 for a couple hours sometime to give me a break, so I may take her up on that.
I am feeling a lot more sane today. I knew I couldn't handle another day alone or cooped up in the house. We did a quick outing to grab fast food for lunch and that surprisingly helped my mood a lot. Then my mom popped in for 15 minutes at lunch which was nice, and then I went over to a friend's house and talked her ear off the whole afternoon. Told her all about my frustrations and she could relate (although she only has one kid but is pregnant) so I feel a lot better. The kids played really well together and I was there for 4 hours, so it felt like a nice break and hopefully I can have more patience with dd1 tonight. I think I might have to make a very strong effort to get out of the house every day even though it's hard, because it may be necessary for me to stay sane! I will definitely talk to my doctor if I keep feeling this way but I am hoping it was just a really bad day.

Thanks Ally as well. I will talk to DH next time we actually have time for a proper chat.

VRogers - yes, well done on actually pumping a bit of milk! You are extremely persistent.
Lit, I'm so pleased to hear you sounding better today. It is great that you got out and about and had a good chat with your friend. Definitely take up your sister in law's offer. I'm sure even a couple of hours would be worth it.

Ally, I hope the new meds work and that you can continue breastfeeding. I hope you won't need drained or surgery.

Pompey - LOVE the pic! Super cute.

Afm, the extended sleep hasn't happened tonight but he's doing pretty well. I'm hoping he'll settle down after this feed and I'll get another hour or so to sleep. Only two more days until our spring break and I can't wait! Not doing anything except finishing off the move and having a pumping marathon, but I'm looking forward to it.
Pomp - Omgosh he's too cute! So happy to hear about his weight! I'm eager to see what T's is on Monday! Can't believe he's a week away from 2 months!

That's what I was doing at bath time with both, with the tub in the tub. It just took up sooo much room leaving O with little. He didn't mind, but it was awkward trying to wash him since the toilet took up that space next to the tub. He also wasn't okay with being on the other end because he likes the faucet.

Lite - You're definitely not alone in struggling with your oldest. O has been really pushing my limits a lot and I'm very unhappy with how I've been towards him. I was thinking hard the other day how I need to reel myself back in and try to be the mother I want to be with him. It's so hard in the heat of the moment.

I'm glad you're feeling better today. I probably should get out more as well, but on my own sounds scary. I wish I had someone to go out with or even have come over. I did take O out one day to the store and I just ended up crying on my way home because he wasn't cooperative at all. This was awhile ago and now I'm afraid to do it again.

So, did you and hubby pick out a stroller? I'll be interested to see what one you get. I've been kind of looking. There was one I liked but it didn't have two seats just the stand up rail for the older one. If O would listen that would be perfect because it folded down real small. Smaller than our current stroller.

Angel - I really hope that continues to work for you! That's always one of their suggestions to help babies is to give them something with their mother's sent on it. I definitely should try it with T especially when I go back to work because sometimes he needs me to fall asleep and that'll be hard on DH. Which he can't offer the boob but maybe the bottle while holding him in my shirt would work.

Most likely was the case with the meds when I was a kid. My parents wouldn't have done anything about it, though. My dad was too consumed working to try to keep everything paid and my mother.. eh. After I finished my first bottle they never went to get the next one so that was that.

Ally - Always great to be on something that probably wasn't helping.. not! Well hopefully this new antibiotic does the trick and you can avoid having to deal with anything else.

Sorry about the rough night. They sure like to throw them in there from time to time. I will say I'm thankful that once I get T to sleep he does sleep well through the rest of the night. I've only had him get up early a couple of times in the last month.

Vrogers - That's awesome! Since you're starting from scratch it could take some time. If adoptive mothers can do it I'm sure you can!

Newbie - Spring break will be a good little break! I'm glad you at least got one night of decent sleep! I hope T starts giving me longer periods of sleep more often. He probably would if I would wake him a little more to nurse him more. I'm afraid he'll actually get up, though.

Sorry if I missed anyone or anything. Been trying to type this for hours!

AFM - Got down to see my great grandma again today. She's doing pretty well from the sounds of it. My cousin came down with her new baby. She's so tiny! Half the size that T is now. She was almost 7lbs where as T is most likely over 14 at this point! She's two weeks old.

I'm getting ready to lay down. Going to be sleeping on the couch with T next to me in the bassinet. I really do want to try to get him sleeping away from me. Not far, but at least in his crib or in the bassinet. I'm always so sore from co-sleeping. At least with O I'm not as stiff but with both of them.. oh gosh. I get O rolled up against my back and T of course is close to me on the other side. Nothing like being sandwiched between your children.

I'm just hoping to get T sleeping in his crib well and then when he stops wanting to feed so often at night look into putting the front back on. I'll keep him up against the bed to make the transition easier and then push the crib back against the wall once that goes well. I just don't know how well it will all go if he keeps having his airway issue at night.

Hoping it works out tonight so I can sleep on my own. That'll be nice!
Ally- how frustrating that they were giving you the wrong medication, I hope the right one works and heals without surgery!
I would be miserable today, I feel bad for complaining that Lillian woke up at 4 to eat. I hope tonight is much better and you both get some much needed rest!

Angel- yay for the bassinet! I've seen people suggest putting a shirt or blanket that smells like you in bassinet with the baby, so you've shown me it apparently does work! I'll have to remember that.

Literati- I am so sorry you're feeling so down! I can tell you really are a great mother regardless of how you feel, but definitely talk to someone if you continue to feel that way. There's absolutely nothing wrong with needing help (whether it's counseling or medication or daycare or someone to take the kids for a bit or something else), it doesn't make you a bad mom, just in case you were feeling that way. It's extremely hard to do on your own, I think anyone would feel the way you do!
[just read your newer post, sounds like getting out helped, as well as talking with your friend. I'm glad you have someone IRL you can talk to outside of us, it really makes a difference at least for me. Definitely take your SIL up on her offer and talk to your doc if it doesn't get better or gets worse! :hugs: ]

Pompey- congrats on the weight gain and healthy little man!
Oh my he's cute, those little cheeks!!

Ali- glad your great grandma is doing well and you got to see your cousins new baby! It really is crazy how fast they grow.
Sounds like you have a good plan with transitioning to the crib! I hope you are able to get some good rest alone tonight!

I just had to ask about PP periods the other day, looks like I got mine today! I definitely did not miss having a period, oh the cramping
Hi ladies, I just wanted to try and post whilst I have a spare minute. I have tried to post about 4 times this week and had issues with my phone. I really need to set up my laptop as my phone times me out then I lose what I had written .. So frustrating :( I need to sort my wifi but this has just not been a priority.It took me over an hour to catch up and reply to everyone the other night between getting up with ollie and toddler then it wouldn't post it :( I was so pissed off.

Just want you to know that I have been following as much as I can. Sorry some of u are struggling with other children and feeling guilty ect. I'm exactly the same. I'm actually keeping my ds off nursery today and having a mummy day for him with me and ollie. He started his new nursery properly on monday and became really upset for me when I left. I know it's to be expected but he hasn't been right since and really clingy. His normal nursery said yesterday he wasn't himself and really withdrawn. He is usually really confident and one of the loudest. Im just feeling like it's all been too much for him and too much change with new baby and new nursery. The new nursery is attached to the school he wil be going to in September. He is still only 3 so will be one of youngest when he starts. :( me and oh said last night that we are going to give it a couple of weeks and see how it goes. We only wanted him to go to the new one to mix with the children he will be going to school with but are now considering just letting him go a couple of mornings instead of 5 morning especially with me being at home.we still want him to go to his usual nursery at least one morning as he loves it and has loads of friends, also ollie will be going to that one when I go back to work. His normal nursery is very small and homely so much different to the one attached to the school. I think we are just going to have to do a longer transition between the two..

Ally sorry u have been unwell sounds so painful, n given wrong meds ! Nightmare hope u are better soon. Hugs ️xx

Pomp , beautiful pic :) such a cutie . Well done on the weight gain., x

Newbie, sorry are are back at work but you sound like u have been doing well. X

Ali, glad u got to see your great grandma hon, and the new baby, it's crazy how our babies grow. I'm going to get ollie weighed tomorrow im looking forward to see how much he weighs now haven't had him done for ages..re sleeping: im really trying to get ollie to sleep away from me also , he managed 2 hours in basket next to bed last night, he is normally in win me but definately made a difference just having those couple of hours :) fingers crossed we can keep it up! X I did bath time with both boys the other day !! Didn't go well at all, toddler screaming with excitement and ollie freaking out ha.. It was traumatic ! Have to try and keep it calmer next time ! :)

Lit, hope u r doing ok hon, sorry it's been hard with oldest at times but I'm right there with u , u really sound like u r doing fab job ️xx

Slammer ive only read back couple of pages this morning, hope Ur are doing ok now hon I know from reading last week u had a couple of Days when u were struggling, I will catch up properly and reply when I can ️xx

Vrogers , hope U r doing ok as well hon , im getting p pains daily !! But no other signs I wish my body would just get on with it !! Ha x

Hi to midnight x

Really sorry if I have missed anyone im typing with one hand on phone with toddler wanting me to sort a film on tv and pushing ollie in pram around front room .. Talk about multi tasking haha x and just kicked teenager to school handing him a sandwich for lunch on way out the door !! Lol

Over all we r generally doing ok, life's a big juggle at the min but getting there. Had a wobble with oh last week but sorted now x changed ollies milk to hungry baby and stomach seems to have settled much better tha he was. B/ feeding at night and formula day now which is working well x. Again sorry if I have missed anyone !!
lit- glad you're feeling better and do take up your SIL's offer! i think it will do you a world of good.

newbie- i bet you are so looking forward to spring break! enjoy your pumping session

ali- good luck moving baby to crib. I find that isa does just settle there now, and can stay there. Its great to have the extra room in bed. but normally at some point i put him into the bed with me.

vrogers- my pp period was odd, just light red blood but no cramping etc. still not even 100% sure it was a period.

apple- life sounds stressful, so much to juggle. sorry your toddler is having a hard time, understable, he must be going through a lot. Hope you all had a nice cuddle day together.

afm- feeling rubbish. Boob feels so lumpy and tender. Bought a formula for Isa, want to try him on it tonight before bed to see if he settles better. Last night was tough, he cried for most of it. DH;s parents are coming to visit for one night tomorrow, such bad timing. I don't feel up to seeing them or doing anything with them, but i have too. Gaaah. I pray i feel much better soon, even if that means stopping bf'ing. right now i'm just desperate for my body to feel normal and healthy!
Goodness it's taken me a couple days to compose this! Was totally going to finish and post last night but then I passed out!

Literati - it's definitely a back and forth between being annoyed with DD and wanting it to be just me and her again. I do want to have a “date” with her soon, but it's hard with Jack eating so damned often! I'm sure DH would be happy to watch him while we go out though.

Whining would drive me crazy too. I definitely know the feeling of just wanting her to shut up.

And yes I use negative phrases with DD as well, and try so hard not too, but sometimes you look at them like “what the F are you thinking/doing??”

I'm sorry you had a hard day and DH had yet another migraine! I'm losing patience with your hubby on your behalf with these stupid migraines! Is there nothing he can take to let him power through? What does he do if he has one and has to work?

Sounds like you had another terrible day. Don't beat yourself up. Some days are just horrible. I'm glad you got out of the house and got to spend quality time with a friend! I agree that making yourself get out will probably help...I need to do it too!

Angel - sorry about the rough night with Melody. I find the times when you think a night is going to be good and then it turns horrible to be the worst. At least if you go into a night prepared for it to be shit then you’re not disappointed.

I'm sure I've been in the same place with wishing DH would offer what I needed, though he's very good about helping actually. But I think he's so good because it's our second and he's more confident in what needs doing and that he can handle it. I know with DD after the newborn sleepiness wore off he couldn't figure out how to get her to sleep - until I went back to work and he was home with her and had to find his ways.

I feel you on the dead arm from bouncing/holding. Struggling myself. And on the frustration when they are fighting you so hard when you are trying to comfort them. I can't stand being scratched and throat punched by a baby! I'm always saying “please stop, I don't what to do for you, just stop”. So hard. But glad I'm not alone.

I've heard about something with mom’s scent helping babies sleep. Never worked for me with DD, lol.

Pompey - yes I'm trying so hard to not constantly harangue my DD and correct her all the time, but it's easy to get so annoyed with simple kid behaviors when they are on top of a fussy baby.

No, DH won't have any time off. I mean, at least he only works four nights, and doesn't always close, but it still sucks. He is extremely helpful and involved when he is home though.

Good news on Jamie’s weight gain! He's super cute in the batman suit!

Newbie - hooray for the long stretch of sleep! Knowing me I would have woken multiple times anyway, lol.

Vrogers - that's awesome to hear Lillian is doing better and the medicine is helping! Sorry you had a rough day too. It is so hard. I'm glad you have great support from your DH though. That is so important. You are no doubt a great mom as well!

I need baby smiles to start asap so I can feel some appreciation from this baby, lol.

You are awesomely stubborn to be continuing the pumping, hehe! That's great you've gotten some drops and I hope it gets to be more.

Ally - we definitely are all having some rough times all together! At least we have each other to commiserate with, I hope you don't get a repeat of the rough night.

Glad you saw the breast clinic and they are getting you on the right antibiotics. Ugh that you were on the wrong ones before! Get yourself some probiotics because that much antibiotic treatment is probably no good for your gut!

11:30-4?! Oh you poor thing. I would have been losing my mind for sure. I hope the next night wasn't so bad!

Please take care of yourself and relax even when DH’s parents visit. Don't get caught up in trying to entertain them. You are not well and need to rest and recover!

AliJo - sleeping with two kids has to be rough! I remember being so sore when I first started bed sharing with DD.

Apple - it takes me ages to compose a reply as well. I've been typing my replies in the Google docs app and just coming back to it whenever I can - then copy paste into BNB when I'm finally done. Makes things much easier.

Sorry to hear your toddler is struggling. My DD is definitely not one for a larger setting. She's in a home daycare with only three other kids. It will be hard for her when she has to transition to a proper preschool or kindergarten.

AFM - well after that crappy night Jack had a very fussy day on Monday. I think it was a growth spurt or something. I resigned myself to sleeping in the glider all night and he actually slept well. Then yesterday he took a three hour nap on the couch in the afternoon! Spent last night in the glider again but he spent hours wiggling...not even waking, just wiggling. Made it hard for me to get any decent sleep. DH was up at 4am this morning after going to bed early so I gave Jack to him around 5:30 and got a little rest after that.

We went out to lunch yesterday, which was nice. The ride there was ok, but more crying on the way home. It almost makes going out not seem worth it, but it is really so nice to get the heck out of the house!

Anxiously awaiting my 6 week appt next week. I have a spot down there that is a bit sore and even seems to be bleeding a bit off and on...maybe stitches are being pulled. Bouncing on the ball with Jack makes it hurt. I feel like I was more healed by this time with DD, but I had internal tearing with her, not so much external as I have now from the episiotomy. Sigh.

DD still has her cold but has still been mostly cheerful.
Ali - thanks. Glad I'm not the only one with toddler struggles. Our toddlers are almost the exact same age and almost the same age gap between our kids, so I would imagine they are in similar behavioural stages. I probably would have cried if I had attempted to take dd1 to the store too. I can only take her to very kid-friendly places where she is contained and can't run off. Haha, actually - funny story. When I was at my friend's house yesterday, the kids ended up getting into my friend's "special" drawer and taking out one of her adult toys. My friend was mortified! :haha:
We haven't found a stroller yet. There are practically zero double strollers out on display in store here, which is frustrating! I am ok with ordering online, but I would really like to try it out first and see how it feels, because the stroller we ordered for dd1 ended up being a monstrosity and it doesn't steer very well. Argh. We actually fell in love with one at Babies R Us until we saw the price tag! You had to buy the stroller, second seat and adaptor for car seat all separately - which amounted to $1200!! We haven't won the lottery so that won't be happening! I didn't know double strollers were so outrageously priced. I have thought about those ones where the toddler stands on them, but not sure how my dd1 would behave either. It is best strapping her down! Haha.
How did the night go with T in his bassinet? Violet won't go in hers for more than a couple minutes.

VRogers - thanks for the support. Sorry your period has arrived. Those are terrible. :(

Apple - sorry you are struggling with your toddler as well. Sounds like you're an amazing multi-tasker.

Ally - thanks. I am sorry you feel so rubbish. I don't blame you for not feeling up to visiting with DH's parents. I wouldn't either in your state! You poor thing. I hope you can find a formula Isa likes.

Slammer - I hope you can manage to get out a bit more soon. It is hard work but worth it (usually).
My DH has a really strong migraine med prescribed to him but it just doesn't seem to work for him at all anymore. He usually takes his meds at work when he feels one coming on, then tops up with the max dose to get through his work day. It usually doesn't go away so by the time he gets home he is in bed for the night. He occasionally has to go in late or leave early but for the most part they hit hardest in the evenings. This last one was so severe he was thinking I might have to take him to emergency for stronger pain meds. I feel bad for him but also sorry for myself haha. He has a consultation with a specialist in a month or two. I hope he can get a more effective medication then.
I hope you can get whatever is bothering you with your stitches resolved at your appointment. I have to wait quite a while longer in pain as I rescheduled my appointment for Violet's 2 month check-up so I wouldn't have to go twice. I get pain every time I pee so it is really frustrating.

Sorry about all your fussy days and nights with Jack. He sounds like very hard work.

AFM - My SIL offered to take dd1 to an indoor playground for a couple hours next week so I definitely said yes.
Violet actually fell asleep in her bouncy chair this morning when I put it on vibrate. That is the first time she has fallen asleep in a baby device. I took the opportunity with my hands free to do a puzzle with dd1.
Despite my efforts, I am in a really irritable mood once again and keep snapping. Replying on my phone is making me want to scream at the moment. I have become a very cranky person I guess. :(
Success #2! I thought I had spoken too soon about my pillow case working because when I put Melody down yesterday morning she wouldn't stay asleep, and I had to pick up and put down a few times but I managed to get her down in her bassinet and she's stayed down a little over an hour :happydance: It seems to work but after about 20 minutes she'll start to wake up and if I go in and snuggle her she'll pass back out and give me another 20+ minutes. I know I should try to let her put herself back to sleep but I've found that if she hasn't done so in 3-5 minutes she just wakes herself up and gets worked up.

Today we have our 6 week appointment. It's actually 7.5 weeks, but the doctor wanted to combine our two appointments (my 6 week and her 8 week) so we went in the middle. DH is getting off work early to meet me there so that he can take care of Melody during my pap and exam and then I Told him he's going to have to help during her shots because I'm pretty sure I'll start bawling once she starts to cry. :cry: I am preparing myself for a rough night because I suspect she'll be a fussy, especially if she's sore after all the vaccines.

pompey - I think you're right, men just need it spelled out. I mentioned it to him last night and he seemed surprised I was asking and mentioned that he usually doesn't wake up at night when she cries (true) and was wondering how he could step in if he didn't know she was crying. I pointed out that last night he was awake and he agreed that he would try to step in more in the middle of the night. During the evening he at least does most of the diaper changes. :)

It's kind of cute that Anabella wants to be so involved and touching Jamie, but i can definitely see how that can be difficult. Hopefully as Jamie gets more into a schedule you'll have an easier time.

The pillow case seems to be working. SHe's not sleeping incredibly long in the bassinet, but I'm getting anything from 20 - 70 minutes from her, and if she only sleeps 20 then if I go in and cuddle her then she passes back out and I can put her down for at least another 20+ minutes usually.

That pic is ADORABLE! So cute! :)

Lite - Have you tried to see if Violet will take to a different type of swing? Melody tends to be okay with any type, but prefers the side to side (cradle) motion better. My niece would scream bloody murder in a regular swing but fell asleep easily in the cradle one. Melody does the same thing, settles down the minute I put her next to me. So I keep her with us at night if for no other reason than letting me get more sleep than if I was trying to keep her in the bassinet.

I'm so sorry that you've been having a rough time. It sounds like you really needed that break. If you do keep having days like that please talk to your doctor. And you can always reach out to us for help. If you find that you need someone to talk to then you can PM me. In fact, if you want to PM me I will give you my cell # and you can text or call me if you need someone to chat with. :hugs:

newbie - that sounds awesome! Love that you got to sleep so long!

vrogers - I'm so glad that the medicine seems to be helping! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one feeling this way! The kicking and pushing part is the worst! But you're right, the smiling and cooing helps. :)

Good luck with the pumping! Sounds like you're starting to get something!

Ally - Sounds like we're all having some rough nights lately. :hugs: I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I did talk to DH and he said that most of hte time he doesn't even know Im' having trouble at night because he sleeps through it (true), and after I pointed out that he had been awake that night he agreed that he would try to step in more often when I'm having a rough time he just didn't know I wanted him to. He has a hard time figuring out when to step in because he feels a little lost since he doesn't know her as well since he only sees her in the evenings. He feels like I just "know what to do". lol

Good luck with the mastitis. I'm really hoping this batch of antibiotics helps!

Ali - Hopefully something with your scent will help so that he will take a bottle from your DH. I'm going to give something to my sister with my scent when I go back to work so that she can get M to sleep easier. Hoping that works.

I hear you on being sore from co-sleeping. I'm finding my back and hips are just killing me because Melody is right against me and if I move her she finds a way to wiggle back to me and so I don't dare turn over because I'm scared she'll wiggle up against my back and I won't realize she's there. I definitely cannot wait until I get her to sleep longer in the bassinet!

Apple - good to hear from you! I have the same problem with losing posts on my phone so I follow along on the phone and then reply when I can get a chance to get on the computer.
Lit, I'm sorry your having such a hard time. Gage has an extremely hard time taking a nap during the day unless he is being held, and even then they only last for maybe 20 or 30 minutes, so I have a really hard time doing anything. Well the other day I started wearing him when he falls asleep and he naps for even longer and I'm hands free. I use a moby wrap, and I can use the shoulder strap to support his head. It has made such a difference in my days. I know it's goes against the rules, but I even caught a quick nap while he was in it, it was a sitting up nap in the bed but it was nice! Maybe this could be an option for you?

Slammer I'm sorry jacks nights are rough! That sounds awful!

Ally, I'm feel so so bad for you, you def deserve a break from health problems! I hope the meds work better for you and you don't need surgery. How did the formula go?

Vrogers, I hope af isn't too mean to you!

Pomp, he is adorable!!

Afm, I'm so horrible about updating. I am only ever on here in my phone and it makes it so hard to remember who said what to reply. Gage is doing well at night and waking ever three to four hours to eat and I change him and he goes right back to sleep in his bassinet, but daytimes have been a nightmare! He gets way over stimulated and tired and the getting him to sleep is really hard. But like I mentioned in my reply to lit, wearing him has made a major change. I have been able to get things cleaned and laundry done finally! He also is a lot happier when he wakes from his naps and I can put him in the bouncy chair and he is content for a longer period. His four week check up was last Wednesday and he was 10 lbs 7 1/2 ozs and 23 inches long. He was 70th percentile for weight and 97th percentile for height.

As for bf'ing, we have had a few hiccups but still going! My nipples were cracked and bleeding because Gage has a tongue tie and wasn't latching properly, so I started using a shield. The LC said as long as he is eating and gaining we won't need to cut it. He started sticking his tongue out further so I decided to let him try to latch without the shield. It took some time to get him on, like a week, because he got so used to the shield. Well all of a sudden something clicked and he started latching great, and then last Friday he hit what I'm assuming was a growth spurt, and was literally eating all day, it was so stressful! Well I guess since my nipples have been protected this whole time, they couldn't take that growth spurt. So I'm back using the shields again. So back to square one. When they start feeling better I'll try again, but for now they work for us so it is what it is, They are just so inconvenient!
Froggy - I actually do use the wrap when I can and Violet absolutely loves it. She often falls asleep within a couple minutes. However, when she falls asleep feeding (which is most of the time) then I am unable to get her in the wrap so I am stuck on the couch holding her (not that I mind except for the demanding toddler). I don't find I can successfully nurse while she is in the wrap, so it means I can't use it as much.
It definitely is nice having my hands free when I do use it though.

So sorry about your sore nipples. I would think if the tongue tie is making BFing so painful for you that it would still be worth it to cut the tie even though he is gaining weight well. That's kind of frustrating. Sounds like Gage is a tall and skinny guy! Violet is the opposite - short and chubby! Haha.

Angel - aww, thanks for the offer of someone to talk to. I may take you up on that one of these days.
I'm glad your DH is willing to step up and help more at night! My DH doesn't do any diaper changes or anything at night and it is a little frustrating. Often doing a diaper change jars me awake so much that I can't sleep for 2-3 hours, so it is a little frustrating.
I am glad you have managed to get M to resettle in her bassinet for naps. I understand needing to intervene as that is better than her waking all the way up and the nap being ruined.
Our swing actually does BOTH swinging motions, and Violet hates both! She likes a jiggling/bouncing motion which is I guess why the vibrating bouncy chair worked this morning.
Have to leave in just about an hour or a little less for our doctor appointment. I'm so nervous, which is silly. It's not the actual appointment for me that makes me nervous but I still get anxious about taking Melody out in public in case she's fussy (today's been good so far but she hates her carseat so she'll be angry and fussy when we get there). Plus I'm dreading the part where she gets her shots! :(

Froggy - It's so good to see you! Sounds like the moby wrap works well for Gabe's naps, I'm so glad that's working! He's getting so big! 23 inches at his check up? Wow! Sorry about the bf'ing issue. That's rough. Do you have any lanolin that you can use? That might help with the healing. :hugs:

Lite - :hugs: definitely! The offer stands. :)
As for night time, I don't do diaper changes at night at all unless she's poopy. It wakes me and her up too much and then neither of us goes to sleep quickly. I do a change before we go to bed around 9-10pm and make sure to put some diaper cream on her to help prevent a rash (so far there's been no problem), and then when DH gets up at 4:45 for work he changes her so I can go to the bathroom and get a few minutes rest before I feed her again. For a little while her diaper was really full by that time, but the last 3 days or so she's been sleeping longer and only feeding once at night between 10 and 5, so her diaper's barely wet when he changes her.

That's rough that Violet hates both swing directions! How annoying. If she likes the jiggling/bouncing she might like the mamaroo, but it's a little on the expensive side for something she may hate. Hopefully the bouncy chair keeps working for you!
Vrogers - I'll be destroyed if I get my pp period any time soon! I wonder if you start producing more milk if they'd back off? I'm sorry about the cramping. I'm hoping I get lucky and I don't cramp like how it was after DS1, but we'll see. I probably won't get so lucky.

Apple - Does sound like your toddler is struggling some. I would probably go back as well if he doesn't start to act more like himself. Big changes are hard for little ones when they're trying to sort out the world.
I'm worried about mine not enjoying daycare when he starts. I don't want him to freak out when I leave because it will tear me apart. He's a real social bug for not being too talkative yet and I expect that he will love it, but I also worry that he won't be able to process it all well. He's also really only use to our rules and not having to share so I'm sure that will rock his world. I'm hoping to start him only for a partial day till he gets use to it then slowly extend it.

Ally - I'm going to try the crib again soon, but I still feel it will be a no go as long as he's having his airway issue. I'm probably going to have to keep him on something softer so he can be on his side (he can't on the crib mattress even if I try, he rolls to his face or back) or in something at an incline.

I couldn't imagine dealing with your mastitis! Hopefully he takes the formula for you. Even if it's just a bottle here and there it might give you the break you need to help heal.

Slammer - Ouch.. well I do know that an episiotomy can take longer to heal than a regular tear. That's what I learned in school anyways.

T cries in the car a lot more than O ever did. Which really sucks because I can't sit back there with him like I could O. Thankfully he does generally fall asleep after a couple of minutes of driving. I can see how it would almost make going out not worth it. Glad your DD is at least feeling better. Maybe she's on the mend now!

Lite - Yep, I definitely think I need to strap down O! Plus, even though he has tons of energy I could see him getting tired after awhile. Then it would be carrying him and no thanks! I've seen strollers like that where you have to buy the add ons. Maybe if I bought one like that at first then slowly got more parts. Still probably more expensive. You can find cheaper double strollers that are still nice. I can't decide if I want a tandem or side by side one. I would kine of like a jogging one but who am I kidding.. I won't jog with them! That would be more if I can convince DH to start jogging with me. He has so maybe.

Yeah I'm sure our two oldests are very similar in their behaviors. You talk about her being whiny and that's exactly how O has been. Whines over the most ridiculous things and when he finally gets that he can't have it the way he wants he screams bloody murder and has a full out tantrum. My child has a serious set of lungs.

That's hilarious about the special drawer. I have learned if you ever want something like that and have kids around or will have kids around.. you better keep that under a lock! They have special ways of finding everything you don't want them to!

I'm sorry you're still finding yourself to be impatient and irritable. I don't have any advice really because I'm struggling as well. I'm just trying to remind myself to stay calm and to address situations in a more controlled way. Trying to just pick my battles as well. DH was getting after O for something and told him to just let it go. It wasn't that big of a deal and he's been getting in trouble for almost everything lately. It's easier looking from the outside in. When I'm alone it's hard to control myself as well.

Angel - It tears me up when they cry during the shots, but I've always been good at keeping my composure. Figured being calm will be better than getting worked up! It was actually harder on me when O got older. The shots weren't bad for him. As soon as I'd pick him up he would calm down in like 30 seconds. Now when he got older and had to be held down.. that was a different story. He would FREAK out and it took me a long time to calm him down. Honestly I wish they'd just let me hold him because it felt like torture. I felt like I betrayed his trust and I'm sure that's what it was like to him.

I always found Tylenol helped after shots. I gave it to him right away and the days went fine.

Froggy - Great to hear from you! I hear you on the shields being inconvenient. When I had to use them with DS1 it was like a complete panic if I couldn't find it right away. Then having to wash them and blah blah blah. I was sooo relieved when he finally latched naturally. They have their place, but I hate them! Hopefully you heal soon! Make sure you're using lanolin or something.

He sounds like he's growing great! He's definitely a long little one!

AFM - So, I think I managed to get him to sleep by himself most of the night in the bassinet! There was one period that I dosed off with him a little on the couch, but that was after midnight. He went to bed about 9:30. He was awake a lot more often, though. I also slept a lot lighter so I was waking up constantly even though he wasn't. When he was sleeping with me I got startled awake by what sounds like a bowling ball dropping upstairs. It's not that, but it always sounds like that! Scared the living crap out of me and I almost shot up, which it's good that I didn't because he probably would have been tossed to the ground. My first thought was thinking that O got hurt and then I thought about T and couldn't have been him and then reality hit me. Nothing like being half asleep trying to sort out your thoughts. I don't know what time that was but I put him back in his bassinet and he slept till 4ish then up again and slept till almost 6 and was still kind of asleep but O got up so DH was up and I took him to bed at that point. Didn't expect him to sleep much longer but he slept till 9. So he does sleep okay at night without me right there, but it's the flat surface that is still probably an issue. I will find out. He would grunt, stir, fart, settle.. over and over for the longest time.

Wasn't the best sleep on the couch. Use to be comfortable, but I think my body is too messed up so everything hurts.

Yesterday I fed my new baby cousin and I was a bit jealous because of how well she ate compared to T. No breathing issues and calm.. I really wish T didn't have issues with that. She was talking about how she was crib training her and I was thinking how I wish I could so easily. His airway issue is part of the reason I'm afraid to get him in the crib because he does his choking and wheezing sometimes while he's in it. I just don't feel it's safe. His 2 month appointment is Tuesday so I'm eager to see what his pediatrician says. O's 2.5 year appointment is the Monday after next week. Wondering what the pediatrician will say about his speech since he's new to her. He has made tons of improvements, but I know he isn't where he should be yet.
Lit, his tongue tie is very slight, and I think his latch is much better, I just think the combo of his growth spurt and feeding constantly crossed with my nipples that had been protected for so long it made for super soreness! Sorry that violet has such a hard time settling, maybe the vibrating chair is the beginning of something!

Angel, melodys nights sound amazing! I have noticed that Gage has less poo during the night, and the last couple of nights I haven't had to change him during his 3-4am feeding. I won't need to change him until he wakes for the day at 6-7. I understand your anxiety about taking a baby out by yourself! It can be flustering when they start fussing out in public. I hope everything goes smoothly!
Ali, is his breathing problem like a gasp? Gage started doing that too and it scares the shit out of me! He will sometimes do it while he is sleeping, but does it while he is eating from my boob, but won't do it from a bottle. How cool that you got him to sleep by himself. Maybe that will help with transition later on when your ready to put him in his crib.

I def am using lanolin! Another issue that I forgot to mention is milk blisters on my nipples, they are really small coverings of the pores. I just apply hot compress to my nipple before Gage eats and it seems to help them go away.
Apple- so good to hear from you! I'm sorry your toddler is having a rough time adjusting. I'm sure it will get better as time goes on and everyone settles into the new "normal" but I know that probably doesn't help much now.
Glad Ollie's stomach is settled now!

Ally- I'm sorry you are having such a tough time, and with the in laws coming. I'm sure you just want to be left alone when you feel so bad! I agree with what slammer said, rest and don't worry about trying to entertain them, your body definitely needs the rest I'm sure!
I hope Isa does well with the formula and has a better night

Slammer- longer naps are my favorite haha. I am with you on the fussiness wanting to keep me inside. The most I've gotten lately is around the neighborhood for walks.
Good luck at your appointment, I hope you continue healing! I clenched up just thinking of bouncing on a ball while healing down there, I'm sure that doesn't help the pain at all!

Literati- sleep deprivation is no joke, there's a good reason it's been used as a torture technique. im sorry you're still having a tough time! I hope you're able to do something for yourself when your SIL takes dd1!

Angel- yay for another successful bassinet sleep! I hope both appointments go well, I'm not looking forward to the shots. I was a mess when she got her heel pricked. I hope it isn't too bad for you guys!

Froggy- so good to hear from you! Glad Gage is doing/gaining well! He's a cutie!!! That little smile must melt you!
Also, coconut oil healed my blistery sore nipples within a day or so, I know we discussed that on here a few weeks ago but couldn't remember if you were in that discussion, I would definitely try that too!

Ali- I did read people saying they produced less milk during their period, although I'm not sure how scientific it is. I'm able to hand express quite a bit (not enough to even fill the bottom of the bottle but better than nothing) so hoping it keeps coming back!
Glad the bassinet sleeping worked out for awhile, I'm sure that was nice! Sleeping on the couch sounds so uncomfortable, although we have a super old couch so that doesn't help.
I'm interested to see what your pediatrician says about the breathing issue, I hope they have a good suggestion and can get it sorted, that would be scary.

Cramping quite a bit with this period, although I had pretty painful cramps before getting pregnant so I'm not sure if I'm just not used to it or it really is worse this time

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