January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I have to share this real quick

So we got the new Nintendo and I was waiting on a game for it. DH said that he heard that they put a chemical on the game cartridges to deter kids from putting them in their mouths since they're small. I had to try it to see if it was true.. yep.. true.. very bitter. Still on my tongue.
Okay so today and yesterday Melody won't sleep more than 10 minutes unless she's in my arms or her swing. She slept fairly well at night, but during the day I'm having issues. I feel like I must be doing something wrong. :nope: It's like one day I can get her to sleep and another I can't. WTF.

After my doctor appointment they always give us a paper that outlines things to expect at this age and things to do with baby. Under sleeping it suggested putting baby down while drowsy but awake. I feel like M isn't read yfor that (or I'm just not doing it right). Do any of you do this yet? Or, for those of you with other kids, when does that start to work?

Lite - Oh yeah we're going through clothes so quickly! She's already outgrown half the 0-3mo clothes that we have. Some brands she's still in 0-3, but other brands she's in 3-6 already!

newbie - I'm so glad you had a good week back, even if it was a little stressful. Sounds like you have a good idea of what you need to do for when you go back after spring break. Good luck with Z's 2 month appointment. M had 3 shots and an oral vaccine at her 2 month.

Ali - Sounds like the crib thing is getting a little better. That's great. I also love video games. WI haven't been playing in the last couple months except for games that I don't have to worry about saving, so basically easy things. What game are you waiting for? I'm a little sad because I was playing Final Fantasy 15 before M was born and I don't really have an opportunity to play right now.

Chemicals on the game cartridges? Wow. Crazy, all the things they come up with now!
Angel - you're not doing anything wrong, and I think you're overthinking it. There is no "right" way to put a baby to sleep. Whatever way is most comfortable for you and baby is the best way. There are many, many babies who won't sleep anywhere but in their mummy's arms. There are other babies who love the crib or bassinet. Yes, there are ways to train them to like something different from what they are used to. But, if you are going against a baby's fundamental personality and desires, then it will be extremely difficult to 'train' them as opposed to a baby who is naturally more inclined to like sleeping by him/herself. In my opinion, going against what your baby naturally prefers is a recipe for unnecessary stress and frustration. In my opinion, if you just go with the flow, a baby WILL improve eventually. Having said that, my dd1 still doesn't STTN! But she most definitely doesn't need to be rocked or nursed to sleep or to sleep in my arms! They all improve naturally eventually with subtle changes - but the timeframe varies immensely! Most moms prefer the forced sleep training approach, so this is just my opinion!
As for the drowsy but awake, you can try any age but some babies will be more willing than others! You can try putting drowsy but awake and then patting to sleep?

Can you not play video games while M sleeps in your arms? I found I could read, watch tv, and go on my phone as much as I wanted when I had a baby sleeping in my arms. Now that I have a toddler that is not quite the case haha.

Ali - weird about the chemical! I hope your ds drops his nap soon if you want him to. I am glad dd at least waited until a few weeks after having V to drop it. I needed to nap during my pregnancy so much and would have died without it! I find I need a nap less now that I have a baby. It is still sad not having that break, but makes it easier to do things in the afternoon and nice to have an earlier bedtime.

Ally - I am glad you are feeling a lot better. I hope that last lump goes away. That does sound like a lot of visitors. I hope you're enjoying that. I find it exhausting haha.
Angel - I pretty much agree with everything LL wrote re getting babies to sleep. Some are natural better sleepers than others and unless you go down a forceful sleep training route (CIO/CC) then it's just a waiting game. My Daughter still cannot self settle now without one of us next to her & she is still bedsharing with me and she is 4 and a half years old!! She was hard work as a baby as well and only started sleeping through at 11 months! Jamie on the other hand will sleep pretty much anywhere and can take himself to sleep on his own, which is pretty amazing and I am still pinching myself now as I am just not used to this. We haven't parented either of them differently, Anabella just needed and still needs more help. Jamie of course could change, but right now he can do it. If you haven't already got one, I would buy a sling to wear at home so you can pop Melody in it and then at least you will be hands free. Go with it and she'll get there in her own time.

AliJo - Good luck with the house viewing next week. It doesn't seem you are overly keen on them, but I guess you never know until you actually view one.
That's great for getting T to sleep on his own :happydance:

Ally - I am so pleased you are feeling better with the mastitis, thank goodness for that! How long did you have it for in the end? Do you think you will stick with breastfeeding?
I am pleased you had a good time with your in laws :)

LL - I am pleased DD1 went to sleep earlier for you and I am sure her naps have a lot to do with that. Naps are the devil in our house, if Anabella sleeps even for 5 minutes in the day, her bedtime is shot to pieces. I spent all day trying to keep her awake (not so hard these days to be fair) and then what seems like forever getting her to go to sleep at night!
I am glad the movie time went well considering, but I don't blame you for not being too keen to go back anytime soon!
I am pleased you are feeling better since you managed to get out. Being stuck at home for a long time can certainly dampen your mood :hugs:

Newbie - your morning routine will definitely shorten as you get used to it and find a structure that works. Yay for spring break!

slammer - I hope your night last night wasn't too bad in the end and that you managed to get some sleep in bed again.

froggy - good to hear from you! I am glad breastfeeding is going so well. The first few days are hard but I am glad you got through it oK. Sounds like Gage is sleeping some good stretches at night too :)

vrogers - sorry you are cramping. Hope it's just a one off seeing as it's your first period pp :hugs:

Apple - glad the hungry baby formula is working well and you're in a good routine of formula at night and bf during day. I take it he has no problems going from breast to bottle?

AFM - I am probably saying this too prematurely, but Jamie seems to have fallen into a bit of a routine. He is tending to sleep soundly and for long stretches in the evenings. Tonight he was asleep just after 7 and he is still going now. He then tends to have milk every 2/3 hours throughout the evening, then he wakes for a feed around 1.20am between 3.30am and 4am and then again between 6.30 and 7.30am. If he could drop either the of those middle of the night feeds, I'd be very happy! He then tends to sleep very well until mid morning which is great for me as I can get some sleep in then too. He is a lot more alert during the day, so I am pretty sure he has got his days and nights the right way around now!
Newbie - I hope Z does well with his shots tomorrow!

AliJo - I hope you enjoy your game and find time to play it. That's funny that you tasted it! I'm not a gamer at all.

I hope just the right house comes along soon. I wouldn't like to buy a house on a busy road either.

Literati - I'd feel bad about someone else having to hold my baby too, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. It’s great your friend helped. When I went to the babywearing meeting one of the organizing moms offered to hold Jack while I tried a carrier with a doll they had and though I gave him to her I didn't make it more than a minute without taking him back because he was fussing. I also have to admit I am really not a baby/kid person in general and have zero interest in handling someone else’s kid. Kids I'm related to are OK, but others? No thanks. I feel like it makes me kind of a bad person!

That transition to no nap is hard, but so worth it in the end once they get used to it and have a more normal earlier bed time. I call it a success that she fell asleep with Violet crying while you paced! Kids are crazy. I could never fall asleep with that racket, but it doesn't seem to phase them. Maybe with time you can work on exiting the room...like pace outside her door, then move further away, then close the door. Though DD was doing so good going to bed all by herself before the birth, she mostly wants company to fall asleep.now, and DH stays with her when he's home. But we've talked about it, and she knows that I can't stay when it's just me at home. I either offer to keep her door open so she knows I'm nearby, or I give her my own stuffed animal to sleep with (I still have one from childhood, lol).

Ally - yes, she woke sometimes every 45 minutes. It was so horrible. I did try some sleep training, but it did nothing, so gave that up.

Glad you had such a nice visit and have more plans. I wish people would come see me.

Angel - you are not doing anything wrong. Babies are not predictable and there is rarely a rhyme or reason to something working once and not another time. It's extremely maddening though. I agree with Lit and Pompey. Some babies are easy sleepers and some are hard. Just like some adults fall asleep fast and sleep soundly while others take a while to drift off and wake multiple times. It's helpful to think whether any expectation you have of a baby would be reasonable if you were dealing with an adult. What you want and need changes every day. So too for a baby.

That “drowsy but awake” idea is horseshit as far as I'm concerned, lol. Great if you have a baby who naturally falls asleep easily - but then you don't even have to try. If you have one that needs help you will drive yourself completely bonkers trying to change them. The only regret I have from DD’s first year of life is the worrying I did over her sleep.

Pompey - so nice you have a routine going! It's still all over the place here. Jack is still rarely alert for long. I'm really for things to get more predictable.

AFM - I think nights are going to pretty much follow a pattern of some time.in bed followed by some time in the glider. He just gets so wiggly and gassy around 5 am but settles down when sleeping in the glider usually. Not exactly textbook safe cosleeping, but I feel comfortable with my setup.

Another fussy freaking day here. DH seemed down today and we messaged after he went to work and he's just bummed at the idea of Jack’s first year being like Ava's...spending way too much time trying to get him to sleep while he screams at him. I have to admit I'm not having much fun either. Though thank god he doesn't have long fits of crying, the general fussiness off and on all day is super annoying. Seriously, bouncing is the only thing that works. My neck/back are killing me from bouncing, feeding, holding, sleeping in weird positions. Sigh. Trying to remember that he's only a month old and still a newborn. Plenty of time for things to get better.

He did take a 2-hour nap in the mamaroo while DH and DD were out of the house. I laid on the couch and Facebook’d the whole time.
Pomp - That's great about Jaime having a routine! He seems like such an easy going baby. I need to track T better.
I don't think we'll fine "the one" this time around. We did and it was ripped from us. Soo.. we are just hoping to find something nice that gives us enough space and a little growing room.

Lite - I do and I don't. He gets super fussy without one but if he wasn't then sure. He had a short one today and now he's asleep shortly after 8. What are we going to do for our third pregnancy? I'll get no naps!

Angel - I want to play FFXV sometime. I was waiting on the new Zelda to come in. I'm a Zelda junkie. I like it so far. T didn't take a decent nap so a lot of broken playing time. I do the same with games I don't have to worry about saving. It's hard for me to put in a game with a good story if I can't play for a decent amount of time.

Boys were both asleep shortly after 8. Moved T to the crib successfully. We shall see how night 3 goes. I'm amazed I made it to night 3 of even trying.
Literati- I'm glad the movie went mostly well, it's good you were able to get out and I'm sure it helped having a friend with you. I'm sure it was exhausting!
Go you for doing bedtime with no help! Sounds like a successful night for the most part.

Newbie- you do have a busy week! I'm wanting to get some freezer meals together as well and start using the crock pot more.
I hope Z's shots aren't too bad!

Ali- it can be so exhausting to try to get babies to sleep! My worst middle of the night wake up was an hour and a half (from 3am-4:30) and I was DONE at the end of that.
What video game did you get? We played them a lot more before the baby of course, but I still play some! I play left 4 dead (both of them) and zoo tycoon on the Xbox and sims 4 on the computer (that one I haven't played since before baby)- I have weird taste in games after typing that out haha
I'm sure the house hunting is frustrating and you guys are ready to just find a good house and be done with it. I hope the perfect one comes along very soon!
I laughed at your video game story, that sounds like something I would do! At least now you know for sure :haha:

Ally- glad the mastitis is getting better! I'm glad you had a nice visit with the in laws and baby Isa had some extra people to love on him. Sorry for the restless nights though! I was telling dh the other day "at least teenagers sleep a lot" and then realized how far away that is and how sad it is to get so excited for something 13+ years away haha

Angel- I really like what literati said about this! I've been having the same issue, so you're not alone and I don't think you're doing anything "wrong", it seems like when it comes to babies for the most part it is whatever works for you and your baby. Sometimes we do the put baby down to sleep while drowsy and sometimes we have to hold her until she falls asleep and then put her down. It can be super frustrating because a lot of times I cannot get Lillian to nap for the life of me and she becomes overtired- she will be awake for hours and I get nothing done. I hope it gets better as she gets older, I'm really not sure!

Pompey- yay for nights and days not being mixed up anymore! I really can't wait until they don't need to eat so often and during the night but who knows when that will be haha

Slammer- honestly I'm of the mindset "whatever works" and I think the majority of the people that would disagree have never had to try to get a newborn to sleep. I'm not glad you guys are dealing with tons of fussiness, but I am glad I'm not alone! I just read last night crying peaks around 6-8 weeks and told dh "that explains it", on top of the gas and reflux. I'm just not a fan of the newborn stage!
Yay for the mamaroo!

Still working on trying to get my milk back, I wish I could be more consistent during the day when it's just me and L at home but I do try to at least hand express and put my nipple with the milk on it in her mouth (she hasn't wanted to latch the past couple times I've tried, although she was not calm when I tried). I do get quite a few big drops when I hand express which wasn't happening this time last week, but CANNOT get the pump to pull any. I was getting 2-3oz when my milk first came in so I'm not sure if it's just not enough or something else. I read relactation takes about equal the amount of time it has been since it stopped, so I do need to give it a few more weeks!
ali- that is great you got him to sleep on his own! good luck with house viewings.

thats so funny about the game!

angel-you are not doing anything wrong, isa is the same! one day he's great, the next he;s awful and i struggle with him. The same with nights. One night is good, and the next awful. There is no consistency with him!
i have never put isa down while drowsy, he would just cry i think! i agree with others- every baby is different, you should just do what you think is best or what you want to try!

pomp- about two weeks. I still have a lump, and still on antibiotics. Hopefully a few more days and im all clear. i have a check up on tues at the hospital. Sticking with bf'ing for now as it really helps when he empties my breast. I was planning to bf for 6 months, but im not sure just now. I want to introduce him to formula, but for now i am not fussed and happy to stick to BF'ing.
i am so jealous of jamie and his routine. i wish isa had one! you are lucky and i hope he carries on this way!

slammer - i can understand your dh feeling bummed! baby sleep is so hard, i can't believe how hard it can be to get babies to sleep, to settle to sleep in cribs etc. fingers crossed he wont be as hard as Ava.

vrogers0 i am sure it will get easier with the sleep once they are bigger and on solids. thats what everyone tells me! im not a fan of the newborn stage either! my mum, aunt all say the same. After the first few months things get easier and that these are the hardest months. So if we survive these we are doing pretty well i would say :)
good luck with getting your milk back!

afm- Isa woke 3 times, first time was easy, a little feed then straight back to sleep in the crib. The second one he was up from 3-4am roughly, gassy and hungry. Then again at 5.30 till about 6.30 he was moving a lot in crib so i moved him to bed and let him sleep next to me.
want to try and get out for a walk today, i think i've gained some weight- oops. too much snacking.
Angel - In regards to putting baby down drowsy. That literally never worked for O. Sure I'd lay him own drowsy then his eyes would shoot open and he'd look at me like I betrayed him. Then he was wide awake.

Vrogers - I generally will play any type of game as long as it's good. I won't touch sport games, though. There are so many games I want to play, but it's been forever since I last touched them. Like.. 4 years back when I started school. Other than Zelda the most recent games I've played are Guild Wars 2, Sims 4, and Recore. We have a lot of games because hubby can still find time to play them.. of course!

Sounds like you're doing a good job trying to relactate! It sounds so frustrating. I always kind of wondered how hard it would be. I never completely dried up after O was done BF so I always wondered.

Ally - They always seem to sleep so much more soundly next to you. T can be noisy and restless in the crib and I bring him to bed with me and he is still and quiet.

AFM - Last night went awesome! It was probably a fluke, but I can hope! He went to sleep shortly after 8. Woke up a little before 11 and I got him fed and changed and back to sleep a little after 11. I successfully put him in his crib. He kind of woke up shortly after and I just scooted up next to him snuggled him for a minute and he was back to sleep. He slept there until 3! I only brought him to bed then because I never got around to putting a sleeper on him and his little arms were cold since I couldn't keep them covered. I might have been able to keep him there all night if I would have!

He was also really tired, though. He only had 3 short naps during the day.
Ally- all the wake ups sound exhausting! I told dh when the baby wakes up from her nap and eats I would like us to go for a walk, I had gained 4 pounds at my 6 week appointment since the 2 week visit. Too much snacking and fast food here as well, I feel so gross!

Ali- I'm the same with sports games. I don't like sports IRL so I don't see myself liking the games. I'm a fan of sims 4 as well! The day we got home from the hospital they added that huge toddler update..of course when I'm unable to play much!
Yes it is frustrating and super time consuming, I'm just thankful I'm able to hand express a bit and hoping that's a good sign that my milk will keep coming back in!
Yay for a good night-fluke or not! I'm sure it was nice to get a little more sleep
Pompey - ah yes, even a 5 minute nap with my dd would throw off bedtime as well! So frustrating. Got her to bed at 9 last night, so things are definitely improving.
That's great Jamie has a bit of a routine. That is handy he sleeps well in the evenings. Violet has the majority of her awake time mid-morning until after lunch, and then from 8:00 pm to 10:30 or 11:00 pm. During that time she won't sleep for more than 5 or 10 minutes, and she's super fussy, so it makes getting dd1 ready for bed and just our evenings in general really stressful. She definitely knows that midnight to at least 8 am is nighttime, but it would be nice if she would settle a bit more in the evenings.
I was about to say V's sleep had improved some, but last night she was back to every 2 hours with long feeds and needing a diaper change each time. Argh! I hope Jamie drops one of his night feeds soon.

Ali - I have no idea how we will survive our next pregnancy with no naps! I think that thought scares me more than actually dealing with three kids (although that is going to be insane). Hopefully we are less fatigued next pregnancy? HA ha...Likely, hm?
Yay for a good night with T In the crib for the first stretch! Hopefully it wasn't a fluke.

VRogers - awww yay!! Did you ever play roller coaster tycoon when you were younger? That one was so fun! I also used to enjoy Sims but I haven't played in years and I have never tried Sims 4. I had Sims 3 though. My sister has a daughter who sleeps a lot more than mine does so she still plays Sims 4 frequently! Hehe.
You are such a trooper trying to get your milk back. Well done!

Slammer - haha! I totally have a stuffed animal from childhood still too. :) That's great that your dd is flexible enough that you can be out of the room when she falls asleep if your DH isn't home. I do think eventually we might be able to have dd fall asleep without us in the room. It's progress, anyway. But I'm in no huge hurry.

I am quite sorry your DH is feeling down about having to spend so much time in the first year putting Jack to sleep. I quite understand! It is so draining wasting so much time getting a baby to sleep.
Hopefully Jack will improve earlier than your dd did?
That's great the mamaroo worked for one good nap. Maybe it will work again! I managed to put Vi down in her bassinet once she was in deep sleep this afternoon, and I felt like a free woman! I have had to hold her all day every day this week and as much as I love holding a sleeping baby, it does get tiring after a while! I appreciated being able to move around as I pleased.

Ally - I hope you managed to get out for a nap. I never ended up leaving the house all day.
Vrogers - I actually didn't sleep well. I couldn't fall asleep, but got a couple of hours before he woke up at 3. I was still sharing the bed of course. O decided he wanted to be pressed up against me all night.

Yeah I was excited for that update! They're slowly fixing everything that was wrong with it at release. It was a mess at first. I played a little, but definitely don't have time. The toddlers don't have much so I expect more DLC for them. The game is so expensive. I use my SIL's account to play haha.. I bought at least one expansion for it and always plan on getting more for her and she ends up buying before I do.

Lite - I'm REALLY hoping that O and T are like besties and do everything together and I don't have to do much outside of making sure they're fed, clean, in bed, etc haha. Just fooling myself! I think I should really work on getting in shape before my next pregnancy. The more energy I have going into it the better, I would think. Ugh.. I don't think my weight is falling off very well. I just don't move much in this apartment!! There is no where to move. Everything is just a few steps away.
Ali - the weight isn't falling off me the way I would like it either! It was fast initially but now I am lucky if I lose one pound per week. At this rate it will take ages to lose it all! It is still too cold to go on many walks so I just can't be that active either. I do hope to join an exercise class in April but we will see if I actually do. I didn't have to watch what I ate last time but I might have to this time. :( Blah.
It probably would help to be active beforehand and then maybe you could exercise more during pregnancy which might give you more energy? Haha I am not optimistic though. I do hope your boys are besties and you don't have to do much. I am hoping that as well. I like how we are both so in denial of what it will actually be like. :p
I'm refusing to step on the scales until my clothes are fitting comfortably again. that might take a while! and I've been snacking a lot more than I should.

Z did really well at the doctor yesterday. And he hasn't had a fever yet, so that's good. He's up to almost 5kg, which I'm happy about but he's still underweight according to the WHO scale. He's only in the 26th percentile for weight, but 78th for length and a whopping 89th for head circumference! So he is long, skinny and had a huge head! Haha!

Heading to the embassy to collect his passport today. Very exciting!
Newbie - haha, that is funny about Z being so tall and skinny with a huge head! :haha: Violet also has quite a large head for her height and weight! Oh well haha.
That is a good idea not to step on the scale until then. I am SO looking forward to my pre-pregnancy pants finally fitting. My maternity pants are all very baggy and frumpy looking at this point (plus the fact that I am beyond sick of them from the pregnancy), but I just can't squeeze into my pre-preg jeans yet! The only way I can is if I try the "ponytail trick" to keep them closed, but even then they feel uncomfortably snug. I feel like I was in my pre-preg clothes already at this point last time. :( Having said that, at least my tummy is looking a bit smaller these days (still very soft and round) despite the numbers on the scale not changing much.
Yay for passport! I forget where you are going? Are you going on a holiday?

AFM - ugh, Rough night last night because V pooped about 9 times in the night! I am so sick of changing diapers! I had spicy food last night and I think it really bothered her! The foods I ate never appeared to affect dd1 so I don't really think about what I eat much, but with V I am starting to think she is much more sensitive to what I eat! She was also horribly gassy when I ate a creamy mushroom sauce for a couple days (not sure if it was the cream or the mushrooms that bothered her). Ugh.
I had a good day yesterday. I felt a bit cooped up as I never left the house, but DH was great about giving me breaks and trying to make life as easy as possible for me. It is so much easier to deal with dd1 when she has more than one adult to bug. :haha: She is seriously such a demanding child, but she really is a sweetheart as well. I hope we will all adjust soon.
Vrogers - while it's good to know better might be around the corner, the thought of fussiness getting worse for the next couple weeks isn't nice, lol! Newborns are so hard!

Sounds like you are making good progress with building up milk! I hope you get more going soon.

Ally - sounds like a rough night! I hope you had a better one last night.

Hehehe about the snacking! I'm not gaining, but I'm not losing either.

Literati - I think I'm seeing the same pattern in Jack - some awake time in the morning and then the late evening with fussiness and being in an out of sleep when he does manage to nod off.

Seriously baby sleep is such an exhausting issue. Since DH will be home with Jack when I go back to work he's dreading all the naptimes he’ll be facing. I bet putting Violet down for a nap felt great! I've put Jack down for three today and it’s been amazing!

Omg nine poops? That's rough! Jack isn't pooping much at night now. He usually does between 5-7 am. Last night he went all night without a change and it was awesome! I kept fearing he’d leak at some point despite being in a size 2 diaper, but it didn't leak.

Great DH was a big help yesterday!

AliJo - that would be awesome if the boys are best buds. I certainly hope they are. I dunno about DD and Jack given the age difference, but definitely hope they play together.

Newbie - that's great Z did well with his shots and hasn't had a fever. Exciting to get his passport too! We have to get Jack’s Irish and American passports and have to renew DD’s Irish one before we go for a visit in the summer.

AFM - we went to the mall yesterday to get out of the house. It was busy, so DD didn't want to play at the play area because of too many kids, but we still had a good time. Got some delicious lunch too. At least for us...DD just ate fries of course.

Jack was awake for two hours in the evening despite being close to dropping off several times and I was so ready for him to go to sleep! Finally he did and I tried to put him in the rocknplay and that only lasted 20 mins. Fed and bounced him and finally laid down together….and he slept FOUR HOURS. Omg. Too bad DD woke me in the middle of that at 1:15 and I had to get up to tuck her back in bed. But still...it was awesome. He slept another two hours after that and then we moved to the glider at 5:30 I think because he was too wiggly in bed. So a pretty good night!

I'm on my own most of the day. DH has to work 2:30 to close (so basically 12 hours). I've put Jack down in various places for four naps so far and it’s been amazing to have him out of my arms for periods of time.

I'm also still not losing any more weight. Still can't wear my rings. Sigh.
Soft and round describes my belly well - haha! While the number on the scale was acceptable last time I stepped on it, the weight has redistributed so makes me feel different and clothes not for well. Perhaps I will stay exercising at some point... Wow, when will I have time for that?

Slammer, so gotta that you had Jack out of your arms for a while. must have felt good!

Lit, I'm an expat, so it is really important to me that ds has my nationality and passport. We won't use it until summer I don't think, but I wanted him to have it. Dh can get his other passport at any time because it is quick and easy but dealing with the embassy take time. So weird that he'll have a passport for five years with a photo that was taken when he was just 10 days old!
Seriously, finding time to exercise is very hard especially as a working mom. I couldn't bring myself to take the time away from DD until she was 18 months old. I just felt compelled to spend all my non-working time with her to make up for being away. I'm going to try to get back to it earlier this time, but we'll see.
Ali- good job on the crib sleeping! Isa is sleeping there every night for at least a few hours. I call that a success so far!

vrogers-i feel gross too, really need to start walking and more exercise really.

lit- omg 9 poops! that is insane! Your dd sounds like hard work but i am sure she is a sweetie.

slammer- thatis great you got out the house, i always feel better once i am out. It feels good when baby sleeps somewhere that isn't in your arms isn't it?!

newbie- i am refusing to step on scales too, until i know my clothes fit better!

afm- isa has had 2 good nights, he woke a few times but just took a quick feed and went back to sleep. He's been more awake during the day too and we always manage to get him to sleep in the crib for a few hours which feels great. I like having the extra room in bed!
just about to pop over to a friends house for a few hours. Went on a v brief 15 min walk- it's a start!
Im feeling much better RE mastitis, i have a check up in hospital tomorrow- and i hope everything is ok now.
Lite - I'll probably need to watch what I eat as well. Like I have time for that! I think we have to be in denial to feel a little less crazy!
Glad you had a good day! That's too bad that V might be sensitive to what you eat. It would be hard to figure out what to avoid in some cases!

Slammer - I was finally able to get my ring back on comfortably. The scales aren't twitching, though. I agree on the exercise. I need to figure out something I can do at home that will actually be worth the effort. I wish I had room for a treadmill or something. Hopefully Jack starts to give you longer stretches regularly! T is hit and miss with them.

Newbie - Thats funny about Z's body proportions! T had a small head compared to his body last appointment. Lets see.. he was 77th percentile for length, 61 for weight, and 26 for head haha

Ally - So glad your mastitis is getting better. I bet that's a major relief. Glad Isa is sleeping well!

AFM - T slept with me all night the night after his awesome one. Then last night I almost didn't put him in the crib at all because he was restless. I decided to and he slept there for a few hours. I'm sure I will have good and bad nights with the crib.

He holds and controls his head so well. His head never wobbles anymore and it takes quite awhile for him to get tired from holding it up. Then he just rests his chin on his chest for a second. He's been baring weight on his legs as well. He's growing too quick!

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