January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - When do you finish your Phd and what is your plan from then?
Sorry Isa's reflux seems to have returned, what a pain! I hope the cranial osteopathy helps him.

LL - Yay for watching some Netflix, what did you watch in the end? I've just finished watching Stranger Things on there which I thought was brilliant.
And thank goodness for a night with no poop :happydance:

slammer - Glad your neck is a little better.
My husband always falls asleep when he puts Anabella to bed. In fact I can hear him snoring now as he put her to bed tonight. I find myself on my own most evenings as he goes to bed early anyway as he is up for work early, yet because of my pumping schedule I don't tend to get into bed before 11.

vrogers - It is hard leaving a newborn with someone else other than you or your DH, you are certainly not alone there. All I can say is that it gets easier as they get older. I hope you have a nice time at the mexican restaurant for your husbands birthday, it is nice to have a change of scenery.

Ali - Any further thoughts on the houses?

AFM - I don't know how I've got through today to be honest. Jamie was awake at 11.30, 1, 3, 6 and 8 last night and I done every feed I couldn't go back to bed this morning either as I had to take Anabella to preschool and then we had health visitor at 11 and I had loads to do before she arrived.

Jamie was such a grizzle bum this morning, just unsettled and cranky and crying. I couldn't seem to calm him down I managed to get him in the swing for a bit which calmed him a little, but he wasnt happy at all bless him! However by the time the health visitor left just before midday he was calm and chilled. He certainly has been doing some growing over the last week as he has put on over a pound in a week! I thought as much as he has upped his milk intake and he just feels noticeably heavier and he is filling his 0-3 month clothes much better.

He has been sleeping pretty solidly since 4pm. We were out at the park for a chunk of the afternoon and he was awake for a lot of it so I am wondering if it wore him out! He is sleeping peacefully which is good , just hoping for a good night tonight.
Apologies in advance for missing anything and typos. I'm on my phone.

Pomp - That does sound really rough! The hasn't been sleeping today. Just a couple of short naps and he's definitely tired. DH is home with him while I'm doing laundry so I'm sure he's not enjoying it. He's sleeping really well at night, though.

DH wants to try to get one that we viewed. I'm iffy on it but I don't think the right one will come along any time soon and we can't keep waiting. It provides a lot of space overall, but I do miss out on a couple of things I wanted. I wanted a bigger kitchen which I can get over that one easily but I wanted 3 bedrooms on the same floor. There is one on a different level and two on another. For now it's fine but I don't think I'll like it much down the road when we have our third. Does have a huge fenced in yard, privacy fence even, and is on a quiet street. Is a few blocks away from the railroad but it's about the same where we are now.

Ally - I had those and the Avent natural ones. He liked the Avent Natural at first but then he would not take it later. Never liked Tommie Tippie.. I was able to get him to take the Playtex Drop-ins though. T takes the drop in as well but he's sloppy with them. I have a Mam laying around somewhere that I never tried. I guess some breastfed babies like those.

Lite - I hope V continues to go at least most nights without a BM! The rarely does anymore but when he does I dread it because there is a good chance he'll wake up fully.

Vrogers - I'm pretty sure I'll end up just settling with less for now. It's not going to be our forever home so I need to chill on having everything I want.

I definitely don't want to leave T with anyone other than DH right now. Even with O I'm very iffy about leaving him with some people. I always feel better when DH has my boys than if someone else has them.

Angel - They definitely can roll over that quick, sometimes sooner! I mastered back to front before front to back. He did it pretty early. I know it was earlier than the expected age.

Slammer - Glad you are feeling a little better. Walks kill me as well. I don't hurt as bad as when I was pregnant but it definitely isn't comfortable. That will be a great thing about getting a house, I'll have more room to move inside and can actually get something to workout with at home. Plus having a yard to play with the boys will be great. Also if I do go for this one the pool would be good for a little exercise. Laundry is also in the basement so I would have to use stairs often lol

Newbie - It would be fun to have, but I would definitely want to make it way safer. It isn't safe at all at the moment. I'll gate it and get a safety cover for sure. I may even get fencing that goes around the top of the pool. It's off a deck but the deck doesn't go all the way around.

AFM - DH wants the house. I'm iffy.. I think I'll end up just settling for it, though. I like it I just wish it had a couple more things on my wish list.

T hasn't been sleeping much today. I'm at the laundromat and DH has him. I'm sure he's losing his mind. He hasn't figured out how to get him to fall asleep easier. He generally wants me to fall asleep when he's really cranky. Hopefully theyou work something out together soon because I go back to work next week. Ugh. Just one day the first two weeks at least.

Not much else going on yet. Debating on putting T in size 3 diapers at night because he keeps soaking through.

Sorry again if I missed much. I'm sure I did.
All these husbands falling asleep putting the kids to bed! Too funny. I miss when I would just pass out with DD sometimes at night before getting pregnant.

Literati - I'm also curious what you were watching! I just finished the Ken Burns Civil War documentary series and have been watching episodes of Escape to the Country since.

Hooray for no poop! Boo to not being able to sleep afterward. :(

Ally - sorry to hear Isa has been more unsettled. Poor babe!

Pompey - poor Jamie being so fussy! Must be connected to a growth spurt indeed. Jack is outgrowing his three month things as well!

AliJo - I'm sure the bedrooms not all on one level will be a bit annoying, but you will surely enjoy the bigger space overall. And being in a good neighborhood is very important.

AFM - today was a good, chill day. Mostly watched TV and nursed. Took a little nap on the couch with Jack. We did go to Costco and wandered a bit. Jack seems to be enjoying being in a carrier while awake more these days. He was awake a while and then fell asleep. Played with DD in her sand table when she came home from daycare. We'll see how the evening and night go.
pomp- well i was supposed to finish this october, but i added 6 months on for maternity leave, so by next april really. I still have the option of adding another 6 months off but i really want to get it done. As for after, im not sure. if dh can find a better job with more pay i will take some time off, if not, i will look for some teaching work.
sounds like you had a rough night, but well done to jamie on his great gains! i hope you get a chance to catch up on some rest today.
that is funny about your dh falling asleep putting anabella to sleep.

ali- i got a free sample of a MAM one, i might try that with some expressed milk later to see how he takes it. It is quite exciting that you might be going for this house! could you delay it and spend more time looking for houses or do you need one now?

slammer- sounds like you are having a nice chill day. hope the evening and night went well.

afm- got my period today. its definitely my period. GAHH- i honestly thought i wouldn't have to deal with this. A few weeks ago i had a period too, that one had no cramps. this one does and feels almost like my pre pregnancy ones. Damn it.
I actually feel quite well rested,isa has been sleeping better at night. Some nights he wakes every 2 hours, other nights he might go 4 hours or so asleep. but either way he isn't fussy and has a quick feed then goes to sleep.
last night dh and i had a panic moment. I put isa in the crib and about 1am i felt dh move in bed towards me and i immediately panicked and shouted where is isa. I thought he was in bed between us, and we looked under the covers and in the bed, and then realised he was in the crib. Oh my god we both really freaked out. But he was peacefully asleep in the crib hahaha.

whats everyones plans for the weekend?
Thanks everyone for the reassurance about our sleep problems. A lot of friends/family kept telling me to just let her cry it out and I can’t/won’t do that. But I had a great chat with a friend of mine on Monday. She’s got 4 kids (20 and 17, and two “oopsies” while TTA – 2 years and 5 months!) and she’s had great success getting all 4 to sleep well and sleep through the night (6+ hours) by 3 months old (and only the first did it on her own the others needed some “help”). She gave me some pretty helpful advice. The most important being consistency and routine. So now I make sure to do the same thing before every nap and bedtime: swaddle, turn on the heater/fan and the shower white noise machine, bounce her on the yoga ball and sing the same lullaby. Melody falls asleep in under 5 minutes most of the time, 10 min sometimes but almost never longer. :woohoo: The hard part is getting her to stay asleep. I put her down in her bassinet and tuck an extra blanket around her because the swaddle sack we are using is too big width wise, but the size smaller is way too small length wise (tall skinny baby). Monday she wouldn’t say asleep more than 5 minutes once I put her down, by evening I got one 30 minute nap from her. Tuesday was 10 minutes and then in the afternoon I finally got a 30 and then later a 45 minute nap. The third day (yesterday) was the same 10 minute thing all morning, but I got three 45 minute naps in the afternoon/evening, AND at night time she slept 2-4 hours and after night time feeding went back in her bassinet and slept well!

I’m so excited! I don’t mind cosleeping but I prefer to have my bed back, especially as it’s just a queen and the foam mattress is soft enough that my weight makes a dip that causes her to roll up against me – so there’s no space and I am always hot! So morning nap time isn’t getting better as quickly as I’d hoped but afternoon and night are quickly getting better. :woohoo:

As for comments on exercise – DH and I renewed our membership at the Y this weekend. We haven’t actually GONE yet, but I’m hoping to start this weekend. I need to start doing some exercise, not just because I want to lose weight but because I miss the energy and strength that I had before pregnancy! I think we’re going to go Sunday and swim some laps.

Lastly – I received verbal confirmation that I will be allowed to extend my maternity leave for another month. We got some news that, in addition to my mother’s illness, my MIL was diagnosed with lung cancer last week. :nope: She was one of our back up sitters. HR emailed me the form this morning so I’ll fill it out and send it off and once my principal signs it then I’ll send to HR and then the superintendent has to sign and the board has to approve it. So much bureaucracy. But my union rep assures me that once the principal and superintendent have agreed the board part is formality. It’ll be a rough month, no pay and I’ll have to pay $1200 for my insurance that month instead of the normal $300, but without a sitter that’s the easiest option. My sister will take over full time baby-sitting May 1 and I’ll return then.

Lite – I’m so sorry you had a hard day. Sounds like you’re having a few of those. I can relate to the tired feeling in the morning. It takes a long time before I feel awake.

I’m in the same place – pregnancy clothes look too baggy but I can’t fit into my prepregnancy jeans. I’m in a lot of leggings lately. :haha:

OMG 9 poops in one night?! :wacko: And girl, enjoy the Netflix time! You deserve a few hours of chill time. Laundry can wait! :)

Ali – Ooh my DH is a Zelda junkie. He really wants the new Zelda game. How are you liking it so far?
Wow, T is so big compared to Melody! And I thought she was tall (dr says she’s in 95% for height). At her appointment she was 23 inches and 10lb 15oz. I can’t imagine 13lbs already!

The house sounds nice, but I agree pools can be risky. I’m assuming it’s above ground? Is it the kind that require a ladder to get in? My sister and BIL have one and when their daughter was younger they would take the ladder off the pool and put the whole thing INSIDE the pool. Since it was only 4.5 feet deep they could reach over the edge and grab the ladder and pull it out when they wanted to, but she couldn’t so there was no accidental climbing in. They of course also worke don teaching pool safety but my niece is really headstrong so they wanted extra precautions.

Slammer – Melody is doing much the same thing, not having a lot of diaper changes at night and then pooping sometime between 5-7am. DH changes her at 5am when he gets up to get ready for work and she’s usually just a little wet lately and then when we get up around 7am she’s poopy and really wet.

Ally – Sounds like the mastitis is really improving! I’m so glad! But that really sucks that you’ve got your period! Ugh.

Slammer – That’s good that you’re mostly healed but it does suck that you’ve still got some painful spots. I kind of laughed when my doctor asked if we’d had sex yet. I’m only just starting to think about it, and then I can’t figure out where we’d have the time! :haha: The daycare thing sounds like a good idea. More Interaction might be good for her!
Slammer- glad to hear it's not just me, everyone around me (dh and family really) have been acting like I'm crazy for not leaving her with someone yet. Also glad I'm not the only one who isn't a fan of the newborn stage, I follow several people on social media who have newborns and they all act like it's amazing ALL the time and I just roll my eyes and scroll past haha
You are definitely not the most out of shape, I'm right there with you! I wish I could find more time to work out but if I have free time, working out is like the last thing on my mind
Yay for a chill day, and especially for the nap! I love any chance I can get a nap in, it can make a huge difference. I hope the night was good as well!

Literati- you've made me feel better about both things! I hope you guys do get to go to the concert and do not blame you for getting both to watch baby!
I did like the first couple weeks when she slept most of the time haha! I'm sure I will miss this when I'm out of it, so I have at least been taking tons of pictures!
Thank you for asking, she is doing much better. No more inconsolable crying for hours in pain, she will get fussy and gassy but it seems more normal, and she definitely has more happy and content periods than before.
I say go for the Netflix night, chores can wait! I hope you were able to relax and enjoy it

Ally- glad I am not alone, but sorry to hear you are dealing with reflux too! Let me know how his appt goes, that sounds interesting. I hope it helps, reflux is miserable for everyone!
Ooh, im sorry for the period. Mine JUST ended, like I was still spotting yesterday which made this period 8-9 days when pre-baby they were 5 at most
I'm glad you feel rested and Isa does well at night, that's a huge plus.
I bet that was scary! There were two nights in a row our first or second week where I woke in the middle of the night panicking because I thought we squished the baby. She has never slept in our bed so I'm not really sure what was going on in my mind, sleep deprivation I guess? Both times I was hugging my pregnancy pillow (I still sleep with it hehe) so I guess that helped!
I don't think we have any plans this weekend, other than try to catch up on sleep, it's easier when dh is off work. What about you?

Pompey- you all have made me feel much better, I thought I was insane for not jumping at the chance to get away for a bit. I'm glad to hear from a couple of you that it does get easier.
You must have been exhausted, I hope today is better for both of you! I'm glad Jamie is growing and gaining well!

Ali- in that case I completely understand. I hope the home you guys choose works out well! Maybe the house he likes and you're iffy on will at least be good for short term?
I hope going back to work isn't too much of a difficult transition, I'm sure it will be nice to get out of the house (even though it is for work) for a little! We are in size 1, we moved out of nb when she had a blowout and they just started to seem too small. I was wondering how to know when to go up a size but I guess it's pretty obvious when they soak through and have constant blowouts!

Angel- I'm glad you were able to get some reassurance and advice from your friend who's been there a few times. We've been trying to do what you described, get a routine going. I know they are still pretty small and can be inconsistent but we wanted to at least get in the habit early. I hope it ends up working out with you guys, sleep is so important!

Getting to Lillian's 2 month appointment was a bust, they had a different time on our appt card, then the automated call said a diff time, and we were late anyways. We called and showed up and they rescheduled for Tuesday. Frustrating but nothing we can do now! I was hoping to have the weekend and have dh help if she was extra fussy from shots, so that's unfortunate.
Then we went to the bank to take care of an investment account from my grandparents (school money). I stayed in the car with the baby (car running don't worry!) while dh went in, and it took almost an hour and a half. I fed the baby and changed a poopy diaper and she napped for 10-15 min. Then we went through the drive thru and got coffee, and dh dropped baby and I at home so he can go back to work another couple hours. He said if he isn't home by 5:00 on the dot he will buy me steak for dinner. I'm hoping he shows up at 5:01 :haha:
Also, thought I would share Lillian's 2 month picture! Dh and I are obsessed with that little stuffed puppy, we have a redbone coonhound and a blue tick coonhound so of course we had to get it


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I was watching Jane the Virgin, and sadly I am now finished the season and have to wait probably close to a year for the next one! Sounds like I watch much less serious shows than some of you! :haha:

Pompey - sorry Jamie was up so much and was so fussy! That really sounds like a growth spurt! I realized maybe Violet was having one last week (maybe she had the 6 week spurt early) because she is suddenly back to closer to 3 hours between feeds (not always, but sometimes). Or maybe she just likes to mix things up constantly and confuse me! Haha, who knows.

Ali - that is super annoying T wakes up fully if you have to change his diaper in the night! Good thing he mostly doesn't need nighttime diaper changes anymore. V went another night without a BM, so I hope this sticks! I remember 6 weeks is also when dd1 stopped needing diaper changes at night. That would be amazing.
Sorry the house isn't quite perfect. That definitely doesn't sound ideal with the one bedroom on a different floor, but I am sure you could make it work. After all, there's always baby monitors, right?
I hope your DH finds an easy way to put T to sleep before you go back to work! Thankfully my DH has found his groove with putting V to sleep, although I definitely have an easier time than he does. If she ever gets overtired I usually get stressed and give her to DH (if he's home/available), so he had to learn very quickly how to calm her down!

Slammer - sounds like you had a pretty relaxing day (yesterday). That is good you got out of the house for a bit too. I have barely left the house all week, and I am definitely starting to feel a bit stir crazy now. The one time I took the girls out, dd1 was horribly behaved when it was time to leave and embarrassed me in public (by throwing a tantrum), so I didn't have the energy to go out again.

Angel - I am thrilled that things are going forward with your 'extended' maternity leave. Hopefully it won't be too stressful as you jump through these final hoops to have it finalized. Dumb that there is so much red tape involved. How wonderful that your sister can watch M full time! Does she have kids of her own? I am sorry you will take such a financial hit in your last month, but I am certain it will be worth it! You can make more money later, but you'll never get that time with M when she's so young back!
I am definitely living in leggings a lot these days! Glad I'm not the only one.
I am sorry to hear about your MIL's lung cancer. :( How awful!

VRogers - that's great that you're taking lots of pictures at least! I think I have taken even more of V than I did of dd1 when she was a baby, and I didn't think that was possible! Haha. I am going to need multiple external hard drives to store my zillions of baby pics!

I hope you get steak for supper!
What a lovely pic of Lillian! She is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

Happy weekend, everyone! DH is once again working late, and now he has a course to do after work hours every night that needs to be done by the end of March, so it is going to be a long month for me. I am hoping he will still have time to spend some quality time with us this weekend.
Vi is 6 weeks old today, and such a precious little angel! She has gotten easier lately as I have figured out how to get her to sleep and can spot the signs of her getting overtired better (although it still happens a lot because my dd1 constantly asks to use the potty right when I am putting V to sleep). She has been going to sleep for the night between 9:30-11 instead of sometimes as late as midnight, so that's been a huge help. She is giving us more and more smiles each day, which warm my heart! Oh, and she loves to cuddle when awake! She loves for me to hold her on my chest and pat her back while she nuzzles her little nose into my neck or shoulder. I love her so much!
Ally - so sorry you got your period back already! That's sucks. And that's too funny about waking and panicking about where Isa was. I had one or two times where I was dreaming that DD has gotten buried under the covers or moved to the bottom of the bed and was about to roll off and woke reaching for her.

Angel - hope the routine helps Melody sleep better. And awesome that you're getting that extra time off. Very sorry to hear about your MIL’s diagnosis!

I do actually kind of want to have sex, but don't actually want to try for a while yet, and am pretty confident it's not going to go well when we do.

Vrogers - I feel you on not wanting to work out. I mostly just relax any chance I get. Haven't done anything since that walk!

How annoying that Lillian’s appointment got all messed up! Hope you got your steak though! She's too cute!

Literati - never heard of that show! I finished all the Escape to the County episodes. Watching Secrets of Great British Castles now. :)

Ugh that sucks DD had a tantrum when you went out. I still haven't ventured out alone with the two kids, and only once so far with Jack on my own!

What does your husband do for his job? That sucks that he has to work late.so often!

Great that he has his methods for putting V to sleep!

I have only gotten a few half-hearted smiles still. It's really bumming me out. And I'm jealous of how V likes to cuddle. Jack basically wants nothing to do with just being relaxed and close while awake. Why do my kids have to be such hard work as babies? At least DD is pretty easy now. And still waiting on truly feeling in love with this baby, which makes me feel a little broken. :(

AFM - my BF is having a wedding dress fitting tomorrow and I'm going to take Jack and surprise her. I haven't been as involved in her wedding planning as I should/would like to, so I think this will make her feel good. She'll have no idea I'm coming. Just hope Jack isn't too bad in the car because it's nearly an hour drive.

Was impatient with DD today. Boo.
Hi ladies, just wanted to pop in while I have a min, apologies for any errors as on my phone. Haven't time at the min to read through everything but do keep trying !! Really don't want to stop coming on here but it's just been a struggle last few weeks. Ive had a lot on woth toddler and teenager is at an important time at school so had to spend lots of time on him too. He also has a girlfriend ! His first so had to make sure we have the birds and bees talk !! Which he laughed at as if I thought he didn't know already !!
Ollie doing ok, got him weighed the other day and he was 11.5 ! So doing well. He is a good baby only cries when bored or needs a bm. Really cute little smiles. Night are roughly every 3 HR wakes With a bm about 4 am ! He is formula in day now and breast at night. This still going ok.
My oh also falls asleep with him all the time! So can relate to u ladies with that one.

I'm starting to get fed up with not fitting in my clothes also so started slimming world with my mum on Monday and have been good all week so far so we will see what weigh in says on Monday !! I'll update lol x I did ok on it last time but ive got more to lose this time. We are wanting to get married next year so have a bit of an incentive :) might treat myself to a boob job as well as im def not feeding any more babies lol and the girls are looking pretty sorry for themselves haha..

Ali hope a get the house u are happy with, will be loverly once u are in your forever home :) and settled.. Hope DH manges to find a good way of getting Lo to sleep for u x

Lit/ happy weekend hon! :) sorry dh working again and the course ! Nigjtmare.. My oh has a course as well and had a big assighent to be in for end of March and end of April !! Bummer..

angrl , glad u got the extra time off and sorry for the family things u have going on x

Slammer glad u had a chilled day and glad u got out of the house , it's so nice to get a change of scenery. I got my ds a buggy board so have been out a few times on it lately with ollie in pram. Does make life so much easier.. X

Had a full day in the house on a washing and ironing marathon yesterday as it was getting to stage where teenager was putting on odd socks lol.. Everything was clean but just in organised piles in every room ! Feel better for having a sort.

Anyone got any good suggestions of box sets ect.. Just finished prison break .. Yes I am well behind everyone.. I just watched sometimes in nigjy between feeds when Couldnt sleep..

Sorry if I missed anyone need to get off as ollie stiring. Taking boys to play area today and meeting a work collegue with Her 2 kids so hope not too stressful !!

Have nice day ladies and will catch up with everyone else soon !!
Oh and has anyone any good suggestions for cradle cap ?? Bought stuff not great and stinks, im just massaging baby oil at the min and it's not too bad but wondered if anyone had any other ideas ? X
Hi there. I have to eat most of my words because:

1. DH tried to get V to sleep for probably 1.5 hours last night before he finally gave up and gave her to me and I got her to sleep in a few minutes. So much for him having a fast method! I think V is just starting to prefer only me since she is with me all day every day.

2. Violet is apparently going through a growth spurt AGAIN because she nursed every 1.5-2 hours last night and sounded like a ravenous beast as she fed!

3. She did NOT go all night without pooping! BOO. :(

Slammer - I'm sorry you have babies who are such hard work! My dd1 was extremely hard work (and still is) so I do understand having a hard baby, but I am sorry Jack is so difficult as well. My dd1 also wasn't one to snuggle in close when she was awake (until she was much older - now she is always glommed to me) so it is a pleasant surprise to me that Violet likes it sometimes!
I am sorry you aren't feeling totally in love with Jack just yet. That must be really tough. Do you think there is any chance you might be struggling with depression and that it could be affecting your bond? I only ask to make sure you are ok, but I don't mean at all that it's abnormal that you don't feel totally in love yet. I think that happens at a different time for everyone, depression or not. I just wanted to check in. :hugs: I am sure you will get there soon! I understand feeling down about it. It is a lot harder to feel super in love and bonded when they are extremely fussy/ never sleeping though too. I really hope he gets a bit easier for you soon.
My DH works for a bank advising small businesses. It is a very busy career! He only switched to it 2.5 years ago before dd1 was born, and it has been nice to be more financially stable (we were always broke before), but the long hours have put a huge strain on us.

Apple - Thanks for checking in. You can come on here when you can. No obligation to stay caught up with all our posts if you haven't posted in a few weeks. We are just hAppy to hear from you. It sounds like your life is crazy busy. That would be very hard work.
That is too bad your SO also has a course to work on and has some tight deadlines. You are doing amazing handling it mostly on your own!
That's exciting you're getting married soon! Don't blame you for wanting to lose the weight asap! It really is a bummer not fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes. I really feel impatient about fitting into my jeans soon.

No advice on cradle cap!! Neither of my girls have had that fortunately! V did have a huge breakout of pimples at about 4 weeks which made her look like a teenage girl! :haha: But now it has completely cleared up.
Vrogers/ gorgous pic ️xx

Newbie/ thanks hope ur doing ok, :)

Sorry if not mentioned everyone in previous messages just catching up..

Suppose to be having a chill night tonight with oh, got kids in beds early quite easily as tired them out in play area today :) but oh ended up doing assignment now :( !! So im just sat with ollie watching The voice !!

Ollie has 8 week check next week and im going to Dr for contraceptive, oh having the snip ! But I said Id go on pill for a bit first.. We don't want any more children, but it still feels a bit final him having it done .. Am I being silly thinking like this ladies ? I'm wondering if it's because I havnt got a little girl .. Love my boys of course n little ollie is beautiful and they all bring us so much joy but must admit feels a bit final knowing I'll not have a daughter :( x

Sorry for little vent only really thought about it last few days x
Apple - good to hear from you, it must be very busy with three! Congrats on getting married, what is the date? Good luck with slimming world. I am tempted to start at some point, but I need to be in the right frame of mind.
In terms of boxsets, I recommend loads... 24, The Tunnel, The Fall, Lost, Stranger Things, The Missing, Happy Valley. I like drama type series the best and I loved Prison Break!
I can imagine how you're feeling with your husband getting the snip as it is pretty final. It makes sense if you're sure you don't want another though. I have tried to convince my husband to get it done, but he is having none of it!

LL - Oh dear, can't believe V is going through another growth spurt! And boo for having poops overnight, how frustrating! I am glad she enjoys having cuddles though and likes being close to you.
Oh wow , sounds like your DH really will be working a lot this month. I hope he has some time on the weekends otherwise it'll be super tough. My husband works long hours too and it is hard I must admit.

slammer - Sorry you're still not fully bonded with Jack :hugs: I am sure it is normal and will come in time but if you're getting concerned it may be worth chatting with your Dr? It must be tough having another challenging baby after going through it with your Daughter but at least you know the other side and they do get so much easier as they get older.
I am sure your best friend will be absolutely made up to see you and Jack tomorrow :cloud9:

vrogers - that's a shame you missed L's appointment as like you say you would have had DH's support over the weekend if she was fussy. Hopefully all will be well next week.

Angel - I am glad Melody has slept a bit better in her crib and you've got your bed back! And I am pleased you have officially sorted your return to work date.

Ally - I cant believe you have you period already :growlmad: How frustrating is that especially as you are breastfeeding. I am pleased Isa has had some longer sleep times and you feel more rested. I hope that has continued since your post?

AFM - Jamie is back being pretty chilled and placid and not eating like a beast so I think I can safely say he was going through his 6 week growth spurt earlier this week. He also put on over a pound in a week and just feels and looks heavier. He is now 11lb 10oz, but that was Thursday so he is much like even heavier now! He rarely goes more than 3 hours without a feed day or night and it is pretty hard work. I think the lack of sleep is catching up on me as I feel very tired tonight and run down with a sore throat, uncomfortable eye and generally quite irritable. My husband is doing all the night feeds tonight so I only have to wake to express, hoping I feel better in the morning.

Jamie has only smiled a couple of times and I am starting to worry about his development, even though he is not 7 weeks until Monday. Not sure whether I should worry or not?
Apple- sounds like you're very busy! Right there with you on not fitting clothes and being annoyed by it.

No real advice on cradle cap. I used jojoba oil with DD a bit, but mostly just picked it off!

Literati - sorry about the frequent wakings and night poops again!

No, I don't feel depressed at all. Things have gotten a lot easier actually or I'm better at handling the times I'm on my own with the two. I know some babies are even harder than mine, but I'm just jealous of those who have babies that sleep so easily and are easily contented. He is growing on me, and I do feel like I’m getting to know him more, but I dunno...it's not like with DD. I'm not overcome with how much I love him, like I was with her.

AFM - my BF was very surprised and happy to see us at her dress fitting, so that was nice. Jack was not great, but not terrible in the car. Hoping he gets used to it soon.

Feeling annoyed at DD’s eating habits lately. All she wants is dairy - milk, smoothies, yogurt squeezies. Really at a loss for more things to feed her. She eats some other things but not enough variety. Hardly any vegetables. Bah! She used to like peas and I just made then for her after asking if she wanted them, and her seeming excited for them, and then she refused to eat them. Grrrr.
Sorry missed your post pompey...glad Jamie is chilled out again and happy to hear of his weight gain. Sounds like a very good idea to have DH take over feedings for a night. I hope you get some good rest! Jack hasn't smiled much yet either...some for DH but only a couple for me. I don't think you should worry yet.

I don't feel depressed or anything, I just don't feel overcome with lovey feelings yet. I mean I enjoy holding him while he eats or sleeps, and feel relatively in-tune with him, just not gushy I guess.
Slammer - do you think it might have something to do with Jack not smiling very much yet? I know it helps a lot when they finally start giving you those smiles that melt your heart. Otherwise it sort of just feels like there is no give and take. You just give, give, give and they never even show any appreciation! I find the smiles help with the 'gushy' feeling. And also I think with him not being your first, it is probably normal to not have as many gushy moments. I probably have had less than with dd1.

V is definitely not EASY to put to sleep but at least not insanely hard unless she gets super overtired. I still feel jealous of babies who fall asleep super easily as well. I pretty much roll my eyes when people talk about their babies who fall asleep playing. Like- really? I can't imagine one of my babies doing that!

I am glad your BF was surprised and happy to see you! I am also glad Jack wasn't too bad for the drive. It is so stressful when they cry the whole drive and you can't do anything about it!

Sorry about your DD's diet. We have been horrible about having veggies in our diet lately.

Pompey - I am sorry your hubby works long hours as well. It is definitely not easy.
I am glad Jamie seems to be over his growth spurt. Sounds like he's doing great with his weight gain. I wouldn't be concerned about him not smiling quite yet. I would give it a couple more weeks for sure!

Apple - I don't blame you for not wanting to do anything permanent just yet. When I feel I am for sure done with kids, I will still wait at least a couple years before I do anything permanent! It is just not a bad idea to wait, especially if you are having slight doubts. I can see not feeling as finished because you don't have a girl yet.
Literati - Some solid smiles sure would help! Many times when I try to get him to just look at me he insists on looking away!

Haha...I know what you mean about kids that fall asleep playing or whatever. That has never ever been a thing that happens in my house!

Apple - my DH is getting snipped this month. I am totally done having kids, but I'm sure I would feel sad like you of I hadn't gotten a girl.
Literati- I love Jane the virgin! I watched regularly until having the baby and then went back and saw there were 3-4 new episodes and a main character had died (you sound like you're caught up, just don't want to ruin it!) and haven't seen anything since. Is the season over, I haven't been able to keep up?
I need a way other than our computer to store my pictures too! And thankfully I did get steak :haha:
Thank you! I thought if anyone, you ladies would appreciate a baby picture!
Happy 6 weeks (and 1 day) to V!
Oh man, we cannot get Lillian to go to bed for the night before at least 11:30-12. She sleeps really well through the night (usually doesn't wake until 6-7) because she kind of cluster feeds in the evening, but I am really looking forward to 7-8pm bedtime..I guess that will come when she's older?
Aw, she sounds like a cuddly little thing, I bet you enjoy that! The smiles are my absolute favorite!

Slammer- I feel like most people wouldn't blame us for not wanting to work out so much haha. Thank you, and the steak was delicious!
How sweet of you to plan to surprise your BF! I hope you guys have a blast, it's so fun when friends are getting married! Not quite as stressful as planning your own wedding.
Like literati mentioned, it's gotten better for me the more Lillian smiles. I have only JUST started feeling more bonded to her in the past week or so since she's been smiling and cooing a lot more. I was a little worried at first and did a lot of googling and found lots of similar stories, some people didn't feel more love until 3-4 months when they get out of the newborn stage.

Apple- thank you for the compliment on the pic! good to hear from you! I'm sure the birds and bees talk was fun haha. Have you been able to meet his gf yet? Glad to hear little Ollie is doing well, growing and happy! Good for you for trying to better yourself, don't be too hard on yourself though, you just had a baby and it takes time. That's what I keep telling myself anyway!
I'm not sure what type of shows you like but I really like Gilmore Girls! I also really like Parenthood. Both of those are on Netflix (not sure if you have). For a newer show I really like This Is Us, I watch it on Hulu. I haven't watched prison break!

Pompey- I hope you aren't getting sick and feel better soon, also hope you can get some good rest tonight!
I don't think you should worry, from what I have been reading there is such a wide range of normal for babies and development. Apparently they first socially smile between 6-12 weeks, so you have a little bit! I completely understand being concerned though, I get the same way.

This is random, but one of my favorite things Lillian does is before she sneezes (which is quite frequently) she will do this cute little "AHHH" baby scream, like she's gearing up to sneeze. Dh does something similar so I like to think she gets it from him. It's so cute and makes us both crack up every time, I always tell her she's dramatic.

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