January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - glad Isa has had a couple good nights and you get some time on your own in bed. Really hope everything is clears with the mastitis at your appt.

AliJo - I did a strength and intervals program last time called Fit Yummy Mummy (possibly the worst name ever) but the woman who created it isn't making new workouts anymore. Not sure if her old programs are still for sale, but if so I do recommend them. Quick workouts that can be done at home and definitely give results.

Awesome that T is holding his head so well. Jack is gaining strength for sure, but still anxiously awaiting the time when I can just hold him in one arm and not have to worry about his head.
Slammer - I'm excited to be able to sit him in a supported seat. He's not quite there. I expect he will be able to at around 3 months. He enjoys sitting up straight so much more than laying back. O was ready for one around 3 months as well so I'm hoping.

I'll look into them. I think Amazon Prime has some prime eligible workout videos. I guess I can look into them. As long as T is content or asleep I can do them. O will get in the way some, but I know him. He'll be SUPER excited that I'm doing something and "join" then when I sit down or stop he'll be mad at me. He hates it when I stop cleaning.. he thinks it's the greatest thing.
Slammer - that's interesting that Jack has a similar pattern to his awake time! It is frustrating how fitful and light their sleep is in the late evenings!? That is when we are tired from the day and could use the time to veg! Oh well - I am sure they will improve. I do admit I LOVE her good afternoon naps! That's great you were able o put Jack down for so many naps yesterday! What a treat!
That would be stressful for your DH with that looking overhead. I hope he can find a relatively easy way to put him down for naps eventually. When do you go back to work? Are you dreading it or looking forward to it?
That's great Jack went a whole night without needing a diaper change! I am quite eagerly awaiting that day! Haha. I am guessing with Miss Poopaholic over here it will be quite a while! She was much better last night though but she had a long wake-up where she kept screeching while pooping and passing gas. Seemed like it was quite painful for her. Poor girl.

Newbie - that really is so weird that the passports last so long with a baby picture! Hopefully they won't question that it's the same kid! Haha. My dd1 also has a baby pic for her passport, but at least she was 8 or 9 months at the time so it resembles her SLIGHTLY more (still not much though).

Ally - so glad Isa has had a couple good nights, your mastitis is feeling better, and you were able to get out for a short walk! Woohoo!

Ali - yes, I agree a bit of denial is necessary for us! All parents who want more than 2 kids must have to live with a bit of denial until they are done! Haha.

Excellent job on T holding his head up so well! 2 months is when my dd1 could completely support her head at all times as well. I am guessing V will be similar as she was born with great neck strength. The nurses all commented as soon as she was born! However, she doesn't get nearly as much tummy time and she is quite lazy when she does, so I think she'll be later on milestones like rolling and crawling...but you never know!

Newbie/Slammer/Ali etc Re: exercise - it is sooo hard to find time to exercise with a baby (or kids in general)! The best thing I did with dd1 was join an exercise class once a week in the evenings when dd1 was a baby. It was hard for her to go an hour without me, but gave me such a huge break, got me in shape, and helped DH get more comfortable taking care of her by himself. I am ashamed to admit I actually haven't exercised since! Besides walking, of course.

This time the timing of V's birth didn't work with the class I took last time but I hope to join a Mom & baby and tot fitness class once a week in the mornings, but no idea if I'll be able to drag myself out the door that early! The nice thing is you have your baby with you the whole time, and your toddler goes to the little nursery there and plays with the other toddlers.

AFM - I had a little cry last night about how dd1's life has been turned upside down since having V. I looked at a picture of her the first time she met V and she looked SO happy but so naive and innocent to what sacrifices she would have to make to come. Poor sweet girl! I am determined to be more patient with her and give her more attention from now on. So far so good, but we have only been awake a few hours! :haha: I really am in a much better mood though and feel like I can cope with life a bit better.
AliJo - that's hilarious that O loves you cleaning. Maybe old get more cleaning done if DD was that into it. ;)

Literati - I'll go back after 12 weeks, so I think the last week of April.

I don't even know how I feel about going back to work. It will be different from when I went back with DD because it's a different job and I will still be able to work from home at least two days a week, so that's less stressful. Not looking forward to having to get up early and having to pump. But I think I might be happier for time away/a break than I was with just DD at home.

Poopaholic, lol! Poor V with the painful pooping and gas! I had a long wake up last night too...awake from most of 4-6 because Jack didn't want to settle in the bed, then had to bounce him, then tried to settle down in the glider but he would wake every time I tried to get comfortable with a blanket. Sigh.

I understand the feelings about DD1’s life being turned upside down. I teared up for DD the other day when she was trying to entertain Jack on the playmat by jingling a toy over him and DH kind of shouted at her because she was nearly hitting him with it. She got upset and came to me crying. She was just trying to be a good big sister, the poor dear.

AFM - feeling blah today. Ready for DH’s work week to be done. He's on tonight but should be home between 9-10.

6-week checkup tomorrow.
Literati- I did play roller coaster tycoon, I completely forgot about that game! I went through a phase where I went back and played sims 3 more often because it has so much more than 4, but 4 looks and runs nicer. I definitely wish I was able to play more, it's a good stress reliever!
I'm glad you seem to be doing better! Im sure there are some days better than others and right now is hard and everyone is still transitioning, but I bet soon enough you won't remember how it was before and they will be able to interact/play more together!

Ali- i thought the little toddler potty and high chair were cute, but you are right that they will probably have some kind of DLC at some point! I was impressed that they made the toddler update free and seem like they are really trying to fix things!

Slammer- I'm sorry you are feeling blah today, that describes today for me as well! Good luck at your appointment tomorrow, hope everything is healing nice and fast!

We've had a rough couple days. Thursday-Saturday was great, Lillian napped well and wasn't super fussy. Sunday and today have been so bad! She has only napped maybe 30 min since 10am this morning, she's just been fussy and restless and we can't figure out why. She is in a leap right now, so hopefully it's that and she goes back to napping soon! We both need her naps, feels like I'm going crazy
Vrogers - T has days like that where he doesn't nap much. Then he has days where he sleeps a lot more. I kind of like it when he doesn't nap as much (as long as he's not super fussy) because then he sleeps better at night. He doesn't like to be put down when he's awake so that makes it the most frustrating.

Slammer - He turns into a crazy human when I'm cleaning. He kind of helps now. Kind of. If I grab the vacuum he knows things need to be off the floor. So he'll grab his toys or whatever and find a place to put them up off the ground. Of course they don't end up where they belong, but he gets the idea lol

I'm always ready for DH to be done with his work week. Although, it seems like the first day he's off I crash. I'm overly tired and I'm cranky. I think it's just that I know I can relax and instead my body is all "Hey! Here's all this crap you've been holding in so time to make you release it!"

Lite - I've had those moments! I wanted to get a cute picture of when O met T for the first time, but he didn't even care that there was a baby. Didn't care if I was holding the baby. Heck he didn't even run over and greet me lol.. He was super excited to be in a new place and wanted to check everything out. :dohh: He didn't show interest until we got home. Guess he finally realized we get to keep him lol

I've been a lot better with O the last couple of weeks. I think it just takes a little to adjust. Helps a ton that T isn't fussy like he was.

AFM - T's 2 month appointment is tomorrow. Poor little guy is going to get shots. I'm actually not eager for them to give him the vaccine that comes oral just because he can't handle big drops of stuff. Guess the nurse will witness first hand his airway issue. Which has gotten A LOT better than when it first was an issue. He still does it, but I can definitely say it's way better now.

Then we're going to look at 4 houses. I don't think any of them will jump out at me, but we'll see.
Vrogers - sounds like a rough day for poor Lillian! Hope she has a better one today. Everyone talks about these leaps and I'm still not in the know with the app or book!

AliJo - good luck with T's appointment/shots and have fun looking at houses. I hope the kids are good for all that running about.

AFM - DD decided to pee in her bed while I was making her hot milk last night. Fun times. Thankfully she has two mattresses - her daybed and the trundle so I could just put her on the trundle and not have to worry about her sheets right away.

I was expecting a fussy evening with Jack but he basically dozed on the boob all evening. I was able to watch TV and text with my sisters. DH actually didn't get home until nearly midnight and I couldn't stay up that late. Jack woke every two hours, blah.

Appt at noon today and DH and I might have a Costco "date" lol. Get lunch for cheap and wander the aisles. :)
Slammer - sorry you had a blah day yesterday. When is your DH's work week over? I am already eager for the weekend haha. I was in quite a good and patient mood yesterday and we had a really nice day. But today I am really cranky again and just want some space. It definitely coincided with a much worse night's sleep and dd1 waking up way earlier than usual, so I am sure a lot of it is just flat out sleep deprivation making me such a grump! I just wish dd1 would leave me alone until I finish my cup of coffee in the morning! Haha.

I am so glad you didn't have much of a fussy evening with Jack! Vi has been less fussy the last two nights and I have been able to watch tv as well! It has been amazing! She is still awake for the majority of the evening and then needs quite a bit of help going to sleep just to wake up 10 -20 minutes later, but it is so much less stressful when they're not screaming their head off at the same time! Woohoo! Of course, Vi annoyingly wouldn't go to sleep for the night until midnight and I have no idea why! It had consistently been 10:30 for a few days so I thought those late nights were 'fixed.' I have no idea what affects her to keep her up later. If I could figure it out I would change things so she would go to sleep earlier. Ahh, idk. I will figure it out someday.

Sorry your dd peed in her bed!! Do you at least have a waterproof mattress or cover? I hope you and DH get a Costco date! Hehe.

VRogers - sorry you had a blah day as well. That is unfortunate that L has been napping so little suddenly. I know a lot of babies go through a period of super short cat naps at around 2 months old. I remember hating it with dd1! It does get better eventually but I think it lasted about a month for us. I hope for you it is only a couple bad days. It would definitely make sense if she is going through a leap right now. I hope you don't lose your sanity in the process!

Ali - that's too bad you didn't get to capture O meeting T for the first time. Sometimes they just done react the way you think they will! I stupidly didn't even get a family pic in he hospital, or even a pic of me, DH and Violet! I felt so stupid after for forgetting that.

I am glad things have been better with O and T is less fussy. I hope the vaccines go well. I hope house hunting goes well.

AFM - after over a week of no
Naps, dd1 got up way too early today and now I will have to give her a nap and throw her whole new schedule off. So annoying! There is no way she would make it to bedtime with so little sleep though. I am quite cranky and impatient again today, and I also can no longer visit my sister because dd1 will be napping during that time now. She is also sick with another cold and is so snotty and gross. I can't wait until Violet gets this one too. :( Grr.
ali- i know Isa has great head control now too. Agree with good and bad nights with crib- thats how it is for me. A good night, followed by a restless bad one. I guess as long as we persist it'll pay off. I mean when he was first born he never slept in the crib and now he sleeps there for hours every night and i try to put him in the crib during the day for naps (but he never lasts long).

lit- i can totally understand why you had a little cry. A new baby changes everyones lives in so many ways. that is interesting about the period of super short naps- do you have any idea why? i am feeling cranky and moody today too and everything is annoying me.

slammer- i go back start of june to work. im looking forward to it, but anxious that ill be away from Isa. He'll be with my parents though and i can pretty much pick and choose when i want to work.
how was 6 week appt?

vrogers- i am actually relieved what you said about melody's naps as isa is the same on some days and will hardly sleep and won't nap/ Today he was awake for 4/5 hours straight with really short naps in between that he kept waking from.I felt like i was going mad! i dont know why he does that, but now he has settled with a dummy in his mouth- he must be so tired. Hoping for a long stretch of sleep.

afm- had appt at hospital re mastitis. She said it is still a little lumpy but they think it will resolve on its own so i can just leave it be. I mean the lump is tiny now in comparison to what it was. I will have another check next week to see, so fingers crossed it will just go on its own now. i feel absolutely fine, no pain or anything and i can BF as normal for now.

feeling quite tired and cranky, today i had a whole list of things i wanted to do and couldn't do any because Isa didn't nap and if i put him down he just cried.

I was wondering, i intend on bf'ing for 6 months- until i go back to work basically. Did any of you with more than one baby have to transition from boob to bottle and how was it? i sometimes give him expressed milk in a bottle and i find he is so fussy with it and doesn't take it sometimes. i worry he won't take the bottle
Ally - I am glad the mastitis has more or less gone now and you are breastfeeding normally again. As for getting Isa on the bottle, I have no real advice seeing as I am feeding Jamie expressed milk full time, but all I will say is that 4 months is still a long way away and so much can change. I'd just keep offering and I am sure he will take it eventually. It's great your employers are so flexible with your working hours, what do you do?

LL - I didnt even know babies could poop 9 times overnight, that is a crazy amount! You must have been pulling your hair out! I am lucky in that I can't even remember the last time Jamie pooped at night, a good few weeks I think.
Your post about your DD1 really resonated with me and made me feel emotional. I too have a photo of the moment Anabella met Jamie for the first time and her face is just of pure happiness not knowing just how much her life would be turned upside down. I get it I really do. I am sure in the long run, giving them a sibling is the best thing ever even though at times it s hard. Anabella adores Jamie so much, she just gets a bit full on sometimes!
Sorry her schedule has been thrown off with the early wake up time. I hope it's a one off.

Ali - I hope T's shots go OK tomorrow, it is horrible to see them go through it :hugs: I also hope the house viewing goes OK and there is something you fall in love with.

vrogers - sorry you've had a rough couple of days. I think it is pretty common to have some nice settled days followed by more difficult ones. I need to check out the wonder weeks app, I keep meaning too! Does it tend to tally up with Lillian's settled and rough times?

slammer - I am glad you had a better night last night and managed to actually relax a little, hopefully this is a sign of things to come :) It sucks he woke every 2 hours, but is there a 6 week growth spurt? Jamie has been feeding all day today every 2 hours on the dot and has been fussy inbetween times which is unlike him.
Aw, sorry DD1 got upset the other day after your husband shouted at her for dangling the toy. It happens here too almost every day. Anabella tries to be a great big sister but half the time she ends up getting told off because she is too full on and in his face and I end up feeling so sorry for her :(

newbie - I had to laugh at Z's proportions, bless him!! I am glad you got the passport sorted quickly.

AFM - My post the other day about Jamie falling into a routine was a little premature!! The only definite is that he has his days and nights the right way round which is definitely good!
Jamie has been pretty grumpy and unsettled today when awake,which is quite unlike him. I am pretty sure it is wind/tummy ache as it tends to coincide with when he has milk or just after. He tends to do huge massive poo's every 3/4 days and I think this causes some tummy discomfort. Funnily enough Anabella was exactly the same when she was little!
Anabella had a cold and has been crying tonight as her ears hurt. I hope neither Jamie or I catch it.
He has been having milk every 2 hours today on the dot pretty much. Not sure if he's having a growth spurt... is there one around 6 weeks?
Got his 6 week check on Thursday.
Literati - DH works fri-mon, so he's done now, woot!

No doubt you are suffering from lack of sleep and that has a huge effect on your mood. I handled morning/wakeup time on my own yesterday and felt very accomplished for it - if you're doing it most days and then add in DD waking early...poor you! I did find when DD was dropping her nap or would almost be an every other day thing...up early one day and need a nap, up late the next day and not take one.

Yes I have waterproof covers on all the beds, thank goodness!

I really hope DD1’s cold is short-lived and that V doesn't get it too!

Ally - I went back to work at 13 weeks with DD but kept up BF and she got pumped milk. She didn't love the bottle, and there were days she didn't eat much, but she eventually got on it fine. I imagine it's a bit different if you're transitioning not only to bottle, but also from breast milk to formula. DD was able to make up for any times she refused a bottle by eating more from the boob at night. I imagine things will go fine for you though with a little patience and persistence.

Pompey - there is definitely a six week growth spurt! I hope Jamie is back to his laid back self tomorrow.

AFM - had my 6-week appt and doc said things look good, but not 100% healed yet. The painful spot I have she said was a bit of granulation but she thought it would heal in another 1-2 weeks. Said to wait to have sex until then - AHAHAHA. As if I'm even close to having sex! I'd say it will be another six weeks before I'd even try. DH’s vasectomy and follow up may be done before we even have sex, lol.

We had a nice lunch afterward. DH wanted to go a little classier than Costco, lol so we went to an Irish place we like.

We’re considering (probably will) putting DD into daycare five days a week instead of her current three. I think it would be good for her to have more learning time and activities, since we kind of suck at keeping her entertained and off the TV right now. Waiting to hear from our provider how much it would be, but she said it wouldn't be that much more.

DH has gotten some smiles from Jack and I haven't gotten any! Not fair!

The weather is so crazy here. 40 degrees one day and 64 the next!
Slammer - Our mattress is ruined thanks to O wetting through. We have a waterproof cover for it, but he would get that soaked, then I'd pull it off and he'd do it again before we could get it washed.. ugh! I'm not too concerned about it since it's a cheaper mattress and I hate it now. It causes me so many back problems. I should have more than one cover, but oh well.

The daycare idea sounds like a good one. I definitely wish I could interact with O more and I just can't. I know he would benefit from a daycare, but just can't yet.

Ally - When I had to get O on the bottle it was a nightmare. I had to run over on my lunch to his daycare that I had him in for a short while to get him to take the bottle. He eventually started taking it, but not well so he didn't eat much while I was gone for awhile. This was with breast milk. We tried different bottles as well till we found one that he liked most and stuck with that one.

O was also bottle fed pretty much right out the gate along with being breastfed for the first 3 months. Then school was done and I went strictly breast to get my supply up. This lasted about a month or so. Well time comes to go to work and that's when I had the bottle issues and had to change type.

T is taking the bottle fine, but the problem with him while I'm gone is he won't use a bottle to comfort himself on. He wants to be nestled up to me to fall asleep when he's cranky. He doesn't always need the breast but often he wants it. This makes it a nightmare when he's tired.

You might experiment with other bottles and see if he likes others more. If he does stick with that one to make the feeding more pleasant. It's hard to say how it will go. I've seen people try to bottle feed from day one and babies do fine till the mom goes back to work then they start refusing. It's very stressful so hopefully you don't have to through it.

Pomp - Hopefully Jamie gets back to his old routine for you! Does sound like a growth spurt. I'm sorry Anabella isn't well. That has to be hard. DH is sick now and I'm worried about him spreading it as well. Thought we were in the clear.

Lite - We can't escape the illnesses. DH is sick now again and I'm just like "Great, another round!" Thankfully T has not been sick yet. I know it's just a matter of time.
Don't worry about the pictures.. I honestly don't have a family picture period.. ugh.. I hate pictures of myself because I have horrible self esteem and I hate seeing myself in pictures because I always look way worse than I thought. I need to get one.. I feel guilty that I don't have a family picture with just O..

AFM - T did not like his legs being held and coupled with being poked 3 times he was not a happy baby. Thankfully he calmed down pretty quick. He didn't weigh as much as I thought he would. Either my scale didn't read right (very possible) or he hit that growth spurt and slowed down. He's 24 inches long and 13.5lbs! So he's half an inch and half a pound bigger than O was. I like to compare haha

He was really cranky a little bit ago. I went ahead and gave him Tylenol and got him to sleep.

We saw 4 houses. 2 are definite no and then 2 we liked. We aren't sure we're going to go ahead and move forward on either or not. We're both pretty much agreeing on one of the two. So we have a house we may potentially go for. Need to talk about it more. It has a big fenced in back yard which I'm super excited about. It comes with a pool we think. I mean they COULD take it and if they do, oh well. I'm iffy about it anyways. Too many worse case scenarios go through my head. The layout isn't very open and there is only two bedrooms on the same floor. I can manage, but it's definitely a bummer. It's a cute house and the neighborhood is clean and quiet. It does have a third room up in the finished attic which is huge. Then the basement is partially finished with regressed windows so it's really nice. Enough room overall, but I wish it had more on the main floor. I don't see us lasting more than 5 years in it.
Pools are always risky, but can be so much fun with kids. Is the pool fenced off appropriately? Is the gate an auto close gate? Enjoying a pool safely is all about teaching your kids to stay away unless they are properly supervised and teaching them what to do when they fall in the water. Even young babies can learn how to get to the surface and float. There's a baby swimming campaigner in Australia, can't think of the guy's name, who advocates getting babies as young as six months in the pool and knowing how to be safe, maybe even younger than six months. You'd have to ensure the pool was fenced separate from the rest of the yard and work with your kids to enjoy it safely. I loved growing up in the water. We swam and played almost every single day all summer long. It is a responsibility, though. Good luck house hunting!

I'm not looking forward to ds wetting the bed! He hasn't done it yet, although he's come close to completely filling the nappy. He has sicked up a few times, though. I ordered a mattress protector online for dh to bring back from Australia, where he is for a work conference. If it is good, I'll get another when I'm there in summer.

Slammer, my mum and the secretary at work got so many more smiles than I did for the first few days. I am now finally getting to see his smiles. They melt my heart. Dh hasn't seen any yet because he's been away, so can't wait for him to come home for some smiles.

Ali, T is way heavier than my skinny boy and about the same age. I'd love ds to be a bit chunkier. He's so skinny right now. He's long enough for 3-6 month clothes but they're baggy on him. I got all of his 3-6 month clothes out yesterday because he's grown out of some of his littler clothes. He'll have to wear them even if they're too big!

Afm, I'm shamelessly taking advantage of my mum today. I'm at the hairdressers getting my hair cut and coloured while she's at home with Z. There's nowhere for her to walk around here, so it was easier for her to be at home. She doesn't mind but I feel a bit guilty leaving him with her. It is only for a couple of hours, but still. I have left it as late in her visit as I could so that I could get away with not going again until dh has lots of confidence in taking care of ds alone for a while.
AliJo - if you go for that house I hope you get it!

Newbie - glad you're getting the smiles now. I could do with some heart melting right now!

Hope you enjoyed getting your hair done. When does your mom leave?

AFM - Well I've been feeling it coming for days since my upper back has been feeling sore and strained from feeding, carrying, and sleeping weird - it's finally gone out/seized up. I've had this happen a couple times a year for the last few years. Makes it painful to tilt my head back or turn it. Never saw a doctor about it before, but finally decided to today. I'm going to get physical therapy to hopefully figure out how to avoid this happening again. Makes taking care of the kids painful.

I did take Jack out for a 25 minute walk in the carrier today despite my neck/back. It was good to be outside. DH and I were kind of blah today because Jack was a bit of work.
I'm dreadful at posting regularly even though I am reading. I'll reply properly later. Melody has been giving me fits about napping so I don't get to be on long. But I just wanted to pop in and we are still here ;)

Oh and today during tummy time play Melody rolled onto her back. And every time I put her on her tummy she rolled back! I didn't think 2 months was old enough for that. :haha:
Ally - I really have no idea why lots of babies have such short naps at 2 months! Just something I have observed. I am sure it doesn't happen to everyone.
Sorry you were feeling cranky and annoyed the other day. I wish we could all catch up on sleep and get a bit of a break. I hope Isa takes a bottle well.

Pompey - aww, I'm glad/sad you can relate. Nice to know I'm not the only one feeling like this, but I am sorry you're having to have these mixed feelings as well. I am sure you are right that later on it will get to the point where they are such good friends and we will see what a great thing it was for them. Before I had V, I read a few articles about having a second baby and they all claimed before you would worry about the attention not being on the first as much, but once you had your second all those fears would wash away and you would realize you had given them an amazing gift. Well, I know she loves her sister and it's a great thing I had her, but I am thinking it will be a bit longer before those feelings of guilty/sadness go away.
I bet Jamie is going through a growth spurt. Then again, V now consistently nurses every 2 hours all day every day now. She does tend to go a bit longer at night though (but not always). I hope Annabella feels better soon and that Jamie does not catch it!

Slammer - I am so glad for you that your DH is finished his work week! I hope whatever decision you make re:daycare is one you are happy with. My dd1 definitely doesn't get a lot of enriching activities at home these days and does watch too much tv. There are definitely positives to daycare!
Will Jamie just be with your DH at first, or when will he go to daycare?
That is reassuring to know it can be normal to go back and forth between nap/no nap for a while. Dd1 was up early and needed a nap again today. I am finding the transition a little frustrating, but I was grateful for the break mid-day. I napped yesterday with her as well.
So sorry about your back! I was just going to ask today if anyone else's back was sore from all the bouncing to sleep. Mine definitely is, but thankfully it hasn't seized up like yours. I hope the physio really helps.

Ali - sorry none of the houses you looked at were quite perfect, and that your DH is sick once again! It's so frustrating when everyone in the family gets sick so often! Blah!!!
Poor T hating his shots. Can't blame him! You should definitely get yourself in some pictures even if you don't feel all that confident about your looks. I think looking back, you will be happy to see pics of yourself with the kids! But don't feel bad about not having family pics with just O. It is what it is!

Newbie - good for you getting your hair done! You shouldn't feel guilty at all, and it's a good idea to take advantage of the help while you still have it. I am at the point where all the offers to help are gone, and I am left going days and days on end without showering or getting a proper break. I feel pretty ragged! So enjoy the break - you deserve it!

Angel - good for M rolling front to back already! That's definitely early. My dd1 actually started rolling front to back at three days old! I couldn't believe it. It wasn't a fluke because she kept doing it. She was extremely early with all her milestones. Sounds like M might be too! :)

AFM - I had a hard day and am feeling stretched very thin (while still looking quite fat :p). Tomorrow is the day my SIL is taking dd1 for a couple hours in the morning, so hopefully that will be a nice break for me. I can't believe how tired I am in the mornings. Every AM I wish I could just sleep forever! I do perk up eventually but I wish I could get more rest.
Slammer- I'm glad you were able to have a little down time! Also the costco date actually sounds like fun, these days I would love even to go to the grocery store alone with dh haha
I hope everything keeps healing! Glad you guys were able to have a nice lunch together
I hope adding daycare days is able to pan out, I understand why you want to!
Hopefully you get some smiles soon, little stinker haha
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your back! Good for you for the long walk though, walks always make me feel refreshed with the exercise and being outside

Literati- ugh I'm sorry about the cold, poor thing! Hopefully it's gone soon and nobody else in your house catches it.
Oh my goodness, I relate to you so much on being so tired in the mornings. This morning after I fed Lillian and she was yawning/fighting her so, I was like 'no you're GOING to nap' so I did the whole bedtime routine (most naps she is on me while I'm in the living room, or sometimes in her swing) and thankfully she took a good long nap and I got a little more broken sleep. I sure do miss sleeping as much as I wanted! I hope tomorrow morning goes well for everyone, enjoy it!

Ally- I'm sorry you're going through it too as it is exhausting, but I'm glad it's not just me! I hope it doesn't last long for us both
That's awesome mastitis is getting better and you are still able to BF!
I'm right there with you on not being able to get much done. I'm trying to go easy on myself and realize not much will get done other than on weekends when dh is home, and hoping it gets better once she grows out of the newborn stage. It gets quite taxing to feel like I'm attached to a tiny person all day.

Pompey- I actually opened the app the first day of her second leap and told dh "this explains a lot!" The first two leaps have seemed right on track. I'm not sure how accurate it's supposed to be (I haven't read much about it, just someone's recommendation to download it) but I like that the app tells me what she's learning, signs she is in the leap, new abilities she may have after the leap, and how to help comfort her. It's definitely interesting!
It seems like with babies something is always changing, just when I feel like we're falling into a routine and I'm getting the hang of it, something flips!
I'm sorry both little ones seem to be feeling unwell! Seems like sickness is making quite a few rounds. Good luck at his check up!

Ali- it's nice to know to expect some crankiness. Poor little things have no clue that getting stuck is for their own good, I imagine I'm going to have a hard time.
The house sounds nice but I get why you want more rooms on the main floor. Definitely a decision to take time with, whether to take the house you both like or keep looking for one with more room and I can imagine y'all just want to be done with the searching already

Newbie- I don't think you should feel guilty at all, but I think I would feel the same way. I'm glad you are able to do something all for you like getting your hair done, you deserve and need to get away from the mom role every now and then!

Angel- no worries, we all definitely have our hands full! That's crazy melody is rolling already! We haven't gotten that here yet

Dh's bday is next weekend and I am wanting to go to his fav Mexican place for dinner. I haven't left Lillian with anyone other than dh, and the longest is 2-3 hours while I went to target with a friend. I know we both need it, I've definitely been feeling completely spent, the newborn phase has been a handful for me with the reflux! I told dh I would think about letting someone keep the baby while we go to dinner (and maybe even target) but no promises! As much as I would LOVE a baby break, it makes me anxious to think of someone else feeding her, loving on her, dealing with the possible reflux, etc. Maybe that's a ftm thing, or I'm just crazy? :haha:
Lillian's 2 month appointment is Friday, and she is officially 2 months old tomorrow. Time is flying! I will say I am ready for her to be a couple months older, interacting more and not quite so "newborny" as I tell dh. I'm sure I'll be eating my words when there are new challenges but oh how I am not a fan of this stage!
Angel - way to go Melody! I think DD rolled front to back at the same age. Then back to front at 5 months.

Literati - Jack will stay home with DH for close to a year, maybe less depending on what kind of baby he turns out to be. If he's very sociable we might put him in earlier. DD was petrified of other people so it was definitely right to keep her home until almost a year. Even once DD started talking she was mostly silent at daycare unless she was alone with our provider (she goes to an in-home daycare so there were only two other kids there). Our lady has two school ages sons herself and they didn't even believe that DD talked - one afternoon when it was just DD there she sent her boys upstairs to hide/listen and only then did they hear DD talking to her!

Yes, dropping naps is always frustrating! Maybe you can get a nap in with Violet today while DD1 is with your SIL? I feel you on being sooo tired in the morning.

Vrogers - our Costco date will have to include Jack as well, lol. Hopefully he'll just sleep in the carrier. Maybe we’ll do it today.

It's totally normal to fear leaving your baby with someone else. We seriously didn’t leave DD for a date until she was six months old and then it was a very long time before we did it again. But you should do it so you can enjoy a night out!

I am totally also looking forward to a few months from now! Not enjoying the newborn period. I relished every new milestone and phase with DD, never really missing the earlier stages.

AFM - DH fell asleep when he put DD to bed last night so I was on my own, but thankfully Jack just slept on the boob for the evening and I was able to get him off me briefly to pump and get ready for bed. In bed around 10:30! No long stretches but oh well.

My neck is a little better. Usually takes maybe 4-5 days to be back to normal.

I feel like the most out of shape person ever! My hips and back are sore from just that 25 minute walk yesterday! I really need to do it more often to build up some semblance of fitness. At least to not feel like such a weak old lady!
VRogers - it's not just a FTM thing! It's hard to leave a baby with someone other than you or your DH! We are supposed to be going to a concert at the end of this month, and I am having major anxiety about leaving V! I am still not even certain we will go. If we do, we are going to be insane and get BOTH my mom and MIL to babysit because we don't trust one person to handle both! :haha:
Don't worry - I can assure you that getting household tasks done is WAY easier as they get older, and especially once they are mobile. I remember when dd1 finally started crawling and I could suddenly do so many things! That was a nice stage. I also understand it being draining being attached to a tiny human all day long! I totally agree. I find V much easier to deal with than dd1, but even when I get a break from dd1, I feel a bit drained and stifled from having to hold V so much and not being able to just get up and do stuff. I absolutely love holding her, but all day every day can certainly wear on you after a while. Hang in there!
Unlike you and slammer, I actually prefer the newborn stage. It's so amazing! I like when they sleep all the time. I already miss the first couple weeks haha. But there are definitely aspects that get easier as they grow, and it is so fun to interact with them more and have them interact back. However, I found other aspects got a lot more challenging so because of that I want to just cherish and soak up the newborn stage while it lasts!

How is L's reflux doing? Has she had any more major improvements with the meds?

Slammer - thanks. Getting dd1 ready to go woke me up a lot, so I am totally just going to veg and watch Netflix instead of napping. It is hard for me to nap in the mornings once I am actually up.

That is great Jack can just be with DH for the first year or so. Also nice with your dd in daycare that DH can just focus on Jack, especially since he is so hard to put to sleep!!
My DH also fell asleep putting dd1 to bed last night, but oh well! I am glad it wasn't too bad for you.

I hope you can get back in shape soon!

AFM - so, dd1 is gone for a couple hours (probably not even quite 2 hours total), and I am so excited to watch Netflix! Other people would probably put away the million piles of laundry that need sorting...but nope, I am just going to be lazy! :) Oh- and Violet went the WHOLE NIGHT WITHOUT POOPING!!!! It's a miracle! I actually dragged myself out of bed and changed her at one point only to discover there was no poop. Then couldn't fall back asleep after so that was maddening, but hopefully she will keep this up in the future! Enjoy your day, everyone!
pomp- i'm technically a student, but completing my phd which i get paid for.. so basically as long i complete my thesis i can work how i chose to in terms of hours and days. But i want to stick to something concrete otherwise i'll never finish lol.
I'm glad Jamie has his nights and days the right way round, Isa does too he is not awake for extended periods at night- bet i jinx myself now! there s a growth spurt at 6 weeks, i'm sure thats why he is feeding more!

slammer- Glad everything is pretty much healed up! funny about the sex. I was ready for sex a few weeks after birth! shame about your neck but glad it is getting better. Hopefully the physical therapy will help.

ali- thanks for advice. I have tommee tipee bottles which are supposed to be shaped like a nipple, but it might be worth trying a different bottle type!
baby t sounds like he is thriving with that weight. Isa is 11 pounds 8, and i t hink his weight gain has slowed down too. In the first few weeks he gained crazy amounts, and now it is roughly an ounce a day. Good luck with houses- sounds like you have lots to think about. It's hard to find the perfect home.

newbie- smiles are lovely. And it is so great you took advantage of your mum and went and did something for yourseld. It is important.

lit- mornings are hard, you are doing great though. enjoy your netflix session! i wouldnt bother with laundy either haha.

vrogers- i know- i feel like i am attached to a tiny person who is so demanding! i haven't left Isa either and its because of his reflux also. I dont think i could yet, maybe in another month or so. I feel the same about looking forward to him being a couple of months older but i will probably miss this stage when that comes!

afm- isa's reflux was getting better but it seems to have come back with a vengence the past few nights. He has been very cranky, tired and cried a lot. I've booked him to see someone who does cranial osteopathy in babies. I read that can help with reflux in babies. Thats on saturday, will see if it helps.

Isa crying, so got to go, not got time for a full update. xx

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