January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Oops forgot to add, I'm not having any problems with cradle cap so this isn't from experience, but I just read someone was having problems with it and someone else suggested using coconut oil. Couldn't hurt to try!
On the cradle cap.. what worked with O is using baby oil on his head and letting it sit there for awhile before giving him a bath. Then using a soft brush to remove it. I did gently pick at some of it. It came right off after letting it soak in oil. Just make sure the oil isn't going to run down their face. T hasn't had any thankfully. I heard some people say to use a soft brush on their heads daily to help remove flakes and prevent build up.

Slammer & Lite - Yeah, O never fell asleep playing! He did ONCE while he was playing with his favorite blanket. Never happened again. When he started to self feed he'd fall asleep in the highchair eating lunch. He wouldn't be still even back then.. so the highchair usually made him relax and fall asleep.

Slammer - O doesn't want to eat much either other than dairy and meat. It's frustrating. He use to eat pastas and casseroles so I could put vegetables in there and he'd gobble them down. Now he refuses to touch anything that isn't "clean". He will use a spoon or fork but then gets tired of it quickly because it's not fast enough and go to use his hands. Well if it's messy he won't touch it then refuses it if we try to feed it to him. He HATES anything on his hands, just like his father. Use to love vegetables but now won't touch them. I need to work with him on using his silverware and I think that would help a little. He still freaks out if he accidentally gets something on his hands, though. Doesn't like stuff on his feet either.

I'm glad your BF was happy to see you! I bet that was a good feeling. I'm sorry you haven't been as involved as much as you would like for her wedding. Life is just too busy sometimes to do what you want.

Glad Jack wasn't too horrible in the car, but hopefully he gets better and it's hardly ever an issue. I know I wouldn't want to go anywhere if T was going to be upset the whole way. He will cry but generally stops soon after we get moving. He does wake back up if we slow down or hit stop lights, though.

Pomp - The fact that he has smiled is a good thing! A chart I like to go by says that half of babies are smiling by age 2 months and by 3 months they should be. I think he's on the right track.

Glad he's gaining well and back to being his chill self! T feeds a lot during the day. I wish it was just every 3 hours but he's all over the place. I do get a little bit of luck at night and he will go over 3 hours sometimes. He will still sometimes wake after a hour to feed again, though. Generally when it's getting close to morning.

Apple - I don't blame you for waiting. It would be hard for me if I had all the kids I thought I wanted and only had boys. Both DH and I really want a girl and we feel she's a part of our family even if she's not here yet. It would be really hard for either of us to give her up. I hope that you're comfortable with whatever decision you guys come to!

I'm with you on being fed up with not being able to fit into my clothes. I need to do something, but it's so hard. I just feel like a total failure in the health department.

Well, this definitely won't be our forever home. If we get the house we're looking at I don't see it lasting us more than 5 years.

Lite - I'm sure V is getting close to not pooing all night. T didn't just flip over instantly. He still has a night here and there when he has a BM.

Hopefully she's just going through a phase and she gets back into a groove with your DH. I'm starting to get anxiety over leaving T. I know he'll be safe with DH, but I worry about them all being distressed. DH definitely can't get him to calm down like I can. I know it bothers him as well. I know how frustrating it can be to not be able to calm your child.

I think the whole room thing bugs me most related to safety. I don't want my child being far from me if he can't react in an emergency. It would be different if O was older. I sound paranoid lol

Vrogers - She's such a doll! So small compared to T! It would be good for awhile. I just know how I'll be. The kids will have to stay on the same floor that I sleep until they're older and that would make the bedrooms crammed I'm sure. Obviously they don't need all their stuff in their room. Plenty of room for toys elsewhere.

Angel - It's really fun! Really refreshing for a Zelda game. So much to do in it. Watch me never finish it! DH was telling me that you can easily put in over 100 hours into it with all the extra side quests.

I'm sorry about your MIL. That has to be rough. How is your DH handling?

I won't do cry it out either. T does pretty well sleeping on his own once he's asleep. Even sometimes puts himself back to sleep as long as he doesn't start moving and waking himself up much.

The pool is above ground, but has a deck attached. I'd be getting a gate, rails around the top, and a safety cover if we get it. I'd personally just get rid of it to be honest, but DH doesn't want to if there is nothing wrong with it.

Ally - I'm sorry you got your cycle back. I'd be so mad!

I do the same thing and panic about where T is. I will think I laid him somewhere else. I feel myself get worked up and it takes me a second to remember. Was worse when I was tired. I nearly shoved DH off the bed once when O was sleeping with us. He started to roll my way and I always had my arm out to guard if I was feeding on that side since I fell asleep feeding him a lot and wouldn't always move him out from between us.

If I missed anything big I'm sorry. I'll scan again tomorrow. I've been reading along, but it's hard to remember everything and I just skim back afterwards.

AFM - Both boys are asleep and so here I am trying to catch up. We got Moana today and watched that. O really enjoyed it and T was awake for most of it, but was good and not fussy. He actually sat up on my lap for the longest time watching the TV. Not that I want him watching it, but it sure captivated him. He's been doing better and better I feel. He'll let me lay him down in his pack and play and stay content for awhile. I put his swing so he's sitting up more and now he enjoys it more. He's also awake even more now. He has a tired day now and then, but he'll generally only take short naps and one longer one in the evening.

I almost cried tonight. O was falling asleep on me so I stood up with him and was cradling him and rocking him. Made me sad because he's gotten so big and it felt like just yesterday that he was my little baby. I'm glad he still needs me a lot, but I know that will be slowly going away as he gets to be more independent. He's growing so fast and I'm seeing him turn into a little kid.

On the house - I'm taking the weekend at least to think about it. The positives really outweigh the negatives. There really isn't many options out there for the price range we're looking. We've pretty much looked at them all and unless something pops up we'll have to make a decision.

Okay.. I better take T to bed and try to get some sleep. I don't think I'll be able to. My mind is racing again.
angel- thats great tips about the sleep. I do agree consistency and routine is so important. i try to do an evening bath every night, followed by lights out in the bedroom, a feed and then into the crib.
great about the extended mat leave!

vrogers- what a beautiful pic, she is soooo adorable! the cranial oesteopathy seemed like a waste of time to me. She said she released tension in his gut and then told me i need to change my diet, and to feed Isa teaspoons of fennel and chamomile tea to help soothe his gut, and the fennel will help relieve his gas.

lit- that is adorable and im glad she loves her mummy cuddles! i hope dh gets time to spend with you guys at the weekend. Sounds like he has a stressful job though. it is hard to get the right balance. ugh i know what you mean about hard babies, i cant imagine isa ever just falling asleep, he always needs to be feeding,being rocked or just cuddled up with me.

slammer- i feel like my baby is soooo much hard work and everyone elses is easier... im glad your friend loved you surprising her. sorry dd diet is not great just now.

apple- nice to hear from you! sounds very hectic and busy in your house, no wonder you don't have time to post! i can imagine the snip being very final, i can't imagine having as many as 4 kids though! but i understand wanting a daughter!

pomp- isa also smiled a bit later than 6 weeks, and even now he does smile but not that often. i wouldn't worry, it sounds like Jamie is doing so well! I think its mainly because he can be in discomfort from the gas and reflux.
yes still sleeping longer periods at night but only on me or next to me. his reflux has come back (after being much better) and he cannot get comfortable in the crib.

ali- hope bedtime went well and good idea about thinking about the house over the weekend. I can imagine how hard it can be to see your ds1 get bigger and bigger and miss him being a little tiny baby.

afm- been pretty emotional on this period, so annoyed i have my period back. Its making me so irritable and ratty and annoyed at everything.
So i dont know what it is but in the last week isa's reflux which was getting better is back and he seems to uncomfortable.
yesterday we took him to see a cranial osteopath- and isa acted so well behaved and relaxed- we were like he isn't like this normally really! she did some gentle massage and said she relieved some tension.. she also had a chat with me and told me that

a) he might be dehydrated as he is pooping less frequently so to give him tea spoons of herbal chamomile and fennel tea (which will also help relax his system)
b) change my diet- cut out spicy foods and maybe dairy to see if it makes any difference.

i feel so sorry for isa, he seems so uncomfy and can't get into a comfortable position. He ends up sleeping on me at night just now so i wake with sore neck and shoulder etc. I told dh i think isa is really uncomfy and he said he thinks isa is fine and just too comfortable one me. honestly, i spend the most time with Isa, i know his sleeping habits and i know he is not comfortable or very happy just now!

anyway this is becoming a long post- i will try the diet changes and see if it makes any difference. If anyone else has any advice, let me know. i feel like it's going to be a long week...
Looks like I'm joining those of you who've got your periods returning. :dohh: i was really hoping for another few weeks! Ugh.

Okay this is going to sound crazy but...my sister thinks Melody is starting teething! I know that 9 weeks is way early but my niece cut her first tooth right around 9-10 weeks, so I know it can happen. Yesterday Melody was over the top fussy, way more than normal. This wasn't just fussy, it was a painful screaming. :( She was absolutely refusing to eat anything. I finally got her to take a bottle but she spent most of the time chewing on the nipple instead of sucking, it took me an hour to get her to finish 2 ounces, she usually finishes 2 oz in a bottle pretty quickly. I had to pump twice yesterday because she wouldn't feed from me at all and I became really engorged (but at least I got 12 ounces stashed away in the freezer because of it). The amount of drool this kiddo was producing yesterday was insane, way more than she ever has, and she kept gnawing on anything she could get in her mouth: hands, bottle, pacifier, cold washcloth (that made her happy actually), and my nipples IF she would take them. :dohh:

I don't know if it's a fluke or if she's really teething but poor baby had a really rough day yesterday. Today's a little better mood-wise and she ate this afternoon finally (I had to pump this morning because she wouldn't eat, a whole 6 ounces, which is almost double my normal pumping amount!).

I sent DH to pick up some infant tylonel. I know the bottles say not to use for under 6 months but our doctor gave me a sheet of paper for over-the-counter dosages and it says tylonel is okay at 0-3 months in a modified dosage, and she's listed the amounts she can have. So if she repeats yesterday I am going to see if that helps her a little. Poor girl was really in pain yesterday.

I had planned to go to the gym today but with the time change, Melody's long day and night yesterday, and now I think I'm getting a cold again....I've opted for a quiet lazy day at home.

vrogers - definitely not you. I have left Melody with my sister twice and even that made me anxious the whole time. I'm also not loving this newborn stage. I'll be happy when she is out of it. I think you're right about trying to get a habit started early. They may be inconsistent at this age but routine is good for kids, and very encouraging for them. From a developmental standpoint, most kids thrive with a regular routine when they know what to expect. Infants may not really understand but I think they appreciate/benefit from it too. And, it's easier for me to have a routine for myself. At least then I can pretend to have some control. :haha:

Oh that sucks about Lillian's 2 month appointment! Hope you got that steak dinner though! ;)

Lite - I haven't seen Jane the Virgin. Is it good? I'm currently going through Lost Girl. Love it! But, you have to like supernatural/fantasy to appreciate it.

My sister does have kids of her own. She has a 6 year old daughter, and 3 step kids (8, 11, 12 years old). They are only there every other weekend and holidays. Her husband LOVES babies. My sister had a migraine yesterday and they were supposed to watch M for a couple hours and he was thrilled to do it while she rested. :haha: You're right, the financial hit will suck but it's worth the extra time.

That sucks that your DH can't seem to get Violet down. Melody is similar, she falls asleep in a couple minutes for me, and a lot longer for DH. I think you're right, and they are developing preferences.

Apple - Sounds like you've got your hands full! I can't imagine a teenager dating and a baby!

Ali - Sounds like fun! I know DH really wants to get the game, we've just been avoiding it. If he gets it then he'll play it all the time and never see me or Melody :haha: DH is handling the news about my MIL fairly well. He was raised by his grandparents, not his mother. She gave him and his brother to her parents because seh couldn't take care of them (drugs, alcohol, etc). They rarely saw her. She sobered up later in life and they started to develop a relationship with her so we are now visiting and seeing her more often but it's only been in the last few years.
Angel - Grrr for your period returning. Not fun at all! I thought breastfeeding would suppress it a while longer :nope:
Oh my, it certainly sounds like Melody is showing lots of signs for teething! 9 weeks is super early although like you say possible as your niece was early too. Sometimes their teeth can move about in the gums causing discomfort but the teeth may not appear for a while. All you can do it wait it out I guess to find out!
I hope a day of rest at home keeps your cold away and re-energises you.

Ally - Poor Isa with his reflux coming back, poor little baby :hugs: It certainly sounds like he is uncomfortable. I hope cutting dairy from your diet helps. You are certainly having a run of it at the moment with the mastitis, period returning and now Isa's reflux :hugs: I hope things ease up for you soon.

Ali - It sounds like the house is the right one for you now, even if it isn't a long term option. I know exactly what you mean about your eldest getting more independent and less needy. Anabella has grown up so much since Jamie came along and in most ways I am super proud, but also sad that she doesn't need me so much.

vrogers - Lillian's sneeze sounds so cute with the noise she does beforehand!

AFM - Feeling much better today. Husband had Jamie all night and all morning and I managed to get a fair amount of sleep, albeit broken still. Sore throat and funny eye has gone and I feel more refreshed.
After worrying yesterday about lack of smiles, Jamie smiled at me this evening and then smiled at my husband afterwards. Feel less worried now!
I started bleeding yesterday and it was bright red blood. It is still there today but there isn't very much. Not sure if it's pp bleeding still (not had any for a few weeks until yesterday) or the return of my period. I guess I will find out in the next couple of days.
Pomp - I'm glad you're feeling better and that Jamie gave you smiles!

I had some bleeding around that time. Almost seemed like a period, but first time around I remember bleeding like that and ended up not getting my period back.

Yes, I'm very proud of everything he's been accomplishing, but it's so hard to see him grow up! It always reminds me of a quote I saw. "I constantly go between wanting you to stay my little baby forever and being excited about all the amazing things you'll do in this life."

Angel - The good thing about the game is it's actually easy to walk away from in a sense. You can pause it and walk away and if it times out you just start the console back up and it's right where you were still paused and all. Happens to me a lot. I'm glad that she got sober, but it's too bad that she's now ill.

Does sound like teething to me. It is early, but not unheard of (obviously since your niece did) and sometimes babies are even born with teeth. It's too bad if she is though. Poor thing. Hopefully the Tylenol will help. Don't worry about the packages. They won't ever give suggestions for infant dosing because it's too risky for them. The cold washcloth is a good one to use! You could also try to feel her gums. If any feel swollen then she most likely is getting ready to cut.

Sorry about your period! I feel like it was a fluke that I didn't get mine last time and I'm doomed to this time. Really hoping not!!

Ally - I'm sorry Isa is so uncomfortable! I can definitely read T's signals better than DH since I'm with him more. I probably could anyways because I'm so observant with him. DH is much more laid back about it all. If he's nursing enough and putting out enough wet diapers I wouldn't think he would be dehydrated. Possibly he's not passing enough stools, though. He could be crampy if he needs to pass more. Hopefully the diet change works.

AFM - Still thinking on the house. It sucks looking in smaller areas for a house because you're so limited. I know our next buy will be probably easier in some ways because we'll be looking to buy something a little higher priced. We definitely didn't want to do that with our first even though we could. Taxes are horrible on some of them. It's really hard to say what will happen in the next few years. DH is looking to step up the ladder at some point which could throw him in a store half hour to an hour away or right in the town we're looking. If he does get put in another store I'll most likely look at getting a job closer to him so neither of us has to drive far and move that direction. I could very well get a job somewhere else as well.

T almost laughed. He kind of did but it wasn't a full on giggle. He's also letting me put him down more. I can lay him in his pack n play with some toys or something dangling above him and he'll be content for a period of time. He's also getting better about not constantly wanting the boob. He's getting so much more interactive it's fun! I'm glad he seems to be getting easier little by little. Still trying to work on the crib, but I know that one will take quite awhile.

Both boys are a little congested. They don't have much else going on so either just a small cold or the weather. T generally is fine after he gets everything out from the night. O tends to have a runny nose all day, but not too bad. Weather has been crazy here in Iowa. Was the 70s one day then literally the next day we had an inch of snow build up. Then it was nice and warm.. 50s 60s and now it's down in the 30s going to be 20s with another like inch of snow. Typical Iowa stuff.. I think we've gotten more snow in the last month than all winter. Been a dry winter. Looks like the nice weather is returning come Friday, though!
Vrogers - glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with bonding. I think it's coming on...just slowly. That's so cute about Lillian’s sneezes!

AliJo - wow, that's funny (but frustrating) about O not wanting to get his hands dirty!

The waking at stop lights...omg that used to drive me crazy with DD. It helped if we turned on static on the radio.

It's nice to hear T is getting easier and easier. Understandable to feel a bit melancholy about O growing up!

Ally - I'm sorry Isa has been so uncomfortable. It's so hard when there's not much you can do for them. How often is he pooping? It's normal for babies to start pooping a bit less. I agree he's likely not dehydrated if he's having plenty of wet diapers. Jack was fussy last night and I don't know if it was because of something spicy I ate or not. I think not, since he calmed in the carrier, but still not sure. I had kimchi noodle soup!

Angel - sorry about your period! That sucks! I had some bleeding around 7 weeks with DD but it wasn't my period since it didn't come back until 8-9 months.

Pompey - glad you are feeling much better! I hope it's not your period. Like I said to Angel - I had some bleeding with DD around this time, but it wasn't really my period.

AliJo - oh man I can't wait for laughs!

The weather here in VA has been crazy too. In the upper 60s last week and supposed to get a few inches of snow tonight.

Jack has been snotty in the mornings the last couple days too. I have this thing called Oogie Bear...it's a little thing to hook out baby boogies, lol. I've used it a couple times and it’s great - got a big one out of him this morning, haha.

AFM - had a bad day yesterday. Was really too hard on DD and feel bad about it. Sigh.

I have lost, re-gained, and re-lost two lbs in the last week. But I was able to get my rings on today!
Got a couple cute pics of Jack today so figured I'd post one... I think we should have more baby pics in this thread!


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Agreed! Here's my first posting of Baby Z :)


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VRogers - I think we have very similar taste in tv shows! I loved Gilmore girls and parenthood as well! I watched one epi of This is Us and liked it, but we don't have cable or Hulu so I haven't watched any more.
The season of Jane the Virgin is over. You should check out the last few episodes! They were quite good even though I was upset about that death! Sounds like it was renewed for another season, so now I just have to wait for a year... :p
wow, that's amazing that L basically sleeps through the night! I would rather a later bedtime if that were the case! That's great she cluster feeds in the evening. It definitely helps them go longer at night. Even though V sometimes goes to sleep by 9:30, I have to hold her during that time, and then she will wake again to feed at 10:30 and 11:30, so it's not like I can really get much sleep before 11:30/midnight anyway! But before she used to stay very awake and fussy until midnight and I found that less relaxing. However, having said that, Vi wouldn't go to sleep until midnight last night again! It seems like every time I say anything about her on this thread, I have to eat my words that night. The earlier bedtimes will definitely come eventually. My dd1 didn't go to sleep until 1 am for the LONGESt time! I thought I would go insane! Then gradually she just started going to sleep earlier and earlier until it was a more manageable time. She mostly did it all herself without me adjusting much.
That is so adorable about Lillian's sneezes!

Slammer - sorry you didn't have a great day yesterday and were too hard on your dd. We all have those days. Don't beat yourself up! Thanks for the pic of Jack. He is really cute!

Angel - M could be teething, but I remember thinking that dd1 was teething at about 2 months but it ended up just being a normal developmental phase of drooling a lot, sucking on her hand, and fussing. She didn't get her first tooth until 8 months! So you never know. If she is teething, I am sure the Tylenol will help her.

Pompey - glad you are doing better after your hubby took the night feeds. How often do you get up to pump? That must be tiring as well.

Ali - I definitely would be worried about safety with a room on a different level as well. I would probably have the kids share a room on the same floor until the eldest was quite a bit older.

I am sorry you're feeling anxious about leaving T with your DH. That is understandable, but I am sure he will quickly find ways to calm him once you're not there! It'll be okay!

Ally - so sorry Isa is so miserable from his reflux! Hugs. I hope you find something that helps soon. I understand feeling super irritable from your period. Hope you feel better soon.

Newbie- Z is also adorable!

AFM - had a really good but busy weekend!! Yesterday, some friends invited us over in the late afternoon, and we ended up staying til 9 pm!! They have 3 girls - aged 6 yrs, 5 yrs, and 5 months old. Dd1 was in heaven having 2 older girls to play with the whole time! She bawled when it was time to leave. I felt more alive after. I don't remember the last time I had 'fun' like that! The adults played board games and munched on junk food. Moana was playing in the background (twice) but no one really watched it too intently. It was a good day! Now back to the grind, but I don't feel too bad today yet. Seems like Vi has caught dd1's cold, though. :(

Updated to add: Violet started rolling front to back today! She has done it 4 times and can go both left and right! She definitely surprised me! I am a proud mama!
Pomp - thank you. Period is nearly done so feeling better. Sorry to hear you might be starting your period but glad you got more sleep & that Jamie is smiling!

Ali- he has plenty of wet nappies so yeah I don't think he's dehydrated. That's a lovely quote you shared :)

Slammer- what a beautiful pic! Jack is so cute. Sorry you had a bad day yesterday I hope today is better. He went from pooping a few times a day to a few times a week. The health visitor said this is normal for breastfed babies.

Newbie- baby Z is gorgeous! I will upload pic later

Lit -I'm glad you had a nice weekend and I can't believe V is rolling! I'm feeling much better from my period now. Feel human again 😬

Afm- I have a check up today for mastitis. I can't feel any lump now so I think I'm in the all clear.

Anyone else's babies napping less during the day?
Since we are adding pics- here is Isa. He looks bigger in pictures than he is in real life. He's tiny really x


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Newbie - cutie baby Z! I love his little jeans!

Literati - sounds like a great time with your friends. I'm sure DD1 loved it. Way to go V on rolling! I have only just started putting Jack on his tummy a couple times so I haven't even given him much chance to roll, lol. He's getting quite good head control though, so that's exciting.

Ally - yes, a few times a week sounds normal at this point. Hope you are given the all clear on mastitis, but certainly sounds good that you feel better and can't feel any lump.

Jack is still unpredictable with napping. Yesterday he was hardly awake at all during the day, and then wouldn't nap well in the evening.

Isa is adorable!

AFM - had a good early part of the day yesterday, and was so determined to have a good evening with DD when she came home from daycare. I mostly did, but ended up losing it and slamming a door at bedtime when she screamed at the top of her lungs while I was already struggling with Jack crying. Arrrggghhhh. The evening with Jack after she went to bed also sucked since he had slept so much during the day he was wakeful and hard to get to sleep even when he was tired. He did sleep four hours when we finally went to bed, but of course DD woke me only an hour after I was in bed. Tried to tuck her back into her bed, but she came back again a bit later and ended up in my bed for the night.

Anyway...I have a physical therapy appt today, which I hope goes well. I've only tried PT once before for something different and didn't have a good experience. Hope this goes better. My neck is no longer seized up, but is still under strain and I fear another episode coming on if the therapy doesn't help.
Slammer - I really hope PT helps. I've had my back go out a few times and it's miserable. I couldn't stand up straight and if I tried to my whole back would spasm and send shocks of pain through my back.

Aw! His skin looks so perfect! T has some baby acne going on and he's so pale it really sticks out at times! I do the same thing with those cloths lol It's how I protect my bed when I'm BFing him while laying down as well.

I should try the white noise with him in the car. Might work.

Ally - Aw! So cute! I'll have to post another of T soon. I keep meaning to transfer some from my phone.

T definitely sleeps less during the day now. He's awake most of the day and MIGHT have one long nap. Not guaranteed.

Glad he isn't dehydrated, but hopefully you can sort things out for him! Hope you're in the all clear for mastitis.

Lite - I hope it all goes smooth. I don't want DH to feel lost. T won't take a paci really at all and he needs to suckle to help soothe a lot of the times. He's starting to suck on his hands a lot, but it sloppy about it so he doesn't calm down with it much. He might take one with me gone, but we'll see. He generally gags on them. He got a good latch on his arm the other day.. has a hickey from it!

Way I look at it. I have 3 to 3.5 years till I need another room. By then I expect to have another one year old running around. There is another split level for sale. Pretty much the exact same as the one we went for but not in as good of shape and also only has a 1/2 basement and 1 car garage. Same price as the other home we're looking at but we would lose a lot of extra storage. Does have 3 bedrooms right beside each other, though. Bah..

I'm glad you had a wonderful evening out! Maybe you guys should plan another night? Sounds like it did all of you some good.

That's awesome Violet is rolling!! I need to give T more tummy time since he's starting to be content on his own longer. I think he could definitely roll if he wanted. He goes to his sides like it's nothing.

Newbie - Z is so cute! I love babies in jeans!! Thank you for sharing your little man with us!

AFM - Trying to catch up while I can. T is sleeping and O stole my phone so watching weird YouTube videos.. ugh. My YouTube account is ruined. Full of video suggestions of things I'm completely baffled by lol

Well now he's on music videos that I'm okay with him watching. Not so bad to listen to.

Anyways.. T laughed for the first time yesterday! It made me so happy! I tried to get it on video for DH, but of course I couldn't. I got one where he almost did. He is such a talkative little man.
Ali -wow, laughing already!? That is early to laugh! That's exciting! There is nothing better than baby giggles!

Sounds like T will be rolling in no time. I have barely given V any tummy time at all since birth, so she really surprised me when I put her down and she rolled just a few seconds later!

That's funny T sucks on his hand so sloppily. Maybe he will eventually suck his thumb for comfort and that will help.

Slammer - I have also barely given V any tummy time at all! Must be a second child thing. I just don't have time! Plus, she sleeps a lot during the day and is cranky in the evening, so I don't have many chances. I only put her down because I needed to wipe up dd1's sloppy breakfast mess... 2 hours after she made it! Life is busy. Eek!
I am glad you had a mostly good day yesterday. It is so hard to not let tempers flare when your kids are both screaming! Dd1 woke up in a very defiant mood, and I have already snapped at her far more than I should, and we have only been up a couple hours. Blah.

I hope your PT appointment is very helpful!

Ally - I hope all is 100% clear at your appointment. I wouldn't say in general V is napping less in th day, but yesterday was a bad day for naps and she woke up every time I moved. So annoying!
Isa is too cute! Thanks for sharing.

AFM - Violet has now had a few scream-the-house-down nights in a row again. Just when I thought our evenings were calming down... ugh! It makes it so much less enjoyable when you spend hours pacing back and forth, straining your back and listening to inconsolable crying. :( Blah.
Slammer- what a cutie you have! His little tongue! It kills me when they throw their little short arms up like that

Newbie- ah baby jeans! He's so adorable!

Literati- ah I love meeting people who watch the same shows. i don't like This Is Us as much as Parenthood (people compare the shows all the time) but I do like it! I'll need to make sure I'm caught up on Jane The Virgin, I use the cw app.
Glad to know the earlier bed times will come! It's definitely not relaxing when they get fussy in the evenings and only settle when you rock/hold them.
That's great you guys were able to spend time with some friends with kids! It's nice to have times like that to refresh you and make you feel human again.
Yay for rolling front to back! I would have to grab my camera on that, can't wait to see it here!

Ally- good luck at the checkup, I'm glad it's healing so well! And oh my gosh we have some cute babies here, Isa is so adorable!

Slammer- I'm sorry about the rough night with dd! That's the downside to them sleeping a lot during the day. I hope tonight is better and a little more restful for everyone!
Good luck at PT! Hopefully it helps and you have a good experience this time.

Ali- the bit about your YouTube made me laugh, now I know what I have to look forward to haha
I bet the laughing is amazing, I'm so ready for that! I'm getting tons of huge gummy smiles and cooing but ready for the laughing

Lit- ah no I'm sorry about the screaming nights. It really does make everything so stressful, you can't get anything done or really focus on anything else. I hope it gets better from here and the nights calm down a bit!

We had Lillian's 2 month appointment today, and sure enough it was hard for me knowing she was in pain. I had dh go stand by her and she grabbed his finger so tight. She weighed 10lbs 2oz (25th percentile I believe) and I think 22.5 inches long in the 50th percentile. We were guessing she was over 11 pounds!
Got her a dose of Tylenol so hoping she won't be too sore now!
AliJo - it's basically like Throwing my back out, but up high so it affects my neck instead of down low. Sucks!

I hate baby acne! Jack had some earlier on but I think it only lasted a week or so. I was glad to see it gone!

That is too funny T gave himself a hickey!

Literati - I didn't really do tummy time with DD either. I counted time laying on DD’s chest and looking at him as tummy time, lol. I don't think it's even necessary as long as baby’s not laying down all day.

Sorry DD has been in a tough mood. Its rough. I just lost my mind with Jack basically screaming in my face and then DD screaming just for the fun of it. It's hard to remember that kids their age basically have no impulse control.

I had a night of pacing and breaking my back with Jack too. So demoralizing. He's not that much of a screamer but but just fussing on and off.

Vrogers - I know the throwing up hands is cute hehe, like they're rooting for something.

Lillian’s more like my DD - she was 10 lbs at 2 months old as well. Jack will probably be over 14! Shots suck! I couldn't actually watch them do it, but I would hold DD’s hands and put my head down beside hers and shush her. And then of course cuddle the crap out of her once done.

AFM - my PT appt was canceled! :( We had snow and freezing rain last night/today so that's why. Really disappointed because I really need it! Oh well. At least daycare was open. But DD’s dance class this afternoon was also canceled, boo! She's not gonna be happy.

It's another snoozy day here for Jack. Preparing myself for a crap evening again. DH is off work, but no doubt he'll fall asleep with DD tonight and I'll be on my own after that.

I'm hungry and Jack is asleep on me and DH has gone to the bank. What to do, what to do?! :p
Sooo maybe my period isn't coming after all?? Two days ago I had a tiny bit of spotting, then yesterday it was a little heavier but still very very light (a liner was all I needed), and by evening it was gone. No sign of it now. :dohh: I'm so confused. But it might be a side effect of the birth control. I went ahead and did the minipill, and I've never used it before so I'm not sure the side effects on me.

On another note - is daylight savings screwing up anyone else's schedule (and baby)!? It's more than just shifted everything by an hour, it's all sorts of wacky!

Good news to report today though - after a little over a week of following the same bedtime/naptime routine, Melody is SLEEPING at naptime! And today she did not even once wake up in less than 20 minutes after laying her down (remember that before it was every 5-10). She has been waking 20-40 minutes after going down and usually if I pick her up or put my hand on her cheek she settles right down asleep again for another 20-40 minutes! :happydance: I think she needs the reassurance that I'm still there, and once she has it she can sleep, and she's finally reaching a slightly longer time she can go in between those reassurances. It's been amazing, all of her naps today have lasted 1.5-2 hours (with 2-3 wake ups, each lasting <2 minutes). Keeping EVERYTHING crossed this is not a fluke. :thumbup:

On the other hand, Im' also REALLY hoping that her long naps aren't going to make bedtime a nightmare. However, in between the long naps she's still only getting 1-1.5 hours of wake time before she needs to go down again so I think she's still okay. Hopefully.

pompey - glad that you're feeling better and you got some smiles! :)

Ali - I can't be sure if her gums are swollen when I feel them, but it does feel like there is a little bit of a ridge/bump on her lower gum. Not sure if it's always been there or it's a tooth. :shrug: We'll see.

I know what you mean about being limited in houses. When DH and I were looking at houses we had a specific area we were looking in and it was a smaller town which meant we were really limited. We were really lucky to find the house we got, it isn't our dream house and didn't meet a lot of my "wants" but had the basic requirements on our list and had a huge backyard (.25 acre) which most houses in our area don't have, so we went ahead and went for it. It had a "vibe" that other houses didn't have. I can't explain it, it just FELT right. It sounds so hokey. lol. But if the house "feels good" or "feels like it could be home" then I say go for it.

Sounds like T is doing great! I love that he almost laughed!

Slammer - OMG he's so cute! Love the pic! I think this wasn't my period after all, since the bleeding stopped. So maybe it was just some random spotting. Sorry PT was cancelled, did you get to reschedule for soon?

Newbie - What an adorable little one! <3

Lite & VRogers - Oh! I also loved Gilmore Girls and Parenthood!! Such great shows!

Lite - I don't know how you do it with Vi not going to sleep until so late. I think I'd die. Melody won't go to sleep before 10pm usually (11pm now that Daylight savings jacked us up) and that's hard enoguh for me (I'm such a wimp when it comes to sleep). I feel like there ought to be a way that we can shift their sleep time even if just a few minutes a day, but that's probably wishful thinking.

I'm so glad that you had a great weekend with some friends! I found that I really enjoy game nights at my sister's house more so now than I did before, if for no other reason that I get adult interaction and there are 2-4 other people (my sister, BIL, and usually their neighbors are over) who jump at the chance to hold, snuggle and bounce Melody.

Congrats to Violet!! So proud of her! Wow, and I thought Melody's rolling at 8 weeks was early! Vi's on it! :haha:

Ally - So glad your mastitis sounds like it's clearign up! That's great!!
Quick post - I'll catch up properly when I have time. I just need a quick whine before going to bed.

Just got T to sleep and I'm blah. Going back to work tomorrow and I absolutely hate it. Hasn't really bugged me much, but now it's sinking in. I know it's just one day this week, but still. I'm also afraid it will go bad for DH and then I'll really hate it and have anxiety every day I work till it's better. Hoping I have something good to report. Then to top it off I get to work with the one person everyone hates working with.

Time to try and sleep.
Hi ladies,

Quick catch up & updste whilst the gang is asleep , even oh has dropped off, Haha...

Ali sorry u r back at work, hope it goes ok. I can understand your anxieties x

Angel.. I was thinking about mini pill. I went to Dr the other say and he has suggested that I goon the injection but I'm not too sure about it. Melody rolling as well !! Brilliant x

Pomp, glad you are getting smiles :) I was a bit worried about ollie but he is smiling away now.. It's quite funny as he mainly smiles a lot after a Poo.. Must be the relief lol ..

Lite/ glad u had a good weekend with friends, and brill that V is rolling :) bless her..

Ally, newbie & slammer beautiful pictures &#65039;xx

Vrogers, hope Lillian is doing ok after her appointment x love the name Lillian x

Ally glad mastitis is clearing, ive had it before .. So painful ! X

Slammer.. Hope neck is better soon hon sound painful, sorry you have had some up and down days. I can relate to beibg stressed at times with having more than one, especially when baby is crying! It's pretty head doing at times. I then have major guilt as ds is just being a three Ur old :( I have same at night going between two of them and it is easier sometimes to just put toddler in with us..

Quick update / ollie doing well, really coming on. Had 8 week check this week all well.. He was weighed last week and was 11.5 so gaining well.. Waking every three hours in night but very quickly back to sleep..he seems to get bored very quickly when awake in the day.. Likes cuddles!! Learning quick lol..
Ds settling Into new nursery thankfully, Such a relief. I went today early to collect him and was spying on him lol .. Was loverly to see him laughing with new friends..

I went to slimming world 1st weigh in and Id lost 5and half pounds in a week !! Result !really trying to stick at it.. It helps going with my mum, she lost 5.. Ha x

Thanks everyone for the advice on box sets. Ive just started watching .. The Fall x

Sorry if I have missed anyone, im foing this one handed on my phone with ollie asleep in other .. I will try and get on again soon xx

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