January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Quick check in, will read through properly later and reply to people,

KK nice to hear from you :) hope everyone else doing ok , I will catch up properly later today if I can..

Ollie doing ok, getting really good at settling himself now...might not stay asleep long but I'm not really bothered about that.. It's a start.. He is getting really chunky .. So cute :) smiling loads..
just been out for breakfast with ollie and oh to a pub, managed to stay within my diet to a point haha.. Ds at his new nursery this am. He went in all excited as he has some tadpoles to show his friends from our garden.. One of the grumpy nursery nurses said they can have a quick look then he can take them home. Wouldn't mind but it was the manager that told him to bring them in! This woman is such an ass.. Has real power trips.. Really annoyed me.. Sorry for little vent ! Lol.. Its just ds was so excited taking them in.. They have a little pond so was going to put them in. She said they would die ??.. If that's the case fair enough it was her attitude that pissed me off Arrr!!

Just wondering how many of the people in here were on the facebook group, is it a closed group ? Just seems to be the same few on here now and wondered if I was only one not on Facebook?

Weather here rubbish cold and rainy 😣 going to take ollie and ds to play area this afternoon to let ds burn off some of his energy as we can't go a walk x mummy will be sitting having a coffee x !
Literati- I hope you're feeling better! I'm glad you had a fun outing but I'm sorry about the fussy evening, poor V unable to breathe. At least it will pass, I hope she feels better soon and is able to sleep better (and you)!

Angel- good on you for taking care of yourself and getting back in the gym! It's not easy, the most I've been doing is going on occasional walks and only got back on the elliptical once. I'm glad the gym daycare took care of her and got you when they needed you!
And don't feel bad for talking about sleep, I feel like that's one of the main problems/concerns with a newborn because they are generally not good sleepers. I feel the exact same way on not feeling ready to put her in her room yet! We have her in the rock n play beside our bed (I know you're technically not supposed to, but with her reflux we got desperate and it's how everyone gets some sleep!) but dh wants to move her into her room in her crib because of how noisy she is. I'm willing to try when she's 4ish months and if we have a baby monitor! I hope you find something that works for you guys. Sleep is important and I think everyone would do just about everything to get it!
I've heard dr browns is great for gas! Thankfully we seem to be past the super gassy stage, but she was there for a couple weeks recently.

Pompey- you have a point there, the only way to get past it is to do it and I'm sure worrying about what could go wrong is worse than reality. I may start with dh and I taking her out this weekend, we've been cooped up since she was 2-3 weeks old and just slept all the time, and we did make a few outings then. Then I can try to attack going alone to target or even just get coffee.
I'm glad Jamie is doing well and growing! Anabella sounds like a good big sister, being sweet to him and wanting to be able to play with him.
The smiling and cooing is my favorite! It definitely helps me get through the sleep deprivation and fussiness.

Slammer- glad to hear good things about the comotomo bottles from someone who's used them, I can't wait to try.
Poor dd, sounds like she's having a rough time. I hope she feels better today and is able to get some better rest tonight. The raw spot sounds painful, I hope you can get seen quick and get it taken care of.

Ali- haha right? I feel the SAME way and I've only been a mom for a couple months, I can't imagine how you would feel! It is good to hear that it will get better when they're older, I'm trying not to wish away any stage but like I've said before I am not a fan of this one!
I'm glad you were able to get your hair cut! That always makes me feel somewhat like a new person.
The hair pulling is brutal! I'm always paranoid she'll get a piece of my hair wrapped around her finger because of it so I'm constantly checking. She pulls dh's chest hair and it makes me laugh although I know it's painful.
oh man, running out of wipes and then being late to work and then finding out dh had a rough day on top of it sounds chaotic. I feel the same about feeling responsible if someone else has a hard time, even though they are babies and their own people it still makes me feel horrible.
Yay for 7 hours! Hopefully it wasn't just a one time thing and it starts being a thing. Broken sleep is the worst, makes me feel like I didn't even sleep at all.

Apple- glad Ollie is doing well and happy! I love the smiles too. That woman sounds ridiculous, I would ignore her and listen to the manager instead. Seems like some people are rude just to be rude, I don't get it. She could have at least been nice about it, I mean she chose to do the job she does. How cute ds was excited, I hope he absolutely loves the new place and makes lots of friends! He sounds sweet.
I'm not in the Facebook group yet but someone said the other day it isn't super active. So you aren't the only one!

AFM- I feel crazy suggesting this but I swear it feels like Lillian is teething! The past week or so she just constantly has her little fist in her mouth, at first I thought it was because she was hungry but that's clearly not it. She rubs her face often and has been having off/on fussy periods (which I know isn't unusual by itself) and to top it off she gets fussy at the bottle. Seems like it happens as the day goes on, she usually takes her morning bottle just fine. When she had problems with reflux she did this as well, but then she would clutch at her chest and stomach, this is a bit different. It seems to have interrupted her sleep as well, she will sleep but seems pretty restless and sometimes does that few second high pitch cry. Lately I have to rock her and have her on me so she will nap longer than 5 mins.
I do notice little white spots on her gums but I'm also not entirely sure what I'm looking for and can't quite tell if her gums are swollen as I hadn't paid them much attention until lately.
Anyways, I could be totally off base but I guess I will just keep trying things until something works, seems like that's what I do most of the time with her
Ali - wow, that outing for hair cut with diaper blow-out sounds quite stressful! I am glad it didn't matter too much that you were late for work! It is hard having to change babies when out and about. I am not a fan.
That's too funny about you forgetting you were making lunch! I can see that happening to me too.

I hope T does a long stretch like that for you more regularly. I am with you on seeing how it would be hard to try the crib after that if it would mean giving up a longer stretch of sleep. I fear I have probably already created a monster with V as she just won't sleep in the bassinet at all, and I am so attached to the better sleep with her in the bed that I am not bothering trying very often. I fear I may end up with two kids in my bed until they're 8! Haha. I will have o wait much longer for a third child if I can't get at least one of them out of my bed.

It is hard doing anything for "you" once you're a mom. However, I feel it is important to give yourself a break and do things you enjoy sometimes. Maybe when T is a bit older you should get your DH to watch the kids for a few hours while you do something just for you! Also - have you considered joining a local moms' group to try to make a few friends? Even if they don't really get to be close friends, it might be nice to have a bit of a support system with not having any family nearby!

Apple - I am glad Ollie is self settling a bit. Hopefully he will start sleeping longer soon.

VRogers - if L is teething, that would make two very early teethers on this thread! Keep us posted on that. Either way, whatever is bothering her is likely to pass soon enough...until the next thing!
Thanks. V is still struggling with breathing but seems slightly better maybe? I hope she heals fully soon. I can feel myself getting sick now too...
Have you gone to Target? I really think you should give it a go!!

AFM - DH worked super lAte last night (I was already asleep when he got home, and I went to bed after 11), and I didn't want to be alone. Was feeling quite down! So I spontaneously asked my sister if I could go visit. I bought us all mcflurries and then watched a show with my sister. Dd1 and my niece chased each other around and giggled like crazy until my niece had to go to bed, and then dd1 mostly played with puzzles until it was time to leave. It made bedtime slightly more stressful because dd1 fell asleep in the vehicle and then woke up when we got home and took about 40 min to fall back asleep. However, it enabled V to nap on the way there and back which stopped her from getting overtired and screaming the house down...which was great! She is getting harder and harder to get to sleep. We may become those people who have to drive their kid around for every single nap. *rolls eyes*
AliJo - sorry the day was bad for DH. I hope it goes better today.

Sounds like a stressful outing to get your hair cut!

Literati - thank for the reassurance on the silver nitrate. The doctor didn't even mention it, but have read about it online, so I hope it's an option. Sorry you needed it last time and are likely going to need it again. But if it helps then that's all that matters!

Apple - love baby smiles! Jack is smiling at me more and more. Sorry about the mean lady at your toddler’s nursery!

Vrogers - i remember when DD started doing the hand sucking all the time and I was like “I can't tell if this is a hunger cue anymore!”. Jack is sucking his hands and lot too. I think it at just normal development for this age.

Literati - I don't know if I'll ever get Jack sleeping on a separate surface either. The few times I've tried to put him down on the bed or in the rock n play he wakes instantly. I think he's very sensitive to the temperature difference when he feels the loss of body heat against him.

Sounds like going to see tour sis was a great idea! Wish I had someone to call for a spontaneous visit.

I don't even know how you'd do driving naps with DD1 around. I've had the same thought!

AFM - well my neck was so sore today after PT yesterday! Trying to do my stretches/exercises but in pain!

DH is working an extra night tonight so on my own. I hope DD isn't too sick/needy tonight.
kk- enjoy the road trip! good job on the walk, that is my aim today, to get out for one!!

vrogers- i never ended up doing the bedroom, but i managed to sort out clothes that don't fit isa anymore and put them away and sort his next size up ones. i also dont really like taking isa out in case he cries and fusses and i feel everyone will stare at me!

lit- hope yiu are feeling better soon, sorry about the headaches and nausea, sounds horrible. thats nice you went to see your sister and V got some sleep in. I hope things get easier for you with the sleep.

ange;- so jealous you got to the gym, i really wanna get more active. Good work! i went on the scales last week and it seems i have lost about 9 pounds, without even realising it . i stepped on it about 10 x as i didn't believe it. so i am only a few pounds off pre pregnancy weight, but my body shape definitely feels different so i feel like i have a new body. Reallly want to get back into my running etc.
sorry m has been so fussy. Honestly, baby sleep is complex. Once you think things are going well, it all changes and you need to start over. I hope you manage to get M down for naps in the crib. things will get easier, and hope dh will feel more confident in managing M. HUGS.

pomp- so happy Jamie is doing well, he sounds like a little chunk.

slammer- glad pt went well and sorry dd had a fussy niight. Spot sounds ouch, seeing obgyn sounds like a good plan.

ali- i think that is one of the cons of BF'ing- babies want mum and thats it, and they want the comfort. Nothing dad can do will compare. oh Ali, that blow out sounds horrible, you poor thing.

apple- thats amazing he can self settle, i would love isa to do that lol. im not on fb, so no ide about group. but almost wish i had fb so i can see more updates and pics from you guys and put faces to the names :)

afm- my little lump i had is gone and boob feels almost back to normal now. PHEW. I want to wean isa v slowly, as too fast and i will probably get another bout of mastitis knowing my luck. I have a formula, giving him a small amount everyday. Just to get him used to it. im in no major rush to stop bf'ing completely yet.
SIL is coming to visit today with her daughter, staying for 2 nights, going to be busy!
isa doing good, but last couple of nights been really fussy in the evenings, from 8-11ish and not sleeping. driving me mad. but then hes fine at night with just a couple of quick awakenings. i think he gets over tired so need to try and prevent that from happening tonight.
last night he fell asleep at 9, dh and i were like yes! we can chill out together now, but then he woke an didn't sleep till 11.30. Baby sleep- oh its so confusing and complex.
isa is drooling a lot and eating his hand, dh think he might be teething.
Literati - also meant to say I'm there with you on fretting about dealing with crap sleep for a year. I was just thinking to myself the other day..."almost two months down...10ish to go before it might get better" :(

Ally - glad your breast is feeling better! Hope you enjoy your SIL's visit and that Isa settles down in the evenings.
Yesterday went much better for DH. He was able to get T to take a 3 hour nap and O took a 2 hour one during that time so he was able to relax a bit. He said he was stuck in the same position the whole time, but he was still grateful. T ate a lot better than the first day as well so I'm happy for that. Hoping that it's a good sign. He still had rough moments, but I really don't want this to continue too long. Next week I have two full days back to back and I'm nervous that they'll be bad.

Today isn't a nice day out. It's not very warm and cloudy with a pretty high chance of rain. So, definitely no walk today! Hoping to go look at a couple of houses. I'm actually excited about one. It's a single story with a full basement on a .27 acre lot. A corner lot so a lot is on the edges but still has a lot of yard I can fence for the boys. Then it has an open layout which makes me super excited! Plus there is a little bonus room that has a door out to the back that would be perfect for a play room and is right off the living room! The kitchen would need updated at some point, but I'm okay with that! It's in good condition, just an older style. Can you tell I'm excited about it? I just hope it works out! Really hoping to view today as well so if we like it we can hopefully place an offer today. I keep checking my phone and email hoping she has a showing set up. I'm so afraid it will slip from us otherwise.

Also, my weight is still dropping steadily so I'm excited about that! Even though I ate like complete crap the last two days. When I work it's hard to eat well. Then we get bribery food from the different Hospice centers we work with. So I had probably 4 too many cookies yesterday.. which is all I had (like 4 isn't a lot!) I haven't ate the best today, but I think I want to try some chicken taco meat tonight and have a taco salad. Never actually had a chicken taco.

Ally - I'm glad your breast is better! It does sound like the start of teething. I know O drooled for awhile before finally getting a tooth, but it was probably slowly pushing up. I'm hoping I have a couple more months before they start to show!

Slammer - It was stressful! Glad it's done, though! I'm home today and it's all in the past. DH really likes my hair so I keep getting compliments from him, it's nice haha

Lite - Definitely didn't get another long stretch last night. I still felt like I slept okay, though. Probably because I got more than just 5 hours of sleep total which seems to be all I get before work.

I honestly don't know any mom groups around here. I looked around online, but this isn't a big area so nothing popped up.

Glad you spent some time with your sister! I use to love when O took a nap in the car, but yeah.. now it's just trouble!

Vrogers - Usually the first teeth to come in are the front bottom teeth. So pay the most attention there. Try giving her a cool wash cloth to chew on or maybe even a little Tylenol to see if that calms her. If it does it's a good chance she's teething.

Apple - That lady sounds annoying. Why can't they all be wonderful? There always seems to be that one person that throws EVERYONE off. Just like at work. Most of my fellow employees are great then there are just a couple that I think we could really do without. They ruin the whole flow of everything. Glad Ollie is doing so well! I love baby smiles!
It's been quiet! What plans do people have going for the weekend? Nothing here as per the norm.

So.. we almost missed out on our chance for that house I liked. We were able to place an offer, though! We find out today. There are several offers, but we're in the running since we made a very clean offer. I'm super anxious! The day is dragging out. I've come to terms with it if we don't get it, but I keep acting like we will. I guess there is nothing wrong with being optimistic as long as I am aware it isn't guaranteed.

I'm going to exercise today for at least a half hour total. It may have to be split up depending on the boys, but I will get it done! First I need to do some hip stretches to try and make them feel better. Definitely hurting today. I also feel like I have been stranded in the desert. Nothing I drink refreshes me and my mouth is always dry. I blame the boob gobbler!
Slammer - Yep, the first year of crappy sleep sure sucks. At least we can commiserate.
I hope the extra night without your DH went ok!
I think that Violet is the same with being really sensitive to the temperature change of being put down. Ohhhh well!

Do you have another appointment booked with your doctor yet?

Ally - the fussy and late evenings sound exactly like what we are going through. And we have had the same thing happen, thinking V has fallen asleep at a decent hour only to have her wake right up and stay up partying for 2 more hours! Oh well. Maybe we will have evenings again eventually...
Glad your lump is okay! I hope you can successfully very gradually wean to formula so you never have to go through this again! You've really gone through a lot! However, it's awesome Isa has been BFed as long as he has! I hope the visit with your SIL goes well and isn't too busy and exhausting.

Ali -
That's great things went better for your DH and he got the kids both to sleep well! Woohoo! I know how it is to be pinned in one position and unable to move for a few hours just to keep a baby to sleep!

Sounds like a great house! It would be so hard getting your hopes up and then waiting to find out. This house hunting business sounds really stressful. I hope you get it. Good luck with getting your exercise in today! It has been a lot nicer out the last couple days so I think today I might attempt a walk with the girls! Still too cold for V to be in the wrap, but I will try V in the stroller and dd1 holding my hand. Even if it's a very short walk, it will at least get us out of the house and in some fresh air.

AFM - I have been feeling so, so worn out!!! Like, incredibly weary like I have never felt before (mentally, physically and emotionally). This having 2 kids business is so hard!
However, dd1 has been better behaved all week, and I've been doing my best at getting us out for short activities to keep us all sane. Yesterday I took dd1 to a different mall's play place which I actually liked better because there were surrounding tables you could eat at/drink coffee at while watching the kids play whereas the other mall's area had no food or drink allowed. Dd1 had so much fun, but unfortunately then she pooped and I had to change her in the most cramped public bathroom ever with everyone watching, and I wanted to scream! I got home and was so exhausted. Dd1 needed a nap, thankfully, so after 3 attempts, I finally got both girls sleeping at the same time and then I fell asleep for a good 2 hours! Dd1 slept for almost 3! She was so tired. Anyway, I felt way better after that.

This weekend is so busy that I am basically dreading it. Tonight DH works really late again so I am getting together with a friend and ordering pizza so we can at least keep each other company (her husband works late too). Hopefully the kids will play well and leave us alone haha. Then Saturday evening we are going to my sister's for supper. Sunday will be the busiest and the one I am most dreading because we are celebrating DH's parents' 40th wedding anniversary. My SIL organized a whole big thing so now I just have to go along with it. We have to prepare multiple dishes (although they gave us the easy ones at least), and pay for flowers and blah blah blah. Not only that, but DH has other plans in the afternoon that make the schedule too tight to get there in time since they live out of town, so he is dropping me off at their house first thing in the afternoon with the girls, and I will be stuck there for the ENTIRE day with the girls and no help. It's going to be so stressful. My SILs are going to be decorating and whatnot, so I will probably feel guilted into helping, but I have to just sit and hold V while she naps so I won't be able to...I am just so stressed about it! We won't get to leave until 8 pm and then it will be time to start the week again after no relaxing at all. Blah.
Lite - Hopefully DD1 keeps up the good behavior for you! Two children is hard, but I'm finding it gets easier. It's hard when O wants something, but I'm too busy with T. It's not bad for him to learn to wait, though. It's just frustrating when he gets so incredibly upset over it.

I'd be mortified to change my child in a busy public restroom! I know O would NEVER behave through something like that. Thankfully O hardly EVER poops when he's out of his comfort areas.

That nap sounds amazing! I could try to take one right now, but I won't. I haven't taken a nap in a long time. I find that if I do I have more issues sleeping at night.

Hopefully your weekend goes smoothly and it isn't too exhausting. I wouldn't be looking forward to it either. I hate when I'm super busy kids or not.

I hope a short walk goes well for you! I don't know how long O would listen if I made him hold my hand. He listens really well for walking out to the car and what not, but I don't think a longer period would last very long.

Sooo.. our offer got accepted!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! I can't believe we actually got it! DH doesn't know yet since I told him I wouldn't wake him up early knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Closing date was set on May 5th and I honestly want to start packing now. :haha: I'm kind of hoping we can get away with only paying half a month of rent. Going to get a hold of the owner sometime soon and talk to him and see if we'll be getting our deposit back. Or if we can just use our deposit (if he is giving it back) to pay the final month. We SHOULD get it back and I'm sure knowing him he'll let us have it. He's such a super nice guy! He has two boys as well and they're both similar age to our sons. They'd be going to school together if we stayed here. I am kind of sad that we'll be moving away from this town, but I have so many more job options now. I'm actually looking to apply somewhere else soon, but need to get some things situated first. This next month is probably going to seem slow.
AliJo - so thrilled for you that you got the house! Sounds great, and a good thing you passed on the other one that you were just so-so about. It’s nerve wracking how fast things move once you are under contract.

Glad DH had a better day with the boys. I'm sure there will be hard moments most any day for him...it's just the way of things. DH is gonna have a hard time here too I think. He seriously can't handle the two without losing it yet. I wanted to take a shower this morning and so he would have to handle Jack and he instantly went to turn on the TV for DD. Dude...it's gonna take me like 20 minutes...you can't survive that long??

Did you get your 30 minutes of exercise in? I probably wouldn't have due to the excitement of the house, lol.

Literati - I'm sorry you are so worn out! It sure is exhausting! Are you taking your prenatals still? I think I have more energy when I take mine. I would have been stressed trying to change a toddler’s diaper out and about too. Weeks ago I was changing Jack in a Target bathroom with DD and the table was out in the open, partially blocking the door to a stall, people coming in and out. So stressful!

I hope you have fun tonight with your friend. Sounds like a very busy and stressful weekend. I'd be apprehensive too. I hope your in-laws take it easy on you!

AFM - I feel like a rockstar. I left the house four times today! In the morning we all went to tour a potential preschool for DD. Later DH, Jack, and I went to Costco. Then I picked up DD from daycare with Jack in tow. Then I took the two on a 35 minute walk, carrying Jack and pushing DD in the stroller. I put together the new vacuum we bought at Costco. And I did my PT exercises (not as many times as I was supposed to but hey). And I made myself a green smoothie this evening - second day in a row! So my goal of three walks for the week is met! I feel so accomplished. I'm sure I'll be tired tomorrow, lol. My BF is coming to visit and I'll probably go out to the mall with her and Jack while DH and DD do something else on their own.

Looking forward to bed tonight, but it might be a late one. Jack is asleep in the carrier right now and probably needs some awake time before going down for the night.
Slammer - That's awesome!! Good job! I'd feel like a super hero if I did all that. I actually forgot to exercise :dohh: and it was because of all the house stuff. I have tomorrow still, though. I will get it done. I almost jumped up and did it as soon as I read that, but it's late and I don't want it to wake me up.
AliJo - hehe, I'm glad you didn't get up at exercise... No point in keeping yourself awake at that point!

Thankfully we were in bed by 10:30 last night. Plenty of wakings and fitful sleep from Jack though, so blahhhh.
Slammer - It was late when I was finally able to go to bed. O was not wanting to go to sleep. T was asleep by 9 and I think it was after 11 when I finally got O to go to bed. I was ready for it since my whole day has been a roller coaster of emotions. I hate walking into unknown territory as well so this whole house buying process has me on edge. It'll be Thursday before we do anymore towards it. I just hope it passes inspection otherwise our loan will not cover it till it's fixed. It should, but the only thing I'm worried about is the roof. No idea when it was last replaced and it has to be able to last another 3 years to pass.

T is down for his first nap, mostly likely a short 30 minute one like usual. I actually put him in his swing and he woke up. I gave him a little blanket and he snuggled it and fell back asleep after a couple of minutes. I will be so happy if he learns to comfort himself! O never did.
Ali - wow, congrats on getting the house! Exciting times! I hope it passes inspection and all goes well!

I'm glad you're finding having 2 kids easier as time goes on. I am getting better at handling it, but I am not any less exhausted or drained from it.
How nice that T settled back to sleep on his own after waking up. Hopefully he keeps it up.

Slammer - I have been really bad for taking my vitamins. I should definitely start again, as I am getting little to no nutrition from what I am eating. Blah.
Well done on so many outings yesterday! You are a rockstar! Outings with 2 really aren't so bad, I find.
My DH is the same with plopping dd1 in front of the TV if I even go down to shower! Usually if he gives me a 'break,' it is just watching one child while I deal with the other. It is amazing how only 1 kid feels like a huge break now though.

AFM - I had a wonderful evening with my friend yesterday! The kids played pretty well together and mostly left us alone. My friend and I pigged out on junk food and half watched a movie. I won't be weighing myself for a few days! Haha. Going home for bedtime by myself was stressful, but we all got to sleep eventually - just really late.
AliJo - hopefully everything turns out fine with the inspection, and if it doesn't the seller will really have to fix it anyway or they likely wouldn't be able to sell it to someone else either!

Literati - ugh, yes on "breaks" just being a break from one child at a time.

So glad you had a great evening!

AFM - had a good day with my BF. We hung out at home a bit, then went to the mall/target for lunch and browsing/shopping. Then hung out some more at home with DH and DD. Very tiring day though. I feel like I was on the go the whole day nearly. Jack cried both ways in the car. Such is life I guess.

I'm hosting a meet up tomorrow. I run a group for local working moms but haven't had a meetup in months due to bring pregnant and not motivated. One mom I already know is coming and another I haven't met. Hope I can get some cleanup done tomorrow while DH is home before they come at 4!

I did schedule another appt with the doctor regarding the pain down below for Tuesday. Gonna be a busy week for appts - have that and PT on Tues, DH's vasectomy is Weds, Jack's 2-month visit and PT on Thurs.
Slammer - sounds like a great day with your BF! Woohoo! I know what you mean about feeling like you were always on the go. That has been my life lately! It is definitely tiring. It's great you still have a BF to hang out with. Unfortunately my 'BFF' and I had a falling out back in the summer, and we haven't really spoken since. She is the one who ended the friendship. I tried to patch things up, but to no avail. It is lonely not having a best friend anymore.

That is so nice you host a moms' group. Sounds like fun! I hope you have time to clean and such. But don't stress too much. If people see your house is a bit messy, they will probably just feel relieved that they are not the only ones!
That sounds like a very busy week for appointments. I forgot, but V has her 2 month check up on Monday, which is when my postpartum Appointment is as well.
Did some strength exercises yesterday. I wanted to do something cardio, but I was too afraid to wake T. O thought it would be fun to climb all over me during them. That was fun.. for him.

Reading some paperwork and from my understanding if they won't fix something that doesn't pass inspection they either can credit it to us (but still has to be fixed before closing so this option probably wouldn't work), back out, or see if we would pay for repairs. If we won't fix it we can back out and get our earnest money back. Really hope it doesn't come to that, but at least it seems our earnest money is protected in that situation. We shall find out Thursday.

Lite - Glad you had a wonderful evening with your friend! I'm excited to see how much V has grown!

It is really exhausting for me at times, but really this doesn't compare at all to when I was pregnant still. I saw a lot of people saying they're more tired afterwards, but I'm definitely not. I can go without a nap on little sleep and still be okay. If I do nap I usually can't go to sleep at night. When I was pregnant I literally could barely function.

Slammer - The time with you BF sounds really nice! I'm jealous of all these times spent with friends! That's nice that you host a group! I kind of thought of hosting a group, but I feel it would just be too much trouble for me in general. Wouldn't be so bad if it was a group that rotated who hosted. I'd have to be in the house, though. We have 0 room here!

Oh boy, that is a lot of appointments! Excited to see Jack's growth progress, though!

Do you think he would like one of those toys that hang off the back of the seat in your vehicle? He's getting old enough it might catch his attention and distract him some!

So, just laid T down in the swing and he woke up. Gave him a blanket which he instantly grabbed and rubbed on his face like he always does. Isn't self settling. I'm giving it a little time, but he's over the getting mad so I doubt he will! Oh well..

He's also really hating laying down for the most part when he's awake. He wants to be sitting up. I got him a sit-me-up floor seat that works really good for him. We have a saucer seat, but he's too small still. If we put him in the swing or bouncer while he's awake he keeps doing mini crunches trying to sit up.
ali- congratulations on getting the house! Very exciting. I would love for isa to get to comfort himself to sleep, it's something i want to try this week. Isa loves sitting up too.

slammer- amazing you went out 4 times! it is so hard going out with a little baby. Its brilliant you did your target for your 3 walks. Its brilliant you organise a meet up, thats a great idea. would love to do something like that but always get too lazy.

lit- really glad you had a good time with your friend and ate lots of junk food. I've had loads of junk food this weekend, really need a detox lol.

AFM- had a lovely weekend with SIL, weather has been sunny and lovely which is rare in Scotland haha. today is mothers day in the UK, my first one. Isa and dh made me breakfast in bed, then we went out for a picnic in the park with my parents and brothers. It was lovely and Isa slept the whole time so he made it easy.
the last few evenings he has been better and more settled, yesterday he did his longest period asleep in the crib- 6 hours! i was in shock.
im feeling more confident with him and going to venture out this week and meet up with friends etc. x
Literati- I feel like I'm way off with the teething thing just because what are the chances, and it's so hard to tell what's going on with her sometimes because she can't tell me! I will definitely let you guys know if I find out for sure!
A mccflurry sounds sooo good right now! I'm glad you got to spend some time with your sister and that V napped well! We have been those people that drive to get baby to sleep, she hates her car seat but once we're moving she's good.
I'm glad you had a fun outing to the mall! The changing situation would make me feel awkward as well.
I hope this weekend has not been too stressful on you

Slammer- it's crazy how much she has her hand in her mouth now, I just said the same thing to dh yesterday about it making it harder to tell if she's actually hungry!
Look at you, you're on a roll getting everything done! You should be proud.
The meetup sounds like an awesome idea, I hope it goes really well!

Ally- it's funny because I don't judge other moms with crying babies, I rarely notice them if it's somewhere like target or something, so that should make me feel better, but it still freaks me out to think about.
Tons of drooling and chewing her hands here too! Apparently it can be normal at this point, so I'm figuring I guess we will know for sure when teeth show up at some point.
Happy first Mother's Day! Glad you were treated well, you definitely deserve it. So glad Isa is doing well and you are feeling confident! If you do happen to venture out, let us know how it goes. Maybe it'll encourage me to do the same!

Ali- that sounds like a great house, congratulations! I bet you can't wait to get settled in, so thrilled for you guys!

Last night Lillian got done eating around 8:30ish and fell asleep. Was expecting her to wake up shortly after but she stayed asleep! Dh "sleep fed" her around 12:30 when we finally put her down in our room and she stayed asleep until almost 9 this morning! She doesnt nap as well on the weekends because our routine is a little off but she hasn't slept like that since she was a couple weeks old! I'm sure it won't happen again but it was nice to have extra time with dh

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