January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Lite - Yeah I definitely wouldn't leave her unattended, but I did try that with O. Trying to get him to sleep without me on the bed so I could transition him to the crib. Never worked, though. He was just difficult. It was easier with him because I could sit on the other side of the bed doing something. Now I can't.

I'd be happy with maintaining.. but it just means I'll gain once I'm done breastfeeding.

Apple - Thanks for checking in!

Slammer - O can be very particular as well. It's insane! I know it's because they don't like change. It's hard for them when they're younger, but still.

Hopefully the goopy eye goes away.

That's awesome he's getting his knees under him! T does at times. His thing lately is rolling to his side but up on his elbow. He was doing that earlier and like.. trying to sit up sideways while grabbing at stuff with his feet. I should have video taped that because it was some serious skill!

AFM - First day at the sitters went well. She felt pretty overwhelmed at first and said if it wasn't for her DH being home she probably would have cried. This isn't someone who is use to daycare and she's just watching my boys to make some extra money but also give her kids someone to play and interact with. I do sometimes wonder how people run 8 kid daycares by their selves!

Anyways, the boys both did good overall. She says she adores our boys, but O can be a lot.

I ended up having to go pick them up and taking them back to work because work was AWFUL. Worst day I've had in a long time and I was suppose to be there only 4 hours. Just flat out awful. The other nurse walked out. She came back and finished up her paperwork, but pretty sure she's going to be fired. She's the one I don't like. It was loud and chaotic when I walked in. I knew it was going to be horrible. Thankfully O was good while I was finishing up my paperwork and T slept the whole time. Got home and DH had to leave instantly. Bleh! He could have picked them up buuuut.. his keys came undone and the other vehicle key was sitting in the vehicle I was in. So needless to say I'm over today. Glad my boys did good and for the most part it wasn't bad for her. She's going to get help for awhile, but I don't see this being long term. I know I'll need to figure something else out down the road. Which kind of bums me because this is very comfortable for me.
Ali - yeah, once my dd1 was a year old, I started lying with her in my bed to get her to fall asleep and then I would sneak away. We had our bed on the floor back then to be safe. It was nice when she finally got to that point, but I was definitely never able to get her to stay in her crib for longer than 20 minutes! So frustrating.

Aww, that it too bad your provider found it so overwhelming at first. I don't blame her. I was surprised when you said she had a Baby of her own as well. I can't imagine looking after two infants! I also wonder how people who run daycares manage to do it! I'm glad it went ok, though! Sorry you had a tough day and a bad day at work! That is no fun. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. It isn't very nice that you barely even got to see your DH! :(
haven't been on in days, catching up now!

vrogers- poor you, hope you are feeling fully better now. I'm glad L sleeps so well at night, and sounds like you have it sorted. Isa is normally much better at night too, but does need some back patting etc numerous times when he wakes himself up.
Don't feel bad about the expressing, you have done amazing!
we didnt get a highchair no, but we did get a little seat thing that is like a mini high chair.

ali- least you have not gained, thats good. Can't believe he is in 9-12 already- wee chunk. Isa is in 6-9 but some of the stuff can be quite big for him still.
i totally get not putting him in the crib, sometimes it is just easier to put him in bed.
sorry about the awful day at work, sounds so stressful!

slammer- are you all organised for the trip? I can't tell if isa has teeth coming or not, his gums feel very hard and he likes the teething rings etc but can't feel or see any teeth yet.

lit- glad u are having a better week and yah for V going to bed earlier and you getting some time to work on your photobook!

afm- been feeling really tired , last night i fell asleep with my bra on. Not comfy.
I'm trying to cut out isa's night feed by giving him 30 ml less each night and get him to make up for it in the day. He has a 5 ounce bottle around 3am, but would loooove to not wake up then and just sleep. Last night he took his bottle, but then threw up and i had to change all his clothes as well as mine, and it was like 4 am ish when we got back to sleep.
i'm really missing my sleep, when will our babies sleep all night? if feel like all the babies i know seem to sleep perfectly and all night for like 12 hours. Sounds like a dream...
Literati - oh, that's good DH takes care of DD1. Sometimes I forget that other people have their husbands home every night, lol!

Hope you like your new shoes! That's nice you got some time to work on something while Violet slept!

AliJo - Man, I can't imagine taking care of my own kids plus someone else's. I hope this lady doesn't get too overwhelmed watching yours. I guess it's good she was honest with you about it being hard. I simply don't know how people do it. Even with that biological connection to my own children it is hard enough...I couldn't manage someone else's.

Sorry work sucked! That's a miracle the boys were good while you finished your work.

AFM - Sold the Mamaroo last night. Got $100 for it, so that's nice. Went to Target to buy clothes for all the Irish nieces and nephews and a bunch of toys to bring on the plane for DD. I took Jack with me while DH took DD one to a friend's pool. We were all tired by the time bed time came around. Spent half the night in the glider again, just for funsies, lol.

I should probably consider giving some of my frozen milk away. I keep packing more and more away. Not sure how much I have...maybe 300 oz or something. But I'm nervous to give some away and potentially have trouble pumping enough later on. Wish I could give it to vrogers! (If you'd even be into that sort of thing, heh.)

I also went crazy and ordered another few baby carriers on Amazon to try. LOL. I think I just need to accept that I can really only do hip carry and then bide my time until I can back carry. I used the Tula at Target and it was no better at all on my back. I just end up with pain on my mid/lower left side no matter what I do. I think it's just the pressure of the waist belt and nothing helps except carrying on my left hip so I don't have the belt strap squeezing me there.

DH is going to try to get Jack an appt at the doctor today for his eye - looks very pink, so I want to get medicine if he needs it before we go. And hope that it doesn't spread to any of the rest of us.

Also paying the first tuition fee for when DD starts preschool in the fall! Budget is blown up this month from that and our trip, ugh.
Hi all. Wish I can keep up better. Yesterday we went on a boat ride to see some seals. It was really good. Vi was awake the whole way but slept 3hrs after that. In the evening we had family over and she fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the chaos. I put her on sofa at 8pm and OH carried her to bed at 11 and she slept till a bottle at 5. Honestly she is easier than my 4yr old who is a grumpy pain at the moment!

Still not weaned. May buy a highchair at the weekend?
Oops, missed your post Ally. I am not organized yet, but will get there somehow!

Is it only once that Isa eats at night? Honestly one feed seems like a dream to me. He's still so young. I wouldn't push him to drop the feed personally, but you know your baby best. That really sucks about him throwing up and having to change his clothes and all. I can't say when he will sleep all night, but it is very NORMAL for them to wake a couple times a night until at least a year. This too, shall pass, as they say. God I wish Jack would only wake once...or twice, or three times. I honestly think he wakes at least 6+ times most of the time. I haven't even bothered to count. :(

midnight - wow, she sounds like a very easy baby. My DD never did anything like that, and Jack doesn't either. I marvel at these unicorn babies that can just fall asleep wherever, lol.
Hi ladies!!! Haven't had a whole lot of time in the last week to get on at all so I had a whole lot to catch up on!!! Hope I get everyone included in my reply since I'm on my phone and can only do one page at a time!

Ali- I'm sorry about your back, I don't know how you and slammer do it with bad backs. All of the bending and lifting a baby requires must be pure hell!

I'm glad that you found a good fit for childcare, and potential friends out of it. Dh and I are always looking for couple friends, and only have maybe two couples that we can both tolerate, but they both live in different states! Sorry about your weight loss not improving. Did you gain after you stopped bfing o?

Lit- I get nervous leaving Gage on the bed too, but we have a camera monitor so I just turn that on him. So glad that you got v to sleep early, I'm sure that helps your sanity a bit to get a little break. Hopefully you can start putting her down soon. I'm glad the excercise is going so well. I'm hoping to start running in a month or so. I want to find a jogging stroller but read they aren't recommended under six months. So I'm going to start shopping around the consignment stores now.

Slammer-how funny about the protein bar lol. Sorry jacks sleep isn't improving. Maybe after those teeth come through that will help. Gage is doing this thing where he pushes his butt up on his toes and tries to scoot with no hands lol. He gets so pissed that he doesn't go anywhere. I hope the breast milk helps with the goop.

Vrogers- I totally get quitting pumping. You did something so amazing by pumping something from nothing! You are so right about our mental health being more important for them than breast milk! I'm sorry you were sick twice! That really sucks! Hope that is over for you. Your time with your dad sounds amazing!! I love spending time with my dad too. Have you started any sort of cereal, or is she milk only for now?

Newbie- glad the end is in sight!! Hopefully you can just enjoy z when school is out! How long will you have off?

Apple-Hope life isn't too stressful!

Ally- sorry about your period and being sick. That sound awful. I'm definitely not looking forward to a period again!

I hope I got everyone!

afm, nursing has gone down hill. I finally got Gage off of the nipple shield, and his latch still sucks. I tried so hard to correct it but it would just turn into him screaming bloody murder. My mom bought a LLL book and was reading that maybe my dip in supply had to do with his crappy latch too. The pain was so excruciating to breast feed him so I had to stop. I tried to get him back on the shield but he didn't want anything to do with it anymore. So I started pumping but couldn't keep up with him. I decided to add in some formula and pump when and what I can. So far he is getting every other bottle breastmilk. I'm going to see if I can increase my supply and give him more, but like vrogers said, the stress of all of it has been crazy and I immediately felt a weight lifted the next day after starting formula. He is much happier as well and I think he is actually getting full! I just told myself "it's ok if he has both".

we had an amazing time in Texas! It was so amazing watching my family interact with Gage, it just made me realize how so loved he is. Everyone was rooting for us through ivf and I think to see the results is such an awesome feeling! Our flight there was delayed four hours. We didn't fly out until 1am. By the time we got to my moms it was 5 am and nobody went to sleep until six because Gage woke up when we got there. Three of my nieces were at my parents for the week and were fighting over who would hold him first lol. He did so well getting passed around every day all day!! He absolutely loved it. And it was nice having more breaks. I actually went and took a nap when we got to my mils house. Then dh and I had two date nights in a row! I had a beer and a margarita the first night, and sent dh out for those alcohol test strips the next morning before I fed Gage anything I pumped, and it had all metabolized by then. Then the next night we went to a pool hall and I got really drunk haha. I was worried at first about being too tired to take care of Gage in the night but dh wanted me to have fun and said he would get Gage and stayed sober. So two nights in a row he got up with him all night night. It def helps that he is bottle fed now and dh can do night feedings. Anyway I think that I really needed that! Our flight back was ok, Gage was awake through most of it and wanting to touch everything around us (yuck) and then he took a big poop! But we were decending so I just waited until we got off of the plane. We decided we are heading back in September. My mom will be here in august for my 30th birthday. So that dh and I can go out and do something fun. We took family photos and I absolutely hate my size now. Looking at myself makes me sad. I really can't wait to start running! We went to my aunts house and I stuck Gage in the jumparoo that my cousin had for her little boy. He went bananas in it! My aunt ordered him one and it came in the day after we got home. Such a nice gift! I have another cousins who also has a little boy. All three born within a year of each other. We got the cutest pics of them in some custom onsies with their names and how many months they are. So cute!!! Anyway, I think that's it.

What is everyone doing for Father's Day? Dh has been eyeballing some air Jordan's so we might head to the mall and that be his Father's Day gift!


Also forgot to add, my mil wanted to take Gage up to her work which is a pediatric office and show him off, we weighed him and he was 17 lbs and 6ozs. He gained almost three pounds in two weeks! Might be the supplementing mixed with a growth spurt!!
Froggy - aww, I loved your update! Thanks for sharing pictures as well. Sounds like you had a really great time visiting family in Texas! I'm very happy for you that you got a couple date nights. You so deserved them!
I am sorry you've had issues with feeding, but I'm so glad that you're feeling better about combi-feeding now!
I can relate to your not liking your size in the family picture. I have been hating how I look lately (not just my weight) and I have been obsessing over it, which is no fun. However, I must remind you that you are your toughest critic, and I bet you look amazing, whatever size you are!

Midnight - the boat ride sounds fun. Glad Vi took to it well. She does sound like an extremely relaxed baby. :)

Slammer - haha, you totally have a baby carrier obsession! :haha: I hope one of the ones you ordered from Amazon works out for you. I'm glad at least the hip carry is good for you.

I am with you on not being able to imagine looking after someone else's children. My own kids are already so hard, and other people's children just downright annoy me! Haha.

How goes the packing? Our budget is also shot, so can't imagine how bad it would be with a trip to Ireland! Buying those shoes certainly didn't help us any...Oh well.

Ally - sorry you're feeling so tired lately. It's really hard, isn't it? They do have their own timelines for sleeping through, but I hope for your sake that Isa is one of the early ones.
Slammer- I'm worried that I'll buy one and not like it, they just look so much cooler than wraps! I have a moby but it gets so hot. That's too bad they all cause pain though!
Also thank you for the encouragement about the pumping.
I can feel teeth in a couple places under L's gums as well! I hope jack and you are able to get better sleep tonight! It will be so amazing when they finally realize how great sleep is haha
That's so sweet of you to even say about the milk! 300 oz is amazing to have saved up! I did consider buying milk from a milk bank but wasn't sure how to go about it or how expensive it would be, I would assume more so than formula but not sure. That's great you at least have tons of back up just in case!
What carriers did you end up choosing?
I hope jack's eye gets better, poor thing!

Apple- hope you're doing well and getting some rest!

Literati- thank you for the encouraging words!
Yay for new shoes! And early bed time! It's so nice when they surprise you and sleep well. Wednesday all of L's naps were long, but the rest of the week they've been back to 30 min again, ugh.
I'm glad you were able to do something you enjoy!

Ali- that's good the sitter is honest with you about how it went. Hopefully it gets better as she gets used to it and gets a routine going with all the kids so you're able to keep that childcare!
Sorry for the crappy day at work, hopefully you won't have to deal with the coworker you don't like anymore!

Ally- thank you!!
I hope the mini chair works out and you guys like it. I hope dropping the night feed goes well and Isa starts sleeping longer! I sure do miss my sleep too haha

Froggy- thank you so much!
It's nice having a good relationship with my dad, I'm glad you have one too!
Her ped did give us the go ahead for oatmeal cereal mixed in with her formula, but it didn't seem to sit with her stomach well. It's been about a month since then so I may try again this week and see if it goes better!
I'm sorry about the breastfeeding going south and I do hope you are able to maintain/increase and feed the way you want to, but yes a fed baby is a happy baby and a healthy mama is a happy mama -and baby! I think you're doing amazing!!
Sounds like Texas was relaxing, so sweet of dh to let you have some sleep and time to do something for yourself! I'm glad Gage has so many people who love him and are able to help you out when they can.
I completely understand about hating how you look, it's a struggle! I try to remember I didn't just gain weight, I carried a baby for 9 months and that is amazing and isn't going to just come off so easy- unfortunately! Gage is such a little cutie, thank you for sharing the pictures! He looks like a happy little guy.
We got dh a tool set he'd been wanting (it was on major sale at lowes!) but I'm not sure what we are doing for the actual day! I hope your dh has a nice first Father's Day!

Afm- L finally rolled both ways today! She had rolled tummy to back at (I think) 3ish months, but has mostly been rolling back to tummy lately. Today she finally rolled onto her tummy and then back onto her back, I was a little too excited haha. I hope she keeps it up so I don't have to keep flipping her when she gets frustrated.
My mother ordered a skip hop activity jumper from Amazon and it came today. I put it together and L LOVES it, I don't think I've seen her like any other toy as much as she liked being in this thing! It was cute to watch. She's already a very curious and inquisitive thing which is how dh was/is.
Is anyone doing anything fun this weekend? I had a datebox come in the mail, this one includes coffee to roast so I think we will do that tomorrow and hopefully go for a walk at a nearby park if it isn't too hot!
Here's a picture of L in her new jumper! (Sorry for the sideways upload!)


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VRogers - that's too bad you only got one day of long naps from L. Isn't that just how it goes? I definitely haven't had an early bedtime from V again since either.

How great that L loves her new activity jumper!! Woohoo! Cute pic of her. Thanks for sharing!
That's great she is back to rolling both ways now.

Well, Happy Father's Day to all of your Hubbies/partners! We aren't doing anything special, as DH has to work this afternoon (but thankfully he can do it from home). It's a quiet weekend on here. Hope that means everyone is having fun.
Literati- right? I know I should just be thankful she sleeps well at night!
Happy Father's Day to your dh! We aren't doing much here either.
It is quiet here this weekend!

L can now fit in her stroller without the car seat, we went to Walmart to grab food and near the end she started crying until I picked her up- then had to hold her while pushing the stroller ha!
Hope everyone has had a restful (as much as I can be) weekend! Ready for 4th of July as that will be dh's next day off work
Hope you all had a nice weekend. We went out in the boat and then had a bbq for fathers day/OH birthday.
We go on holiday on Thursday so I am busy tidying and packing. My 4yr old is sooo whiny at the moment unless she is getting her own way. Violet is currently asleep on the floor.
hi ladies, haven't been on. Catching up now...

slammer- hope u have a lovely time in Ireland and that the kids are good for you :)
Yeah he only wakes once to eat, but wakes up a few more times of course, normally just seems to need a cuddle and then he goes back to sleep or some back patting.

midnight- V sounds like a dream baby. whereare you off to on holiday?

froggy- your trip to texas sounds lovely ,and it's great you got some date nights!
its also good that now your dh can help with bottles and do the nightshift sometimes, so glad you got a break. The pics are soo adorable, what a beautiful boy!
Got dh some socks and wee goodies for fathers day, and we all sat out in the garden, it was a glorious day yesterday.

vrogers- yah for L rolling both ways! what is a date box? didn't do much at the weekend, it's been really sunny weather here but we are still fasting so it is hard to take advantage of it. On saturday we did't fast cause dh and i had really sore heads so we headed to the park with Isa and had ice cream, that was a lovely walk.
L is soooo cute! i love the pic thank you for sharing!

lit- happy fathers day to your dh, hope you had a nice evening

afm- been an alright weekend. Saturday dh and i weren't fasting as we had really sore heads on the Friday. So we took Isa to the park, and had some ice cream. DH went out with my brothers and dad for food in the evening so didn't really see him as he got in quite late. I invited a couple of girlfriends over though so that was nice to catch up.
yesterday for fathers day i got dh a few wee bits, some socks (how exciting)etc and some nice chocolates.
I have a presentation to do tomorrow at uni, in front of about 70 people. Feeling very nervous!
Quick update. I'll try to catch up later. I work the next three days and worked the last two. I just have today off ugh..

Anyways, we've been sick with the stomach flu. I'm pretty sure T had it to some degree. He had some bad diapers that weren't normal and he was really fussy for the sitter yesterday. Only ate one bottle. Then yesterday I was super sick at work and it was a complete disaster! The other nurse had a family emergency so she was trying to leave. I was sick but I was managing, barely, but I was. Then the other nurse is a type 1 diabetic and her sugars dropped so low she passed out. Had to call 911. Got her back on her feet, but that was just horrible!! Then right after that calmed down I started throwing up and I couldn't stand at all to pass medications. It would be a couple of minutes in and I'd be throwing up or having diarrhea (TMI sorry). Anyways.. horrible day. Managed to get out 2 hours early and came home and just slept. Had DH call in because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the boys. Well 11ish O started throwing up and was up and down all night doing that. Thankfully we're both on the mend. Hoping no one else goes through it.

Things with the sitter are going okay. O is a lot for her. Her 2 year old is much calmer than O. Plus she has more of a routine with her kids and I've always gone with the flow. I don't see this being a long term solution. It's frustrating and I really don't know what to do anymore.
Vrogers she is adorable!!!

Midnight sorry your 4yr old is having a hard time, good luck packing! I have found that having a baby to pack for is very time consuming lol. I had to make a list and check things off as I went. Where are you going?

Lit glad your dh was able to work fro home! A quiet weekend is a good weekend!!

Ali how awful!! I'm so sorry about your rough few days and I really hope you feel better and nobody else gets sick. That sounds like a nightmare day at work! Sorry that your childcare situation isn't working out as planned. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason so I'm sure you will come to the perfect solution soon. I'm sure it's such a anxious process trying to find someone to trust your children with. I'm so thankful I'm able to stay home. I can't imagine your stress!
Froggy - thanks. How was your weekend?

Ali - oh, goodness. That sounds like a horrible work shift, and it's so awful you all have the stomach flu AGAIN! You've had bad luck with sickness in 2017 so far! Glad you're all on the mend now. I really hope you don't get sick again for a LONG time!

That is too bad O is too much for your babysitter and that your differences in parenting/routine is causing a strain. I honestly would just give it some time, as it takes quite a while for everyone to adjust to a new childcare arrangement. You might be right that it won't work out long term, especially if the babysitter isn't fully committed to making it work, but I would stay optimistic for now, because things really might improve soon! Good luck.

Ally - how nice that you had some friends over! Sounds like a nice night.

Midnight - that sounds very busy with getting ready for your holiday and having a whiny 4-year-old! I hope you have a very fun, relaxing holiday once all the preparations are over with!

VRogers - oh my! That is unfortunate about having to carry L while pushing the stroller at the grocery store. I can certainly relate! It is quite challenging getting groceries with a baby, isn't it? I don't really manage it unless I'm just popping in for a few things. Lately my DH goes to get them for us.

AFM - DH ended up working ALL afternoon and evening and missing supper at my parents' house to celebrate Father's Day. Sigh! Oh well. After dd1 went to bed, DH was very sick of working and convinced me to play a board game with him. It was fun! :)

Today, we walked to the library and then the grocery store just to get a couple things. I pushed it a bit too long, and V ended up crying the whole way home. :(
Hi ladies , I keep trying to get in here then something comes up !! I'll try and reply best I can .. Sorry in advance if I forget anyone x

Lit/ sorry your DH is working long hours. I hate it when my oh finishes late, seems like such a long day.. It's a bit of a difficult one really, but when oh comes in I feel I need to let him rest with having a stressful job but at the same time id love him to take kids as im shatteref myself ! He does tend to take ds into garden to play but O is a bit fussy at that time so I tend to keep him with me. 😣... Glad you got to get out for a walk. I have a library down the road I keep saying im going to take the boys as not been for ages! The board game sounds fun, I bought monopoly a few minths back as I used to love playing it when i was younger.

I'm with you and vrogers regarding shopping with little ones. I tend to go to one near my mums even though it's not really my preferred supermarket but she will watch O for me so it's just easier. I went tonight with O, ds and dragged my teenager as well to help. Ds was throwing all sorts in !! Thing is he tends to get away with it as I just want to get out lol.. I only went in for a small basket full today and ended up spending £70 ! lol.. I noticed teenager had sneaked a few things in as well.. Haha..

Vrogers / thanks for sharing pic.. She is adorable ️xx ollie loves his jumperoo now. I'm glad L sleeps well at night for u :)

As I was saying to lit, im the same shopping. We went for a walk the other evening and I ended up carrying O and pushing pram ! It's then we realise how big they are getting lol ..oh and think someone already asked but what's a date box ?

Midnight / V sounds like such a good baby. I like how u keep saying she is asleep on the floor lol.. Always makes me smile when I read that.. Sounds very chilled ..does she just fall asleep on her own on the floor on a mat or something ? I wish O would lol .. The boat trips sound good. We love going to see seals. We go to donna nook every november with the boys. There was over 1000 pups last time. Worth a look if you have not been, not sure how far that would be for u :) hope u have a nice holiday. Can't remember if u said where u were going but have fun x

Ally/ hope the presentation went ok, I was thinking of u today having to do it. I hated them at uni and just coinsedance my oh had a big one to do today as well so was hoping u both did ok! He got through it, it was to a load of top dogs that get paid lots for not a lot lol..but have an answer for everything .. U know the type !

Hope your fasting is going ok, hope Isa liking his new walker :)

Froggy, thanks for sharing the pics of Gage, such a cutie and love the matching vests ! Texas sounded great fun, made me smile u getting drunk in the pool hall lol.. I wish ! Glad you got some quality time to relax x

Slammer , hope u are managing to get all sorted for your trip. I do like Ireland. Glad u managed to get some gifts sorted for the little ones over there. Jack sounds like he is doing really well. I do smile when I see u have ordered another carrier lol .. Ive got two and O kicks off in both. I think I'm gonna order a few ! Lol..
Jack doing the plank really made me lol .. My ollie Is just a little chunk i dont think he could if he tried 😂😂..

Ali/ sorry u have not neen great / sounds awful! And work situation not good either. I am still a nurse but just do bank shifts now around my other job but the pressure full time staff are under over here is terrible.. U sound like u do a fab job x. Hope your boys are ok.. Sorry the childminder isn't going as planned. It's so stressful isn't it. I'm starting to think about when I return to work and not looking forward to it. O is getting really clingy and I think it's gojbg to be hard to leave him as he won't settle for anyone else at the min. Ive started taking him into my ds nursery as much as I can when I drop off and collect ds so it feels familiar to him. He looks freaked out though and clings onto me even now as it can be quite noisy even though it's not that busy.
Hope u find something that u are happy with long term x

Newbie/ thanks for checking in. Glad u don't have long left in work. I'm sure you are ready for the break x

Update on us / We are doing ok, had a nice Father's Day, got oh a book made with him as a peppa pig character with O and ds also as characters, was funny to read. We went out for the day and weather was nice . Although i got burnt !

Ive bought annual passes to our local zoo and have started to use it once a week with ds and O, just a bit of mummy time and it's loverly. I let ds lead the way and we stop for snacks lol..

O doing good although I think he is the only baby on here that hasn't rolled yet, in either direction! It's like he can't be bothered, don't know what's going on there. Ive purposely started putting him down on the floor more when ds isn't around but even then he gets bored after 5 mins and wants picking up ! We will see how he gets on he will get there.

He is in size 4 nappies and getting bit big for some of his 6/9 M clothes now, he is such a happy little thing and just cracks up at ds all the time it's hilarious.

Night times are ok, it's just he won't settle for anyone but me. When I bf him I used to lay in bed with him and he would snuggle into feed. He now just want to do that all the time even though he is bottle fed. since the lighter nights he won't be left on his own in his cot. I know im setting myself up laying with him to get him to sleep but when ive spent time with baths and stories ect with ds it's just easier. I keep telling myself though im gonna have to try and stop. He will be rocked to sleep in his basket as we still have that in our room as well as cot but he wont fit in it next week he only has a few inch top n bottom left lol so goodness knows what im gonna do then 😖😖..

I have booked us a few days away in Wales for August when oh son goes back to US so looking forward to that.

Ds had his graduation pictures taken at nursery last week with his little cap and gown haha. Can't wait to see them. He has a teddy bears picnic at new school on Friday..

Teenager not doing too bad now, still lazy little *****. Exams finish this week. He is costing me a fortune and I can't afford it but that's the joys of kids I suppose.. I have big review meeting at his school on Thursday am ! And have to take O as have no sitter .. Should be fun !

Anyway hope u are all having nice day n I will try better to keep up ! X

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