January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - sorry you have your period and a cold, making you feel a bit rubbish! That is no fun at all. Yay for Isa taking a long nap today! Always good when they surprise you with a long one.
Thanks for the encouragement. :)

Ali - well, he ended up getting home with buns with just enough time to eat! It was good, because dd1 had just fallen asleep on the couch since she's sick (she doesn't nap anymore) and it was just terrible timing.
Sorry your back is killing you. Having a baby is SO hard on the back! When I have Vi in the Ergo too much I really start to have troubles. Lately I have been having persistent shoulder pain from the position I'm in when I co sleep. Blahhh!!

AFM - still feeling kind of gross with a slight cold and headache, but it hasn't gotten severe yet, so I hope I fight it off before it gets bad. The girls are still sick and it's not a super hot day or anything, so we are mostly just relaxing at home today.
Ally - There really isn't a pattern to when he gets solids vs. nursing. Sometimes he'll get it within a hour after nursing, sometimes he nurses right after. I usually can tell when he wants solids. He doesn't always act like he wants them when I give them to him, but we just kind of have a regular feeding time for solids. He gets them every night around supper time then has his bath on bath days and gets ready for bed. He has a huge interest in food already.

Odd that he's screaming out. Hopefully that passes soon.

Glad he loves his walker! I bet that is really cute to watch! I never had a walker for O and probably won't for T.

Lite - I'm sure having T doesn't help with my back and I think it stems from pregnancy, but it's so old. I might have come across some muscle relaxers so I'm hoping they help. I was so miserable at work. I managed to find a replacement and go home early. So far the muscle relaxer isn't working. It seems to be safe for breastfeeding, but I'm going to pump and dump once to be safe. Thankfully I should only have to do it once since it has a short half life. We definitely need a new bed as well. I don't think it's helping.

Hopefully you can fight it off fast. I hate being sick. It wasn't such a problem before, but now with little ones it's almost impossible to relax when I don't feel well.

AFM - Back is still complete rubbish, but I have some medicine I hope will help. Even if it's just a little. I got 3 hours of sleep last night. I literally got stuck in bed and started to panic. T was nursing and then O was right up against my back and I couldn't move without my back going into severe spasms. It took me 20 minutes to figure out how to get out of bed. I couldn't go back to sleep after that because I was too worried about getting into a bad position like that and not being able to take care of my boys. I managed to awkwardly move T back to his crib and then took a hot bath hoping it would help. Nope! I still went to work because we only get 3 call ins a year without facing possible discipline. Thankfully managed to get covered so I could go home early. Lots of concerned questions from residents and odd looks from families. Joy.. just glad to be home even if I'm in pain.

I think I'm going to have to get DH a little earlier than I wanted because this medicine is making me pretty sleepy. I can power through it, but a nap sounds amazing. I don't think this medicine is going to help me like I had hoped. Ah well.. Hopefully I can get sorted out before I go back to work Monday.
Literati - I can understand being leery of meds. I hope your moods even out.

Yes, the long naps have been when he's put down. Mostly for DH so far, but he has done it for me a few times too. I am honestly not holding/carrying him for many naps these days. I suppose I should count my lucky stars that he has become easy to transfer and falls asleep pretty quick with some bouncing. I am struggling with the night waking though. Feeling like it's going to be just as bad as DD and that really makes me blue to think about.

It would be so nice if DD has friends to play with. I never had neighborhood friends at all! It's nice that we live on a dead-end street so the kids can play and be within sight at all times nearly.

Aw poor DD1 feeling sick now too. I hope your cold doesn't develop into much. Glad you managed to get some dinner in before the night out.

AliJo - so sorry about your back! Mine is jacked up today too. Keeps seizing up and sending stabbing pains. Ughh. That sounds awful being trapped between the kids! Every time mine spasms while I'm trying to do something with Jack I'm like oh shit, what if I end up really immobilized or something?

What a draconian call out policy at your work! Ugh!

Ally - nice that you get to DTD a few times a week! I feel a little sex obsessed at the moment, but I'm really just so happy and amazed to even be able to do it this early on when it was such a nightmare after DD.

Sorry about the screaming night wakings from Isa. Glad he calms easily though. Hope you enjoyed that 90 min nap!

AFM - we got flowers and planted them yesterday and this morning, so our garden is looking nice. Except for the place we tore out bushes last year and still haven't done anything there. We want to put a little patio but are still thinking how to do it on a budget.

My back is all jacked up from all the crouching and digging and planting. I also did a yoga video and that 7 minute workout Apple mentioned a while ago yesterday. Need to get fit! I feel so weak and out of shape it's ridiculous.

Crap night with Jack last night. Managed to settle on the couch with him for a while as he slept, and then went to bed around 10:20. Woke to feed him at some point within an hour and by 11:20 was up bouncing him because he unlatched and wouldn't go back to sleep. Finally got him back to sleep and actually put him in the rock n play and he slept 2.5 hours, but tried that again when he woke and he only lasted an hour the next time. Back into my bed and on and off wakings until another unlatch and bounce around 5. So freaking frustrated that I'm stuck going through this bullshit again with another baby. A few mins before 7 we were up and I woke DH and said “I want to sleep. Don't bring him to me.” And slept/dozed for another three hours by myself. So hungry when I woke up and had to pump over six ounces from one boob. I'm not holding out much hope that this is just the four month sleep regression and will get better. DD never really got better until past a year. it was just the new norm. But at least with her I never had to get up and bounce her!
Slammer - No fun. I found that being up and moving around did me a little good for my back. I ended up napping for a hour and now I feel soooo much worse. I'm afraid to sleep tonight. Great job on exercising. I need to start.. after my back shapes up. I was watching what I was eating but ate horrible tonight.

Ladies, I just want to keep complaining about my back. It's so horrible! I napped and now it's worse because I stiffened up. O is passed out on the floor in the living room. Which means he's staying there. No way on Earth can I move him like I am. T is wiggling around in the pack n play at the moment. He'll be sleeping in there tonight because if I leave O alone he'll freak out. I actually was reading on the side of the pack n play.. I am suppose to lower the mat.. like.. long time ago. Said the weight limit is 15 lbs. He was over 17 at his 4 month.. whoops.
Ali - sorry your back is so bad. That sounds quite awful about getting stuck in bed with your back seizing up so bad! Yikes. I really hope it improves soon. I don't blame you for just wanting to complain about it over and over again.

Slammer - I don't blame you for feeling so down about Jack's night sleep even if his naps are good. Sounds like most of your nights are quite miserable. I also don't hold out any hope that Violet's sleep will improve for well over a year. My babies just don't seem to improve on night sleep. Violet is up every 1-2 hours and then just kind
of pops on and off the boob constantly toward the end of the night, so I'm with you.

That is awful about having to actually get up and bounce Jack. That is the worst. I don't normally have to do that too much with Violet, but I do sometimes earlier in the night and it is no fun. I guess on the positive side, perhaps that will actually help you in the long run if Jack occasionally is needing bouncing rather than milk, maybe that won't create such a milk habit and he will eventually sleep through a bit longer? Who knows - just trying to be optimistic but I understand fearing for the worst!

Sorry your back is bothering you so much lately as well. Well done on getting some yard work done. I am so not a yard work or garden person.

I also did that 7 minute video that apple posted a little while ago! Sorry you feel so out of shape! Despite working out quite frequently (but no actual cardio) and going for a few walks per week, I am feeling so flabby and gross lately. I have never been so large before for so long when not pregnant. The weight is just not coming off, and I don't think it ever will unless I starve myself (and then it would just come back once I went back to eating normally). I wish I would start to at least look toned from my exercising, but I am covered in too much flab for that I guess. Blah. I have noticed my legs and bum are a bit more toned, but my stomach and arms are very much not.

AFM - we are not having an exciting weekend, but we did have my MIL and FIL over to watch Beauty and the Beast finally last night. It really was excellent! Too bad we never got to see it in theatres.
Lite - I forgot that was out! I'll have to have the hubs pick it up. I don't know when or if I'll ever get to the theater again! I know my DH really wants to see the Star Wars movie at the midnight release this year. I just don't see how it will happen. If this sitter works out really well, maybe she would watch them for the night. T will almost be a year old so maybe he will be sleeping well and it won't be much of an issue. I'm more expecting to be home with the boys and for him to go with someone else. (Sorry, I carry on too often!)

AFM - I will say that my back is 'slightly' better. Still hurts pretty bad and going from one position to another is a slow transition. A little better, though. Taking Tylenol, ibuprofen, and using lidocaine cream. Doesn't feel like it helps, but I'm keeping on a schedule. Thankfully I only work 4 hours tomorrow, but I work another 12 hour shift on Tuesday. I need it to feel at least half way better. I wish I didn't work at all tomorrow so DH could take care of the boys all day and I could do as I see fit for my back.

T is for sure a tummy sleeper. Always rolling over. Generally sleeps better that way as well. He hasn't been sleeping the best at night and last night I didn't put him in the crib at all because getting up and down is too painful. I didn't seize up at all thankfully.
Hi all, not sorry not been able to get on for couple of days.

Lit/ poor babies, hope your girls get better soon and fingers crossed you don't get it. That's something my oh would do ! Yes very frustrating ! Id also Prob try and pop to store myself.. Frustrating as it is. Glad he got back in the end ! Hope u have a good night otherwise:) im going to meet with a friend on Thursday, looking forward to catch up. X

Ally / love the sound of that walker. My ds would love ollie to have one of those a he is plane mad lol.. They are so funny once get really mobile . You need extra pair of eyes. I remember once my eldest son was zooming round in front room, we had made it totally baby friendly and I popped into kitchen for a second and I came back in to find my ds screaming laughing. He was legging it round chasing cat! Cat just have him an annoying stare and ran off .. Lol..

We have just started to put ollie in jumperoo he has a little pillow under his feet but does like it. He only stays in 5 mins then is bored but has started to suss it and is bouncing ! Shouting his head off..Lol..

Ali, sorry to hear about your back. Ive suffered on and off for years , thankfully its holding off at the min but when i was pregnant it was bad and picking up the toys was a killer. I actually bought myself one of thoses easy reaches grabber things that old people use 😖.. Honestly it was the best investment I had made for years. Made cleaning up and bending to pick stuff up so much easier. The toys were easy. Just a thought for u. My kids used to laugh at me with it but it worked ! Mine actually broke so im going to order another , they are only about £5.

Slammer, yay for nighttime pooping coming to an end ! Fingers crossed that's it. Dd dancing sounds really cute.. Glad u got to dtd a couple of times .. I'm jealous !! Haha..me and oh have just not had any us time for ages, both got a bit going in at the min so then are shattered.. Sure we will get back to it ha :) sounds like things are getting back on track for you. I'm really pleased for u. Would be good if jack does have a regular long morning sleep, at least you can work round that then.

Midnight/ high hon, hope V and family all well x

Froggy / hope u r doing ok x

Well, got bit on today, morning weighin and then shopping, ds is back at nursery after half term so sure that will be eventful , always is after a break 😖. I'm going to try and get as much done as poss whilst he is there. Sorry for you guys that are feeling fed up with weight. I'm not taking it too seriously but slimming world does seem to be slowly working for me. Ive tried loads in past. Might be worth a Google if u havnt done it b4.

Both my eldest boys have exams today so ive been helping with revision all weekend. Oh got his results back from uni course and got a merit so we r pleased with that as it was really stressful and he was just hoping for a pass..

Ollie doing ok liking his food much better now. mainly baby rice with veggies or fruit mixed in. Def like being picked up and gets bored easily which can be tiring when sorting others but we r doing ok.
I keep trying to do some sort of exercise a few times a week but mainly just a you tube vid if able with kids or a walk.

Betters get these kids up now n start the breakfast marathon !! Ha x
AliJo - so sorry taking a nap made your back worse! I definitely feel better in the morning but if I do a lot of carrying/bending then it starts seizing up by the evening.

I'm not watching what I eat AT ALL. Ugh. It's just too hard.

I wonder if Jack would sleep on his tummy if he had the room to roll. Sleeping with me he's just stuck up against me. After our trip we will probably buy a new spring mattress and I might try putting him down on his belly at some point. I don't want to do it now because we have really soft memory foam.

Literati - I'm so sorry you are in the same boat with sleep. It sucks so bad. I really hope Violet and Jack improve quicker than our first babies. DH is offering to help a bit more with night times, so we'll see. I don't really want both of us to be sleep deprived, and I think I'm more conditioned to the extremely broken sleep than he is. He can function on less sleep, but he's never had the kind of extremely chopped up sleep that I've gotten accustomed to. Even when I can sleep on my own I wake a lot, whereas he will just fall asleep and be out until the morning.

Same here on never being this large for this long outside of pregnancy. I'm still just trying to "enjoy" it for now (DH likes the bigger butt and boobs, haha). I know once Jack weans and I lose the weight I'll hardly have any boobs left. They were pretty sad and deflated after DD had cut down her nursing. Would definitely like to lose the mommy gut!

I haven't seen Beauty and the Beast. I never see recent movies!

Apple - Jack is enjoying his jumperoo too! We did the pillow under the feet for a week or two, but he's definitely tall enough to jump now and has been doing it a lot the last few days. Before that he was mostly too lazy to jump, lol.

Hope your sons' exams go well!

AFM - Really heating up here now! Going to be in the 90s today. It's tough when it gets this hot. I took the kids to a playground at 9am yesterday and even by then the slides were too hot for DD to use. We tried walking to the one near us in the late afternoon as well, and halfway there DD was complaining about the heat so we turned around and came home. And this is definitely not the hottest it gets! Ireland will be a nice break from the heat, but it's going to be a pain to pack for - the damp makes it chilly but when it's sunny it can be warm, so you can never just put on an outfit that works for the whole day. Always needing to put on/take off a jacket. I'll prob have to bring a mix of pants and shorts and jackets and sweaters. I was just realizing I prob need to buy a few sleepers for Jack because the only things I have that fit him now are onesies and short rompers.

Another crap crap crap night's sleep. Ho hum.

I ordered another baby carrier. A Tula with mesh panel. Maybe that one won't hurt my back. Only half hopeful. Looking forward to when I might be able to back carry Jack. I never even did that with DD, but I'll probably still be carrying him a lot for a while, and hopefully that will be easier on my back.
Slammer - When T is with me he's on his side because he's against me. I definitely don't like him on his belly on our bed. Especially if he decides to bury his face like he does.

Hitting the 90s here as well. I hate when it's so hot because I can't hardly take O outside. He overheats SO fast, but still doesn't want to slow down. I feel like I need to be careful with him so he doesn't get heat stroke. I need to buy him a little pool and we can do that for awhile. Thankfully our whole yard is pretty much covered in shade from the trees.

Hopefully that carrier is a little easier on you. The one I have has a lower back support like the Tulas do, but doesn't stop the pain. I think that extra forward weight is the issue. I do feel doing a back carry would be easier on the back, but who knows.

Have you tried laying Jack by himself at night? Sometimes T doesn't sleep well and it's because he's with me. Other times he sleeps better with me. Babies are complicated. I know I felt like I tried everything with O and nothing worked.

Apple - Glad you can find the time and energy to exercise. Wish I could convince myself to do something.. ugh.

Best of luck to your boys taking exams!

Haha funny that Ollie has to have a pillow. T is already moved up to the second height. Glad he enjoys it! T is on and off with his.

T generally has fruit or veggies mixed with oatmeal.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll be better soon. Hopefully I can get insurance soon, see a chiropractor, get fixed for once, and maybe start some exercises to strengthen my body. It really all comes down to me needing to get fit.

AFM - I'm slowly on the mend. I do hurt a lot still, but it is noticeably better. I may be using the TV as a babysitter ugh.. T just wants held all the time and seems like flashy TV is distracting him enough for me to keep him out of my arms longer. I just can't hold him all the time. I'm constantly up and down trying to keep my back from stiffening and if I'm holding him it puts too much forward pull and hurts more. Picking him up is... fun.. I somehow managed baths last night.

Getting the gates I bought for the deck in today. It'll allow me to go sit outside with T and not worry about O. He'll want to get off the deck, but he'll be happy on it for a little while. Cheap solution till we find fencing. Wish I felt okay with doing chain link, but I just don't. I want something nicer since it's a nicer community.

Well, better get up and move. Should find something to eat so I don't start to feel like I'm starving and binge. Plus T is about done with the jumper and TV.
Ali - that would be nice if this babysitter works out and you could use her for an occasional date night as well. It is definitely difficult to get to movies with kids! When we just had dd1 and wanted to go to movies, I think we mostly ended up going to matinees so that we could still get her home and into bed after. I don't know when we will get to one now that V is born. I definitely recommend bringing Beauty & the Beast home to watch though!
Sorry your back is still so bad. I hope you're able to stay mobile enough that it doesn't seize up again. Do whatever you have to do!

Apple - that's great you're catching up with a friend on Thurs! So nice. I actually didn't have a great time at the girls' night. There were too many people for me (I'm shy) and I ended up 'stuck' sitting with people I didn't know as well. They were nice to chat to for a while, but after a while I just wished I was sitting with my closer friends but didn't want to be rude and try to escape. Plus, I was coming down with this cold and wasn't quite feeling myself. Oh well! I think a one-on-one catch-up would be SO nice, so I sure hope you enjoy that!

Good for your oh doing so well on that course! Yay! I'm glad Ollie is liking his food a bit more. It's great slimming world is working well for you! I am personally just starving all the time and have severe low blood sugar attacks if I don't eat enough, so right now dieting/restricting my intake just isn't an option. I've been trying to make healthier choices like fruits and yogurts rather than junk, but so far it hasn't made a difference to my weight (although I do 'feel' healthier from it).

Slammer - haha, I'm glad you're just enjoying the bigger boobs and butt! I think because I am wearing a nursing tank top most of the time, my boobs just seem so saggy and blah. When I do spruce things up and wear an actually supportive bra, my boobs are definitely quite full right now so I guess I should appreciate that! Haha. I know my DH does as well. The mom tummy would definitely be nice to get rid of. I have an appointment for physio in July to hopefully help me get rid of my diastasis recti so that I can actually do normal ab exercises again in the future.

That is nice your hubby is willing to help at night with Jack! I think my DH is the same with being better at living on a bit less sleep than me on average (although if he has one really bad night, he's useless), but he isn't as used to the super interrupted nights like I am. I used to always deal with dd1 at night until Violet was born, but when V was born DH started doing dd1's wake-ups and he was SOOO tired all the time even though that was what I had been coping with all along. It's what you get used to, I guess.

I hope you enjoy that new carrier. It's amazing the money we throw down for things to make the baby stage easier, isn't it?

I'm sorry the heat has made it hard to do things with the kids. I find the same when it is so hot. I do enjoy the heat myself, but it's hard when there's kids involved.

AFM - I honestly had SUCH a boring weekend. Didn't help that the girls were sick, and DH got insomnia Sat night so he was useless yesterday and needed to take a 3-hour nap. By the evening I was so stir crazy, but my DH was too tired to go anywhere, so I finally just left the kids with him and went for a 30-minute walk by myself! It was good to clear my head. I NEEDED some fresh air after being cooped up all weekend. I then came home, fed Violet, and then left her with DH while I took dd1 for a quick trip to Walmart (my dd1 LOVES Walmart). I think it was my first time taking dd1 on an outing without V, and it was quite nice! V went to sleep for him pretty well so it was easy for both of us, and at least I managed to leave the house. While I was out, I bought the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD because I was feeling motivated. Got home and tried to do it, but of course V woke up and needed to nurse, so I never ended up getting to do it. Ah well, maybe someday.
I am feeling a lot better but dd1 is still quite sick so looks like we will be cooped up a little longer. I hope she's fully better by Wed so we can go to the one play date we have planned this week.
ali- sorry about your back, sounds so awful! glad you got cover at work.

slammer- garden sounds lovely! sorry you had a bad night with Jack. I hate those rough nights when you get hardly any sleep and baby is so demanding. I also dont think its wise to let my dh help with nights much, i can handle the broken sleep much better. I have just become used to it , i don't know what a full nights sleep is , i have forgotten that luxury!
hope new carrir is better for your back.

lit- i;n glad you managed to watch a movie, i haven't seen beauty and the beast but really want to watch it. I'm glad umanaged to get out for a walk! fresh air and some time alone is so good!

apple- it really is so funny to watch him in the walker, he doesn't stay in it for too long either maybe about 20 mins absolute max. Sometimes i put something on the telly, then put him in front of it and that entertains w hile i do errands! he gets excited and starts walking over to the tv haha.
well done to ur oh getting merit and good luck to ur boys on their exam. Isa is the same, bored easy and end up holding him most of the time.

afm- just feeling run down with this cold! isa has it too so he is a bit blocked up, and of course means he is waking more at night just now and not sleeping so great. All weekend i have been mainly in bed.
I went to uni today and going tomorrow. Isa has a bottle roughly 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm and 7pm and some food in between the feeds twice a day. Its a relatively simple routine. I came home at 4pm and DH was like hes not eaten, skipped one feed and hardly slept! Men hhahahah
Ally - I hope you get to see it soon! We just rented it on iTunes.

Sorry to hear your cold has you so run down. I am glad you were able to spend a lot of the weekend in bed, although that probably wasn't very fun, but it sounds like you needed it!
That is frustrating that your DH couldn't manage to keep that very simple routine down! Sigh. I hope your time at uni was good though.

Afm - I squeezed in the first of my "30 Day Shred" this afternoon, and I definitely noticed a huge boost to my mood after...hopefully exercising every day will help keep me a bit perkier. I took the girls to the spray park and my mom met us there for a visit because she was away this weekend. She came back to my house after and I invited her to stay for supper. Unfortunately, DH just came home for supper tonight and then went back to work...but oh well. Giving both girls baths tonight and just getting some things done. The next couple weeks will probably feel long. DH is gone 3 evenings this week (in addition to all day), and is gone 3 evenings next week as well. Blah! Really hoping dd1 gets over her cold so we can have play dates with people.
AliJo - A little pool would be great for O. We have one for DD as well, and she loves it. It is good you have so much shade!

Yes, the forward weight is really the problem. I have found the hip carry to be the most comfortable recently, but that's not always practical, so just figured I'd give the Tula a go as well, since so many seem to find it the most comfortable.

I haven't put much effort into putting Jack down alone. At the start of the night there is no point because he is restless for the first couple hours. It might be worth a try later in the night though.

For my upper back/neck stretching and massage helps, but for my mid back I don't know what to do other than lay down. It will be fine in the morning after resting, but terrible by the end of the day.

Literati - Oh, yeah, I don't love myself in nursing tanks. They are snug and make my belly prominent. But looser things I feel fine in.

LOL, yes, funny what I'll throw money at. Speaking of which, I need to sell the mamaroo. It hasn't been used in weeks. At least I got the Tula on sale!

Walks by yourself sound nice! I did that last week I think. And definitely nice to get out with DD1 by yourselves. I like to do that with DD when I can.

You are brave doing 30-day shred! I don't think I'd be up for something like that yet. I need to start slow.

Sorry to hear DH will be away so much. That has to be so exhausting.

Ally - I don't think I'll ever sleep through the night properly ever again!

Sorry you and Isa are sick! It's exhausting taking care of a baby when you are sick too.

AFM - I went back to swaddling Jack last night (had switched to the zipadee zip for some reason) and he slept a bit better. I just don't like how hot he gets next to me when swaddled! He was much cooler in the zippy. Really need to get a new mattress. I know the memory foam is part of what makes him so hot.

I tried switching Jack to size 4 diapers, but I think it was premature. He had a big leak last night and a blowout this morning. Woops. Need to buy more size 3 now.

DD was a cranky beast this morning! Ugh. And Jack is kinda fussy too. Hadn't managed a long nap yet, though he took a huge one yesterday. At least I'm not the primary caregiver - just helping out while "working" from home.

Need to go vote in our state's primary elections today!
Slammer - let me know how the back carry goes. I have never figured out how to get a baby in the back carry by myself in the Ergo. I need someone to help me get them in! I also agree that it is the forward weight that is the problem. It's like being pregnant, but they are WAY heavier!

Yeah, this is the first walk by myself I can remember taking in years! Haha. It was nice, though (admittedly I found it a bit boring without dd1 though :haha:).
Thanks. No idea if I will actually stick to the 30 days. I am good at starting things and then not following through.
Sorry your dd is so cranky today! That is no fun at all. That's sort of a relief you don't have to be primary caregiver today!

I am glad Jack slept a bit better with the swaddle. For the past month or so, it has been too hot in our house so I don't even use a sleepsack for V anymore.
That is too bad you switched to size 4 a bit too soon. Oops! I just recently switched V to size 3 diapers, although she still fits size 2 fine, but she was having a few more blow-outs than usual. Switching to 3 definitely helped!

AFM - sort of a gloomy, rainy day today. Might take the girls to the library since we can't really get outside.
Dd1 has slept through the night 3 times in the past week! :happydance: This is amazing! I hope she keeps it up. Now just another 3ish years of crap sleep with Violet instead. :haha:
One other nice thing is that for the past week or so, Violet has been content to fall asleep just being held, sucking a soother, and holding my finger (as opposed to being elaborately bounced around the room for ages). I am expecting this to stop as soon as she goes into another wonder week, but it has been very nice! She still cannot be put down for any naps/nighttime sleep at all, but that is just how my babies are.
Just a quick note to say I'm still reading and doing fine. All good with us. Z is growing and getting more enjoyable. Just over a week left of school for the year and so much still to do. Currently doing class lists for our 900 kids for next year - huge job! I'm reading all the time and will hopefully reply properly again when I am off for summer.
Geez I haven't been on in forever, been insane here!

Ally- L napped longer today finally! All her naps (on me of course) were at least 1+ hour. Have NO clue why or how but I'll take it. She sleeps great at night so I assumed that's why she was/is a crap napper! Did you ever get a high chair? I've been looking around too!
I hope you feel better, it's no fun to be sick while on your period. The walker does sound cute!

Newbie- yay for starting solids!

Slammer- I'm sure it'll be a fun trip! I'm interested in the hip carrier! I want to get a ring sling (it gets super hot in the summer here and I'm worried about the ergo being too hot) but don't have the extra money right now.
Yay for dtd hehe.

Apple- thank you for the belated bday wish! Ollie sounds like a cute little chunk! I hope this week has been better for you, I'm sorry it's been so hard lately. Can't imagine what you and your oh went through w/his brother.

Literati- I hope you are able to do story time, I'm wanting to see if our library has something like that (im sure it does) but just nervous to take L until she's older.
She hangs out on her tummy all the time if I put her on her back on her play mat! She makes these little grunting noises that crack me up.
Yay violet for rolling!! Diaper changes are definitely more difficult now!
I STILL haven't seen beauty and the beast yet, I need to get on that!
Hopefully this weekend turns out better than last and you're able to get out and spend time with family!

Froggy- so good to hear from you! Glad you were able to fix your supply issue! I had been wondering about the merlins sleep suit you mentioned, I've seen mixed reviews!
I hear you on the loneliness! I hope you're able to socialize on your trip! Glad you and Gage are doing well, he's a cutie!! Those eyes!

Ali- oh I hope that childcare does work out it sounds perfect! Also hope your back is feeling better, I'm sure that makes it more difficult to take care of the little ones!

Afm- read all the way back but hopefully didn't miss too much in my post! I have been sick twice in the past several weeks, both on a Saturday night. The first time felt like food poisoning and the second time thought I had the stomach flu. Each one had me throwing up 4+ hours straight, so I hope all that stays away for good!
Our AC went out Monday so we had to stay the night at my dads house and I spent Tuesday there. It was nice, my dad is a teacher so he just went into work until lunch time, then came home with food and spent the rest of the day with me and L.
The night we spent the night there, L got to bed a little late and slept AWFULLY. She kept dh and I up with noises and tossing around. Then Tuesday night she wouldn't settle, just screamed/cried with her eyes closed. She's always gone down at night pretty easily so it was unusual. She immediately calmed down and fell asleep when I rocked her so we guessed she was overtired and overstimulated from being at my dads with different people and their cat and dog. Dh and I took turns rocking her and she finally went to sleep when I put her down around 10:30. Thankfully tonight was back to normal!
Ready for L's 6 month appointment next month because she should be able to start solids!
Also, decided today to stop pumping. I was getting so anxious over it and just not making enough to be worth it. I really realized it when I felt angry at L last night because I needed to pump but she wouldn't go to bed. That's when I realized she deserves a healthy mama more than she needs breastmilk every two days! She's healthy and growing on formula so I will attempt to remind myself that!
Newbie - That's great that you only have a week left! Glad Z is doing well and you're enjoying time with him more! It's fun when they're interacting more!

Lite - Glad you got some time in to do the 30 day shred! I'm over here like "I really need to start exercising!" Then I remember I can't hardly stand up without hurting.. :dohh: I kid myself, though. I doubt I would even if I felt fine.

That's great that V is soothing with just a soother and your finger! When it's even a small improvement it's amazing. Maybe she'll get to the point that you can lay her down. Would laying in bed with her work? Like if she's next to you with a soother and your finger? Just a thought to maybe slowly transition her to being alright without you holding her then maybe being alright with being alone.

Slammer - You have a back issue, right? I couldn't even imagine. I very well might have an issue, but haven't ever got it checked out. I just keep telling myself I need to go to the chiro a few times and I'll be fine. Most likely I won't be and it's going to be a chronic issue. Two out of three of my brothers have spinal stenosis and arthritis in their backs. One of those two has degenerative disk disease along with a herniated disk. One disk is already gone. Of course these could have been from back injuries, but very possible there is a genetic factor.

Sorry the children were cranky. I hate it when either is cranky, but I think it's more frustrating when O is. T's cranky is pretty simple. O usually starts having fits over the most random things and sometimes I just can't figure it out. I don't want to give in on some things, but then it turns into total tantrum mode and it would have just been easier to let him have/do whatever it was.

Ally - Even if I had routine for T I know it wouldn't be followed when DH has him. He's different for him. Heck I can't get him to fall asleep like DH can either. He won't snuggle onto my shoulder like he will with him. Ah well.. Even if he doesn't do things the way I do, I always feel safe when they're with him.

AFM - Just hanging in there. Still hurting some, but better. The boys go to the sitter's house for the first time tomorrow. It'll only be for 4 hours so it'll be a good starter day then they're there both days this weekend.

T hasn't been doing as well in the crib. I don't know if it's just a phase or what. I kind of caved the last several nights because of my back and he's mostly slept with me. It got to the point where getting up and down was painful, but moving in bed wasn't so bad.

He's in 9-12 month jammies now. He still fits in the 6-9 month onesies, but the jammies were getting too tight.

Weighed myself today for the first time in awhile. Haven't gained, but haven't lost. Oh well.. I feel like I should embrace being overweight since I always have been, but I don't want to. It causes me a lot of distress, though.

Not much else to report.
literati - I think it will still be a couple months before I can do a back carry. Apparently baby is supposed to be able to sit unsupported before you do it.

That is so awesome about DD1 sleeping through!! I hope it becomes her norm! It seriously revolutionizes your life when a kid starts sleeping through. But yeah, here's to another few years with the second ones lol. That's nice V is going to sleep so calmly right now. Jack has gotten harder to get to sleep at the start of the night. Maybe he's overstimulated by then. Wish he'd take a paci! What do you do when DD1 does get up in the night? Does she just come into your room, or do you have to get up and go to her (and take V with you?)?

newbie - glad to hear from you, and that you're doing well. Good luck closing out the school year!

vrogers - I have a ring sling I don't really like. I kind of want to try a different one. I am apparently out of control on the baby carrier front, lol...I have a Moby (only used once), a ring sling (only used rarely with DD), a Baby K'tan (too small), a Mei Tai, an Ergo, a Beco, a Pikkolo, and now a Tula. All I need is a woven wrap, and I'll have covered the whole lot! And yet I am still in pain most of the time when carrying! Ugh.

Oh goodness, so sorry to hear you've been sick twice. Yuck!

I'm sure L was not used to the different environment at your dad's. Poor thing. Glad she got back to normal last night.

I think you made the right decision to stop pumping. You have done a great job, and it's ok to let it go!

AliJo - I don't have anything specifically diagnosed with my back. Just lack of strength I think. The PT was just working on strengthening and stretching. I think I would feel better if I got into some serious exercising/strength training, but finding time is hard!

Totally feel you on how frustrating it is to deal with a tantrum vs just letting O do/have what he wants. It's a constant struggle and debate I have with DD. She completely lost it with DH the other day when he got a protein bar for her and unwrapped it too far!! (I guess she likes the way I do it...unwrap half the way and give it to her, lol). He was even going to get another for me to unwrap and I was like "hell no...eat the one Dada got you, or be hungry!"

AFM - I give up on Jack's sleep, lol. Second night back in a swaddle he was back to sleeping like crap and whining/wiggling all night. Going back to the zippy so he's not so hot. I actually think his first teeth are about to come through. Can't quite see them, but I can feel them right below the gums. I slept in the glider with him last night and got some longer stretches (a whole 2 hours, lol).

He had a goopy eye yesterday. Put some breastmilk on it, lol. Hope it helps.

He's started getting his knees under him and pushing up on his toes (like a plank, but still on his belly). Can't wait for crawling!

Leaving on Sunday - eeek! So much to get together still!
Hi ladies, just a quick pop on whilst getting O to sleep. Had a busy few days but we are doing ok. Ive not had time to read last two pages so not going to reply to everyone until I do x hope all u ladies and all little ones all doing ok x
Slammer - Violet usually fights sleep so this is definitely new and very unlikely to last. It's so hard when they get so upset before bed. Hope Jack snaps out of that soon.

I am lucky in that my DH is home during the night and willing to share the sleep burden (he didn't until Violet was born). If dd1 wakes in the night, DH goes to her so I can stay with Violet. We can't all fit in one bed! Once DH goes to work (if he goes in early) sometimes dd1 will come to my bed and I just sleep in between them. It is the system that seems to be working for us. So thrilled about this STTN thing though. Hope she keeps it up.

Sorry jack's sleep isn't improving. Good luck with packing and getting ready for your trip. That is always the stressful part about traveling. I hope you have an amazing time!

Apple - thanks for checking in. Hope you're doing well.

VRogers - wow, how awful you've been so sick twice recently! I hope that doesn't happen again.
That is too bad L got so overstimulated when staying at your dad's. It is surprisingly hard on them to stay somewhere other than their normal environment, I find (depending on their personality).
That's great you're giving up pumping and just relaxing about it! If it's causing you stress, it just isn't worth it! You were amazingly dedicated to it for so long, and she will do absolutely fine without it! You're doing such a great job!

Ali - I hope the first half day at their new babysitter works out well. Tell us how it goes! Sorry you haven't lost any more weight. It seems to be really hard for a lot of us mom's with multiple kids to lose this time! At least you are maintaining, though. That's a good sign!

I might try that sometime with lying beside Violet, but it wouldn't really help me unless I had a mattress on the floor because I wouldn't leave her unsurpervised on our bed and I can't hang out in bed all day! We shall see!

Newbie - I am glad Z is getting more enjoyable. Sounds like the end of the school year has you extremely busy.

AFM - not much to report. Having a really decent week. Had my fitness class today and then went out and bought myself some new running shoes for it. Can't really afford them, but oh well. We were supposed to have had indoor shoes from the beginning but I have been cheating and using our outdoor shoes until now. Shhh...don't tell! Haha.
Violet has had crap naps the last couple days, but then last night she surprised me and fell asleep for the night 1.5 hours earlier than usual! I was expecting it to be a late nap and to ruin bedtime, but turned out to actually be bedtime. That was sure nice. I got DH to grab my laptop for me and I worked on a photo book for a while (while holding Violet) which I rarely have time to do. So, yay.

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