January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Froggy - I'm so sorry BF went downhill. I'm glad you found relief in adding in formula. As long and Gage is happy and healthy you are doing a great job!

Your trip to Texas sounds awesome! Gage is so cute! And sounds like a chunker!

Vrogers - yeah, the heat of a Moby is why I only used it once with DD and never again! Well, that and how annoying it was to try and get her into.

I think milk banks only give their milk to premature babies in hospitals. You could always look at Human Milk for Human Babies or Eets on Feets FB groups for donations. But L sounds like she's doing well on her formula at least!

I got a few versions of what's called a “hip seat carrier” and another buckle carrier similar to an Ergo. I am keeping one of the hip seat ones, and the other...called Mother Nest - it's actually more comfy than an Ergo and was only 40 bucks! It has a super wide waist strap all the way around so it puts less of a squeeze on my lower back. The hip seat one is actually an ingenious thing… It has another super wide waist belt plus a foam “seat” that sticks out instead of just cloth. You can use it with the carrier/straps, or just detach the waist/seat portion and use that to sit the baby on your hip and take the strain off your arms if you're carrying them around the house or whatever. I really like it for that use...not so much for the full carrier use.

Good for L rolling both ways! What a little cutie in her jumper! It's so handy when they enjoy something like that. I am missing our jumperoo while here in Ireland!

Midnight - hope you enjoy your holiday and get everything sorted!

Ally - sorry you have been feeling unwell. Funny that you bought DH socks, hehe. I have done that a few times as well. Hope your presentation went well!

AliJo - ugh, sorry you have been sick too. And what a nightmare of a work shift. I hope everyone is feeling better. I hope your sitter can get into a groove with the boys and it will work out.

Literati - that sucks DH had to work so much and missed Father's day dinner. Glad you got some time together to play a game though.

Boo to V crying the whole way home from your errands!

Apple - hehehe...I am out of control with the carriers, but I am happy with two that I bought so I think I am done for now. Really I just have an Amazon addiction!

Zoo trips sound fun! Sorry O has been clingy. My DD became scared of people at 5 months and never got better until like 2.5 years, lol.

Trip to Wales sounds lovely!

AFM - well we made it to Ireland! Trip over to was long and stressful. DD was really nearly an angel actually, but still just hard to manage the two. We had a scare that DH might not get on the plane because he and DD were flying standby Jack and I had proper tickets. They said there was only one free seat and printed a ticket for DD, but made DH wait until the gate before confirming he could get on. Not gonna lie - I was in tears thinking of managing the flight by myself with the two.

Long wait for luggage and long ride from the airport and DD got carsick at the end. But all has been good since we got settled. DD is having the time of her life with her grandparents and cousins. And it's great having some many people to hand Jack off to for a while, hehe.

Oh, did take Jack to the doc on Fri and he had pink eye so got medicine for it and still doing drops, though it's pretty much cleared.

As I mentioned to vrogers I liked two of the carriers I bought. Definitely recommend the Mother Nest, and that ingenious little hip seat.

My back was in ruins from the travel, but did a yoga video today and felt better. Gonna try to keep doing it.

OK, past the time I should be in bed!
Apple - haha, that was a great post but I'm afraid I'm going to forget to reply to so many things.

Glad I'm not the only one who finds grocery shopping with the littles hard! That is great your mom will watch them for a bit for you to shop!!
Yeah, it is tough when our hubbies work long hours. DH doesn't usually give me a break without the kids (although he probably would if I asked), but I find it's just so nice having two sets of hands around rather than one. The adult conversation is so nice, and having him home means my dd1 has someone else to pester and follow around! Hehe.
I don't think you're the only one whose baby isn't rolling? I could be wrong, but I think Jamie (Pompey's) isn't rolling both ways yet at least? Again, maybe I just missed it. I am sure O will get there in his own time. V doesn't really like to be put down for long either, but I'm sure when he's ready and motivated, he'll just do it!
Sorry O won't settle for anyone but you at night. V has become insufferable at night. Ahhh well. It won't last forever...

VRogers - I am also wondering what a Date box is! Haha.

AFM - so, Violet's sleep has hit an all-time low. She now needs to comfort suck constantly for the ENTIRE night. She won't even go more than 10-15 minutes without needing to comfort suck (on ME). She never seems to get in a deep enough sleep. It's possible she goes a couple hours in the very middle of the night that I don't notice (I don't bother looking at the clock all through the night), but she certainly won't settle for the first few or last few hours of the night ever! She will not take a soother, and she won't be bounced, rocked, or anything. It is boob or nothing! I'm not looking for advice - this is just how things are. So frustrating! Even dd1 could last 20 minutes at least. Why not V!? Ugh. I'm not TOO tired, but I don't feel well rested ever, and my sleep feels SO light and annoying.
Slammer - we posted at the same time. Glad you made it safely to Ireland and that your DH was able to make it on the plane! I wouldn't have been able to handle the idea of 2 by myself on a plane either. That's good dd did okay but too bad she got motion sick at the end. How did Jack handle it?
Yay for having lots of family around to hold Jack and whatnot! Hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Slammer / glad u got to Ireland ok. Thank goodness your dh managed to get on the plane. I think I would have freaked out at the thought of two to care for.. Hope jacks eye improves. Have a loverly time. Hope u get chance to relax x

Lit/ oh no u must be so tired with the broken sleep. You are definately a nice and Cosey mummy lol.. As I said in my last post ollie is getting clingy but I just think it won't last forever , just until he is about 10 ..lol .. Not long to go haha...my older boys won't come near me now unless they want something !
So sorry you are so tired lit. I really hope you get relief soon.

Good job you all made it to Ireland and DH got on the plane. Hope your back eases xxx
Ally- date box is a monthly subscription box (although I've only done the 'pay for one box at a time' option) that comes with items for a date, like this one with coffee to roast).
Ice cream at the park sounds fun! May try something like that this weekend, it gets soo hot here.
I hope the presentation went well, I would be nervous too! Am horrible with public speaking.

Ali- oh no I'm sorry you've been sick! How frustrating about the childcare. Maybe it's one of those things that will just take time for the sitter to get used to and figure out a rythym that works for everyone. If not though, I hope you find something that works out even better!

Literati- my dh is usually the one that does grocery runs while I stay with baby too! Just easier that way for sure.
That sucks dh missed the Father's Day dinner but the board game sounds fun! We love those here too.
Poor V, it seems like any time we go out we end up having the same thing happen.
See answer to apple or ally on date box haha probably easier that way.
Oh no I'm sorry about the horrible sleep! You're a good mama, I hope it's just a phase and settles out soon so you can get some rest too.

Apple- right! She's on the smaller side but when I have to carry her and push the stroller at the same time she def doesn't feel that way haha
(In case you don't see my previous answer!) Date box is a monthly subscription box that comes with items for a date, like this one for coffee roasting. It's fun in my opinion to do every now and then but just don't have the extra money to do every month!
Glad you all had a nice Father's Day other than getting burnt! We are having the same issues with sleep, we have a rock n play for L because that's the only place we could get her to sleep and she likes to be rocked. I'm not sure what we will do in the next month or two when she starts getting too long for it! I get worried that she has to be rocked to sleep but try to remember surely she won't need me to follow her to college and rock her there haha
Trip in august sounds fun, at least there's something to look forward to!

Slammer- that's what I thought, and I would definitely feel bad taking milk that could go to a premie baby who needs it more.
The mother nest carrier sounds interesting! I've used the ergo more and it does get quite uncomfortable after a time.
We are taking a trip next week and I will definitely miss the jumper!
So glad everyone was able to make it on the plane and you are enjoying Ireland! I'm sure it is nice to have people entertain the kids and get a little break.

Afm- we leave Monday to go to New Orleans (like we did in September) for dh's work class. The trip in sept. Was easier because it was just the two of us and now we will have the baby, so while dh is in his class during the day I will be in the hotel with the baby. I'm not sure what all we can fit in the car to bring, probably will need a play mat and maybe the mama roo. I'm nervous about the 4-5 hour trip in the car. Hoping we can do the zoo or aquarium and of course dh and I will get beignets!
hi ladies

ali- hope you are feeling better soon! sounds so stressful and hope things get sorted with childcare!

lit- what a shame your dh missed his fathers day supper. But its nice you both got to play a board game together :)
i'm so sorry V is comfort sucking so much, i hope it's a very short lived phase! i think apple put it perfectly, you must be such a cosy warm mumma that V doesn't want to leave.

apple- talk went well, was fine. I'm always nervous beforehand, but once i start talking im ok normally. Glad ur oh's presentation went well too.
Isa only settles for me at night time too. hope review meeting goes well on Thursday.
Wales sounds lovely!

slammer- glad you all got there safely, and that your dh managed to get on. Lovely that your dd is having the best time with all the family, how lovely :) its always good to have people to pass jack over to aswell

vrogers- ah that is a nice idea! date box. i wonder if there is something similar here.
Hope your trip goes well!

afm- well i need some advice. Isa has teeth coming, we can see little white bits under his gum. He has been superfussy the last couple of days and randomly starts screaming. He won't finish bottles or eat all his food. Been rough... not gonna lie.
those who have more than 1 baby- how long from seeing white under gums to teeth popping out? i hope it is soon! poor wee soul.

Not much else to report, just been busy . The fasting is nearly over and then it is Eid, really looking forward to that.
Ally - thanks. I guess I am a very warm, cozy mama indeed! :p Even to my detriment haha.
I would say it really depends for the teeth coming in. No 2 kids are the same. Hopefully if there is white you can see, it will only be a week or two? But tbh the pesky things can sometimes go in and out and bug them for ages. :( Teething is SO not fun! Hugs! I hope the pain doesn't last long.

VRogers - that sounds like a fun trip to New Orleans! I understand being nervous for the long car trip, but I hope it goes well for you. Hopefully you can keep L entertained at the hotel all day. It'll be great if you can go to the zoo and aquarium!
Oh, nice! What are some of your fave board games? I feel like you and I share a lot of similar interests (similar shows, movies, etc!).
The date box sounds like a cool idea! :)

Midnight - thanks!

Apple - haha that's right - the clingy stage really won't last forever. :) You have all the perspective with such a broad age range with your children. It is also quite nice being so needed, even if it can be draining.

AFM - it is a rainy, gloomy day today and I barely made it out of bed to my exercise class this morning. I did end up going, and I'm glad I did. My sister wasn't up for a visit today, so I got some McD's breakfast and coffee on the way home, and dd1 and I are cuddled up on the couch just watching some tv today (Violet is sleeping on me). I don't mind a sleepy, lazy day once in a while. My DH is working some very long days again this week, but hopefully this weekend we can get some quality time in.

Hope all are doing well. Slammer and Ali - hope work is going ok.
lit how nice your grocery store is in walking distance. Sorry that v was upset your whole walk home though! Your cuddle day sounds amazing and cozy. Question, how do you manage to keep the house with such a clingy baby? I find that most of my days are hurry up and clean so that something gets done before Gage needs me again. It is getting a bit easier the older he gets though.

Apple Gage won't settle for anyone but me either. He has to be absolutely exhausted in order for someone else to get him to sleep. He just laughs at dh when he tries to put him down. Gage can roll, I have seen him do both ways, but just won't. He will get into his side and just stay there. He has no desire to move from that position lol.
Slammer thank you, it was a really hard thing to do. I cried twice the first day he got formula. I felt like some how I had failed him. What a relief that your dh got to board the plane, I would have been so upset too. I can't imagine. Glad the trip went fairly easy besides dd getting car sick, poor thing. I hope your having a good time!!

Vrogers your trip sounds fun! Having been in the car with Gage for around 5-6 hours I would say to bring lots of toys and only show one at a time to keep her attention. It's tough, especially when they don't like the car!

Ally sorry about the teeth, I'm constantly checking Gage for teeth now!

Afm, I got my first AF. Really sucks. My supply dipped a bit from it but seems on it's way back again. I'm also sick. Have some chest congestion and a really bad sore throat. Gage has a bit of a cough but it's not bad. I started giving him some Zarbees, someone I know swears by it. It's all natural and seems to be helping him. I'm with y'all with grocery shopping being stressful. I feel like I'm going on some sort of mission with the way I have to prepare haha. I find putting him in the moby works best for both of us.
Froggy - oh, well, for one, my house is never quite as clean as I would like it to be! I have to let some things go. However, I do manage to get quite a bit done while she is in the Ergo napping, or in the brief moments that she'll let me put her down while awake. I can also get a bit of tidying done one-handed while carrying her around awake and she is usually content since she is still in my arms! The mad rush to clean up before she has to be held again sounds about right! It's not easy keeping up with the house with a baby, so try not to sweat it too much! Sounds like you're doing a great job.

So sorry you have that awful AF already, and that you're sick as well! That sounds terrible. I hope you heal up quickly. Hugs.
Well.. I had a whole post typed up and I deleted it.. ugh!!

I'll try to catch up.. again.. it won't be as good, though.

Froggy - So sorry about AF, especially being sick on top of it! I really hope that stuff helps Gage. Love the picture!

Lite - I'm really glad you're sticking to the exercise classes! I bet they're helping you. I love lazy days, but I never feel like I have a lazy day.

Vrogers - I hope you enjoy New Orleans. I have family down there. The ride might be so bad. Hopefully L sleeps! We plan trips so we're driving in the night so they're more likely to sleep.

Ally - It's hard to say, but give him lots of things to chew on it. It'll make the process faster by breaking them through more. If he's fussy chewing try a frozen teether to help numb his gums. O was a breeze when it came to teething. I can only hope T is the same!

Sorry really not a great catch up. Making it quick.

AFM - So my sitter backed out, like I suspected. Meeting with someone else so we'll see how that goes. She's an older lady that's been doing child care for a long while, so we'll see. I'm cursed, I just know it. My children were too much for her. Ugh.. I like her as a person, but it is what it is.

We all have been sick. O got sick the night I was sick. DH was up with him all night with him throwing up. Next day he didn't throw up till noon. He threw up with no warning. Right. Onto. T's. Face. Completely covered it in thick puke. Thankfully I was right there and saved him best I could and gave him an emergency bath.

I've been working what feels like every day. Some days are only 4 hours, but I'm so sick of going in all the time. Thankfully those end next month. So glad.

T is army crawling. Using his arms to pull himself and his feet to propel. He makes it several feet in no time. He can sit for short periods without support. He's trying so hard to sit himself up. I don't think it will be long. He gets up on his elbow and tries to pull himself up to a sitting position from the side. He's not been too interested in food since he's been sick. He use to down a whole 2.5 oz container and now I can't hardly get him to eat half. Hopefully he starts to show interest again soon.

His sleep is also been pretty bad. Been fighting naps really bad, too.

Anyways.. kind of a run down. I'm feeling emotionally drained from this whole childcare thing. I felt good with the sitter we had, but of course it didn't work out. I've almost cried so many times today it's not even funny.

Time to try and get O to bed. It's late and of course he doesn't seem tired. Maybe I should get a routine.. I don't know.
Ally- obviously no advice here but I hope Isa feels better soon! That's gotta be rough on both of you.

Literati- I have noticed that too! We have monopoly, life, clue, and apples to apples here (I guess that's probably more of a card game) but I'm always up for ANY board game! My little bro and I played a lot with my dad (like mouse trap) growing up so I have good memories! What games do you guys like?
Lazy days are good to have, especially when it's gloomy weather.
Also, Mcds has really good coffee!

Froggy- thank you for the car ride advice! I have a few toys I keep for in the car but will be adding more definitely.
I'm sorry about AF! I got mine in February, the first one (for me anyway) after baby was rough! I hope you both feel better quick!

Ali- I love New Orleans, it's one of my fav places to go! Night driving is definitely a good idea. I'm worried about how she'll nap when it's bright but don't really want to put a blanket over her seat in case she can't breathe. Hopefully she falls asleep to the moving of the car!
Oh no I'm sorry your sitter backed out, I was hoping she'd work out. Maybe the older lady will work out, they seem to be the best with kids. Is she keeping just your kids or others as well?
Also sorry everyone has been so sick. I've learned how much worse it is to be sick when you're a parent, I can't imagine also taking care of sick little ones!
T seems pretty advanced, trying to crawl and sit up. Can't believe how soon our babies will be mobile, it really is amazing to see how fast they grow and develop!
You sound like you need a break, I know easier said than done though. I'm sorry things are rough with work and childcare and sleep, I really hope you catch a break soon! :hugs:
Hi all. We arrived in Cornwall safe. We left at 3am and arrived not long after 10am? Kids were absolutely fine. Actually vi didn't even whinge once but my 13yr old did about my 'rubbish music' and asking for snacks constantly. We have done lots of walking and surfing. Today the 2 little ones were looked after but FIL and step MIL and we went to a water park. It is now 9.45pm and just done a beach walk. Vi slept in back carry sling. I just slid her out onto the bed lol xxx
Sounds like many of us are having our summer holidays right now! In about 23 hours, I'll be starting my traveling to get home for a few weeks. It will take me about 26 hours door to door, maybe a bit more. I'm super stressed about the flight. The longest leg is 14 hours! Can't wait to see my family. I'm pleased I'll be able to hang Z to them and sleep for a while! I'll try to reply to everyone once I've settled in at my mum's.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi all,

Ally/I remember ds showing little teeth through his gums for a while before they cut through, a few weeks. Like others said giving him lots to chew on will help cut them through. Ds also was quite unwell when they started coming through properly. He also had burning cheeks and loose poos. Calpol def helped. My mum sent me a link about giving babies frozen breast/ milk like a lolly I think not sure on it myself.
Glad the talk went ok :)

Slammer, hope Ireland going ok and that u r getting some chill time. X

Vroggrs, L sounds like she is doing great . U r right they grow and learn so fast. Hope your trip goes well and car journey goes ok.

Midnight / glad you got to cornwall ok. Ur teenager sounds like mine lol.. and little V chilled as ever ! Ha x have fab time surfing sounds great fun. Hope You get good weather. X

Ali, can't believe how Ill you have all been poor you and poor babies x hope it's gone for good soon . Sorry about the sitter, hope you get something sorted soon. Hope you get a break from work soon you sound like you need one ️xx yay go T !! Trying to sit up and crawl ! Ha

Froggy/ Gage sounds like he is doing really well :) sorry u got af ! Hope u r feeling better soon. Ive been getting afs a while now as on pill. 1st was horrible x

Lit/ like how u went to exercise class then to
Mcds and got a breakfadt lol .. That Made me smile hehe, that's what Id do.

Newbie / wow that's a long journey ! Hope it goes ok x be good to hand Z over and you get a little break x

Nothing much to report here. O doing ok. We went to Visit family yesterday. Had good chat with eldest in car. Think im bit run down keep
Getting lots of mouth ulcers which are annoying me. I keep falling asleep typing this so will get off for now as don't want to lose the post! I'll update propely tomorrow x
froggy- annoying about AF! Hope you are feeling better soon, not good having AF and feeling unwell.

ali- thanks- have been giving him cold teethers, which definitely helps and soothes him.
sorry sitter backed out, and that you haven't been feeling so well. Sorry about t's bad sleep just now and him fighting naps. Isa is also sitting up for periods at a time, won't be long. He is trying to crawl but not there yet, he propels himself forward etc sometimes but most of the time he is lazy and just lies on the floor.

midnight- enjoy cornwall!

newbie- that is a lot of travelling, hope it goes well and baby z is good for you.

apple- i've had a couple of mouth ulcers too, think i am feeling but run down also :(
look forward to update.

afm- well we had eid yesterday, to celebrate the end of fasting. That was nice, Isa's first eid! spent the day with parents and aunts, had nice big lunch together. DH bought a dartboard so we were all playing it, was good fun.
DH surprised me with a little bracelet as an eid gift which was nice, and i got him tickets to a gig.
Isa, ah my poor boy, so fussy right now with his teeth. Restless at night and napping badly during day. I really hope his teeth come in soon!!
DH and I go away on a 3 night trip in a couple of weeks, really looking forward to it and just getting away. Its a 4 hour scenic drive to the highlands, excited about that too.
Thought I would post a wee pic. He was sitting up himself here too:)


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Hi everyone! Okay I know it's been ages! I'm so sorry. I've been reading occassionally when I get an email update but my life has been so insanely hectic! The last few weeks of the school year were really rough on me. I was going in early and staying late every day because my sub royally messed things up. I had kids who were making 30-40% before I left who suddenly had A's in the class (and I couldn't do anything about that), and then I had kids who were A/B students and were suddenly making C's and D's because they struggled with her teaching style and they weren't willing to cheat. A bunch of kids openly admitted to me after I came back that they had good grades because she didn't stop them from cheating. :growlmad: And then, worst of all, I had a set of seniors who were about to not graduate because of my course! They had C's before I left and were wroking so hard to keep their grades up and suddenly they were failing with a 30%!! Ugh. I stayed after school every day for 90 minutes to work wiht those kids to get them to relearn the material and retake all the tests from earlier in the semester so I could get them up to standard. I just could not justify letting a senior not graduate because I had a sub. :growlmad: :dohh:

Anyway, sorry that was a rant! That's why I hvaen't been around. By the time I got home I had time to put Melody down for her late afternoon nap, spend an hour or so with her, then feed her, bath time, story and bedtime routine and then once she was in bed I Had grading/planning/etc and what-not to do because I was spending my prep time at work pumping and could only do so much work. Bah. I'm finally on summer break and can spend time with Melody and hopefully keep up here better. <3

As for us, Melody is doing well. She has started rolling like crazy, she's getting onto her hands and knees occasionally but then face plants (it's pretty hilarious) and she's curious about everything! Oh and she LOVES food. Doctor said we could start solids at 5 months, I started a couple weeks earlier when she started diving for my spoon when I would eat and every time she saw me pick up my spoon she'd start to open her mouth and lean toward it! :wacko: So I decdied to let her try. She loves oatmeal, bananas, sweet potato, applesauce, pears, and prunes. She's iffy about the peas and tolerates butternut squash. lol. But last night she would eat the peas as long as she saw some prunes on the spoon with them (even if it was just the tiniest bit). :dohh: silly girl! :haha:

My only worry is that I Think she's getting constipated. So I haven't been using oatmeal the last couple days and sticking with pears, prunes, and green veggies (peas are what I recently introduced) to see if that helps. Is anyone else having issues with constipation and food?

We're still BF but I'm starting to wean her to formula slowly during the day (she already was taking a bottle while I was at work, but was drinking breastmilk I pumped). I need to be done pumping by next school year, they have my schedule set up so I don't get a period prep until after lunch and there's no way I'd be able to adequately keep up pumping. Plus, it makes it really hard to do my copies and other work. So I'm moving to formula during the day but will try to keep BF for evening/bedtime up through a year. I'll see how long I can keep it up.

Okay, so I'm going to try and read back some and post some replies. But for now M just woke up from her nap and I need to feed her. :thumbup:
Well, as of right now I have 3 interviews set up. I think I have a feeling of which I'm going to go with. She was one that was recommended to me by a coworker. I may set up more if nothing feels right. So stressed over it all. I feel bad because O keeps asking for the sitter and her oldest son.

T has almost sat up all by himself multiple times!! He can sit a really long time without support. He's being difficult. He gets angry and wants picked up then he's scrambling to get out of my arms to get to something he sees. I put him down and he goes for it. Then he gets angry again. He's so ready to be on the go more than he already is. His army crawl is very efficient. He moves really fast.

Angel - Oh my gosh!! I can't believe a sub dropped your class so hard. You're amazing for helping all the kids out so they could graduate and so they could get back to where they were! That has to be incredibly stressful. Thank you for being an amazing teacher! Teachers don't get enough credit!

With O I did have some issues with constipation. Definitely stay away from the binding foods for awhile. Once she starts to become more regular make sure to slowly add back in the binding foods and break them up really well with the ones that make it easy to go.

Ally - Look at all that hair!! I wish T had a full thick head of hair like that already! I shouldn't complain. He does have a lot and he'll have a thick head of hair come his first birthday. It doesn't look like as much as O had at this age, but mainly because his hair is lighter color.

Apple - Ow, mouth ulcers are no fun. Hardly anything you can do for them either.

Newbie - Wish I could have a summer holiday haha.. nope. We may take a quick trip down a little ways south to see the solar eclipse at totality. That'll be all we do. Enjoy your trip!! I hope you do get to nap! I think I'd be too busy to nap on a vacation/visitation.

Midnight - Great that the kids did well! Enjoy Cornwell!!

Vrogers- Definitely no break in sight! That's just how my world turns.

T definitely doesn't want to slow down and only wants to speed up. He is advanced especially in the physical fields. O was the same. He is a little jabber mouth as well! Ba, da, ga, ma sounds all have come from him so I'm hoping he'll talk much much sooner than O!

The older lady would have multiple I think. I have 3 interviews set up now. Two older ladies and one who is 17. She's been watching kids for a long time and her mother had a daycare so I figured I'd see how she is. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the one that I had been recommended as long as her home is safe and smoke free. I do think on the weekends it'll generally be just my boys. Which I'm happy and sad about. I want O to have others to play with.

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