January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Hi ladies just On bed beside O getting him to sleep so thought id pop on.

Ally/ what a little cutie. Beautiful hair. Glad you enjoyed Eid. Loverly that you and DH got each other gifts. Sounds like a really fun day. Is Eid just for one day? Hope Isa gets his teeth through soon bless him x

Angel/ wow !! u deserve a medal. !!! 🏆So nice to hear what u did for your kids to get them through. It really can be life changing getting those exams and thats down to people like u ️xx sorry the other person let them down ! Hope you enjoy your summer break and time with M. I don't blame you for stopping pumping u have done great doing it so long x

Ali / oh i do hope you get someone u r happy with. What a nightmare for you. Hope u r feeling better x T sounds funny doing his little army crawl ha.. Ollie still not rolled lol ..T is doing army crawls and slammers little little jack is doing the plank bless him ha. Ollie is just chilling and chucking his toys haha...

I was literally falling asleep tying last night but just had no time at all earlier in the day to get on here. We are doing ok, O gets so much attention when we are out as he is constantly just doing big gummy smiles at everyone lol.. Such a cutie.. He isn't really a winey baby just get a bit fussy when he is bored.. So we have a little curcuit he goes round to keep him entertained lol .. Jumperoo, playpen, pram, bouncy chair? And mummy cuddles between. He does about 20 mins in each then gets bored unless being carried which he seems to be a lot lately. solids going well, 2 to 3 meals a day now. Mainly rice and porridge with veg in or fruit.
Ive decided to try and earn a little extra cash to try and build up a little pot for xmas. I used to Sell baby hampers on Amazon but stopped as my nhs and private work kept me busy but I'm going to try and start up again just not sure what yet lol ..4 boys cost a lot and get more expensive the older they get !!

Me and O went on a little play date with my friend anx her little girl who is a few weeks older today. It was loverly , we met in park had coffee then went for a walk in he nice weather and had a catch up.

We are looking St getting O christened next month. We r meeting with vicker in couple of weeks. We are having our older children as God parents :) my of has older children as well. So O will have his two big bros and big sister all in 20,s as God parents.

Had bit of an achievement with ds ( 4 Yr old) today. He is a really fussy eater and until last week was on packed lunch at nursery. This week I tried him oh hot meals as they take him over to his new school for September now at lunches to get him used to It. The nursery staff made few comments not really negative but just comments about him being fussy. They told me last week that they were quite firm, not shouting or anything with him and he had few tears but encouraged him to try one bite. I wasn't happy about that tears but he actually ate a full bowl of pasta and was really pleased with himself. Tonight with us he ate broccoli and at nursery had tried different fruits. We were amazed. He had a little sticker chat that his key worker made him so he proudly put himself a sticker on for eating his broccoli !! Ha x

Anyway O flat out now better get down to see oh as i hardly see him as it is !
Hope u are all well.

Slammer / midnight/ newbie hope Trips all going ok !
Ali - wow, sounds like T is doing a lot already. He's quite an over achiever! Haha. Violet is *backwards* army crawling now. I know just backwards, but she is only 4 months still so I was impressed! She isn't able to sit up like my dd1 could by this point, but she is more mobile/stronger at getting her chest and tummy off the ground. Interesting the different things they are talented in ahha.
So sorry your childcare didn't work out. Sounds like she wasn't really experienced enough with watching other people's kids. I really hope one of these 3 you're interviewing turns out to be the perfect arrangement.

Apple - haha, yeah, I am bad for grabbing a coffee or something after my class, but whatever! Gotta live a little. Since starting the 30 Day Shred I have lost 2 lb, though!
Haha, that's funny you have a little circuit going to keep O entertained! Glad that's working well. I am not able to put Violet down nearly that much. I put her in her exersaucer for 20 minutes per day while I'm doing my workout, but she is mostly fussing in it within 5-10 minutes and I'm constantly getting dd1 to hand her things and pop her soother in her mouth. Other than that, she maybe gets put down for 3-5 minutes here or there while I quickly use the washroom! These babies are hard work. Violet is the same with giving people so many huge smiles constantly. She is SUCH a smiley baby, and I love it!

Midnight - glad the holiday is going so well! Sounds fun and relaxing.

Newbie - oh goodness, that's a very long journey! Best of luck to you and hope it goes ok.

Ally - that will be wonderful to take that holiday in a couple weeks! How nice to celebrate Isa's first Eid! Really cute pic!

Angel - oh wow, being back at work sounds so stressful! I can't believe the sub ruined your class so much! Sounds like you're an extremely dedicated teacher, and your students are lucky to have you.

VRogers - Haha, totally. I enjoy buzz word, like minds, Dutch blitz, the resistance, catch phrase, and some other part games as long as they don't involve charades. However, I also like board games like you mentioned - Life, Careers, etc etc but I find that my DH only likes party games so that's what we generally do.
How is sweet L doing?

Slammer - hope your Ireland trip is going well!

AFM - been fairly busy lately, and when dd1 is in bed, DH and I have been binge watching Scandal on Netflix so I haven't had as many chances to get on! :haha:

We've been taking lots of little walks to the park and whatnot. I haven't felt like socializing much lately, so not as many play dates, although my one friend and I took the kids to an indoor playground (soft play, I think they're called some places) last week, which was amazing because the kids left us alone the whole time and we didn't have to clean anything up after!

On the weekend, my DH and I took the kids to a small carnival and let dd1 go on some rides for the very first time in her life! That was quite fun. :)

Violet is so smiley and sweet, and I find 4 months has been a really good age for her, minus the need to comfort suck for the entire night. I do enjoy our cuddles though, and I'll miss them when they're gone. She is "backwards army crawling" if that's even a thing, and it won't be long before she figures out going forwards. She's always been ridiculously mobile for her age, so I'm curious when she'll start properly crawling!
I find I can no longer get cute pics of dd1 holding Violet because Violet moves too much so it has become unsafe.
Quick post... First leg of my journey done. A short flight but Z slept while feeding at take off and didn't wake up until after landing. What a dream start to his travelling life! Next flight is 14 hours so I doubt I'll bet so happy after that!
Lit/ little V army crawling lol sounds really cute ha, bless her sounds like she will be off soon! Then the fun will start lol....Sounds nice sat watching Netflix, my oh just isn't really interested In watching stuff like that ..or rather he always falls asleep ! does my head in really. X

Newbie/ glad first part went ok, hope next part is ok x

We are suppose to be having a mummy day today with ds , we normally go to zoo but weather rubbish so having a cleaning house day , watching films between ollie cuddles and sleeps. Ive decided to try and do my exercise video every day for next few weeks , little inspiration from you lit ! Lol only time I know I won't be able to is when ds goes in for operation early July 😖 but going to try most of other days. I'm terrible at picking at sweet things lately ! So hoing it will give me a boost!

Hope u all have a nice day x
Newbie - so glad the first leg of the journey went well! 14 hours is a very long flight, but I hope you make it through still smiling! Good luck!

Apple - glad I could offer some inspiration. ;) Hope you enjoy the daily exercise! I find it has become a habit and I actually look forward to it and always feel better afterward!

Sorry you couldn't go to the zoo for your mommy day! Sounds nice watching some movies and getting some cleaning done!
I am quite tempted by sweets lately too. I have to let myself have something small every day, or I would just binge.
That's too bad your oh won't watch shows with you in the evening. We honestly never had time before, as DH would always fall asleep putting dd1 to bed, but now that she falls asleep on her own, DH comes upstairs and we are actually able to get an hour or two together! It has been a welcome change.

AFM - my day has had a rocky start. Dd1 cried non stop when she woke up and ended up waking Vi up for the day an hour early, which will throw off her whole nap routine (not that she has one, but she'll likely need an extra nap now, which I hate). Then discovered DH hasn't fixed the downstairs toilet yet so we only have one washroom (which is fine, but still annoying it isn't fixed). Then came upstairs to discover I most likely have an eye infection, so I now have to drag both girls to the eye doctor this morning. I'll also have to buy new mascara and whatnot, which is always so annoying and expensive! Let's hope the day improves somewhat...

Sweet Violet is 5 months old today. How did that happen?
Well, my eye is not infected but it is a bit inflamed and needs drops for a couple days. Stopped at the pharmacy for my Rx and dd1 decided to be the worst child in the world and just ran through all the aisles laughing the entire time. Wouldn't listen to me at all. Cashier had to watch Violet like 5 times while I ran and grabbed dd1, but every time she would just escape me and run away again. I was so exasperated by the end! I wish I could just nap now.
Oh no lit what a nightmare 😖.. They are monkeys at times aren't they !! Glad your eye isn't infected and hope u got a little rest after ! X.

Happy 5 months little Violet !! ️xx :) where does the time go ! I actually saw a countdown to christmas on facebook today !! Noooo !! 😂😂
Lite - O would have been doing the same thing as DD1. If he's not in a cart or something it's game over. Glad it isn't infected and hope the drops help you feel better quickly.

I'm sorry your DD1 woke up so fussy. I have those days at times. Since you don't have an infection at least you don't have to get new make up, right? I'm horrible with make up.. I don't even know how to use most of it haha.. so I just do everyone a favor and not wear make up.

Yay for V being 5 months!! All of our babies are getting so big!

Yes, I love seeing the differences. This time around T is very much more talkative. O talked a lot, but T has a lot more sounds than O did at this age.

She wasn't. Plus she's use to a calm household I think. Although her son got excited with O he was much more calmer. I guess he doesn't really throw fits or anything anymore. He's 6 months younger than O. I really wonder how it's possible or if I'm just doing it wrong? :haha: Seriously, though. If her second follows that I'll be surprised. I kind of want her to have a view into a crazy life of 2s and 3s haha. Plus she has a soft heart. I think I could handle more children if they weren't my own. It's different.

Apple - Sorry you weren't able to go to the zoo, but hopefully you enjoyed your day anyways!

Newbie - Glad you're off to a great start! Hopefully it continued to be good. Either way it's great that part of it was good!

AFM - T sat up all on his own!!!! I had him down on the ground and he was laying down playing with a toy. Well, I was talking to DH and I look back at him and he's sitting up playing with a toy. It took me a second to realize what changed. I asked DH if he sat him up, which I knew he didn't because I was just talking to him. So we cheered him on and he gave us a big gummy smile then continued to play with his toy. Haven't seen him do it again, but I know how he did because he almost sits himself up that way all the time.

Okay, he just sat himself up again.. and I missed it.. again!

Have to work today for a few hours. I work the 4th.. and the 5th.. so I don't see how I'm going to enjoy it at all. It's irritating.
Ali - my dd1 is quite the same with always having to be put in the cart so she doesn't escape. Unfortunately, there are no carts at the pharmacy, so I had no choice. Never again!! I feel more justified now in always just getting my DH to pick up my prescriptions on the way home from work.

That's seriously impressive that T isn't just SITTING by himself, but that he actually sat himself up! After my dd1 could sit by herself, she still took months to be able to get herself there on her own! I am impressed. Didn't even know it was possible at this age!

Yes, you're right, I don't have to get new make up now (I don't think), so that's a relief. I am terrible at putting on make up as well. I have no clue about how to make it look good. I basically just wear mascara always, with nothing else unless it's a special occasion. Without mascara I just look too blah though.

Apple - thank you! I didn't get to rest. Yesterday was quite an exhausting day, and dd1 continued to push her boundaries all day. Oh well - we made it through somehow.

AFM - dd1 stopped her short little stint of STTN. She is still falling asleep on her own (yay!) but she is waking up 4-6 times per night on average. Last night she woke up 5 times over the course of an HOUR, so DH finally just brought her to our bed and somehow the 4 of us ALL squeezed onto a queen mattress together. I didn't fall asleep again until DH left for work.
Yesterday was so odd (in a good way)! Melody went down the night before around 7pm, as usual, woke up around 9pm and then slept straight until 2am, woke for only a few minutes and then didn't get up until 6:30am. So I had a pretty good night of sleep. Then today at her morning nap she slept 2.5 hours!! I figured it was a fluke, but at her next nap she slept another 2 hours! :wacko: Her naps are still usually 45min - 1 hour long so I was in shock. It would be wonderful if she was finally starting to nap longer. Of course, it messed up the rest of my evening so I ended up putting her to bed at 6pm instead of 7 (and that was stretching it because she was already really tired by then) and then she was up at 4am this morning. After 30 minutse of trying she wasn't going back to sleep. :nope: Luckily I was able to put her in bed with me and I fell back asleep and when I Woke up at 6 she was asleep, so she must have fallen back asleep at some point. And todays naps have not been as successful. blah. But at least I had one really good day yesterday. lol

And Oh My, I'm so excited! I decided to invest in a Lillebaby carrier (so expensive, but SO worth it!). My Mei Tei and Moby Wrap just weren't cutting it anymore - my back hurts too much and it's to hot. My Lillebaby arrived a couple days ago and I was able to try it out, and I am IN LOVE! :cloud9: So comfortable, so much cooler than my Mei Tei, and so easy to walk with. Plus it has a lumbar support, helps so much. And Melody seems to really like it too, a big plus. :)

Ali - That's awesome that T managed to sit up by himself!! M can support herself sitting for several minutes as long as I put her into hte sitting position. But then she gets overenthusiastic reaching for something, loses balance, falls, and then starts to cry. :dohh: I'm picturing T doing an army crawl and it's pretty adorable! I can't wait until M starts moving. Right now she tries to move and ends up going backwards, and gets really mad because she's getting further from the destination she's headed for. :haha:

As for my class, yeah, the sub dropped it hard core. And she talks about how the kids loved her and how great she did. :nope: They loved her because their grades skyrocketed .... except of course my 2 seniors. ugh. But I'm so glad they graduated. I'm so proud of those kids. And thanks. We don't get enough credit, I even had a couple parents send me nasty emails at the end of the semester (the last two days of the year) chewing me out for not having better communication with them during the semester about their kids grades....and when I pointed out that I was on maternity leave one parent actually accused me of "playing the victim". :dohh: But at least my seniors were super appreciative of my extra help. :)

Thanks for the tip about food. I'll stick with non-binding foods for now and slowly reintroduce others.

Apple - Thanks. <3 It helps to be appreciated every now and then. The one senior girl brought me a bouquet of flowers on her last day to thank me for everything. Made it all worth while.

I tend to do the same thing with M - rotate through her stuff: exersaucer, bouncy chair, swing, floor, cuddles, etc. I can get about 15-20 minutes in each before she's bored (sometimes longer in the exersaucer or jumper).

You sell baby hampers? Sounds interesting! Hope you can make some $! I let my sister convince me to try and sell products with a company called Younique (makeup and skin care, mostly hypoallergenic and less chemicals than other companies). I really just signed up for the discount for my own products. :haha: But I'm hoping I can make a little money I can use to buy things for M.

That's great that your 4 yo is eating better! So awesome!

Lite - Thanks! I'm so glad to be done iwth the school year. I've got a couple months to recuperate and then try again next year!

Melody is backwards crawling too. :haha: Does she get angry/frustrated that she's going backwards and wanting to go forward? Or has she figured out how to get what she wants by going backwards? Melody tries to move forward and ends up going backwards and gets so angry about it. It's fairly hilarious.

Good luck with the weight loss! I did 30 Day Shred awhile back and loved it! I really need to get back to working out more regularly! Since going back to work I GAINED back several pounds. I'm going to have to tell DH either we have to start back to the gym at least 3 times a week or we need to cancel and I'll just workout at home (but he won't workout at home so if I want him to exercise we have to go to the gym). It's too expensive to pay for not using it. :(

I'm glad your eye isn't infected but wow what a crazy day in the store! I'm not looking forward to that phase! Hopefully the rest of your day was better!
Angel - oh yes! Violet is also trying to get forward but accidentally goes backwards instead. She also gets quite angry about it! Poor girls. They'll figure it out soon! I feel like M and V are similar physically, as I remember them rolling front to back around the same time as well! Also, I totally wrote down that she could get on her hands and knees because I saw her do it yesterday, but she hasn't managed to get all the way there again. Oops... oh well. She's close!

That's ridiculous that parents were getting mad at you for things happening when you were on maternity leave! That isn't an excuse - it's just the truth! Grr. Sorry you gained weight going back to work. Going back to work made me gain weight last time too. Just one of those lovely perks of working... Gag! I am so happy for you that you're finally off for the summer with M!

Oh yes, the gym is such a waste if you don't go. My DH has been paying for his membership for years, but he will go 8+ months without going! Thankfully it is a cheap membership, but it still drives me nuts. I find it easier to work out at home. Cool that you've done the 30 Day Shred as well! I ended up skipping today. I had a super busy day and felt exhausted when I got home so just couldn't muster up the energy to do it in the evening. Oh well. Hopefully I'll get back at it tomorrow!

Sorry M Got up so early, but I'm glad she eventually fell back asleep. Whenever V wakes up too early I also just ignore her (she's already snuggling in bed with me) and keep my eyes closed and she usually eventually gets sleepy and I can get her back to sleep after a bit.
apple- eid is just one day, unless you are in a muslim country and then it's 3 days haha. Thats good about the extra money, sounds like a good idea. And yah on DS eating other foods!
ur comment about ur oh falling asleep... i feel the same haha. I want to do things but he is just to tired.

ali- that is so cute that he sat up by himself, Go baby T! Good luck for work

lit- army crawling, cute! Glad you getting some time with dh to watch something together. That is cute about dd and the rides, bet she had a blast! Happy 5 months to V, it goes fast! DD1 sounds like a naughty girl! poor you, you sound like you do need a nap!
Hope dd1 starts STTN again, i can picture you 4 squashed in together haha.

angel- Isa has just so much variability in his nights and naps. He normally naps 30 mins, but sometimes 1 hour, and yesterday 2 hours, somehow!?
At night recently, hes been up a lot but he'll have a couple of good nights in the week where he won't wake much. I just wish there was consistency!!

afm- Isa is just so variable right now in his sleep and naps, he's up a lot at night, mainly due to teething. He really isn't interested in his milk, the only way i can get him to drink it is when i am putting him to sleep, and popping it in his mouth and he will drink it drowsy.
apart from that, we had a playdate with my friend yesterday and her baby who is just a couple weeks younger than Isa. Both babies were so intrigued by each other, touching each others face and taking each others dummies out their mouths. So funny to watch.
I feel like Isa wants to move around much more, but he just cant quite do it yet, he is soo curious, looking at everything, touching everything.
Ally - He'll get there before you know it. As soon as they start to move more then don't slow down.

That's great that you'll have another baby for Isa to grow up around. I'm hoping we can still do play dates with my old sitter. If not hopefully I can find someone else to set play dates up with. O really needs the interaction!

T's naps aren't consistent either. Yesterday he only took 2. He slept longer for both, though. I'm afraid he'll drop down to 2 sooner than O did. Joy. Won't be so bad as long as he actually sleeps longer during them.

Angel - Parents are the worst sometimes. I'm glad the kids were appreciative and that's really what matters! I want to work with pediatrics, but I'm afraid I can't handle the parents.

That's funny that she's trying and goes backwards! She'll figure it out before you know it! I find it kind of cute how they get mad when something doesn't go as they expected it to. Except it tends to happen every time they try to learn new skills!

Glad you're enjoying the new carrier! I want something that feels a bit lighter. I have a Baby Bjorn One and I really like it, but it's hot.

Lite - Oh my I didn't realize how bad your DD1 can be through the night. O definitely won't put himself to sleep unless it just happens. He actually fell asleep randomly yesterday for his nap.. with bread in his mouth :haha: I wasn't here for it DH sent me pictures. I guess he wanted another slice of bread (kid loves bread) so DH gave him his second slice and he started eating it really fast like a hamster or something. DH looked away talking to T and looked back he was out haha

So, does your DD1 usually wake up that much, or do you think she was just having a bad night? Some nights O is restless and wakes up several times but generally he doesn't. Maybe once if I'm not in bed with him.

Yeah, I'm pretty amazed by him! He's definitely trying to catch up to his brother. He's always been really strong, so it might have to do with that? I've seen babies starting to walk at 6 months.. no thanks!! They don't feel like babies very long as it is!

AFM - Not much new going on here. I dropped one of the interviews because I was told not to use her by someone, plus I saw her posting on a for sale site about roaches soooooo nope!!! Then she sent me this lengthy message saying how she had some issues and she won't take new families to her place till it's solved and will only watch at her daughters and blah blah blah. Eh.. she's charging me 20 dollars more than the average person because she charges "premium" for weekends. With all of that then also asking more I won't use her.

Then the 17 year old wanted to reschedule because something came up. I'll probably not even bother with her now. Not that I'm set off by much, but she added me on Facebook and looking through her page I feel she's a bit immature. I think I'd feel fine with her watching my boys, but more of as a back up than their main provider.

The third I have heard nothing but good things about. A couple of my coworkers swears by her and says she's wonderful and that she'll spoil my boys to death. Then someone who didn't personally know her says she's heard nothing, but good things about her. So, I feel good about her. Just have to see after the interview!

Took O out before I went to work and got him some new tennis shoes. Wanted to get sandals, but I'm picky. They have to have some toe coverage, but none of them fit his feet right. He's got wide feet and none of them came in wides and none had half sizes to fit more properly. The tennis shoes came in only full sizes, but found a wide pair that fit him really well thankfully. He's in a size 10 shoe.. that's the last of the toddler sizes!! T doesn't have shoes yet.. I won't buy any till he's starting to crawl up on his knees. Even then I tend to only do shoes if I need to. Bare feet otherwise! I read it's good for their development to be bare foot.

Well, T is up from his very short nap. He's now in my lap attacking everything at the desk so going to wrap this up.
Ally - dd1 can definitely be quite naughty when she wants to. She isn't usually that bad though. It was a very bad day for her! She certainly keeps us on our toes, though.

Sorry Isa's naps and sleep are so variable right now. I am finding the same with Violet, as far as length of nap goes I guess. She generally has 4 naps, so I'm surprised at some of these babies sometimes only having 2!

That sounds like a really cute play date! It's sweet when they start interacting with each other.

Ali - yes, the falling asleep on her own is a very new thing and before it would only happen the odd random time when she was super tired like with your O falling asleep eating bread. It was definitely an exceptionally bad night for her that night. I would say average for her is maybe 2-4 wake-ups per night. She is definitely not a good sleeper. She is very slowly improving, but there always seems to be a new regression. She also suffers from nightmares, which doesn't help.

I hope that girl with all the great reviews turns out to be as good as she sounds! I don't blame you for not wanting the 17 yr old as your main provider. Having a back up would be good, though!

AFM - feeling a bit sluggish the last couple days. It is a gloomy day today so we are just staying in. My mom is off work today so she is bringing my niece over to play with dd1 for a bit.
Lite - That's no good about the nightmares. Poor girl. I keep fearing O will have them because DH doesn't filter what he watches around him. I know it's hard because then you can't watch what you want very often, but still. I get after him. Maybe someday he'll listen.

It's been rain and storms the last several days here. I think they're expecting more today.

AFM - Slowly getting ready to go meet this lady. Really hoping she works out. O is still asleep so I may have to go wake him up. I just want to be lazy today.

I have dropped some weight. It's probably because I've been going into work constantly even if it is for a few hours. Guess I just need to get more active. So I'm about 6 pounds away from prepregnancy. I would love to get within 20 lbs of my goal weight before I'm done breastfeeding. The closer the better but I need to not get too ambitions otherwise I will fail and it will bother me.

My back is still pretty messed up, but better. I can't sit down when I'm at home or I seize up and can't hardly stand. I'm worried about what I'm going to do for insurance because the plans through work are expensive and I can't really afford it. Bah.. I hate all of our debt.
Ali - oh yes, I've had to tell DH he can't play any violent video games or watch any shows with violence around dd1 too. He has finally been listening. They do pick up on a lot, and they have overactive imaginations to make things worse.

Great job on the weight loss! I hope you're able to make great progress on your goals without becoming discouraged if you don't quite lose as much as you hope.

So sorry about your back still being so bad! It sounds just awful.
I hope you get to be slightly lazy today, as much as is possible with 2 young kids!
Hi ladies Hope u r all well. Ive had busy few days , none stop today so I'm totally shattered, play date yesterday and ds and friends son were just fighting ! Not like ds at all but they are both similar age and used to being top Dog I think so clash.

Ive been to play area this am then park pm with ds and O n oh to play with his friends starting school in September. One of the mums started a fbook group and arranged it. Good idea but tiring..

OH really hassled again at work, putting too much on him, I know it's not his fault but I'm finding it really annoying as its like he is here but isn't if u know what I mean and bit my head off today 😖.. Because I made a comment to him about something he said to one of the mums.. I was laughing when I said it but he took it really serious. When talking jobs a mum said she was an engineer. My oh said that's not really a job for a women or something like that . It went a bit quiet 😖 I know he didn't mean it in a bad way he isn't like that at all Prob just tired and thinking out loud.. I just laughed when we were walking home and said that was a bit sexist.. And he replied " should have known I would have said something wrong!! And was really off and still is being really.. Just cold.. I was only messing..and I know he is stressed but I can't be bothered with it.. Sorry for vent lol ..
This work thing is too much Something has got to give..

Ive come to bed with O as I can't warm up and feel exhausted I think it's lack of sleep. 😩😴😴😴 been up through night and up at 5 am for couple of weeks now.. I can tell in day I'm having to drink loads of coffee and everything is a chore where as im normally quite motivated ..

Ive noticed it's a bit quiet on here this week. I hope it's because everyone is having great times on their holidays..

Lit hope u are feeling bit brighter today. All these little babies do sound like they are coming on so quickly. Cracks me up thinking of them all backwards crawling 😂.. O still quite comfy on his back lol although he did get onto side the other day..he is also really good at sitting up now just can't be bothered rolling haha..

Ali/ really sorry your back isn't good.. My back plays up at times but i couldn't imagine it being like that all the time I hope u get some relief from it soon.

I know slammer suffers too it's horrible ( hugs) I hope u managed to sort the childcare x

Ally: hope u r doing ok:) it's loverly that Isa has a little play mate same age that will be really good for him growing up and good for u to have avent with a friend ! Lol x

Anyway better go down I suppose and see if grumpy pants has got over his monent 😖😖..

I wil update lol ! 😉
Oh just to give u a laugh ladies. When I went to ds 1st sports day last week there was a mummy race so I entrted to the embarrassment of my teenager who was also watching lol.. I was rubbish but it was carrying a beanbag on a little bat! Ha.. Anyway there was 2 mummy races and in the race after mine one of the mummys was really going for it , I think trying far too hard for a toddler race but let's just say she was quite top heavy bless her and her boob popped out as she was running she didn't even notice and she must have ran 70 meters before noticing .. It was hilarious !! 😂😂 you could see the dads faces .. I couldn't even look her in the eye after.. Haha im only jealous I wish I had boobs that would pop out like that haha.. Not much left after 4 babies !! 😂😂😂
Ally- glad you were able to spend some time with family! The trip does sound nice, is Isa going along or is it just you and dh?
Holy cow you have a cute baby! His big ole eyes and that smile!

Angel- you sound like an amazing teacher who really cares about her students! can't believe the sub was so awful. Yay for summer break though, think you definitely deserve it!
Melody sounds like she's doing great! We haven't started solids yet (other than occasionally adding in oatmeal cereal for reflux) so no experience yet but I've read about offering a little water when they start solids? Hopefully others have better advice!
Yay for the random good day of sleep!
And now you're making me want a lillebaby carrier, I haven't heard anything bad about them. I wonder how it compares to the ergo.

Ali- sounds like you do know who you'll go with, I hope this one works out! I understand wanting other kids to play with yours, hopefully O does have a couple buddies his age during the week at least!
That's so amazing T is sitting up on his own like that! Of course it had to happen when you aren't looking haha

Apple- we do the little circuit to keep baby entertained as well! I have her jumper, 3 play mats, swing and of course toys I switch between to keep her entertained. Thankfully she's actually fairly good at entertaining herself for awhile.
That's great your 4 year old is finally trying other foods, I'm sure it feels like an amazing accomplishment! How cute he was so excited about his sticker.
Oh that poor mom haha I would have been so embarrassed!

Literati- I hadn't heard of some of the ones you mentioned, I'll have to look into those. I'm not a fan of charades either, I'm too awkward for that haha.
L is doing great thank you for asking! She's in the stage where she wants to move around and explore everything but can't yet and gets frustrated.
The backwards army crawling sounds so cute! She sounds like she'll be able to move around more really soon.
Ugh I'm sorry about the eye! You deserved a nap after that day. I hope your eye feels better soon.
Happy 5 months to V!

Newbie- I hope the rest of the flight was uneventful!

Afm- thought I would be able to get on during our trip but it was pretty hectic! L thankfully did really well in the car both ways and in the hotel. The only rough times were the last 30 min-hour of car ride each way (she doesn't nap well in her car seat so she was over tired by then) and one day in the hotel she fought her naps and was over tired/fussy.
I've also noticed when we go in stores she's happy to look around as long as she can also see me. She isn't happy in the stroller or in a carrier that faces me (she wants to see me, but also wants to be able to look around). We tried the buggy in target with a cover but she's not quite ready for that. I'm looking into a ring sling so I can carry her easier.
She can sit on her own only sometimes for a few seconds, it seems like she's more interested in moving around and wanting to stand. Can't believe in about a week she'll be 6 months old, really is flying by!
Dh is off work for the 4th of July so he'll go into work Monday and then have Tuesday off. Fireworks will be super annoying this year with a baby!
L's 6 month apt is the 12th and that's when we discuss starting solids! Also interested to see how much she weighs now.
Hey all, sorry I have been absent. I have been reading, but couldn't find the time to reply. There is too much to reply to so I will just reply to the last page and what I can remember. Sorry to anyone I miss!

Angel - wow, what a mess your sub left! Sorry you had to do so much work to get kids back on track.

Literati - crazy V is moving backwards. I think Jack has shoved himself forward once so far and that's it.

Wow, I didn't know your DD woke so much. What does she need when she wakes? Just a snuggle, I hope?

Ally - happy Eid! Sorry Isa is teething and it's a struggle to get him to eat.

AliJo - sorry the childcare hunt is back on, but hope things work out with the one you think will be good.

I can't believe how advanced T is! Sitting up on his own already? Crazy. Nowhere near that here. Not even close to staying sitting on his own, let alone getting there himself.

Nice that you.lost weight. I haven't. Sorry about your back. I am still so miserable with mine. Did you not have insurance before? I would have thought you had it for the pregnancy/birth?

Apple - so sorry your DH is being a bear.again due to work. It's hard when you are.not getting on well.

Too funny about the race and the lady’s boob! I won't have much left after Jack weans either.

Vrogers - glad your trip went well and L was good in the car. Hope you find a sling you like. Maybe try a hip carry in the Ergo? It will let L see more. Google how to do it. I didn't even know you could do it with the original Ergo until I randomly googled it, but you can.

AFM - back home since Thurs eve. Our trip was so awesome. Aside from going to a wedding we just spent time with DH’s family and enjoyed the kids playing together. DD was soooo good with the travel...really shocked. And Jack was good too...just a bit fussy when needing naps. It was tough to leave. DH is saying he wants to move.back there, but it would be such a huge decision and huge change. Being around all that family support would be amazing, but we are so settled here and we'd be facing few job prospects and low wages. We'll really have to weigh the pros and cons.

It was nice to be able to hand Jack off so much while there,but now back home and back to real life my back is so effed up again. I'm going to have to go to the doctor to see if there is something more than just weakness going on. I can't go on like this. I am in tears by the evening as it just seizes up again and again.

Jack has his first tooth! Broke through earlier in the week. Crazy. Weighed him yesterday and he was over 17 lbs. Still no solids, except DH gave him the tiniest taste of cream when we were having rhubarb pie. (Omg his mother’s rhubarb pie is so delicious!).

OK, typing this while.laying in bed and my.arms are going numb and my neck is getting sore. Early to bed for me.

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