January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Slammer- glad you had a good trip! Coming home and being slapped by reality is the worst part of trips, I'll be there Monday when dh goes back to work and doesn't get back at 2:30-3.
I didn't know a side carry was possible with the ergo! I'll google that and try it out tomorrow for a walk if it isn't too hot.
Crazy jack has a tooth already! When are you starting him on solids?
Just doing a quick pop in as I pump. I'll hopefully have time tonight to properly reply.

The boys started at my new child care provider yesterday. I felt okay about them going, but not great. I've heard nothing but good things about her. She's done foster care on and off and currentlu has 4 children (actual siblings) at home who she adopted through it. She's got older children that are moved out. Also has grandchildren around the age of those she adopted. She definitely appears to have a huge heart and is very use to multiple children.

They did well the first day. O does have kids to play with. Older, but that's okay. T has a nickname.. Baby Chipmunk :haha: I thought it was cute. O did cry about me leaving today, but I think he wanted me to stay and play.

So far it's been good. Hoping it sticks!

Okay back to work. Pumped 11 ounces and still had some, but need to get back. I feel much better!
hey all

will try catch up best i can

ali- i get why you wouldn't want the 17 year old, but like Lit, said. Good to have a back up. Well done on the weight loss! Glad you are feeling better, and the childcare provider sounds great and really experienced too!

lit-thats nice your mum came over and dd1 had your niece to play with. The weather here has been dark and dreary, makes me feel sluggish and a bit low too...

apple0 you sound like you have been so busy. I'm sorry about your oh... sounds like he is under a lot of stress. i totally get the, him being there but not thing... when my dh is stressed he goes quiet and in a funny mood, which just irritates me. men eh?
sports day story is sooo funny, oh my gosh. Thanks for sharing...

vrogers- Isa is going too, not ready to leave him yet with anyone haha. Maybe in a few more months i could leave him with my parents if dh and i went away for a night or two. Glad L was mostly good, and looking forward to the 6 month update :)

slammer- glad you had an amazing trip, it sounds like so much fun! Big decision if you did decide to more to ireland- you'd be much closer to me then (i'm in scotland). wow his first tooth, bless him! Isa has two white bits, waiting for the teeth to break through, they are taking their sweet time...

sorry about your back, have you made a dr's appt?

afm- today we took Isa to this big fair in the park, and i took him on this first ride. He was soooooo unimpressed, didn;t smile once, so moody. The pictures are funny cause I look really happy, but he is just sitting there like ugh mum please this is ridiculous.
apart from that not much is going on, it's been quite gloomy weather here so can't do much.
I dont know if you guys have it in america, but there is a popular dating site called Tinder. My best friend uses it a lot, and she came across on it, one of my other close friends boyfriend's profile.... how awful. I don't know what he is up to, being on a dating site while being in a relationship with my friend for 7 years!
my friend is currently on holiday with her mum, once she is back, i will have to tell her... not looking forward to it.
Ally - Yes, we definitely have Tinder over here. So many applications like that are out there that make it easy for people to be unfaithful. They aren't always easy to spot either. Snapchat, Tinder, even Whisper can be used. I know there are countless more. Maybe the profile wasn't serious? I doubt that's the case, but hopefully.

That's funny that Isa didn't care. They're so unimpressed with something complex, but you clap at them and it's the greatest thing ever! :haha:

Slammer - I had Medicaid since I wasn't working most of the year with being in college and being a family of 3 I still fell in the income range while being pregnant. It's a lot higher during pregnancy, same with the first year of the babies life. At least that's how it was during my pregnancy. It still is I believe, but we'll see how long that lasts. Right now it's 300% the federal poverty limits. Heck, we ALMOST qualify if I got pregnant again. Honestly.. I'll lose more money going through another pregnancy due to healthcare costs than I would if I dropped down to part time and took up Medicaid again.

We're in one of those situations where we look like we're making a lot of money, then after bills we're broke. Ha.. oh well. I'm just trying to figure out how to pay for insurance and not lose all my extra income from going full time.

I know, I'm stunned by his progress. He's definitely doing a lot early. O was advanced on some things, but T is doing even more quicker.

Glad the vacation went well!! Definitely sounds like you guys should think about moving back at least. Whatever would make you guys enjoy life more should be the deal breaker. Hard to imagine what stresses you might face, though.

Definitely get your back looked at. Mine was horrible for a short while, with some issues still. Yours sounds even worse and I would be so done by now if I didn't feel a lot better.

Vrogers - L might be at that stage where she can be distracted with her surroundings. Might make being out and about easier. T loves looking around. He won't stay in his car seat in the store anymore. He likes the carrier, but has to be facing out so he can view the world. Carrying him is too much and I'm sure sitting in the stroller seat wouldn't work. Plus, if it's just me O has to be in it.

Glad the trip went pretty well! It's always a nice surprise when they handle things like that well.

Apple - Oh gosh. I'd be so mortified if that happened to me!! I'll be making sure my ladies are nice and snug if I'm going to do much bounce inducing activities. :holly: There's an emote for that haha

Lite - I'm glad O hasn't been affected by it, but I try to keep most away from him. Thankfully if he wants to sit and watch what we're watching I can usually distract him with YouTube.. great parenting ha

AFM - Child care is going well. I'm glad she's well experienced. They played at church on Sunday and went to Pizza Ranch (pizza buffet). Surprised that O did well at the restaurant. He fell asleep sitting up in his chair haha.. the early mornings are hard on him. I need to try to get him to stick to an early bedtime and earlier morning.

T seemed exhausted when I picked them up the second day. He only just fell asleep before I got there and only had one 20 minute nap. Poor boy.

Good thing is I feel she'll be a long term one as long as it works out for us. Should, so hoping I finally have someone I can trust and feel good about. She's not perfect, but I don't feel she'll neglect my boys.

I'm being bad and getting obsessed with the scale since I've finally lost some weight. It's continued so here's hoping. I also think I've decided not do hormonal birth control. I feel I have enough problems with my hormones I don't need to add more into the mix. So, just going to try natural family planning and see how that goes. Right now I'm not too concerned as my cycle isn't back, but going to still keep an eye on it. Need to do more research. They have a approved birth control application that uses NFP haha.. I think it's approved across Europe. Well, I'm not going to spend money on something that I can just do myself lol

Anyways.. off to deal with children. O is being needy and T is getting fussy.
Ali- so jealous of how much you can pump, that's great!
Baby chipmunk... that's so cute! I hope the new childcare gets even better and ends up working out.
That's exactly how L is in stores! I think she would do okay in a carrier facing out but I would definitely want to try before buying one. She does love looking around and I do like how it's much easier to distract her if she gets fussy!
We're doing the same birth control wise, I did the pill when I was 18ish and then again right after getting married and hated it both times. We did just have an oops (normally we do POM and dh is good at it haha) so we need to be more careful because I am NOT ready for another baby!

Ally- I don't blame you at all, I haven't left L with anyone even for a min haha. I may be more willing when she's over a year and more toddler than baby.
That's funny that Isa wasn't impressed with the park, I'm sure he will appreciate those pictures when he gets older!
I have heard of tinder, ugh that's awful about your friends bf. What a tool. I hope she takes it as okay as she can and is able to move on.

Afm- L is obsessed with blowing raspberries, seems like if she's awake she's doing it! It's really fun when she does it with the bottle in her mouth and sends formula flying everywhere.
I miss walking around the neighborhood, it's been WAY too hot to bring L out even in just a diaper. Now they're calling for "dangerously high temps" tomorrow. I'm over summer already!
Vrogers - We have done the POM as well. I can't afford to oops at all once I start ovulating. An oops will almost most likely result in pregnancy. At least with my current track record it will.

Summer hasn't been too awful here. It's been pretty hot, but our house has constant shade and even during the peak of the day it's usually not too bad in our yard.

I usually don't pump that much. My stash looks like it's depleting. It's probably because T didn't eat as much through the night and I also wasn't able to pump before work. The weekends are going to be really hard on me.

T was obsessed with blowing raspberries as well. He would even do it in his sleep :haha: Nonstop for several weeks and now he only occasionally does it. Now he's more obsessed with moving. We watched him go halfway across the living room, across the whole dinning room, around the table, then under it on the other side. Really having to make sure there is nothing small he can get to. O gets things in his reach he shouldn't have. Was easier to keep things baby proof when I didn't have a toddler to undo my handy work!

AFM - Been a lazy day. Did get some shopping done. I work the next two days ugh..

Built a blanket fort for O today. He was super excited about that. DH crawled in there with him and they both fell asleep. T took a 3.5 - 4 hour nap with a short wake up in the middle. I didn't nap.. I could have but I needed to be able to sleep tonight.

Well T is asleep. Need to get to bed.
Slammer - sounds like this new childcare provider is working out well! Yay! That is too bad both are exhausted by the end. I hate the waking them up early part of daycare.
I hope you don't get too obsessed with the weight loss, and that it just helps motivate you to lose the rest without stressing! I have been too scared to weigh myself in the past week because I ate so much over Canada Day weekend! I've been mostly sticking to my workout, but I did miss 2 days. Ah, well. Shouldn't let that derail me. Just have to keep at it!

Glad you had a lazier day! You deserve it. Haha. When DH and I have been desperate to watch a show while dd1 is awake, we have definitely resorted to YouTube on the iPad before. Haha...we all do it. We need to have fun sometimes too! ;)

VRogers - when you say you haven't left L with anyone, you mean besides your DH, right? Have you been able to get out a bit with him watching her? I am glad L was able to be distracted by her surroundings! I am finding it easier to take V out now as well. It used to be that it had to be while she was sleeping (I know L doesn't sleep when out), and I would get panicky if I was out too long and she woke up. She is sleeping a lot less these days, and won't take a good nap in the car seat or stroller anymore, so I am thankful that the world doesn't end if she's awake for outings, although she does expect to be held the whole time. Won't be happy in the stroller unless she is sleeping.

Ally - that is too bad Isa didn't enjoy the fair much! Sounds like he's hard to get to smile! We took the girls to the fair the other weekend, but I didn't take V on any rides (just dd1). She is an extremely smiley baby, though. Doesn't take much to get one out of her!
The hot weather is hard with a baby, isn't it? Thankfully we don't have THE hottest summers, but it's still difficult to get out when it's hot, and I always have to find shade for Violet. We don't have A/C in our house so I find I am always sweltering!! I love summer, but it sure does have its challenges with a baby. It will be a lot easier to do activities next year, but I try not to look forward to time passing, because V will never be this sweet and little again, and I also deeply dread being back at work.

Slammer - sounds like you and your DH have a lot to consider in terms of possibly moving. I do know it seems like a very difficult situation there right now. I have a few friends who have moved here from Ireland because they just couldn't support their families there. Sad. :( I'm so glad your trip was so great, though!

AFM - it's been a busy several days. It has been super hot which was been nice, but also challenging. We had a super fun Canada Day and took the girls to a free pancake breakfast, walk by the river, bouncy castles at the park, and then to the fireworks! Bedtime routines have been messed up since then haha. We attempted the outdoor pool on Monday, but holy crap is it a lot of work to take 2 kids under the age of 3 swimming! I am glad we did it, but am not anxious to do it again for a LONG time haha.

Just as soon as the long weekend ended, DH got sick with the stomach flu. He was home yesterday, but either sleeping or glued to the couch so I was still doing everything. I have been doing somewhat better mood wise and am thoroughly enjoying this age with Violet. She is sooo sweet and happy and doesn't get nearly as overtired or overstimulted anymore. However, with all the summer activities and being boiling hot constantly, I am feeling overwhelmed by all the household tasks especially with the extra laundry from swimming and whatnot. Makes me feel panicky and stressed like I will never ever catch up or get a break again.
Also, violet's sleep has been hard. She needs me and only me, and it can be exhausting. During the day it's just fine, but trying to go to bed is tricky. I hold her until I'm ready for bed, but then when I go to brush my teeth and use the washroom quickly, DH will try to hold her or lie beside her for those 3 minutes, but she cries hysterically that ENTIRE time and then as soon as I'm back she calms instantly. It can be exhausting to be so needed and to be the ONLY one your baby can be with.
For some reason, I woke up on the WRONG side of the bed today and just cannot be pleasant at all. I'm so tired and cranky, not to mention hot & sticky, and have zero patience for the kids today. Hopefully I cheer up...
Ali- thats good it isn't miserably hot there! It gets so humid here on top of the heat so it just makes it worse.
T does sound like a mover! Does he roll or push around, or is he already starting to crawl?
Blanket fort nap sounds amazing right now haha

Literati- oh yes, I have left her with dh! I should have clarified. I'm glad L isn't the only one who dislikes the stroller! I was wondering if I had a defective kid :haha:
Glad you were able to get out and do things out of the house!
Ugh I hope dh is feeling better, being sick is no fun period, but even worse when you have young kids to take care of and one parent ends up having to do everything. I am RIGHT there with you on laundry, L spits up sooooo much I am constantly doing laundry! It's never ending.
Also sucks that she only wants you for bed time! Hopefully that's just a short phase so you can get a well deserved break. I read about someone who's two year old suddenly preferred daddy to do the bedtime routine, I hope that happens with us!
I was in the same type of mood yesterday, did a lot of crying and just wanted to be alone but obviously couldn't. I hope it passes quickly!
Vrogers - theoretically starting him on solids at six months I guess, but might wait longer if he doesn't seem ready. I'm not that eager for them since my DD didn't show much interest until 11 months anyway.

Jack also went through a raspberries phase, hehe. Hot summers do suck with a baby. The carrier that doesn't hurt my back is just too warm, and the cooler ones kick off the back pain, ugh.

AliJo - glad the first day with the new child care went well!

So frustrating to be in that in between bracket with your income! I just wish my premiums weren't so incredibly outrageous. $17,000 for family coverage, not including copays and deductibles!

Try not to get obsessed about the weight. I am starting working out, and am hoping to see some movement on the scale. I fear my cycle is going to restart anytime now based on the CM I'm having. DH just went to have his semen tested today, so should have the results tomorrow. Really can't wait to ditch condoms!

Ally - too bad Isa wasn't impressed by the fair, lol. So sorry for your friend if her bf is using Tinder! What a nightmare.

Literati - yes, Ireland is still not the best place for work. Lots of people we know emigrated. Some are returning now though. I think I'd consider it if we could bring a substantial amount of money toward buying/building a house. If we had a very tiny mortgage then our incomes could be low and we'd be fine. But still...moving from a place like here with countless opportunities, to rural Ireland would be a huge change.

I don't think I am brave enough to take the two to a pool! Sorry your DH is sick!

My house feels like a wreck, and it stresses me out too. I'm sorry violet is so hard at night.

AFM - my nipples are getting sore from Jack’s tooth. He keeps grazing me when latching and unlatching. Not cool dude.

Sleep is still blah, but not horrible. I'm now putting a pillow on each side of me so I can basically have him laying half on top of me,leaning off to the side with his head on my shoulder/in the crook of my arm. It's almost like being in the glider, but laying down.

I am applying to jobs. I need a change. Not the best time to be considering a change, but I need it. I am sick of doing nothing all day, lol.
VRogers - sorry you were in a terrible mood the other day as well. That's no fun. Yeah, the drowning in laundry sucks! My dd1 spit up tons as well. Violet doesn't, but now I have two kids to wash for, so it's even more. Blah.

Yeah, my dd1 used to be like this (although I could leave her for maybe 10 minutes without her freaking out, so lucky me I guess), but when she was about 2 we also got her used to DH putting her to bed, and she did eventually grow to prefer it! This won't last forever, but if she's anything like dd1, it will still last a LONG time!!

Slammer- you sound like you're feeling a bit blah today. I'm glad you've figured out how to get jack to sleep lying down. Violet also sleeps in the crook of my arm all night long. She basically needs to be in my arms and nursing the entire night... so as much physical contact with me as she can possibly get! Ah, well. It won't last forever...just a VERY long time probably. :p
That would be good if you could keep expenses low with a teeny mortgage. I hope you are able to find a job you enjoy more so you aren't sitting around doing nothing all the time. I know how soul-sucking that is.
I hope you don't really get your first AF!
I am deeply dreading introducing solids at 6 months, but I will just start with only one meal per day and stay like that for ages like I did with dd1.

AFM - Violet is actually moving herself forward now! She doesn't get very far yet (not across the room or anything) but she does it to get out-of-reach toys. It isn't technically an army crawl because she actually gets on her hands and knees rather than her elbows. She basically gets herself up on hands and knees, and then propels both legs forward at the same time (rather than the traditional way) and then collapses on the floor before doing it again.
seems quite quiet on here these days doesn't it?

ali- agree, all these apps make it so easy to be unfaithful. Its so sad.

lit- canada day sounds like fun! sorry V is so needy and can only settle with you. That must be so tough. While I normally always put isa to sleep and to nap etc, he does normally settle with other people quite easily. Hope your dh feels better soon.
I really can't handle heat at all! i am used to rain and cold living in Scotland.

vrogers- sorry you weren't in a good mood the other day, hope you feel better now x

slammer- what kind of jpbs are you applying to?

afm- not much going on. I had an interview yesterday for a little teaching job at the uni where i am studying. Its 4 hours a week and flexible so thought why not. Interview was tough though, not sure if i will get it. Was a good learning experience though!
I got my period this morning and feel rubbish, i just want chocolate and cuddles and Isa to sleep and nap well so i can just do nothing.
Going to meet my friend and her little baby girl again today, we are going to the shopping center. Will be good to get out.
Besides that, i am just so looking forward to next tues when we go away for a few days to the highlands, need a break.
Isa is doing good, sitting up for long period on his own now. Has been quite restless at night, i don't know if it's teeth or just a phase but i feel like i am up a lot at night right now.
Literati - DH was tired and blah yesterday, so made me feel blah too, lol.

That's awesome Violet is moving herself forward! I feel like Jack is still a ways off from that, but maybe it will happen out of nowhere.

Ally - Yes, it has been quiet! So annoying when real life takes people away from the internet (hehe)!

I hope you get the teaching job, but you're right, the interview experience is good for you either way. Will you be looking for professor jobs once you finish your PhD, or going into research?

Trip to the highlands sounds awesome. Would love to go there some day.

This is a tough age for sleep. They are learning so many new things, it just seems to make them super restless at night. And I think Jack's teeth are definitely bothering him.

AFM - terrible rainy day here for my first day back in the office! Blah!

Jack was awake at 5am, since I had to get up, and he wouldn't settle again for DH. I think that's just gonna be how it is for ages. We're hoping to start him at daycare next week, mon-wed, but need to get the forms together. He will still be with DH thurs-fri. DH is excited about having time to get things done when he's at daycare, but I'm not that excited about having someone else take care of him. And it means I will have to pump 5 days a week, rather than being able to feed him during mon-tues while I'm working from home.

I have a doctor appt this afternoon to discuss my back - hoping for something to help with the pain/spasms while I continue to work on fixing the actual issue. Also made an appt with a chiropractor for next week, and appts with a different physical therapist at the end of the month. The one I see now is OK, but she is sometimes handling 4 patients at a time, and I don't like that.
Hi ladies just quick check in I have been reading best I can last few days but had a bit on. Ds was suppose to be in hospital yesterday for op that we have been waoting for but it got cancelled last minute after a week planning for it !! Sorting childcare ect .. So annoying !

I was sat replying to everyone b4 and didn't reslise battery was going on phone and it died on me .. ! Now lost what I had written.😖

At home with ds and ollie today ds has s & d and been on toilet all day bless him. He doesnt know what to do with himself can't keep anything in one way or another ! 😥.. Hoping ollie keeps clear as that would not be fun . I'll reply to everyone as soon as I get time to do it properly as Dont want to miss anyone. X

Hope u all have nice day x
I can't do this typing up a reply thing then coming back to finish it. I always accidentally close it. Attempt # 2.

Apple - That's too bad about the surgery. Hopefully next time you won't run into issues. Sorry DS isn't feeling well! No fun!

Slammer - I really hope you find a solution for you back. I find life is much easier to handle when I'm not in pain. Pain slowly breaks you down till you just can't stand anything.

Sorry about daycare. I totally get not being ready to put Jack in it. My DH wouldn't use that time to do anything productive. He's use it as "his" time. I snapped on him one day because he complained about how something would cut into "his" time. How that was the only time he got. I was just all "You know how much "me" time I get? None!" Totally rubbed me the wrong way. I was telling him to go to bed early so he would get more sleep before watching the boys. I was offering him a solution to losing sleep and he replied with a complaint. Yep, good way to get under my skin. Especially when he gets to do what he wants generally when I wake him up.

I do really hope this provider works out. It will open my opportunities for jobs up some. I'm a bit nervous for when DH steps up to the next management position. It'll mess with the schedules. I like to plan around so that our childcare costs are cut some and so the boys are mostly home.

Ally - Sorry about your period, that's never fun.

Hopefully you get that job. Sounds like it would be a good opportunity while Isa is still little. I hate interviews. I always muck them up.

Lite - Yay for Violet! Sounds like she'll figure out an actually crawl soon. T does get on his hands and knees some, but he's so efficient at army crawling I feel he'll do that for a long time before attempting a regular crawl. I bet it's cute to watch! My nephew would craw with one knee held up. It was cute! He didn't favor one, he just always held one up.

Vrogers - It's an army crawl. He's on his belly and propels himself with his feet while dragging himself with his arms. He's very efficient at it. He will go across the whole room to get to something he sees. It's purposeful movement and not chance. He'll probably do an actual crawl late because he's so good at the army crawl.

AFM - Finally got some days off!! I don't go back to work till Tuesday. My weekends are going to be really hard on me. I don't get enough sleep. Then I get Monday off only to work two more days. 12 hour shifts are very draining!

Weight is still slipping off! Since I have 5 days off I know I need to get up and move some more. Hopefully I can get the boys out for a walk. Maybe I can get DH up and take them together. If not I may just load them up and go myself. T enjoys the carrier enough. Seeing the weight coming off is really encouraging. The only thing that has changed is me working more. I still eat pretty rubbish, but some days I do good. I'm less than 5 lbs from pre pregnancy weight now. I've lost 3 lbs since I stepped back on the scale 2 weeks ago. Still have a lot to go after I hit pre pregnancy, though. I just want to fit back into my clothes!

T is doing well. Finally getting him back in the crib some more. He had a bad phase. Poor O was so tired yesterday. He had such terrible bags under his eyes and was crying for me all day I think my weekends are going to be really hard on him. T acts up as well, but it's different. O is such a momma's boy. T just loves the boob! He does instantly cheer up when I come home, but he screams if I walk out of his vision at all or try to put him down. He's really bad about it for the first day I'm back then kind of chills out. Oh, he's starting to have stranger danger. My dad scared him haha

Well, T is taking an okay nap at the moment. See if I can do anything while he's asleep other than this. It's been 30 minutes. Hoping for a longer nap!!
Ally - great job to Isa for sitting for long periods. That will be fun to hang out with your friend and her baby! Sorry you're feeling crappy from having your period. I hope Isa naps well for you so you can relax. Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful!

Slammer - I hope daycare goes well for Jack mon-Wed. Sorry you will now have to pump 5 days a week. I hope this really helps your DH at least.
I hope all these appointments help your back!
I agree this is a horrid time for sleep. I think we've officially hit rock bottom for it.

Apple - so sorry your ds is so sick. Sounds awful! Seems to be going around in all parts of the world. :p

Ali - sorry T is really clingy for the day after you've been working. Violet doesn't really ever let me put her down. I'm surprised she figured out how to move forward already with how little she is on the floor. I have gotten very used to doing things around the house while holding her one handed. I think she will be happier on the floor once she really masters crawling. I remember dd1 getting a lot more content once she could move around as much as she'd like.

Great job on the weight loss! Sounds like you're doing great. I haven't lost anymore yet.

AFM - sleep is awful over here. Dd1 only slept from 10 pm - 6 am last night, and she was up 9 times in that period! UGH! Violet, on the other hand, wouldn't settle for me until well after midnight! She normally goes to sleep by 9/9:30. Lately I try to put her to sleep for the night, but then she just treats it like an extra nap and stays up to party for hours after. I'm going a bit crazy. It is getting to that point where I'm going to have to start just sitting in a dark room with her all evening until I'm ready to go to bed. No more tv shows, reading, or talking to DH for the next year or so probably. Makes me so depressed to think about. That is what I had to do for dd1 until she was 17 months old. She wouldn't stay asleep unless in a perfectly dark, silent room being held and attached to the boob, so her prisoner I became for over a year. I cannot even handle the prospect of another year of that, since at least back then I could relax when she napped. Now I just have to do things constantly for V's naps with her in the Ergo. I can't NOT get a break ever again. I just can't do it anymore.
Lite - I can't even imagine. Maybe you should talk to someone. Not sure who, but maybe an expert can give you some insight. Most likely it'll be the same old advice, but who knows. It's so hard to stick to anything when you have more than one child to tend to.

AFM - I'm sick.. again.. Probably is a different virus, but same exact symptoms. I don't feel quite as bad because I can rest, but it's making taking care of the boys miserable! T mostly. O is keeping to himself. Except I'm doing a horrible job of feeding O. I probably won't feed T lunch like usual, unless he starts to demand it.

T is taking a long nap right now next to me on the couch. Thank goodness. I laid with him for awhile to relax but started to fall asleep so I had to get up. O almost keeps waking him. 3.5 hours before I'll probably cave and wake DH up so I can get a nap in before he goes to work.
Slammer- that makes sense, her ped is talking w/us about starting solids at her appointment next week so I'll try after that!
I hope sleep gets better soon! That sounds like an uncomfortable arrangement but at least it works.
What kind of job are you looking for?
I don't blame you for not being super excited about daycare, it would be really hard for me too! Sucks about the pumping too, I always had to work myself up before it. I hope the doc appointment goes well and you find a fix for your back.

Literati- soo ready to be done with all the spit up. Some days it seems like it's getting better now that she's getting better at sitting up but it's definitely still there.
L is doing something similar to what you described Violet doing! She just started in the past couple days, it's like she's trying to army crawl, sometimes goes forward and sometimes backwards or even sideways. It's so crazy she's not a little potato baby anymore haha
Ouch I'm sorry about the bad night. that sounds awful. We had L going down around 9:30ish but moved it to bath/story at 8-8:15 and in rock n play with bottle by 8:30 and she seems to do much better. I'm no expert though, I hope you are able to figure out something to get her to settle earlier, I don't blame you for feeling like you can't do it.

Ally- I hope the job does end up working out, good for you for giving it a try!
Ugh about the period, chocolate and lounging on the couch are all I want to do when I'm on mine and can't do that anymore lately!

Apple- how annoying about the last min cancellation. Hope ds feels better soon and nobody else gets sick! That's the worst.

Ali- oh no I'm sorry you're sick, hope it passes quickly. I hope you are able to get a nap in!

Afm- L has been in the rock n play since we brought her home from the hospital and I really regret it! She's getting too long and also always pulls herself up to sitting position in it-she's definitely needing somewhere else to sleep. I've started trying to put her in her crib in her room for naps but she just rolls around and chews on the crib and then ends up screaming. I did get her to nap in the pack n play a few weeks ago but only for about 20 min. All of her naps have to be on one of us. I'm not sure what we are going to do, I feel like we are screwed at this point!
This past week L has really started trying to move, she constantly rolls both ways and kind of army crawls. She tries to get up on her hands and knees but usually just collapses. She's just constantly wanting to move (which means lots of frustration) and sticking everything in her mouth. She can sit up on her own for as long as 10 seconds or so, especially if I put her on the play mat (the ones with those toy arches) in front of the toys.
VRogers - yeah, sounds like L and V are at a similar stage. V is also feeling very frustrated even though she can move a bit but she wants to be able to get so much farther, and faster. She is also always sticking everything in her mouth. She drools SOO much from it and is getting a rash from it.

I'm sorry you feel you a screwed now after putting L in the rock n play. Honestly, she'll get there eventually. Some babies just need to be held for naps. That seems to be the only kind of baby I make! hhaa. But I don't think you should be kicking yourself. You did what worked for you and it helped you survive. You gave L everything she needed, and that's what really matters. Her sleep will sort out eventually. I know it can be frustrating holding them for every nap, but try to use it as an excuse to relax, read a book or watch Netflix! Those days will be over before you know it, so might as well embrace it. That's just my thought, of course. I sure wish I could enjoy relaxing during V's naps like I did with Dd1!

Ali - thanks. It is insanely frustrating. I am pretty strongly against any sort of non-gentle sleep training, but tbh I might have to resort to something like that once V is a bit older just to save my sanity, although who knows if it would even work. Doubtful.

So sorry you are sick again, but glad you're able to rest a bit. Don't worry about not feeding O well. That is more than allowed when you're not feeling well!

AFM - I had offered to have my friend's toddler over to play with my dd1 in our paddling pool this afternoon to give her a break (she's almost 39 weeks pregnant), but I guess she didn't feel up to driving him. Understandable, but too bad dd1 has no one to play with. We went the the library to sit in an air conditioned building for a while. Now just hanging out In the backyard with dd1 while she plays. She is pretty grumpy today from her bad sleep.
Lite - I remember sleep training O. It was working but when I had to go back to work it would mess up. This is when I was working overnights. It was gentle but it made bedtimes long. I would lay him in his crib sleepy and would rub his back or pat his bottom. When he would start to fall asleep I would stop. If he fussed I would try and calm him in the crib and if it got out of hand I'd hold him till he calmed then lay him back down. I did manage to get him to fall asleep on his own a couple of times. I don't think it will work with T. I gave up with O because the regression every week got too tiring.

O had turkey lunch meat for supper. That's all. I made him a sandwich but he wanted just the turkey. Fine by me.

Vrogers - Hopefully you find something that works for naps soon. T does the pack n play or crib generally. Today he slept on the couch for 3 hours next to me. So I couldn't move, but that was okay since I don't want to move today.

AFM - T is asleep. I didn't get a sleeper on him so now I'll probably use a blanket. Although it makes me nervous and even more so since I just read a sad story. Might try to slip pants on him.. just afraid he'll wake up. He's just in a onesie.

O took a late nap with me. Woke up at 7 so no idea when that child will sleep.

Haven't ate at all today and hardly drank anything. I feel too crummy. Wish DH was home. I hate being alone all the time.

I was invited to a mom group yesterday but didn't realize it was out of town so didn't end up going. It's weekly so maybe next week. I'm a bit nervous about it because of O. He just doesn't listen well.
Hi ladies just trying to reply between jobs 😖 n baby x

Lit/ sorry u are having such a tough time with bedtimes and having to hold V all the time. I really hope you find a way of getting a break . I was exactly the same with my first 2, I was adamant with my youngest 2 i wasgoing to try and not get into same situation but it's so hard at first. To be honest I don't really mind the cuddles and im not overly fussed about being by the book with stuff. As long as my baby is happy il just do what suits us regardless of everyone else's opinions, professions ect..Ive never left them crying ..with me having the older two boys that were and still are quite demanding of my time I knew I had to try and get ds and ollie Into some kind of routine. I must admit I was just like u worh both having to hold them all the time and I just decided to try and wean then into their cots for sleeps. I was so apprehensive about doing it initially and thought they quid just screem the roof off but I was surprised that after a few days it wasn't half as difficult as id first thought and it's now just an ongoing process.

I now have both ollie and ds in bed for 7.30, We do story and cuddles with ds and then he has just got used to it. we have actually just started to have what we call " chill time" in bed so after our story I make a big thing of it with his books and he can choose one to look at ok his own for a little bit.. He seems to like this, we have got him a little torch and sometimes instead of stories we will have " chats" undervhis quilt ( he calls this his tent lol ) about his day :) I'll then go and get ollie. I started taking ollie to lay in his cot initially whilst i was doing odd jobs in my room furing the day and then used it like a playpen as i pottered around. I also I think like ali said feed him and get him half sleepy then I just started putting him down to lay in cot half dosing with eyes going and stroke his head for a few minutes. For couple of weeks, even in the day he will now have a nap in his cot when I do the same thing. Ive only started that this week though. Don't get me wrong there are loads of times ive picked him up for cuddles but I just put him back down if I can get away with it. If not then he isn't ready and I'll leave it an hour.

Honestly though with ds1 who is now all grown up I had him with me for years I even take the mic now in front of his girlfriend lol.. I remember me and his dad doing army crawls out of the room not to wake him 😂

Ali/ oh no can't believe u have another virus. My 4yr old has now had sickness and runs for 4 days! He has lost loads of weight.
Sorry the mom group was out of your area hopefully u will get there next time, hope u r better soon

Slammer / sorry jack not settling again for your DH, 5am is quite an early start. If he is anytging like ollie he will get u all up then go back to sleep himself once u r wide ! Hope the childcare goes ok.

Ladies sorry im going to have to cut it there for now ollie just woke I'll reply to other ladies soon n update xx

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