January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I honestly need to get a routine down for the boys. Mostly O since T does pretty well once he's asleep. It needs to be consistent since they're going to childcare every other weekend. I don't need them being up too late on those days. It's rough on them both.

Really I should just shut off all the lights once DH leaves and start to do quiet activities. He leaves at 7:30. It would work out pretty well if I can get them to start going to bed at 8:30. T already does, it's just getting O on board. I'm just not excited for early mornings every morning. I know I can just go to bed with them (which generally I'll have to because O wakes up), but it would be nice for some quiet time.

I feel much better today. Kind of queasy on and off, but not that crippling nausea. If pregnancy nausea is anything like that.. I'm doomed if I ever get it with my next pregnancy. I never did throw up, probably because I refused to move around much or eat and drink. If I moved it made it worse.

Apple - That's funny about you army crawling out. I'm glad you have a routine in place. I think it's "easier" when you're "forced" to do something like that. Since O is still with me in bed I'm more forced to put O in the crib. May be why he's okay with it. Who knows.

Lite - I was going to say O was quite a bit older when I did start to sleep train him. He was crawling. So probably 8 months. Around 6 months they start to learn cause and effect. I think that can be used in your favor if done right. It's hard either way. As you well know.. O still sleeps with me! :haha: He wakes up crying if I'm not there. I don't know how well it will go when I try to get him into his own room. Someone tried to tell me I would regret co-sleeping with T. I shut her down. He sleeps just fine in his crib (normally) didn't "spoil" him. With O, sure he's still with me, but the nightly cuddles are the best. No regrets!

So, looking at getting another diaper bag. Never was a purse person. I hate them, but I got one eventually. Still have it as it's falling apart. I'm constantly looking at diaper bags, though! :haha: Prime day on Amazon is coming up. Hoping to snag something good. Looking at bigger car seats and maybe the diaper bag I've been eyeballing.
slammer0 how was ur first day in the office? and how was the dr appt? i'd be a little apprehensive too about leaving Isa at daycare, but i am sure it will go well!
i'll probably look into teaching jobs first, but if a decent research job came up i'd go for it. Will just have to see.

ali- urgh sorry you are sick again! i try to have a routine, it works well i think. Im sure isa knows when we come to the bedroom at 7pm, it is bed time. I give him his bottle and rock him gently, then put him down. Some day he fights the sleep and other days he is down very easily.

lit- i feel so bad for you, sleep is such a difficult issue when it comes to babies and young children. Staying in a dark silent room,... oh no. There must be another way.

vrogers- Cute about L trying to move about now. how are you doing these days?

apple- your bedtime with ds and ollie sound so sweet! the little tent, awww.
love the image of doing army crawls out the bedroom also haha. I get isa to bed by 7.30 too, which is nice, i have dinner with dh after and then some time to chill. If he wakes in that time, i try just to pat his back and not pick him up. works most of the time. its the second half of the night i struggle, give in and end up putting him in the bed haha.

afm- Isa is napping so I am writing this up. Hopee I didnt miss anyone out.
Yesterday i did some uni work, while DH and Isa went strawberry picking with my parents and brother. It was a sunny day and the strawberries were so tasty and sweet.
Today i'm trying to get organised for our trip, making to do lists and picking up bits we need. Not sure how weather will be, but as it is scotland,,, i expect rain.
i'm a little apprehensive about how Isa will sleep there. There is a travel cot there, i will do my best to try to get him to sleep in it.
Isa is doing well, he moves about so much, and i think he's really trying to crawl. He sits up for a few minutes at a time, but doesn't make much effort to get himself up when he falls. His sleep is varied, some nights are good, others are restless and he wakes up lots. I have a routine with his bottles and food, bottles every 4 hours and meals in between.
Ali - yeah, sleep training is so hard and doesn't always work! I tried the same gentle techniques with dd1 but honestly nothing ever worked until she was probably 18+ months. With her I feel like I wasted so much time trying to get her to fall asleep in her crib to no avail, which is why I've tried less with Violet. Violet has always actually been even harder than dd1 to put down. As a newborn, dd1 could be put down to sleep just fine at the beginning of the night (not so much after her first wake-up), but the 4 month regression ruined her. Violet surprised me by being unable to be put down as a newborn either! So it's tough. Ah well! I will probably try some gentle techniques when she's maybe 6-8 months and not in a wonder week haha.
I hope you are able to get your kids on more of a routine if you think that would benefit them. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better!! Hopefully no more sickness for a long while!

Apple - thanks for sharing about how you have dealt with your kiddos' sleep! I actually don't mind cuddles or holding them while they sleep much at all...as long as I can sit on the couch and do as I please while they sleep! It was the sitting in a dark room with dd1 that I hated. I actually tried all those gentle techniques that you mentioned to get dd1 to sleep in her crib, but nothing would ever work. She has always been an extremely stubborn, high-needs, hot-tempered kind of girl. She would just scream and scream no matter what I did, so that is why I just gave up and sat in a dark room.

Thankfully, my fears of being trapped in a dark room with Violet have not come true! I realized she is just getting close to a nap transition, which is causing her to take her 4th nap far too late and then stay awake really late after that. She has only managed to make it with only 3 naps a couple times, but those nights she managed to stay asleep better once it was bedtime, so that was good. I think she just needs a bit more time to adjust and then she will drop that 4th nap. Hopefully I won't get stuck in the "dark room" phase this time! I'll try some of those gentle techniques once she's out of this crazy wonder week maybe...but I wouldn't bother keeping up with it if she just kept waking up 20 min later like she did before. It's just not worth it.

Sounds like you have a great bedtime routine going on with your 2 youngest! :)

Ali - I hope Isa will sleep ok for you on holiday! That's always tricky. We would usually end up bringing our playpen and then wouldn't end up even using it.
Hello everyone. I have read back but my phone is soooo slow!
Vi turn 6mths last week. She has a bit of a cold and cough bless her.
We went to the zoo yesterday and it was soooo hot so she slept loads . Was far too warm for me too! Ugh! Xx
Thought just check in :) just sat with ds and step children at oh graduation... Ds thinks daddy looks cool in cap and gown haha .. He thinks daddy is Harry Potter lol x
Apple - haha, cute about your ds thinking your oh looked like Harry Potter in his cap and gown! Congrats to him.

Midnight - ah, yes! The zoo when it is super hot isn't the best! I stick to water activities when it's too hot.

AFM - Violet grabbed onto my bowl of cereal this morning and knocked the whole thing over. Cereal and milk EVERYWHERE! It was a disaster to clean up and I'm a bit cranky now from that along with dd1's constant crying this morning. We have relatives in town and have been visiting with them a bit. My birthday is tomorrow! We also have to prepare for an upcoming holiday. Going to be a busy week.
midnight- hope v feels better soon

apple- that is so cute that they think he is harry potter!

lit- nightmare about the cereal! where are you going on holiday? whats the plans for your birthday. I will say happy birthday in advance as i will be away from tomorrow and probably won't get a chance to log on tomorrow.

afm- isa had a really rough night last night, he slept fine until 3am, after which i changed his nappy, and fed him. but he decided to stay up till 5, and i just felt soooo tired. He was difficult to settle. Managed a walk in the park this morning though.
normally at bedtime he is mostly easy, but tonight he really fought bed time, and kept waking up.
i feel ready to sleep now!! (its 10pm). We are off tomorrow morning for our highlands trip. Really looking forward to some quality family time.
Lite - Happy Birthday!!! I know I'll miss it if I wait till tomorrow to say it!

I can't eat with T at all. He scrambles to try and get my food. If I don't let him he screams. He's cute, though. I'll put him in the high chair and once he sees his food he starts banging on the tray. He's a very demanding child, with a serious temper already.

Honestly, I hate the idea of a routine, but I don't know what to do. O only gets like 6 hours of sleep on the weekends I work if I can't manage to get him to bed on time.

Midnight - The zoo sounds fun, but yeah in the heat definitely doesn't sound appealing. I want to go next week. I'm hoping we can go real early so if it gets hot we can just leave. It's a smaller zoo so we can still see everything.

Ally - T really isn't an issue. It's O. Getting him in a routine is a bit of a joke.

I hope you enjoy the trip!!

It took T a couple of weeks before he was sitting up after he really started trying. I was watching a video I had of him. Looked at the date and it was just a month ago! He couldn't sit up very long and was very wobbly. Now he's sitting, army crawling, can sit himself up, and he's now getting on his hands and knees. I didn't think he would bother, but now he's really trying. They can develop so fast!

AFM - Work the next two days, yay.. ugh. Doesn't feel like I had 5 days off. Didn't help that I got sick. Thankfully I think it started and ended with me.

I'm really missing the hubby. Sucks having no time together, but I don't like the alternative. I really don't want my children in daycare more than they're with us. Plus, saving money is a huge help right now. I don't know how people send their children off every day and are okay with it. I'll be okay with it once they're school age, but not when they're so little.

We did manage to find time to DTD. It's so hard with our hours and having two children to work around. We didn't use any form of protection or prevention. Mainly because I'm not concerned at the moment since my cycle hasn't returned. I haven't started NFP method yet. So, if I do end up pregnant then I guess it was meant to be and you all can try to keep me calm as I freak out!

Lazy day for supper, ordered pizza. Had the boys out in the pool for awhile. T loves it and it keeps him chill. O loves it as well. Brought them in and they both settled down for a nap, so it's been quiet for awhile which has been a nice change!

Well I'm going to go sit back and enjoy the sound of nothing for the remaining time.
Ali sounds like a nice chilled night .. Ive not had pizza for ages !! Think I'm gonna get one now haha ..sorry u r struggling and missing your DH its really hard isn't it and I know what you mean about the full time childcare, I will be weaning ollie in for ages af then eventually he will be going 3 days. I was weaning my ds on for about a year lol., I was luckily in a position at work where I could get away with working from home and finishing early so he didn't do a full fay for months. I remember his minder saying to me it was nice to see as I used to laugh and say she must think I was soft with him but she said that there were lots of parents that would drop them as early as poss and collect late as poss. I just Couldnt wait to pick him up! Glad you are feeling bit better and boys liked the pool ! :)

Ally yay for holidays !! Hope you have a great time and manage to relax. Im sure Isa will be fine in the night. My oh was talking about going to scottland for holiday but we have only been to edingborough, if you have any ideas of places to go thats good for families thats not too far north you will have to let me know. ImClueless lol.. Id like to book surprise little break for oh.

Lit : happy birthday hon !! Hope you have a loverly day.. Oh no.. Not cool with the cereal episode? These babies just grab everything these days don't they. I looked down the other day and ollie had somehow managed to pick up some sellotape he was sat on my knee!! It must have been stuck to me or something ! Scary! He was chewing it 😖..hope u are feeling bit better and that your day improved !

Nice that u have family visitors and are managing to see them. Im glad that you like the cuddles and manage ok with them all the time whilst V sleeps. Glad the dark room thing didn't stick ! :) Sometimes I just bring the boys in with me so we can have a group hug lol., I always say they won't want to come near us when the are teenagers , I know I have 2 lol.. so im making the most of them being little. I was smiling to myself today washing up with ollie on hip. He was just looking around and taking it all in smiling lol., I said to him I bet Ur little friend V that u have not met met is on her mummies hip right now too haha 1000s miles away lol., I was carrying him round doing my jobs for about an hour lol he was loving it 😂...Sorry dd has been playing up for u , my ds had drove me bonkers today and I feel really guilty as I kept telling him off. I think he has been spoilt all last week whilst poorly, he still isn't 100% but very demanding !! He would ask for something as soon as I sat down and if I asked him to wait 5 mins whilst I ate Ect he would just go into melt down 😖..the joys 😂!! Hope ur busy week is a fun week ! X

Midnight/ happy 6 months little V !! :) Ollie was 6 months last week and Missed it lol ,, had loads going on with ds being Poorly so forgot !! Glad u got to the zoo. Sorry it was so hot ! We have a pass for our local zoo and ds loves it :)

Might struggle to on next few days as ive got loads of work to do for my accreditation for work and IT at work have been messing me about so got a bit to do annoyingly so any spare time im expecting to go on that ! 😢..

Slammer hope your back is feeling better and that u are doing ok x

Vroggers hope u r doing ok, your little lady sounds like she is doing really well. I can't believe how much our little babas are growing. It's nice to hear about all their little achievements..

Ollie still not rolled!! So close tho lol.. He goes to his side then can't be bothered lol., and rolls back.. Come on little man !! Ha I'll be complaining when he is rolling all over haha x he is getting good at sitting up, until he face plants of I don't catch him , then get stressed !

OHs Graduation was really nice.. Ds had few meltdowns as he couldn't sit with daddy but got over it with KFC after..

Spoke to bank today to look at my mortgage , having a bit of financial sort !

Think oh work hassle is getting to him and think he is rundown. Full of ulcers, sore throat and said tonight he feels really achy all over so Prob coming down with something 😖.. Anyway better get to bed..
hope I all have nice day/ night :)
Apple - aww, that made me smile about you saying to Ollie about V being on my hip at the same time! I'm sure she probably was! They definitely won't want to be so near us as teenagers, so it's good to soak the snuggles up now! It is very intense to have to hold them constantly, though!

Glad the graduation went well. Sorry your DH seems to be getting sick! Hope he gets over whatever it is really quickly. It is hard when work gets them so down.

Ally - we are just heading to the lake a couple hours away! We will be staying in a cabin the whole time, which will be nice! I'm looking forward to actually being there, but the packing and preparations will probably drive me slightly crazy beforehand. Best of luck as you prepare for your trip as well. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I hope isa had a better night last night.

Ali - thanks for the birthday wishes.
Haha, that's funny about T being a very demanding child already. V is showing more and more personality and I am thinking she is going to be pretty demanding as well. She wants EVERYTHING that is out of her reach. If she is trying to get something and you take it away from her, she actually does a little whiny cry like she is throwing a mini tantrum. It's cool to see her already having some more wants/preferences rather than just her basic needs, but also makes me scared to think how strong willed she is going to be! Hehe.
I don't blame you for not wanting to use childcare much while the kids are so young. It's definitely a sacrifice not seeing your DH so much, but it isn't forever, either. There is a sacrifice on either end, I suppose. Hopefully you can endure the not seeing each other so much for this young season, and then when the kids are a bit older you can maybe use childcare a bit more so you can be together as a family more.
Haha, I hope for your sake you don't get pregnant again already! We still haven't managed to even try to dTd. The one time we got close, V of course woke up. No idea how anyone else finds the time (except, oh yeah, their babies probably sleep in a crib for more than 10 minutes at a time). Anyway, I'm sure you won't have gotten pregnant with you still BFing so much. Yay for a lazier day with pizza! Always fun.

AFM - thanks all. My birthday was okay. Went to the mall and got my free birthday Starbucks with dd1. In the evening, we went to an outdoor food festival sort of thing. My parents had dd1, so we only had to worry about V which was nice! DH spoiled me with too many presents! Unfortunately, I have to return most of the clothes he got me because they weren't quite right on me, so he is a bit offended, but I did appreciate them all!

Bad news I got the other day was that my daycare provider will not be able to take V and dd1 when I go back to work. She doesn't know how much longer she will do childcare, and says she doesn't have the energy to take care of really young kids now that hers are getting older. I understand, but now I'm in a scramble to find daycare! I have to go with someone random and do interviews and stuff. That sets me on edge. Don't know how I can really trust anyone that I don't know well! :(
Literati- you are completely right, made me feel better and even a little emotional! I know eventually I'll miss holding her for naps and it is a good excuse to just chill.
Happy belated birthday! Yay for free coffee! What's your fav drink there?
That's a bummer about childcare. I don't blame you at all for wanting to completely trust someone. I have yet to take L to our church daycare and I used to work in there. I hope you're able to find someone you can get to know/trust!

Ali- I think we'll try the pack n play or her crib this weekend again. The rock n play is about to have to be retired for good, she's just too long and able to pull up/roll around.
I hope you're able to go to the mom group! Is it too far away?
Also did you ever find a diaper bag? I've seen some backpack style ones that I think are cute!
Yay for dtd! You're so chill, the opposite of how I was when we had our little "oops" haha. I take tests now fairly often because I'm paranoid and my period has been really weird lately!

Apple- you will definitely miss when Ollie didn't roll over, once he starts. It's such a weird time when they are starting to try to be more mobile but aren't quite able to get everywhere they want. Lots of frustration for them!

Ally- I'm doing great thank you for asking! Definitely keeping busy.
I was worried about L's sleep on our trip, but she did better than I thought she would thankfully. Hopefully Isa does too! I read it helps to keep their bedtime routine as close as you can so we kept bath time and book and she didn't even seem to notice she was in a diff environment at night.

Midnight- I hope Vi feels better soon poor thing!

Afm- sorry for the crappy post, L is beside me in her jumper and will be hungry soon so I had to hurry.
She had her 6 mo appointment today and is 15#5oz (41 percentile) and 26.5 in long (84 percentile). Her ped said she is def ready for solids, stage 1 and 2. Next appointment isn't until October when she's 9 months, feels forever away!
L is sitting for several min at a time and still trying to crawl (gets easily frustrated) and super curious/inquisitive
Thought Id check in as can't sleep :) quite tired today I think the early mornings are catching up a bits. Oh been off work today seems to have flu type symptoms so kept boys with me all day as ds in a funny mood this week after being poorly , just so loud and demanding, he will get over it he has been like his before after being ill. it was actually quite funny this afternoon. Me and oh have this little joke thing where if im having a bit of a rant or nah sometimes he will just say " yes dear!" Taking the mic and he made this little song where he just says Nono yes yes ..and he says hopefully one of them will be saying yes or no at the right time.. Today whilst ds was getting too giddy at mums she was trying to tell him to calm down as he might make ollie jump ect and ds started singing .. Nono yes yes at her like oh does with me!! I just started to laugh , couldn't help it 😂 obviously didn't let him see but funniest thing was ollie was laughing his head off at ds.. Mum just gave in in the end.. And ds ran off round garden,,,,,

Lot/ glad u had nice birthday ..free coffees always taste better !! Sorry to hear about the childcare., we are not doing well with that on here at the min are we. That is a worry for u. Ive found out my childminder is moving premises and changing to a nursery which means they will basically be tripling the amount of children they take. Doesn't really matter with ds now as he is older and goes school sept but ollie will be attending just as it changes which is a worry as the reason I liked it for ds is that it was small and home from home :( hope u get something sorted soon..

Vrogers/ L sounds like she is doing great. Sounds like she will be crawling in no time :) good luck with the solids with her.

O is doing well. I put him on a big bath towel with no nappy on floor with some toys this am to get him some air to his bits and bobs as ds was out and he managed somehow to get from one side of towel to other, still not rolling but obviously doing some kind of shuffle lol...he is in 9/12 months now and they only fit where they touch ! He has really chunky Legs so cute haha..he looks like he has little girl legging on if I put him in 6:9 months even though they will fit him length 😂..

Prob sad to say but ive started buying odd stocking fillers for christmas !! Four of them is expensive to buy for and I know my mat pay is going down soon so I'll be struggling come December!.. Anyway 2.30 am here do better get some sleep .. Came to bed early as was up early all week, slept then woke now can't get back off just been sat talking to oh for ages as he could sleep either !! U can't win !! I'll be shattered again tomorrow ha x
Hope you had a good birthday lit.
Vi was sad yesterday but seems better today.
How is everyone doing. Any babies sitting yet? View seems like her head is too heavy for sitting haha
Hi ladies, hope u r all well. Just having some chill time with ollie, so thought I'd pop on , we are actually sat in coffee shop. Ds at nursery , oh in bed with flu so thought what the heck , so I'm sat with large lattee and ollie with his Milkies taking selfies lol x
Apple- oh no about the flu, I hope nobody else catches it! How is your teenager doing? I know at one point he was having issues at school.

Midnight- L sits on her own for a couple min. She loves it!

Afm- L officially started solids. She's had bananas one time for 2 days now, and will probably try again today and try something else tomorrow. Both days she'll open her mouth for the spoon several times and then take the spoon from me and gnaw/lick on it. It's cute!
That's really the only new thing here. It's quiet here, hopefully everyone and their LOs are doing well!
Apple - what operation did your DS need? Sorry to hear he was ill!

Also sorry your OH is sick now too!

Ollie sounds so big! Although Jack wears a lot of 9 months stuff too.

Good job getting ready for Christmas so early!

AliJO - keep up the good work on the weight loss. I think I started to lose some last week from working out, but I have been slacking this week.

Sorry you were sick!

Good luck getting the boys into a routine. I'm sure it would help with them being in daycare. I definitely need our routine, even if it means I go to bed early and get up early.

Not seeing the hubby does suck. We have been talking about new jobs for DH, but he's take such a huge pay cut, it's a lot to think about. And now that DD and Jack will be in daycare/preschool...that's a lot of money we need. I imagine most people who have their kids in daycare a lot don't feel that great about it, but it has to be done. A lot of kids around here would be in daycare 12 hours a day due to people's long hours and long commutes. At least DD and Jack only go for 7 hours a day. It's good for DD - don't feel as good about it for Jack though.

Literati - sorry DD1 had such a bad night last week. I really hope V doesn't torture you quite so much with having to stay in a dark room with her.

Have you read the No Cry Sleep Solution? I got some tips there with DD. There is one part about getting baby used to letting go of the nipple so they are not attached all night. Some people call it the "Pantley Pull Off". It worked a bit with DD, but seriously took a week for her to get used to it and let go willingly.

Can't believe you don't have AC. I would die. How hot does it get? We are having a heat wave here.

Wish Jack would drop a nap...I still don't even know how many he takes...maybe 5-6 per day? If they are all short. It's ridiculous!

Happy belated birthday! We should do a poll and see how old everyone is... ;)

Food festival with just you and DH and V sounds fun!

That's too bad your daycare provider won't take V! Trying to find someone you like and trust is hard!

vrogers - I'm looking for web content management jobs. I have applied to a few this week and am keeping my eye out for more. Also applied to an accessibility testing job.

Hope you can get L used to the pack n play or the crib. Though Jack is chunky, he is still in the rock n play for naps at home. He can't sit yet, and doesn't try to get out of it. He gets swaddled and just sits there when he wakes waiting for someone to get him, so we keep an eye on the monitor.

Sounds like L is doing great from her checkup! Have fun starting solids. My DD had a weird reaction to bananas when she was 6 months - threw up both times we gave it to her, but hours later. Tried again after she was a year and she was fine.

Ally - work is fine - boring as ever!! Dr appt was a bit of a bust, which was not a surprise. They don't want to give any muscle relaxer to a nursing mom because they haven't been studied for effects on lactation or the infant. Was told to take higher doses of ibuprofen, which doesn't do anything!

How nice to pick strawberries! Would love to do that kind of thing sometime - but not when it's hot as balls, like is has been here recently. We get tiny wild strawberries in our yard, but they are pretty flavorless, so no fun.

Hope you have a great time in the highlands! Would love to go there some day. There are some remote places in Ireland that might be a bit similar. Spectacularly beautiful in remote west Cork and Kerry.

Midnight - happy six months to V! Sorry she is sick. :(

AFM - Sheesh it's been a while since I replied! Feel bad - just couldn't seem to find the time.

Still applying to jobs - had a phone interview for one, and am supposed to have an in-person next fri, but not sure I have the skills they are looking for. Just dying to get out of here now. Need a change! Need a challenge!

Back is still messed up, but I saw a chiropractor earlier this week and he seemed confident he could help and get it mostly resolved with 4-5 visits! Going twice next week and twice the following hopefully. Really hope this works out.

Dh got his semen analysis back and he is 100% sperm-free! Hehe. So we got to have our first condom-free DTD and it was awesome, lol. I just saw the paper with the results yesterday, and it was kind of hilarious because it describes the color, volume, and viscosity of the "sample". Color range is from "opalescent" to "pale straw". Was telling my BF about this and she was like "can you imagine telling someone that's your job...analyzing the color of men's semen?!" Haha!

Bad news - I got my first PP period! I am so blown! This is BS. I thought it was pathetically early when I got it back at 8 months with DD, but Jack isn't even 6 months! And this would explain why I was not pumping as much last week/early this week. This is totally going to make pumping a bigger stress because of the routine dips in supply that happen along with my cycle. Crap crap crap!

So yeah. Jack started daycare 3 days - mon-wed. It didn't go all that well. :( Even last week DH was having a hard time getting him to take a bottle after he hadn't really had one in a couple weeks due to vacation. So our lady also had a really hard time getting him to eat, and he only took, like 4-6 oz each day. I picked them up on Weds, at 4, and he had only eaten at 12:30 - she had tried to feed him again before I got there, but he wouldn't take it. So he practically tore the clothes off me when I got there. He took a couple long naps, but it was also hard for her to get him to sleep because of caring for the other kids she can't take him into a quite room like we can. So he didn't nap anywhere near as often as he would at home. So...yeah. I dunno. Hopefully next week gets better. DH said let's see how next week goes and then reconsider. But if I get a new job where I'm not teleworking, then he's really gonna have to keep going at least Mon/Tues because DH just can't do it on no sleep like he used to with DD. Of course yesterday when he was home with DH he finally took the bottle well and had 7 bottles!! Which is also not cool, because that's too much! Only two oz bottles, but still. I can't do 14 oz a day, particularly with my period coming back. Gonna try to make him take a bottle both days this weekend to keep him in practice at least.

Tomorrow is our annual family reunion at my parents' house. It's a big thing with the extended family. We get dirty eating steamed crabs and other food out in the back yard under a huge tent. Looking forward to it! Though trying to pick crabs with Jack around might be a pain. Last year was finally fun because DD just went off with my neice and DH and I could eat without having to take care of her.

Hope everyone else has a good weekend!
Slammer - I hope you get to enjoy getting messy with food!

I really hope Jack adjusts soon. That's the worst thing to think you're baby is in distress the whole time. O wouldn't take the bottle at first and I could hardly handle it. So glad T isn't like that.

I'm so sorry about the PP period. That's kind of insane considering how attached he is to you! I was afraid I might have been getting ready for mine, but turned out it was my gut ha..

I hit a stall on weight loss this past week. We'll see if it continues or if it was just a hiccup.

Vrogers - Solids is a fun experience.. I made up a song for T.. I sound like a goof and he's just like "Feed me.." He's adorable, though. I'll set him in the high chair and as soon as he sees the food he starts banging on the tray! Which progresses to screaming if I don't hurry.

I should be more concerned, but eh.. I knew the risks and I took them. No reason to fret because if it happens, I guess it was meant to be! I'd freak out more because I'd be following the same age pattern that my siblings and I have. I guess I also should be thankful for "oops" babies. I am for sure an oops! Got pregnant with me when my second oldest brother was 6 months.

Apple - It's nice to have some one and one time with your children! Glad you found some even though it's too bad your OH is sick.

Midnight - T has been sitting for over a month! He's army crawling as well. Almost ready to start crawling on his hands and knees. Trying to pull himself up at furniture. He's up and down hallways, into bedrooms.. he's everywhere! I step into the kitchen for a second and I lose him! We have an open layout, but he's too little I can't see him over the counter! ha..

Lite - That's too bad about the daycare provider. I totally get your freak out. I hate interviews and references. I feel they can be very deceiving. I'm glad I personally knew the people who recommended the one I have.

AFM - I work this weekend. I hate hate hate the weekends I work. Oh well. Both boys are still awake and it's 1030. T had a late short nap on the ride home from the hospital. DH's friend had a baby so we went to see him. Cute little fella! Made me kind of have newborn fever.

I need to be up no later then 430. Starting this weekend out horribly. Sunday I'm going to feel like death. They'll probably both sleep early tomorrow night, but I'm always so worn down it doesn't matter how much I sleep.

T is all over the place. He's up and down hallways. He loves the bathroom because he wants to play with the curtain. I have to keep it shut since I don't want him to knock it down on himself. Goes into the bedrooms.. he's starting to seek us out. Sees us go down the hallway and you're likely to be greeted by him halfway once you come back. Baby proofing constantly. It's harder with a toddler.. always undoing my handiwork!

Alright, I'm going to go snuggle (attempt to he resists) the baby man and try to get at least one to sleep so I can finish getting what I need done.
Ah, crap. I lost my whole post.

This one will be more brief.

Ali - sounds like T is really enjoying exploring everything! I agree it is way harder to baby proof this time. I'm surprised there aren't more emergencies and incidents with second+ children than there are. Older siblings are such hazards!
So sorry your working weekends are so terrible! I don't envy you at all, an am so grateful I get the year off.

Slammer - that is so, so sad about Jack doing so poorly at daycare. You must feel so torn. It does take them a while to adjust, so hopefully next week will be a whole lot better. I hope you can find a new job that you love soon! Looking for jobs is no fun.
That is awful about getting your period back! :( I hope it doesn't affect your supply too much. I was lucky to not get it back until 17 months with dd1, but that's because she was still BFing hourly at night until 16 mo when I night weaned her!
Yeah, having no a/c is terrible! It isn't that common to have a/c here because we only really have 2-3 hot months, so only wealthier people have it. Let me tell you that it has become my new life goal to get a/c! It has been 29-31 C both outside and in my house every day (84-89 F). Ick! No airflow in my house either, so it feels hotter than outside. I am kind of starting to hate it! One nice thing about working is getting A/C at least. Still, I should just get over it haha.
I never read that whole book but I did read up on that method which of course never worked at all with dd1. Nothing ever did! I might try reading up on it again to see if it would help with V.

That annual reunion sounds fun! I agree those kinds of functions aren't the greatest with a baby or young toddler. Oh well, just a season of life, I guess! Hopefully Jack cooperates and it goes smoothly/is still fun!

It is great your DH is finally sperm free! Too funny about the analysis.

VRogers - exciting about starting solids! Glad L liked the bananas!
Thanks for the well wishes on daycare.
Sounds like L is a tall, slim little lady! :)

Apple - I'm glad you got to relax in a coffee shop with Ollie! Sounds fun!
Sorry your day home is becoming much bigger. I agree that isn't ideal for a baby/young toddler!

Midnight - thanks. V doesn't sit up yet at all. She is more interested in learning to crawl.

AFM - it's been an overly busy week with visitors, especially on a week where I haven't really felt like talking to anyone. DH should be on holidays now, but he is still at work at 11:00 pm. Grr. I'm not even looking forward to his time off that much because it doesn't even feel real. Also, it will be over way too fast. It will be nice when it happens, though. Let's hope he's home by midnight...
apple- thank you, we had a lovely trip :) isa slept mostly the same as he does here, except he napped really badly there. He was just too excited and looking at everything all the time. Edinburgh is lovely, but Stirling is another good shout. Scenic, historic and really beautiful. It has a lovely castle.
i cant believe you are getting ready for xmas! crazy !! hope ur oh feels better soon.

lit- glad u had a nice birthday and were spoilt with presents, thats exactly how it should be :)

vrogers0 sounds like L is doing great. Banana is a good first solid i feel!
yeah i kept his bedtime routine similar, take him to dark room, give him bottle and put his night clothes on and nappy change.He slept pretty much the same as he does here at home.

lit- did your dh come home soon after? have u any plans for while he is off?

slammer- yes i would imagine ireland has some amazing sights! i have only been to Dublin and Belfast. Yes lets do an age poll.... is anyone else up for it?
that is so funny about the semen analysis... haha.
enjoy your family reunion, it sounds like great fun.
Hope daycare will get better for Jack, i am sure with time, it will.

ali- i hope work goes ok... sounds so stressful. So cute about T being all over the place. Isa is getting like that, if you are holding him, he tries to get out, and wants to play. They get big so fast...

i hope i didn't miss out anyones posts! i only quickly read.
So we are back from our short little trip. It went well, but my god, it is tiring travelling with a baby. The scenery was stunning, breathtaking. Really beautiful, i will upload some pics when i get a chance. Isa slept ok, more restless than normal but went to bed at normal time (7/8pm). We did a lot of driving, and it was hard to do long walks with Isa, he would just start getting frustrated, or whatever and we would stop.

anyway need to go as Isa crying but will get some pics on tomorrow hopefully!

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