January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I'm 26, I'll be 27 in November. I feel young and old at the same time. Not sure how that works.

T can do a true crawl now!! :happydance: He just started to today! That we've seen anyways. He was already all over the house, now he'll just be faster once he gets a hang of it. It's too cute! A couple of days ago he was getting on his hands and knees and I was saying 2 weeks most and he'll start truly crawling.. 2 days later.

Ally - Glad the trip was nice! Everything is more tiring with a baby. Just thinking about trips stresses me out haha

Lite - Oh how I wish.. ugh.. Oh well. What sucks on top of having to work, a lot of people just expect you to accept it and accept the crap conditions.

No thanks on no AC.. 80 inside is bad enough! No thank you on 89. I'm spoiled by AC and need it lol
ali- wow go baby T!!!! amazing he is crawling already. i am 27, turned 27 in April. I also feel young, cause I am in my twenties, but old cause i feel tired all the time and don't have the same energy as I did in my early twenties hahah.
Hi ladies!!!

Ali, how crazy!!! Can't believe he is crawling already!!

Ally, I defiantly have to agree that traveling with a baby is very exhausting. We just went And spent time with some friends five hours away last weekend. Dh and I used to use one large suitcase, now we have about three bags and two diaper bags lol.

Lit, I wouldn't survive with no ac! Especially not with almost 100F that we have here.

Slammer, sorry that jack is having such a hard time. I hope he can adjust fast. Has his sleep gotten any better?

Vrogers, I love watching Gage try new stuff, it's so fun!!

Afm, not too much to report. Gage is still trying to scoot but hasn't figured it out yet. He can roll around and get to whatever he wants. He tries to propel himself forward, and then starts getting mad when he doesn't move. He has tried many foods now. Our freezing system has worked so amazingly. I haven't had to make new purées yet because I had so much frozen! I am going to add to it soon though. I want him to have a few more new things and I will make them in bulk and freeze them. It just makes it so much easier to pop out a food cube and throw it in the microwave.

Oh I'm 29, I will be 30 in a couple of weeks.....eek!!!
Froggy - Yay for your Dirty Thirty! :p

Poor Gage! They do get so frustrated when it doesn't work the way they want it to! In a way it's a good thing because it means they're not okay with the results meaning they will keep trying!

What system do you have for baby food?

Ally - So true. I need to get more active. I bet it will help if I get into shape. I don't want to feel this tired forever!

AFM- Pumping these boobies.. ha.. so so tired today it's not even funny. I fell asleep putting the boys to sleep. Woke up long enough to put T in the crib. He didn't sleep the best. I put him back every time he woke. I just didn't the last time because I had a hour left. The second day is always the worst. I can get 10 hours of sleep and I would still feel like this. My body just doesn't like these 12 hour days.

Only 1.5 hours left and I get to go get my boys. I really have no issues with our child care provider, but I always feel better when they are home.
Ali, I spend an hour or so preparing fruits and veggies and then purée them and pour them into ice cube trays. Each cube is 1oz. And when they are frozen I pop them out and put them in bags and label them. So when it's time to eat I just take maybe one cube of carrot and one of peas and put them in the microwave so I have a two oz meal. Or I'll thaw one squash and one apple and throw the apple into some oatmeal and add a little cinnamon and it's like a desert.
Froggy - Oh, okay! I thought you bought some system haha.. Yeah, see I want to get into making my own, but I just haven't found much time to do it. Need to get a better food processor. It'll be a lot cheaper. T loves his food!! I can't completely satisfy him anymore. He needs to eat at least twice a day and I'm probably going to start feeding him in the morning as well.
I thought that it may have sounded like that after I responded lol. Nope, just an idea I found on Pinterest. It really is easy and seriously takes an hour to make everything. I have a ninja and a knock off magic bullet, but only use the magic bullet because it works faster than my ninja. I buy the steamers peas so I just pop those in the microwave and while those are going I peel and chop apples pears carrots etc and put those in bowls with water and out those in the microwave while after the peas are done for about 15 minutes. And then put each thing in the bullet with a little water and then pour into ice cube tray rinse and move on to the next one. The sweet potato takes a little longer but it makes a bunch!!
I am 30 but I do not feel it? Well not often!

I had my first 2 at 16 and 17 so it's so strange to be treated differently now I am older!

Since I last posted Violet is now sitting comfortably and for a good 5 mind which came out of no where.

She has also said Dada. She does not stop now and sounds are at front of mouth rather than gurgling!

Oh and we took her swimming. She absolutely loved it and we stayed in about 45mins. It made my heart burst seeing her brother and sisters fussing over her in the pool and her just grinning!
I want to update here more!
Hi ladies just quick check in, im with with ds and ollie today, think im going to take them out for walk if I can get myself motivated ! Lol I'm the old one on here im 38 , mind u it would be a bit concerning if I was in my 20's with having a 20 year old son haha..
Love having my two youngest it's like starting again but 1st two for me and oh and it was important for us to have our own. The plan was just one initially but then we thought it would be nice for ds to have a sibling close to his age so now we have ollie and they are so close already.. Im not gonna reply to everyone at the min as ds is hassling me a bit now so will try and get on again later. Hope you are all well x
AliJO - Newborn fever - you cray!

Sorry your weekends when you work are so hard. I can only imagine. 12 hour shifts must be brutal.

26 - you are young!

Well done on T crawling!

Literati - I was feeding DD all night for ages too, but I think working outside the home is what did/does me in. Maybe if I were home all the time I'd get a longer stretch without a period.

I still can't believe how much overtime your husband does. That's just insane.

Ally - glad your trip went well. Yes, it is exhausting traveling with a baby! Do post some pics when you get a chance. Just you wait until your 30s, lol. These modern times of having babies later and later are hard on a woman.

froggy - sounds like an awesome system you have going for making food. I wish I could get my act together for that kind of thing. I used to spend so much on pureed pouches for DD, but I just hate cooking and never found the time.

midnight - that's nice V enjoyed swimming, and how cute her siblings were so involved with her.

Apple - that's great Ollie can be close with his brother. Even if DH and I were to bust up, I still would never have another kid if I found someone new. I just can't do it again.

AFM - I'm 33 - 34 in October. Crazy to think I'm almost in my mid thirties. Where does time go?! I feel kind of old, but kind of young at the same time. I dunno. It's weird.

Jack started taking the bottle well for DH on thurs and Fri last week, and he did good yesterday at daycare, so hopefully today goes well too. He gets scared of loud noises though, so when the other baby cries he always starts crying apparently. Poor sensitive guy. He had two naps yesterday too, which is better.

Trying to figure out how much milk he needs and at what intervals, and balancing that with my ability to pump. Before vacation he was happy with 2 oz bottles - 10 oz over the 10 hours I'm away. But he clearly wants more now. I want him to stick to the rule of 1-1.5 oz of milk per hour away from me, but if he's in that upper range I might not be able to keep up. I was just kind of thinking out loud about it when I picked them up yesterday and the daycare lady later sent me the USDA food guidelines that she is supposed to go by. They are completely useless because while they try to address both breast milk and formula, they just don't get it right. Saying 4-6 oz per feeding of either until 6 months and then 6-8 oz until 11 months. Um, no. I will never send a serving larger than 4 oz. That would be setting myself up for failure because there's no way he even eats more than that in a sitting when eating directly from me. And the amount of breast milk consumed does not increase with age the way formula does. She said she would of course go by what I want, but it's just frustrating trying to figure out how to keep him happy, and not overfeed him and run out of my stash.

I did give him his first real "solids" last night - just some applesauce. He made faces, but kind of got into it after a few tastes. Still hardly ate anything though.

Oh, my family reunion/crab feast was fun too!
Slammer, there is a calculator on kellymom.com that addresses how much to bottle feed a breastfed baby that goes by how many times they nurse in a day. It' gives a high and low range so if you have a hungrier baby you can feed the maximum. She talks about how the amount of breastmilk doesn't really change until they start solids and then it decreases a bit. Those guidelines sound way off because you can't generalize how many ozs of breastmilk to feed, all eating patterns are different.
I haven't a notion how many times he feeds in a day! LOL I haven't used the calculator, but have always heard 1-1.5 oz per hour of separation (that's what La Leche League says). My DD was super predictable - 3 oz every two hours for my DH. She also ate every 2 hours from me, so that was her schedule. Jack eats more often - more like every 1.5 hours, but I just offer whenever anyway - sometimes he just has a little snack, and sometimes he really gorges himself. He's just not used to waiting longer to eat, though I'm sure he's not starving if he has to wait 2 hours! The problem with feeding the higher range is that I won't be able to keep up with it pumping-wise. Especially with my period back now my supply will dip for about a week every cycle.

We'll just have to try a few combinations of timings/amounts and see what works. Ultimately if I have to supplement with a bit of formula I will, but hope not to. I have plenty for when we're together! It's just the daycare factor.
I completely understand not wanting to have to supplement, I still have my moments where I wish I could still nurse Gage. My supply actually dipped so low that I was only pumping enough for one bottle a day and he was getting formula the rest of the time, so I sadly packed up my pump. I regret weaning him from the breast shield, and if I had to do it all again I would have just kept using it until he was a year old. But I guess you live and learn, and hopefully our second baby has a more successful latch.
froggy- i haven't managed to make my own food and freeze it yet, i really should. Its expensive buying baby food lol.

midnight- yah for V sitting and enjoying swimming :)

apple- its cute they are so close in age :) like little twins,

slammer- you are as young as you feel eh! glad family reunion went well :)
Briliant that Jack is taking the bottle and had a good day at daycare. hopefully it stays that way. Are you going to give him more solids now?

afm- Isa has a third tooth coming, he has been quite irritable and unsettled. Waking a lot at night too.
i try to give him food 3x a day, but he eats a pouch in the morning (normally just pureed fruit), and then only a tiny bit at lunch and dinner. Some days he isn't interested in the food though, which is fine.
It's been hot here, well hot for Scotland, about 25 degrees! We had a fan on all night haha.
Tonight i am supposed to go to a henna night with my mum, but to be honest, i realllllly don't feel up to it. It will be about 7.30pm, which is when Isa goes to bed, and the thought of getting ready, doing hair, make up etc. Urgh, no. Just want to lounge and chill with dh.

also, finally. Some pics from our trip to the highlands. I would love to go back again and do some climbing and walking with dh.


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Froggy - I hope your next baby nurses better! You did a great job. You can't do everything perfectly as a mom.

Ally - gorgeous photos - that third one...wow! Jack's second tooth just popped through. They definitely bother him. My DD never seemed bothered by teething.

AFM - Jack didn't have as good a day yesterday. He didn't nap before daycare, so I thought he would nap when he got there, but he didn't nap until 11:30, and then only for a half an hour! I don't know if our lady didn't try to get him to sleep before then or what. So he was awake from 7-11:30. And of course he was fussy! He barely makes it 1.5 hours in the morning before a nap at home. She said he cried much of the day and didn't want to be put down. He only had one other short nap as well. He was asleep in a minute in the car after I picked them up. Hope today goes better. :( At least I know he had a big nap before DH took the kids to daycare.

I have chiropractor today and tomorrow. Hoping to see some improvement in my back after that. I've actually been ok. Been using my carrier a lot more and trying not to put strain on my back. It was acting up on Saturday though, and a bit yesterday.
Ally those pics are beautiful!! And wow on a third tooth!! Gage still doesn't have one yet, but I can see the top of one trying to poke through and it's taking its sweet time! We are only doing solids at night, I have tried during the day and he wasn't interested so we will revisit breakfast and lunch later.

Midnight we don't have any teeth yet either! I have no clue about his weight, he has his six month appointment next week so he will get weighed then.

Slammer I hope the chiropractor can help you like he thinks he can, it has to be misery trying to take care of kids and a house with a bad back!

It's F-ING HOT!!! It's so miserable and I had to be out running errands today and on top of that I got my period! We are going to take Gage swimming this weekend for the first time and I'm so excited! I LOVE swimming. Dh doesn't swim at all, so he will just sit on the side and watch. We are waiting to hear back from a company he applied to that will have better benefits and better pay, we will have to move again but that's just part of what we do for now. We will buy a house and settle when Gage turns four. I'm really hoping they call soon because it's about 30 minutes from the coast so we could potentially be on the beach every weekend!!
Hi ladies, hopefully can reply properly ! :)

Ally/ the pics look beautiful, thanks for the ideas re Stirling. Ive googled it and I think I might try and book a premier inn. Id like to book one for August but we have been nagging the hospital about ds operation with it being cancelled this month and knowing our look if we book something we will get a date through for op 😣 so gonna wait a bit. He starts school in September so would like to get it done b4 if poss. The henna party sounds fun but can understand u not feeling bothered. I try and avoid anything in the evening with bedtime routines..,

Lit/ hope your trip is going ok. I think you are on it now haha.. V sounds like she is doing great, it's funny that's she is getting her little personality and a little demanding.. u may have your hands full with your two little ladies in a couple of years lol., I bet they are so close tho it will be loverly.. ;) Id love to have a proper sister. I do have a half sister but unfortunately we have just never been close. She is my dads daughter from his second marriage but we have never really been encouraged to be close.. I blame her mother, but that's another story ha ! Won't bore u with that!

Midnight/ V sounds a little cutie. Yay for sitting up ! Ollie doesn't have any teeth yet either but I'm sure they won't be long, im constantly having to change his bib and he is chewing everything bless him. I had my first younger, then a 5 year gap, then 11 years to my ds. Now we have added ollie to the mix. I agree they definately treat u differently when older compared to when I had my first. I do like the fact tho that I had my eldest son young as we are really close now. He is like one of my mates lol.. But I'm still the bank of mum ha !!

Froggy/ you did fab with the feeding. I felt the same when I went onto formula full time. Gage is clearly thriving and coming on brilliantly. We have similar routines with the food prep. Don't know about you but I sometimes get stuck what to mix together, Id like ollie to try new flavours. Some of the jar foods are really wacky combinations. Im just boiling and blitzing loads of veg. I bought some baby gravy last week to add a bit of flavour to it. I just put in little weaning tubs in freezer and get one out in morning for teatime. I might try the ice cubes tho, never done that. Good idea.

Slammer, I was at the zoo a few days ago with ollie and ds and we were walking up this ramp going to see the monkeys and there was this mum in front of me pushing a double pram. She has a little girl about 3, really cute and a little boy about 6 months in pram looking round taking it all in. she then told the little girl off for messing with her little brother. She said " Ava .. Leave Jack alone you are winding him up,!! " really made me smile and I thought of u ha...the family reunion sounds good fun. I kind of wish we did something like that. We do have family BBQs with the closet people..Prob couple of times a year..yay for dtd with no condoms! That also made me laugh when I read it.. Really sorry jack not settling at childcare. Ds was like that for a while but he absolutely loves it now, fingers crossed he settles soon. Good he is taking the bottle a little better tho n if u have to end up supplementing a little U have still done a fab job so far and still are doing. Ds op is to remove a lipoma from his back, basically a fatty lump. But it is obvious and its in a funny position over his spine so we are a bit nervous about it but hopefully will go fine. We just really wanted it sorting before school as kids can be horrible. It's about 2 inch across and sticks out about an inch so not so obvious but would be if he did PE.

Ali/ hope work going ok 😣. N yay for T crawling !! Wow what's he like ha., ollie still not rolled haha...he was very close today though !

Vrogers/ hope the solids are going ok, they are so cute when they start on them. L sounds like a little doll .. I think with having 4 boys!! I go all broody with girls still ha .. That's def me done tho! No more for me..lol..

Sorry it's a long post just not managed to reply for ages properly , I better not lose this one 😣!

All doing ok here. Just still waiting for ollie to roll ha.. It will be big announcment when he does !!! He can't be far, he is just on his side all the time, he is sitting well now. Ds had his leaving day trip to the beach from one of his nurseries this week, he has a graduation party this Sunday for the other. He was in local paper today in his cap and gown.. Really cute ..anyway gonna go and see oh down stairs he will think ive fallen asleep ha.. Hope u r all well x
Froggy / think we were posting at same time :) sorry it's so hot over there. 😰.. We don't get anything like your temps over here, I think I'd struggle with it.. Fingers crossed your DH gets the positions that works best for you. Four is a good age to buy your own as fits well work Gage going to school ect.. It will all work out in the end :) place near the coast sounds loverly. I can't remember where u r from but I bet the beaches are nice.. We havnt been swimming yet. Hope to get soon, is your DH wanting to learn to swim ? Sorry you got your period !! Not the best to add to the hot weather ! 😖

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