January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vroggers / thank u x sorry u have been feeling so sick ... that's not good. I don't miss that side of pregnancy. Hope it passes for u soon x

We are still away on out little break. Boys just sleeping so thought I'd pop on. O seems to be getting better rash going and startibg eating again .. thanks goodness .. ds having a good time.. I'm trying not to think about this scan but not doing a very good job. I think I'm hormonal as well which doesn't help. I think I'm going to go to A&E when I get home. I think waiting for a couple of weeks will drive me round the bend 😣.. anyway on positive note we are off to a food festival so planning on treating myself to a big cake lol x hope u all have a good day x
Apple- thank you!
If you guys are still there I hope you're having a good time, enjoy the cake! That sounds sooo good.
I'm sorry if you've already said, but when's the scan? Don't blame you for not wanting to wait!

Afm- had another doc appointment, my ob put in a prescription for Zoloft (low dose) to start when I hit 12 weeks. I'm hoping it helps! I also had an ultrasound and she said everything looked textbook, hb good and looked like a little kidney bean squirming around. Still having mixed emotions!
I also peeked a glance at the scale and was so discouraged. Really would like to be about 30-40 pounds lighter, and now I'm supposed to gain weight. I need to stick with eating as healthy as possible and try to start the elliptical again.
Vroggers/ so glad your scan was so positive. Amazing to see that little heartbeat :) sorry you are mixed emotions at the min but I think that's totally normal hon and to be expected.. I have 4 boys now. My eldest moved out now but every time I was pregnant I always went through the " will I be able to manage " ! And I did just fine :)

The healthy eating sounds a good plan, and will be good for you and baby. Also good for you psychologically as well but make sure u treat yourself though ! Xx

I phoned my dr today to chance up the scan and called the hospital. They said 14/16 days and that was classed as urgent 😣.. so just waiting st he moment..

O seems much better thank goodness 😍Rash more or less gone , just loose nappies now but he is starting to eat a little again.

Me and ds have a medical tomorrow relating to that car bump we had last month. Insurance still not paid out , such a pain. I have a hire car but still just want to get it sorted now. I hate appointments !!

Hope other ladies and babies doing ok x
Hello! It seems like ages since I've been on. I haven't had time to read back through every post but wanted to say hi!

Vrogers - wow! Super exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I'm so pleased you're seeking help for your emotional health. I know I would definitely need that.

Afm, I'm struggling, to be honest. I daydream about sleeping for than three hours at a time. His sleep used to be good, but it hasn't improved as he has gotten older so now it isn't as ideal. Don't get me wrong, compared to some on here, he's amazing, but I'm exhausted from waking up at least three times per night, then me getting up at 5:30 for work, leaving by 7 and not getting home until 5. Work is crazy. I'm now principal and responsible for almost 900 kids and about 100 staff. Daunting to handle with such broken sleep. I honestly don't know how I'm still functioning. My MIL is still staying with us and that's pushing me to breaking point. She's driving me crazy! I need a break. I need sleep! I'm so tired...

Sorry for the bitch. I just needed to get that off my chest...
apple- sorry about school troubles your teenager is having, sounds very stressful. hope ur dr appt goes well. dont google, dont worry, just see what happens.
Sorry u have to wait so long!!! i hate that wait, but honestly, try not to think about it and it will be the day you get the call. Hope u managed to enjoy the trip away.

vrogers- sorry about sickness, hope u feel better soon. try ginger. Glad the scan went well. Good luck with healthy eating!

newbie- sorry you are so tired! really sympthaise and babies just go through phases, good sleep, then bad sleep. They are going through a lot, and yeah, just try to get rest when u can! Mil... how long will she be there for?

afm- went for a trip down south to see my in laws. 6 hour drive, it was tiring. DH drove, and i sat in the back with isa and tried to keep him entertained. He slept for about nearly half of the journey- broken up into 3 naps. We were stayong at dh's parents new flat, and the spare room was tiny!!!! dh and i had to share a single bed, and we just managed to fit in the cotbed for Isa. The room was hot and stuffy too, not nice...
on sunday, isa woke with a really bad cold, and temp and we decided to head home a day early that evening. We drove through the evening, it messed up Isa's normal sleep routine and he wasn't happy. Cried and cried in the car seat, and we spent yesterday recovering, as we were all so tired.
He is a bit better today but not himself, and is very clingy. It was nice to see in laws and that though, i get on with them all fine, and we dont see each other often so it is nice to see them all.
My brothers birthday this week, need to sort out a present! not much else to report i think.
its very quiet on here, hope everyone and the babas are doing well xxx
God I miss having time to get on here and chat with all of you! I just do not have the time or mental energy to keep up these days. I can't waste too much time at work doing personal stuff on the internet, and I'm mentally drained at home so all I can really manage is mindlessly scrolling Facebook!

Vrogers - glad you're getting help for depression and that you can mostly forget you are pregnant most days!

Apple - sorry to hear about O's virus, but glad to hear he is feeling better. A d pore DS being ragged from school. It does take it out of them. To be honest I think my DD needs a bit of TV chill out time after preschool to just decompress. And that sucks about your teenager having such mixed reactions from school staff.

AliJo - how is FIL? I hope the surgery is a success. Your poor DH. How's the puppy? I can't imagine adding yet another living thing to care for into my life.

Literati - sorry V was sick. How is DH’s job going? You asked a while ago if those glasses I mentioned made a difference and they definitely do. My eyes are nowhere near as dry and tired now.

Newbie - you must be so stressed! you have a lot going on. Sending hugs.

Ally - probably a good idea coming home early when Isa got sick. Poor guy. How is he now? Nice that you've had some nights out recently. I have no idea when DH and I will ever get a night out.

Pomp - so glad Jamie’s heart is doing well!

AFM - ugh, preschool germs are running rampant and DD has been on and off sick since she started. Still has a cough from a previous round, and then was fighting a fever for the last few days. She missed two days of school, but was back today. Please no more sickness for her for a while! Sadly DH and I are now feeling something coming on. And I just got over being sick too.

Now sure what to do about her dance class. It's a different teacher from the last one, and to be honest she does not seem to be having fun. Her teacher in the spring made it so fun and used lota of music, but this one seems to be trying to make it more serious and I don't think it's appropriate for 3.5-5 year olds. I guess I need to talk to the owner. But I hate confrontation.

Work has been cray the last two weeks. Last week DH had to be in to work early two days, so I was staying later other days to make it up. This week I am finally having my official “onboarding” after being there like six weeks. I also have actual work to try and fit in. The onboarding stuff goes later in the day, so I am having to stay later and get home later and it sucks. Next week should be back to normal though.

DH is actively searching for a new job with normal hours. Something like a financial analyst. Obviously entry level. He has a degree in financial mathematics, but has been bartending 6.5 years now. Really hope he managed to find something soon. Worried about what kind of salary he'd be offered but we’ll just have to see what he can get.

DD turns four next weekend and I am just now trying to plan a little party. So not on top of things. It will be fairly slap-dash. Oh well.

Back is still not good. :( Sleep is still crap. Can't wait for this week to be over!

Good lord I posted and then realized I basically said nothing about Jack!!

He's getting super strong s x climbing all over us and pulling up on his knees. Can sit for a while and occasionally get into position himself. Still not proper crawling, but army crawling everywhere. He always has bruises on his right forearm because that's the one the really pushes with and gets underneath himself.

He is getting more cute and interactive and this whole sitting thing is a godsend. I've been looking forward to him sitting practically since birth.

He still doesn't eat much. The daycare lady tries a lot more with that than I do. He's apparently picky with texture and temperature, and I just can't be bothered. I bought a Baby Bullet and haven't used it. He can eat puffs and cheerios now though, so those are really good to keep him entertained in the highchair while I do the dishes or put away my pumped milk and wash bottles.
Newbie/sorry you are having such a stressful time hon. It does sound hard going. Do you have any idea how long mil will be with you. When u say she is driving you crazy what is she doing. Does she comment on parenting ect ? My ex mothering law used to do that and it drove me bonkers and that was just on visits ! School sounds full on. Sorry Z is up 3 times and you are so tired. O is the same at the min. Sometimes 5/6 times but it's just to put his dummy in half the time but it still broken sleep for me and oh. I do agree with Ally in that their sleep is all over at this age in different phases. O is my 4th, I have teenager and ds who is 4 at home with us, eldest flew the nest now but with my other boys it always fluctuated but settled down once they got a little older. I can't wait for that time !! 😍 I'm still off work but due back in a few weeks now and I'm dreading it. Really don't know how I'm going to manage it. I just feel all my boys need me at the min. Ds started school this time, teenager started main GCSE exams and in final 2 years of school and obviously O just 8 months. Might have to see how things go and maybe reduce my hours some more. 😣

Ally/ sorry the trip to your inlaws was so tiring. Poor little Isa glad he is starting to pick up. Journey sounds like it was quite stressful. I usually always end up
Sat in back with the boys. Single bed to share and just room for cot doesn't sound fun. Glad you had nice time with in laws tho. It's nice that you get on.. x

Slammer/ nice to hear from you hon. I wonder how u r getting on often. I know it's gonna be hard for me to get on here also when I'm back st work. I only manage to update now really during the night mainly when I can't sleep.. glad the job going ok, your settling in period seem to be taking a while lol..I can imagine u just wanting to get on with it ! :)
Jack sounds like he is doing ok with his childminder now which must be reassuring for you. O goes next month for 1st time, I'm dreading it as he is really clingy now 😣.
Sorry to hear about Ava's dance teacher. I agree, it should not be too serious at that age. It should be fun not pressure and all serious. Hope you manage to get it sorted. I understand u feeling a little awkward tho. I'd be the same. Glad jack doing so well. He likes his little army crawl doesn't he lol x happy birthday to Ava if you don't manage to get back in before x

Lit/ hope u and little ones r doing ok hon not heard from u in a while xx

Vroggers/ hope u are well and sickness behaving ! X

Ali/ hope u n boys also doing ok n work alright. I know you have a lot on at the min x

Pomp/ hope u and little man r well x

Sorry if Ive forgotten anyone.

Well it's 6 am Ive been awake since
3am with ds , poor little fella got really bad cough, sounds so sore. Really don't know what to do with him as just started school and don't want him to miss things but if he is not any better later I think it may be a day off.
I honestly must have been to O in his cot about 10 times so far tonight. I think he has a bit of unsettled wind or something he is just really restless. It's been the same for last few nights 😣.

Im still getting the pain in my stomach and had decided that I was going to go to a&e today with my mum and oh have day off work to look after O but I don't know what to do now. I know Oh is going to be shattered and off with two of them will be hard work. Don't know what to do as I'm going to be shattered. If they keep me in hospital I'd be stressing if I knew ds wasn't well. Always something to complicate stuff isn't there 😣. I know my mum and oh will want me to go on and get checked out but I'm going to be a wreck later with having no sleep and I know I'll be sat in A&E for hours 😕 😣.

Sorry for vent !

Hope u all have good day ladies x
Wow quiet on here, hope all ladies and little ones ok :) I'm sure O has finally got his first 2 teeth coming through at bottom, can see them just under gum, hope others come quicker drove him bonkers bless him x
slammer-nice to hear from you! Isa still has a runny nose, has been sleeping longer during the day. Nights are up and down. what are your birthday party ideas for dd1? hope ur DH finds a job soon. Its so funny how u forgot to update on Jack, hahaha. Glad hes doing well. Sounds a little fussy though. Some days when Isa is like that, or won't eat much i just feel like i cannot be bothered. it's so messy too!

apple- i feel u on the unsettled nights just now, with this cold, he is up a lot and seems uncomfortable. did u go to a and e? how are u feeling now?

afm-isa still has a cold so hasn't been sleeping or eating well. Feeling so tired.
Today though, dh and i, and my brothers and my brothers gf went and did an escape room. U get locked in a room for 60 mins and have to find clues to get out etc. We managed it, with 15 secs to spare! great fun.
need to do some food shopping, and put some stuff on gumtree today. nothing exciting happening my way at all ahha xx
Hi Ally/ poor baba sorry to hear Isa still not well :( hope he picks up soon. It took O ages to get right from his virud and he still isn't 100%..

It's funny u mention escape. I was looking at one the other day and thought it would be good fun to do one with my eldest two boys before I go back to work. Check u out .. time to spare haha .. id be locked in for sure !

I did go to A&E but they wouldn't scan me, so when I got home I rang ultrasound myself and spoke to a nice lady who must have felt sorry for me and actually managed to get me in the following day. They said my main organs looked ok but it seemed to be coming from my bowel area so I need to go back to my own dr next week to discuss other options. I'm trying buscapan at the min and cocodamol to see if it helps. I'm trying to stay off google 😣 !

My poor 4 yr old still has a terrible night cough. I'm hoping it stays away from O as that would be a night mare with him feeding. O is doing ok at the min started to eat solids again and def got his first two teeth popping through. My oh and teenager both have really sore throats. I'm hoping I avoids the bugs !

Just been having a day putting stuff on eBay. Been putting it off ages! Never tried gum tree, I'll have to have a look.
I met my eldest son for coffee today and a look around the shops. O always loves to see him. That's it for me .. off to watch X factor n do pile of ironing ! 😣 Hope u all have a good weekend xx
Hello all! So sorry I haven't been on in a while! We have been quite busy in the evenings lately, and with DH home more, I have less *alone* time to just sit and veg on my phone! Sorry about that! This past week was crazy because I was crazy and booked last minute fall family photos and then we were scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off going shopping for coordinating outfits and such in between activities. I've been taking aerobics on Monday evenings, dd1 has swimming lessons on Tuesdays, and we have a church small group on Thursdays, so fairly busy in the evenings now (although nothing compared to people with older kids, I know)!

I won't be able to comment in detail to everyone, but I hope I can catch everyone who's replied since I last did.

VRogers - sorry you've been sick some more! Hugs! So glad the u/s looked good and baby is doing well! I understand your mixed feelings still about the baby. That is also understandable about not loving your weight right now. But pregnancy won't last forever, and you'll have all the time in the world to lose it after! Glad you can start on Zoloft at 12 weeks!

Slammer - I miss when you (and others!) had the time to be on here and chat more, too! I think we are all getting quite busy with our little families. I totally understand you being too mentally drained after work to do anything but scroll Facebook! I feel the same most evenings, and I'm not even working yet. Despite the hours being a bit off lately and orientation taking forever, are you enjoying your job? Are you feeling happier you made the switch? Is the extra pay substantial? I am glad to hear you can work more normal hours soon. I hope your DH is able to find a great entry level job in the financial sector and that it will pay better than you think! Would be amazing to have him home/awake more when you're home! That's great those glasses have helped so much with your eye strain! DH's job is going great! We are loving it.

Apple - sorry about your scare with your Under the rib pain. Sounds like you're quite stressed about it, which is understandable. I hope your doctor can give you some more insight now that you've had the scan. Hopefully what you've been taking starts to help soon. Hugs! Sounds like you've had tons of sickness lately too (seems like everyone has!). That's no good at all. I hope things settle down for your family soon.

Ally - sorry Isa got sick and that traveling messed his sleep up! I absolutely hate when that happens.

Newbie - oh wow, I don't blame you for being so tired! Multiple night wake ups when you're back to work make life almost unbearable. Not looking forward to that. And to have to get up at 5:30 am! Wow! Sounds so hard! You're such a trooper! I hope maybe you can get a nap or something soon. I know your DH isn't too helpful but maybe you could specifically ask him if he could let you nap next time you both have a day off? Sorry life is so tiring and busy. I hated being a working mom, and do not look forward to it again.

I hope I didn't miss anyone, but I probably did! Will try to be on more often so I can stay caught up.
Lite - You're so lucky to have your DH home more! I long for the day that my DH and I have more time together! Does sound pretty busy! Busy is good sometimes.

Apple - I'm sorry about all the illnesses. I hope O stays well. I hope they figure out what is going on with you soon. I hope O's teeth don't cause him too much of a fuss.

Ally - I'm sorry Isa is unwell. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. We have some escape rooms near by. They have some where you actually get tied up.

Slammer - This is definitely a fun age. They're personality starts to show more and more I feel. That's great that he's enjoying cheerios and puffs, though! T eats everything. He's such a little omnomnivore! He even throws tantrums over food.

Thanks for thinking about us! I'll post an update on my FIL at the bottom.

Newbie - So glad to see you! The sleep will get better. I mean.. at least we're almost through the first year? I'm sorry your MIL is driving you crazy.. they tend to do that.

Vrogers - I really hope the Zoloft helps you! The mixed emotions are definitely expected. Maybe once you start the Zoloft things will start to feel better. Glad the little bean is doing well, though.

I get you on the weight. I definitely wanted to be lighter when I got pregnant for round two, but I did not want to wait to lose it. So, here I am.. trying.

AFM - First off on my FIL. He made it through surgery and the "danger zone", but he's back in the hospital as of last night because he has an infection. DH has a cousin watching out for him and helping him out. He was staying there with her for awhile. He did go home the night before going back to the hospital, though. We didn't want him to, but he's stubborn and plus he's still dealing with his wife's passing. I couldn't imagine being hit with all of this at a time like this.

The puppy is being a puppy. Still a pain, but that'll be the case for awhile. I knew what I was getting into. O LOVES her, though. They run around playing all the time and it's so precious to see. I don't regret my decision at all (although, I threaten her and warn her to not make me regret it :haha:)

T is doing well! He is starting to stand on his own for short periods. Longest being about 30 seconds. He was so proud of himself. He keeps doing it so I do believe I'll have another early walker. I won't lie.. I'm excited. I'm crazy and love all the stages where people say "You'll change your mind/wish they didn't". I'll be happy when he gets past the stage where EVERYTHING goes to his mouth. O was never like that. T on the other hand.. and my whole yard is a danger because there are acorns everywhere. Those are a perfect choking hazard.

O is doing well also. He is over the moon with having a puppy to play with. Our other dog loved her at first, but is now being a big jerk to her. I kind of laugh about it because it won't be too long before she's bigger than him.

I'm doing okay. I've been in a pretty low point with my depression. Worse than it has been in a long time, but I might be finally coming out of it. Fingers crossed. Helps that I've had some time off. I worked 2 days off one worked 3 off one worked 2 days.. I definitely needed a break. I missed my boys. If DH ever lost his job for some reason I'd be looking at a schedule like that and I'm not okay with it! Mainly because I miss my boys. Which I don't expect him to ever lose his job, but it is nice to know that if he did I could pick up part time and manage financially till he got another one.

I don't think I ever mentioned it, but if I did I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that my best friend up in Michigan had her baby.. on O's birthday! I was so excited lol Now she's at 2 girls and I'm at 2 boys.. we're both hoping to have one of the other gender next time haha..

I don't know what else is going on. I've been having some lower gut pains. Not sure what is causing it. Seems to get bad with certain foods. Nothing better be up because I won't have insurance till November. It got pretty bad the other night.

Weight wise.. I've lost a few more pounds. I'm not down to a little under 3 lbs away from pre pregnancy. I've been going between 5-10 lbs away forever! I was back up to 10 lbs away and I finally cracked down on myself. Got down to 5 away.. kind of stopped watching my diet then worked that crazy amount of time and got back on it after that. So I only lost maybe 2 lbs last month, but 5 lbs in half a month when I watched it closely so if I just stick to what I'm doing I should do alright for awhile till I need to adjust it. I'm focusing on 5 lb mini goals. Losing 5 lbs is a lot less intimidating than even 10. Especially a lot less intimidating than the whole picture.

Hopefully I can catch up again before I go back to work on Tuesday. Next weekend is my weekend on so I will work Tue/Wed Sat/Sun Tue/Wed then I get 5 days again. I'm always looking forward to those 5 days.
Lit/ nice to hear from u :) sounds like u have been really busy :) it's loverly that u have had some quality time with DH. The photo shoot sounded fun and stressful 😂Be loverly to keep though. U put me to shame with the keep fit classes lol.. I was doing good with my exercises but since Ive been having this abdominal issue Ive left it alone but I do miss it. Ive also put weight back on which is annoying but I have just been eating what I want. I couldn't handle dieting as well as other things going on.

Ali/ nice to hear from you too. I was wondering how things were going with FIL ect. Poor guy he has really had a rough time of it lately hasn't he. Hope ur dh is doing ok it must be really hard on him to and yourself ..hugs x

You do sound in a good place though , glad u managed to get a little break from work. It's surprising the difference it makes. Well done u for the weight ! 😍 That's really good. I know u mentioned trying for number 3 is that still the case ?
Glad O likes the new puppy. My ds would love a little dog but I know OH would have non of it at the min and we would definitely struggle to have people to look after one if we wanted to go away😣. I had a loverly little dog whilst my elder boys were younger. We had her 15 years. I always said she was the daughter I never had haha so loyal.. My eldest was in a pram when we got her and was leaving school when she passed away 😢..

Anyway.. I walked in on O stood up in his cot today looking very pleased with himself. That's the first time he has done that.. he seems to be a little slower that the babies on here bless him ha..he has just started to get into crawling position and rocks backwards and forwards so sure won't be long now.

Poor ds still has horrible cough. It was his harvest festival today at the local church with his school but I kept him at home 😞

Ive been taking buscapan and reading around making some changes to my diet in the hope it might help my abdom pains Ive been getting. We will have to see if it makes any difference.. going to try and start walking again tomorrow , need to get this weight off and focus on me again. Ive just been doom and gloom googling for last two weeks and I have been comfort eating ! 😣

Better get to ds poor thing is coughing his head off 😢 X
Apple - Yes, we'll be trying for #3 next year. I'm excited about it haha. I really really hope we have a girl. I will be totally happy with another boy, but a girl is what we both really want. I wouldnlike the next two to be girls actually.

I hope it helps your stomach and you start to feel better.

Great on O! He'll get there! He was always laid back. A friends baby that is a month older than T is laid back as well. Just started crawling and standing at furniture.

I kind of had a chuckle.. was talking to my cousin and she has a 6 month old. She was saying she knows how to say dog, Dada, mama, and I love dada.. I'm all "Hmm......" no way she can say I love Dada yet lol dogs is debatable lol I know they make sounds that sound like words. She's always been a bit air headed.
Apple- seems like it's pretty common to have the overwhelming "how will I do this" feelings, it really is scary.
How are you feeling now? Definitely go in if you feel like you need to, I can't imagine how scary/overwhelming it must be.

Newbie- thank you! Lack of sleep on top of work on top of your mil staying sound completely chaotic! I love my mil and would still be stressed if she stayed here for awhile. How much longer will your mil be there? I hope you're able to get a break soon, a nap or some time to yourself!

Ally- glad you had a nice visit with in laws, other than Isa getting sick. I hope he feels better soon and catches up on sleep!
The escape room sounds fun! We have something like that here, I see pictures from friends on fb all the time.

Slammer- I hope sickness stays away! I'm sorry about the dance class issues, I'm the same way with hating conflict but I agree with you that it should be fun at that age, not serious at all. They are toddlers!
Good luck to dh on the job search!
Glad jack is doing well, I felt the exact same about sitting. We are also the same eating wise, we have had success with puffs and small bites of whatever we are eating but that's about it.

Ali- thank you, I am ready to start the Zoloft and hoping it does help!
Baby weight seems to be the hardest type of weight to let go of, I lost some weight a few years ago before dh and I married and I don't remember it being this stubborn!
I hope your FILs infection is cleared and he's able to go home as soon as possible!
O with the puppy sounds precious, I can't wait until L is old enough to really interact with our dogs, right now they are mostly scared of her and she just laughs at them.
T seems so advanced!
I am right there with you on liking what most people say "you'll wish they didn't" like sitting up and crawling and standing.
I really do hope you are coming out of the depression, I'm sure it helps to have more time with dh and your boys! :hugs:
Congrats to your best friend! I can't imagine how fun it is to have kiddos together, still waiting on my bff haha.
Way to go on the weight, it isn't easy and ANY amount lost is progress!
That's funny about your cousin! I would have had to tell her to please send me a video :haha:

Afm- thank you for all the well wishes on the sickness! It had improved for at least a week until this afternoon when I had my head in the toilet. I'm very ready for this to pass and to be able to drink coffee again, I miss it!
I can't believe L is about to be 9 months, so close to a whole year. She pulls up to stand, crawls everywhere, and eats lots of puffs and "crunchies" (I call them baby Cheetos).
We got an outdoor baby swing and she loves it! While dh was setting it up, I had L in the grass on a blanket with some toys. I turned around at one point and realized she had eaten some dirt, which I found in her diaper today. I will be thrilled when the everything in the mouth stage passes!
Her 9 month appointment is next week and I'm ready to see how much she weighs now.
I think that's about it here!
apple- hope diet changes help, maybe its something like iBS? cute about O standing in his cot. Hope ur ds feels better soon, its not nice when kids are sick, but loads of folk i know have colds etc just now. Maybe the changing seasons!

ali- its nice to hear from you and i'm glad u got a little break from work. It's great t is standing on his own, what a clever boy! Ur poor FIL, wishing him speedy recovery and good health. Must be hard for ur dh, how is he coping?
i cant believe u can think about baby 3 and 4. I dont feel broody in the slightest, like not at all.

lit- it must be nice for u to have ur dh about more though, but it's nice to hear from you!

vrogers- poor u and the sickness! when does the put everything in motuh stage end? isa puts everything in his mouth, i sometimes see him chewing stuff and im like oh my god what is it!!

afm- Isa has recovered from his cold now, thank god. He;s crawling everywhere, so wriggly. The other day he went to the fireplace and put coal in his mouth!!!
he's been fussy with food though and milk still, i wonder if hes teething but can't see any teeth coming through. He has 8 now, so cute.
His sleep has been rubbish the past week with the cold but hoping it's going to go back to how it was before, which was pretty good, he was just waking 2-3 times briefly at night.
Been busy at uni, and dh busy with his course. money is tight, but hoping in a few months i can start applying to jobs and be nearly done with my thesis.
I think that is about it from me!
Ally - sorry money is right right now. That's exciting you're getting to be near the end though.

Ali - what time next year do you think you'll start trying for baby #3?
So sorry you've hit a low point with the depression. Been there and it's awful. I do hope you're coming out of it now.
Yay for a puppy! That is exciting and fun for you all.
I enjoy the crawling stage a lot, but tbh there is a short stage when they start walking that isn't as fun to me because they're constantly falling and you have to watch them like hawks. Crawling is much safer and frees up your hands, so I'm definitely enjoying that about Violet right now.
Sorry you've had to work so much lately. I do hope your DH never loses his job, because those would be terrible hours to keep.

VRogers - sorry you're feeling so sick. I understand missing coffee! I couldn't stomach it until the third trimester with Violet. That was way too long without coffee for me! Haha. I was sooo groggy all the time.
Glad you're enjoying all the new stages with L!

Apple - it is more than understandable that you wouldn't be dieting or exercising with your abdominal pain/issues. I hope things get better soon. Definitely hope you can stop obsessively googling. That is the worst. No good can ever come of that! Haha.

Well done on O standing up in his cot.

AFM - life is still busy but good. DH has been spending more time than I'd like doing little errands and tinkering with his truck, but of course I can't actually complain. Funny how quickly you get spoiled.
Dd1 was quite bad today...very rebellious with lots of attitude and yelling at me. I was definitely running out of patience by the end of the day.
Violet is so, so sweet lately. Such a cute little age. She is shaking her head and trying to nod, but she can't figure out how to nod JUST her head, so she also moves her whole upper body. It's quite adorable! I definitely agree with everyone on this being a great age for personality.

Ali - that is ridiculous about that person thinking her 6 month old could say, "I love dada." Some people are so delusional!
Ally- that's actually a good question, I would assume as they get to be older toddlers, but I hope it doesn't last long because it gives me anxiety! There have been so many times I find paper or tape in her mouth and I never see her grab it!
Glad Isa feels better! The coal in his mouth made me laugh. Wow 8 teeth!
Good luck with the job hunting coming up! What kind of job are you wanting?

Literati- some days I'm able to drink it in the mornings (like this morning) but it's so upsetting when i can't stomach it!
I'm sorry about dd1 having a hard day! I am not looking forward to the attitude stage (which I think lasts years haha).

Afm- thankfully the weather is cooling down, it's still hot for autumn, but I've been able to take L outside in her swing, she squeals and loves looking around at everything, it's so cute!
VRogers - that's wonderful you've been able to take L on the swings and that she enjoys it. I feel terrible because I realized I only put Violet in a baby swing ONCE in the entire summer. The problem is, a lot of playgrounds around here don't have baby swings anymore, so it's hard to find one that does. I feel sad that Violet hasn't had that experience, because I know dd1 actually loved it.
Sometimes I feel like I'm failing at having 2 kids...I do okay, but it seems like there's always something sliding. I can never seem to give both girls quality attention, cook, and clean all in one day. There's always something that slides. :( It wears on me and is a bit overwhelming at times.
And, yes, the attitude phase isn't the most fun! However, there are lots of fun things about each stage, so at least there's that.

AFM - really short on patience this week. Feeling like I need a break. Just some silent "Me" time for even half an hour or something. Just feels like I can't keep up with all the demands anymore. Trying to be supermom, but failing miserably. :(

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