January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vrogers - Baby Cheetos are the best! I try to stay away from the baby snacks now. They're just so expensive. T is doing Cheerios so that's our go to. I'm going to start dicing up small pieces of cheese and looking for other quick table snacks.

T is advanced in the gross motor skills department, but so was O. I just hope T is right where he should be on his language skills. That's the only thing O started slacking in and now we're playing catch up.

Glad you're starting to feel better. I still can't hardly believe we have a lady in our group expecting another! That's great that L loves the swing! I wish we had a tree that could support one. They're all huge old trees. We have an oak, a big maple with no lower branches, and a couple of others I'm not sure what they are. I'll just need to get a play set next year. We planned on it anyways.

Ally - I don't think he's coping all that well. Life goes on and I think it's just easier for him to deal with it in short spurts then kind of just keep going. It'll take him some time. He's an emotional guy so he tries to avoid them.

Glad Isa is recovering. They will definitely find anything and everything to eat! Money has been tight here because I missed 5 days of work in one month and we're still recovering. Which is actually one day shy of two full weeks for me.

Lite - I know, right? I just laughed. She's an airhead. She will probably always think her child is advanced in everything until it's blatantly obvious she's not. Her mother use to say that my cousin was going to be really tall, taller than her. She's as short as I am. :haha: Then things like how smart her oldest was and blah blah blah. He's gone no where and I didn't see the intelligence ever show.

I've gone back and forth on the number 3. I don't think I will wait till T is 18 months although, I should. I want to be done right around 30 if we go for number 4. I was thinking May-June giving me a Feb-Mar baby, but I don't know. I kind of thought of going earlier so I can get a Fall baby. :haha: I really won't know for sure until we get closer to the dates. I'll know if I'm ready or not then. I felt ready when we were planning on trying for T.

Sorry DD1 has been bad lately. I wish O would yell at me. Only because that would mean he's being more verbal lol.. I hope you get some sort of a break soon. I wish I could be supermom.. there is just no way.

AFM - O has been getting too much screen time lately. So I'm trying REAL hard to limit it. Trying to be more stimulating for him. He's at such a good age for learning I need to embrace it. It's just so hard when they both get demanding. We read a book (which is incredible because he usually hates them), puzzles, board game, and he helped make his own lunch. The lunch thing turned into a disaster, though. No messes.. he just didn't want it other than one part. Once it got mixed he didn't want it. Oh well. I ate it.

T had his appointment today. He was 29.8 inches and 23 lbs. Almost 2 whole inches longer than O at this age.. and weighs less. O was such a chunk by this time! Kind of annoyed that T's active problem on the chart is "trained night feeder" like it has to be a problem at all. I get that he doesn't NEED it, but in a world of diseases and health issues.. that's an active problem? Oh well. I lied and said it was getting better. I'll say it's resolved next time even if it's not. He has good nights and bad nights. I don't have the energy to fix it. Might try to reduce the night feeding some, though. He's so attached to falling asleep at the breast it's not even funny. Going to try giving him his blanket. I'm not too concerned if he sleeps with it anymore.

O was strong willed, but I think T will put him to shame. He will scream bloody murder for what he wants. I don't even give into it most of the time. It's funny sometimes because he'll just stop and be fine and goes and does something else. Other times not so much. I managed to get him to sleep tonight without him nursing. I kept taking him off and he wasn't having it. I put on a lullaby video on YouTube and he stared at that for a minute and passed out. It's still playing.. if it helps.. I'll play it all night. I don't care.

Anyways, I better get to sleep. Need to get caught up with the house tomorrow because I work this weekend have Monday off then work Tuesday Wednesday. Tired of trying to always play catch up on the house.
Literati- don't feel bad! L's first time in a swing was when we bought this one last week.
I have a feeling I will feel JUST like you described, and I'm sure most people with 2+ feel the same way but from what I've seen on here I think you are doing a lovely job and you love your kiddos! They won't remember the laundry or cleaning that wasn't done, but will remember how much you love them :hugs:
Would your dh or another family member be able to keep your kids so you can go grab some coffee or shopping or take a nap? I hope you can get some time asap!

Ali- I've been wanting to try cheerios too! Baby snacks do tend to get expensive w/ how often we buy them.
I can't believe it either haha, still freaking out and doesn't feel quite real.
Don't feel too bad about the screen time! Although I have felt the same way on days when I'm too sick/tired and just want to go to bed but can't. They have SO much energy at this age it's hard to keep up with all the time!
That's weird that "night feeder" is a problem, I thought it is still completely normal for babies to still wake up to eat? There could definitely be way worse problems.
Glad the lullaby video helped!

Afm- i can't wait until L's attention span gets longer! She's so hard to keep up with, she usually plays with one toy for maybe a couple min and crawls around everywhere trying to get into cords, her dresser, and basically anything she shouldn't.
She's also been eating like crap the past couple days. She ate quite a bit of pear purée yesterday that I found in the cabinet, she seemed to love it. But she's not super into her bottles which is kind of stressing me out! She has her 9 month appointment next week and I'll bring it up.
Ali - I'm sorry O isn't where you'd like him to be verbally. Have you thought about speech pathology? There are some therapists who can do therapy over Skype, so you don't have to worry about running to and from appointments. Just a thought. I hope he continues to make some progress and get closer to where he should be. Sounds like you're doing a great job providing learning opportunities for him. It's only understandable that he would be getting screen time and that it would be difficult to give a LOT of one on one attention to him when you're busy with T as well. I find it really hard as well.

That's exciting about potentially trying already next spring! I definitely don't think I'll be ready by then. I think I'll feel ready to try by summer or September 2018, but financially we might have to wait until December 2018 or later to start trying, because we have a lot of student debt to pay off still, and I'd really like to make major headway on it before I take my next, and most likely last, maternity leave. I hope we are all still active on this thread next year and can go through your next TTC/pregnancy journey with you!
That's such BS that they have his night feeding as a problem. Who really cares?! And I do think it's quite normal at his age. I would probably do the same as you and just pretend it has gotten better even when it hasn't. None of their business anyway. That's crazy about T being so strong willed!!

VRogers - thanks! I appreciate your kind words.
Violet's attention span is also terrible and she can't even sit still for me to read her one super short baby book! It concerns me slightly, because dd1 learned so much with how much we read to her.
Violet is also always into cords. Oy!
Sorry L isn't eating much these days. I hope your doctor can alleviate your concerns at L's appointment.

AFM - have seen too many people this week and feeling tired from it. It's Thanskgiving this weekend, but I'm just not feeling up to visiting with family for long periods of time.
In other news, we have been potty training dd1 for the past month, and she is slowly getting a lot better. Has had one accident-free day so far, but most days only 1 or 2 accidents so hopefully more accident-free days soon.
Hi ladies, not really been able to get on for a couple of days, I’ll try and reply to all but sorry if I miss anyone.

Lit / sorry you are feeling overwhelmed at times . I’m right there with you hon so sending u hugs!! I sometimes feel my whole day is spent splitting myself between everyone else and me time just isn’t a consideration ! Had to laugh at myself the other day. It was all a bit manic and I finally got ds and teenager (who had been a pain !! ) to school, O to sleep and I thought right! I’m going to get a coffee and sandwich .. I sat, or rather flopped into chair and even made it recline..that cheese pickle sandwich was bliss lol..I just sat in the silence for 15 mins .. then O woke up ! Ha .. funny how those little breaks become your bit of sanity and I’ve decided I’m definitely an emotional eater !! 😂

Yay for the potty training! Dd1 sounds like she is doing just fine. It took ds ages to get it dissed. We even gave up at one stage for a while. He then just got it over night. Try not to worry about the swing thing Ive been the same with O this summer. It’s def harder with more than one to think about and entertain, u r doing a fab job hon x

Ali /glad puppy settling in :) loverly that O loves it , super cute . Funny about the 6 month old with the almost conversations 😂 u just gotta laugh at people like that ha x he will be writing his name next 😂.. T sounds like he is doing great 👍. Standing up for so long , bless him I bet he looks so cute x glad u have managed to have a little break between work it does make all the difference. Try not to worry to much about Os verbal skills. Ds was a little behind but has soon caught up. He still has to think about what he wants to say and sometimes can’t really find the words. He has his first speech and language session this month as he sometimes has a stammer but I’m trying not to worry too much, it’s mainly when he is passionate about what he wants to say but his little brain can’t find the words fast enough :)

Vroggers/ glad u r doing ok hon. When’s your next scan, ? It is exciting another baba on this thread 😁.. . L sounds like she is doing great x hope the sickness stays at bay !! Are u planning to find out sex of baba ? X do your families know yet ?

Ally / hope isa still on the mend .. fancy him getting the coal 😂 they are so quick once they get going aren’t they. Sorry the money is tight at the min hope dh gets something Soon that he is happy with. Yay for thesis nearly being done. Any ideas what u want to do yourself. Are You planning full or part time ?

Update/ My ds cough seems to have improved but looks like O is getting a cold 😣. Just time of year I suppose. Ive sorted it that mum has boys for s few hours this afternoon and me and oh go for lunch somewhere. We have a few things we could do with having a chat about but we can never talk properly when boys are around. Saying that O has had quite a bad night so it’s looking like I might have to cancel now for another day . Never mind..

Last week I was sure Os bottom two teeth would be through in days but they are being stubborn and staying just under gum and still not cut through 😣 they must be bothering him as well. Lots of cuddles this weekend I think.

Ds seems to have had a better week at school, so pleased about that. I’m getting into a better routine with him now. I make sure his tea is ready for straight as he comes in or I have seen he is straight in trying to get biscuits lol.. and has been so tired and moody that I have given in. He has been having a hot dinner at school so I’ve been making him a sandwich and fruit ready for when he gets home which seems to be working as he eats it straight down. Ds loves birds like his dad so I’ve started to put loads of food out for them and have a feeding table by back window so he can see them when he is sat at table having his tea. I get full run down of what’s in garden lol but it works., 1st couple of weeks he would just come in and watch tv or iPad but now asking him to sit at table is working much better. He eats better without the tv, with tv it’s like one small bite every 10 mins ! Then it’s left😣 I put O there as well in his high chair with some snacks and he is getting used to that also which is nice. I try to get teenager to do he has time with his little brothers but he will sit for like a min, rush his food down and then want to “ chill in his room “ !!! Lol or should I say his pit !! Honestly if I didn’t go in and get them or kick his butt he would have plates in there a month !! Oh what fun u have to come ladies haha 😂 ! He has two wash baskets and clothes are on the floor next to them .. I mean why ?? 😂 OH says I should just leave it but I can’t it does my head in so I just keep on top of it slightly then shut door !!

My eldest was the same and he is really tidy now he has his own place so I don’t worry to much lol.. talking of my eldest he passed his final exams this week so now is qualified electrician which was great news. He is so pleased as had to work really hard. I’m dead chuffed x

This silly pain is still around , I have drs on 17th so will wait to see what they say. nothing else here. Hope U all have nice weekend x

Slammer / newbie hope u r doing ok ladies x
Oh funny little story ladies thought I’d share ! .. I went to my 1st Physio the other day for my back after car bump.. it was one of those mornings where everything went wrong or was running late, I finally got to my appointment to notice I’d got all sorts over my leggings from O that morning . I’d just chucked on first clothes I could find. So I was sat in waiting room hair thrown in a bobble looking dragged through hedge . Then Physio called me in .. this bloody tanned and toned Adonis opened the door.. I was like .. u have got to be friggin kidding.,it was definitely I carried a watermelon moment ! 😂.. and then it gets worse I had to get on the bed on all fours to do stretches pmsl 😆 it was at that point I realised my vest top wasn’t best fitted and my boobs were on show ! I was thinking this could be the next 50 shades haha..I was so glad to get out haha x my back felt great after though 😂😂magic hands lol 😂
Apple - 15 minutes of silence to eat a sandwich definitely sounds amazing! We really do just need those tiny little breaks for our sanity. I wish you could have gotten an even longer one! I am an emotional eater as well.
That's too funny about your experience with your good looking physio! I'm sure he didn't notice/care that you were disheveled.

AFM - I'm in a horrible mood today. Just feel so tense and am longing for some alone time. I've just asked for 5 minutes of quiet time to myself, but it hasn't happened yet. So tense from someone constantly crying or whining or needing mama. Violet is in one of her stormy wonder weeks so she is quite whiny. Just need a bit of time to myself. and of course as soon as DH goes to shower, dd1 needs help on the potty right when I had gotten all comfy with blankets on the couch. I get so tired of dealing with every single diaper change and potty trip all day every day and just wish my DH would take care of them when he's home...and it's not like he isn't willing, but it always seems I end up doing most or all of it anyway. Argh. Sorry for whining. Just in one of those fed up moods. Have to bake 2 pumpkin pies today and then socialize all evening. Majorly not in the mood.
Hi lit/ sorry you are having a down day .. hugs x i can relate to the need for just a little bit of time child free. It’s just always the case that when we manage to sneak 5 mins one will need a drink or a pee ! 😣..
It’s tiring when we end up doing most of childcare duties ourselves but I find I’m the same. Like your dh my oh is willing to help it just always seems to be me that ends up doing things. Sometimes I think maybe I’m just a bit fussy in the way I like things done lol .. so just do things myself !
Pumpkin pie 🎃 :) your baking does sound good ! Never had that though.. sorry to sound bit dumb but is it a savory pie or sweet ? What would u have it with ?

I saw a thing advertised on Facebook this week about a place u can take kids to pick their own pumpkins for Halloween. I think ds would love it so might take him next weekend. :)

O seems to be slightly better this evening, fingers crossed he stays that way. I’m going to take all my 4 boys to see my nan tomorrow. It’s a two hour journey to get there but I love having the boys all together on my own. Even though stressful at times lol x

Hope your day improves hon and you have a bit of me time at some point this weekend x
hi ladies, it's been days. Hope u are all ok x

lit- agree this is a cute age, really love it. Sorry ur dd1 is playing up though and bein rebellious. You are a supermum! some days and periods are harder than others.
that is great about the potty training.. not looking forward to that.
sorry u have been feeling down. next time just hand V over to your dh when she needs changing. my DH does loads of changes, and prepping meals etc when he is home, if he didn't i can imagine it really frustrating me!! shouldn;t just be mum doing it. Anyway, sending u hugs and hope u get some alone time soon...

vrogers- its great u have been able to take L out on the swing. Will probably look for a research or teaching job at the uni.
maybe L is eating less as she is more active and wants to play and explore? i'm finding similar issues with Isa and attention span. He will eat, then after a few mouthfulls stop being interested and want to play with toys and put them in his mouth.

ali- i dont blame you for saying the night feeding is getting better, they should just leave you to it.T sounds like a chunk! i have no idea what Isa is, he doesn't get another check up till hes 1. There is aplace i can go and do it, but i can never be bothered haha.

apple- i am going to look for part time, i really don't want to miss too much of these early days with Isa. but i do want to work also, so i think part time will be ideal, although will mean less money. But hey ho!
Did u and oh go out for lunch then? It is the time of the year for colds! hope O doesn't get anything too bad. It took Isa 8 days to recover from his cold.
That is great about your eldest passing exams and is now an electrician. Oh gosh, your messy teenager, i guess we have all that to wait for haha.
Glad ur ds had a better week at school.
your physio story really made me laugh.... thanks for that.
hope u all had nice time at ur nans :)

afm- so Isa has been proper whingy at bedtime, normally he goes down easy but now he just wants to play and crawl. He cries and cries and then gives in, drinks milk and sleeps. It's stressful, i play relaxing music etc (more for myself ahaha).
he has about 2 naps now a day, dropped the 3rd one but it still depends, some days he needs 3.
i actually feel in a bt of a bad mood today and no idea why. i had a lie in this morning, dh took isa and did breakfast etc. Then my friend picked me and isa up and treated me to lunch and we did some shopping and then took isa to the park. So don't know why i feel moody... being a woman eh. My dh is annoying me and he isn't or hasn't done anything! he's just sitting across from me watching tv, hahaha.
been craving a lot of junk food recently and feeling tired, which makes me think i am deficient in something and need to eat better and do exercise!
i think thats about it. its very quiet on here, hope others are well xx
Apple - I hope your stomach pains go away!

Glad DS is feeling better, but boo to O getting sick! Ugh! Crazy there are still no teeth come through!

Good job with getting a little routine with DS and keeping him off the iPad. I swear sometimes I think my DD really needs the break that TV gives her. It's a chance for her to calm down for a while.

Too funny about the tanned Adonis physio! “I carried a watermelon moment” - Lmao! My chiro is no Adonis, but I still feel awkward when he adjusts me and has to grab my hip, lol.

Ally - escape room sounds fun. I swear you get out and do so many fun things it seems! My life is so boring by comparison, lol.

You asked then the phase of everything going into their mouth stops...I think I didn't feel confident it was over until around 18 months with DD! It takes forever!

Literati - hope the family photos turn out well! I got some done when DD was two, but not since. Probably next fall I will do them again. Jack will be nearly two then!

Yes, I am enjoying the job for the most part. Some stress with deadlines and delivery calls with clients, but nothing extreme. Still glad I took it anyway. I'm soooo happy for you that DH’s new job gives him more time at home!

I feel like a failure with two kids a lot too! Mostly because of my back though. If I didn't have this stupid back issue I would be a lot better. There was a short period of time where I really felt I was rocking the two kids. Then my back went to shit and so did everything else.

AliJo - sorry to hear FIL has to go back to hospital for an infection. I hope he recovers!

I feel the same way about new milestones. I rarely miss the earlier phases of baby development.

Hilarious about the six month old “talking”. Lmao.

I seriously got super angry reading about that bullshit “trained night feeder” in T’s chart. What the actual f*ck? I would probably make them remove that shit. If he’s waking for it, he needs it! F them! I hate this notion that a baby doesn't know what they need.

Vrogers - too funny L ate dirt and you saw it in her diaper! Jack got some magic foam that DD left on the floor a couple months ago and there were some bits that I saw in his diaper too, lol.

I hope you can go back to drinking coffee soon! I really didn't drink coffee before Jack, but drank it while pregnant with him to try and get things moving with my digestion lol. And now I still drink it. Mostly just weak instant coffee though.

AFM - biggest news first - my DH GOT A NEW JOB! He’ll be a Junior Financial Analyst with a large company that does a lot of work for the government. Omg we are so excited. He actually worked a connection through the bar to get the job. He knows the CFO of the financial section of the company because he comes into the bar, so DH reached out to him to ask him for advice and to look at his resume. The guy was impressed with him and told him to apply to the opening they had and he would ensure he got an interview. So DH had his interview on Fri and got an offer the same day! It's less money than the bar, but we’ll have a normal life! And there is room for growth and big income gains after a few years. He could start as early as next Monday if he gets his background check and drug screen done quick enough! Very proud of him for being bold enough to work that connection and for working hard to prepare for the meeting and interview. He definitely made himself a strong candidate regardless of the connection, but that sure helped too.

Jack is doing good. Gets himself in and out of sitting position easily now. Pulling up to stand on the daycare lady’s couch (ours is a little too high and soft for now). Climbing the stair up to the entryway landing.

DD had her Minions themed party yesterday and had a great time. DH got the night off so that was nice. One of his best friends from growing up also happened to be in town visiting so they came too.

Ahh, I think that's most of my news. And I've been typing this for ages, so time to stop, lol.
Ally/ sorry you are feeling a bit moody. Do u think u might be hormonal. Only saying that as you could be totally describing me just before I start my cycle. It made me smile the fact that your dh was annoying u even just sat there. I feel like that at time lol..we are allowed to feel like that at times .,it’s our right ha.. and I’m sure if we think hard enough we would be able to find something they did to justify it. Sometimes my oh cant do anything right 😂 he is very patient tho .. thank goodness..

sorry Isa has been unsettled getting to sleep.. it’s crazy sometimes isn’t it.. I know last night O was just fighting sleep. We did manage to go out for day to visit family and he was really good all day just tired and snotty 😢 so took him about an extra half hr to settle.

Part time sounds a good plan, I’m looking at reducing my hours more and doing some private work to make up the money a bit if poss. Just want to be with O as much as poss really x

Slammer/ hi hon:) glad job going ok. Yay for dh new job!! That is awesome news, and the fact he might be able to start so soon. Money might be less but family time and normality is worth so much more isn’t it. He also sounds like the kind of person who wouldn’t take long to move up the promotion ladder if the opportunity came up.. good for him, excited for u xx 😘

I really like hearing good news like that particularly as my oh is having such a shitty time at work. Makes me see light at the end of the tunnel, and motivation to keep lookkng for other jobs for him. my oh will get something eventually fingers crossed sooner rather than later :) 🤞

Glad jack doing ok, pulling up and standing ! Bless him. They are amazing aren’t they how quick they come on. Dd party sounds fab. U are a super mummy. Glad she had a good time. X

Lol yeah the grabbing the hips thing ! That’s what the Physio did with me up on the bed.. I was like .. errrm this is awkward pmsl ..

Update/ we went to see my nan yesterday, just me and my four boys. Love having time with them like that. I just think it’s inportant, especially for my eldest two as youngest with us all the time. Way there was fine 2 hours straight through n O slept and ds went on iPad and eldest entertained him. Way back !! Oh no.. vehicle fire on m62 just as we were getting on all of a sudden traffic as far as the eye could see eeek !! I looked at traffic update and it said expected time to be stuck 2 and half hours !! I was like ffs u have got to be kidding .engines off, people out of cars ! .O was asleep but no way was he gonna last that long.,u just know ds would start wanting a poo or something teenager started moaning.. think he was meeting a girl 😂, I was actually pretty chilled lol..then half hour later traffic just all started to move.. I was like .. there is a god!! haha ..my teenager was so chuffed it started to move he was saying .. seriously I felt like I was gonna freak/cry stuck not being able to move !! I was like .. shut up n chill out 😂 .. lol.. teenage drama cracks me up., his older brother .. the big man ...giving advice ., forgets he was exactly the same a couple of years ago haha..

O has bit of a cold this am bless him, I’m going to meet a friend for coffee so planning to walk and hope the air help clear him up a bit x

Have nice day ladies x
Literati- they have so much energy! And I don't understand the appeal with the cords. I have a pile of toys for her and she heads straight for cords haha.
I put L on my lap with the book in front of her to read stories, she just reaches out and touches the pages. I'm not sure that it would go well otherwise!
I hope you ended up having a relaxing thanksgiving! I understand what you mean though, I'm not looking forward to how many people we will have to see at ours next month. I told dh for thanksgiving and Christmas we are staying home and if anyone wants to see us they can come visit for a bit, I'm not carting around a baby.
Yay for potty training! I'm sure you'll be so glad when she's fully accident free. Sounds like she's doing really well with it.
You definitely need a break and time for yourself. It's absolutely exhausting to constantly be needed, and when you're able to have some time to drink coffee alone or go to your fav store (or whatever you like doing) you can recharge. I'm sorry dh doesn't seem so willing to help you out! Definitely easier said than done, but i wonder if you could pick a day and say "I'm going to X for 2 hours this day" and not give him an option.

Apple- thank you for asking! The sickness is slowly getting better the closer I get to second tri (geez it's going by fast already), my next appointment is the 23rd when I'll be just over 13 weeks, I'm assuming I'll get a scan and blood work.
Funny enough we haven't told family, when I first found out and had a little breakdown, I called my dad and told him because dh and I had fought. But I bled soon after that, assumed it was a miscarriage because it's how my last one started, so he thinks I miscarried. My bff knows and one of dh's good friend (who had their first baby 2 months before L and they are also pregnant with their second now) knows. I figure I'll try to force myself to tell our parents after the anatomy scan if everything comes back clear. With L we told at 4-5 weeks so it's very different this time around!
Im glad you were able to take the boys for a visit with your nan, so sweet. Also good you're going to coffee with a friend!
How funny about your visit with the physio! I'm sure it wasn't too funny at the time though.

Ally/ I thin it does have to do with her wanting to play, it helps if I hand her a toy while she eats.
I'm sorry about the rough bedtimes! Relaxing music sounds like a good idea haha. I hope this phase passes quickly and he goes back to going down easy!
I get randomly moody sometimes like that where it happens with no rhyme or reason. Sometimes it would be before my period.

Slammer- crazy how they will put anything in their mouths! I don't get how things like dirt look appetizing haha.
Yay on the new job, congrats to you and dh!!! It does sound like it will be a great fit. I hope he's able to start asap! Glad the bday party went well and dh was able to be there.

Afm- L is 9 months today, time has started to really fly. We have her appointment Wednesday and I'm ready to see how much she weighs now. Dh and I wedding anniversary is Thursday and he's cooking steaks (the expensive ones we do for special occasions) and I'm soo ready, mouth watering just thinking about it!
Ally - haha! I can totally relate to you being in a bad mood and annoyed with your DH for just sitting and watching tv. I am quite annoyed with my DH at the moment as well because today is our family day, but DH is just sitting and playing video games. I asked him if he was planning on playing all day, and he said, "no, just the morning." OH, wonderful! JUST the morning then. What a relief. *eye roll*

That sounds like you had some fun/nice things the other day (lunch out, etc) but sorry you were in such a bad mood still. Like Apple, I wondered if perhaps you were PMSing just because that is also how I am before AF comes. Sometimes it just comes randomly, though. Anyway, I hope it passes!

Apple -wow, that sounds awful being trapped in traffic for so long! Too funny about your teenager being so dramatic about it.
That's so interesting you've never had pumpkin pie! Do you have Thanksgiving there? Pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving tradition here. It is a sweet dessert and it is spiced with things like cinnamon & nutmeg. We serve it with whipped cream. I wish I could offer you some to try! :)

Slammer - sorry that your back is making having 2 kids harder again. I'm sure you're still rocking it, though. I've been baking things and making elaborate meals lately and just makes me feel like there isn't enough time in the day. I am honestly planning on making easier meals going forward to make me a "better" mom. Haha.

Congrats to your DH on his new job! These are some exciting new beginnings for your family lately! Hopefully he'll be able to work his way up the pay scale quickly so you aren't feeling the money pinch for long. That's going to be amazing for you to have a normal family life finally after all these years. Very happy for you!!

VRogers - oh yes, that is how I read books to Violet as well, but she spends the entire time wiggling, squirming, and leaning over to try to grab anything else in the near vicinity and put it in her mouth. She is a very squirmy little girl. My dd1 had an amazing attention span for stories and still does. She'll often make me read to her for an hour at a time and we only stop because *I* am tired of reading haha. So I really wonder how Violet will be later. I would like all my kids to love reading!
That's kind of exciting that your DH has friends who are also pregnant with their seconds. Maybe your kids can be friends. :)

AFM - Thanksgiving was okay. I cheered up when I made the pies because I like baking and find it therapeutic. Dd1 had a total blast playing with her cousins.
Today is actual Thanksgiving but we have no plans. I am quite ok with that, but annoyed with dh for playing video games. Have a good day, everyone.
Hi everyone, hope you are all ok?
I know I haven't been on here since our babies were born but I have just started using the forum again as we discovered last week that we are pregnant with number 4.
This was and still is a huge shock. We were definitely done with 3. I remember whilst in labour with George telling hubby that absolutely no way was I putting my body through pregnancy & labour again and he needed to make an appointment for the snip asap. But here we are!

I just don't know how I feel about it. I feel so blessed to be pregnant again but I seriously don't know how I'm going to cope through this pregnancy, especially as George is only just 9 months and into everything and we have a 10 week old puppy too!
Have no missed period to go by so we're only guessing on dates but basing it on my symptoms I'm guessing I'm 9-10 weeks already and MS & exhaustion has really knocked me these last few days. I'm already struggling!
Then how will I cope once baby is here? What if I'm expecting twins this time round???!!!

Have any of you got experience of 4 children? If I'm right and I do have a May baby George will be 16 months old. Anybody had babies this close in age?

I'm going to try and be more active in this thread so will go back and read the last few pages but for now I'm off to bed. George will be up for his next feed in a few hours and I need all the sleep I can get! xxx
Literati- I hear you on the reading! I love reading and have since I was little and I'll be sad if L doesn't!
Now I want to make pies! I'm glad baking helped you feel better. And ugh what is it with men and their video games? Hopefully he spends time with you guys the rest of the day!

WDW- welcome back! I only have one right now, but we found out recently I'm just over 11 weeks pregnant with our second and we were leaning heavily toward one and done, so I can somewhat relate to the "oh crap" feeling.
The ladies here have made me feel so much better about it, but I still have my freak out moments where I'm not sure if I can do this. But you can! No doubt it'll be hard, but we'll adjust and then won't be able to imagine life without the littlest one (although im speaking from hope not experience haha).
Mine will be about 16 months apart so if anything, I'll be able to commiserate with you! Everyone here is AMAZING about letting you vent away and we have some great encouragers here! :hugs:
Oh wow vroggers congratulations. So nice to go on another pregnancy journey with you and have the same age gap between our little ones! You'll love having 2 they will be so entertaining together.
VRogers - Thanks. We did end up having an okay family day yesterday.

WDW- welcome back here, and congratulations on your recent news! I can definitely see it being a huge shock, especially when you thought you were done, and with your youngest still being so young! Keep us posted once you find out more about due date and whatnot, although your instincts are probably right! You poor thing suffering from exhaustion right now. Can't imagine dealing with this busy stage while exhausted from pregnancy! Hugs.

AFM - well, yesterday turned out ok even though DH played video games for way longer than I think he should have! I accomplished some cleaning, and DH helped by vacuuming the stairs, which is my most hated job. In the Late afternoon, we headed to a little fall family fun place where there were little games and obstacle courses to play with dd1. We had fun for a couple hours, then picked up food on the way home and in the evening, DH carved pumpkins with dd1. Overall, a nice day but went way too quickly.
Violet is sick AGAIN, and it's actually somewhat worrying because she has started doing this little whimper constantly that sounds like a little puppy who's in pain or something. I've never heard her sound like this before. She is intensely clingy and I have been holding her constantly the last couple days, so I'm finding that a little tiring. She just seems really phlegmy at the back of her throat, and has also been pooping constantly. She had about 6 naps yesterday (she normally has 3!), so she's definitely not feeling great. I've been unable to get full lately and have a "low blood sugar" feeling all the time which puts me in a bad mood. Other than that, nothing to report.
Lit/ oh no poor V 😢 hope she picks up soon, yeah I’d keep my eye on the wimpering sound x sending little one hugs x

lol ..I wish u could give me some pie too haha, all your baking sounds delish 😋 .. I like baking and also find it therapeutic. I’m planning on making my annual Christmas cake soon, then I can feed it with alcohol for a while before decorating at Christmas., I love Christmas 🎄 but this year I’m actually due back to work Christmas Day !! ,, I’m planning to take some of my leave and start back in January :(

Glad you enjoyed Thanksgiving in the end and you managed to relax some. The little family day out sounds loverly. We don’t celerbrate Thanks giving here.

Vroggers / glad You are doing ok :) wow I can’t believe you are 11 weeks already ! I know it might seem scary two so young but they will be so close growing up. Ive got a bigger gap between mine and really wish sometimes that I didn’t. My ds has just started school this time but now I have to wait another 4 years for O to go so there’s no way I can work or earn properly until then. I also found with my older two that have 5 year gap that they were always at a different stage so into different things ! It was a nightmare having tv on at times as they wanted different things on ! 😣they are close now tho. U will be a super mummy x

WDW / hi hon and congrats on new little one.!! Great that u and vroggers nearly same stage.. sure it was a shocker but sure u will be super mummy too :) welcome to the 4 baby club !! I have 4 boys and love it. My eldest is 20 now but I still have a lot of involvement with him. Now tho it’s sorting car insurance, college fees ! Ha I’ve also got a teen , 4 yr old that’s just started school this time and my little O that is 9 Months, my life is pretty full on and I won’t deny I’m sometimes on here venting that I’m shattered lol but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just try to get as organised as I can, particularly with school things , night before ;) and we tick along fine. I love going out with my boys on my own. Crazy but fun :) this thread is really supportive so would prob be good for u to keep popping on :)

We r doing ok , nothing much to report. O seems well in himself today just bit snotty , teeth still not fully through ! Annoyingly.
Ds was ok going to school today don’t think I mentioned but he got upset yesterday. 😢

Ive got some silly work to do for my accreditation for my job so been on laptop for last couple of days sorting it out.
O’s First day at nursery is on the 27th I’m so dreading it. He will be with ds tho so I’m glad about that. Ive also made decision to drop my hours some more so going to let my boss know today..
better get back to bouncing baby.. I’m sure he will bounce right out of that jumperoo one of these days x

Have nice day ladies :)
slammer- congrats on your dh and his new job!! brlliant news. so happy for u.
glad dd enjoyed her party!
18 months! yeah thats a long phase of putting things in mouth, i guess it helps them develop their immune systems, they must get so many germs!!!
haha i do like going out and doing stuff, but its cause i'm only in uni 3 days, i like planning stuff in the other days if i can .

apple- i'm only mid cycle, so not due on yet haha... think i was just tired.
glad u had a good time at your nans.Hope O's cold isn't too bad.
glad teh traffic jam wasn't too bad! it could have been so much worse haha.
Good luck with the reducing hours, but defo makes sense.

vrogers- happy anniversary! hope u enjoy steaks tonight!

lit- oh i am glad my dh doens't play video games, i think it would drive me mad lol. glad thanksgiving was ok.
sorry about V not feeling great, she just needs lots of hugs and comfort from mumma.

WDW- lovely to hear from you!! congrats on number 4! i can imagine u feeling overwhelmed, but it will all work out ok!

afm- so i had this really rough one night with isa where he after waking, he would not settle. i walked aroind with him for ages, and rocked him etc, and i felt so tired. i started crying and dh took isa but was still another hour or so before he settled. The next day i had to go into uni and i was shattered and dh text me saying we need to start helping isa to learn to fall asleep himself, and self soothe etc. he told me he put him down for a nap and just sat next to the cot and shhuushed isa and played soothing music. He cried for a while, fussed then fell asleep for 2 hours.
So at night, unless he falls asleep drinking his milk, we put him down drowsy, and yesterday he fell asleep within 5 mins and no crying! Only thing is when he wakes at night we need to do the same thing, but i haven't yet and he ends up in the bed, but it's a start and wasn't as bad as i thought it would be at all. I try to do it for naps as well.
besides that not much else! he seems a bit out of sorts today, not sure why. DH has an interview yesterday , just for a cafe but the interviewer didn't come! he waited 30 mins. It put dh in a bad mood as he came home from college, got ready and left for interview and then it was a waste of time.
ok so this is getting long, i'llstop here for now.
have a good day ladies x
WDW- that's reassuring, thank you!

Literati- sounds like a perfect fall day! Poor V! The little whimpers sound so sad. I hope whatever it is passes quickly and she's back to her usual self.

Apple- you are so sweet, thank you for the different perspective! I have heard people who have 2 under 2 (or more) say it's hard at first but worth it in the end. I'm trying to keep that in mind!
I'm sure O will do well especially since ds will be with him, that would make me feel a little better!

Ally- thank you, I am definitely ready for steak haha.
I'm sorry about the rough night! L usually settles and self soothes great but on the rare occasion she doesn't it almost feels like having a newborn again. I'm glad you and dh seem to be handling it just fine and helping him fall asleep better.
That sucks the interviewer didn't show, how inconsiderate of him/her. I would have been frustrated too!

Afm- we had L's appointment yesterday and it went great other than an unexpected flu shot. They asked if we wanted it and pretty much recommended it, so I went ahead and said yes, definitely don't want to risk a 9 month old getting flu! She only cried for a min, but of course her naps were thrown off so she was quite grumpy the rest of the day. She weighs 18.4 pounds and 28.5 in long so growing well.
L has some major stranger anxiety, my dad came over Monday because he was off work and she screamed when she saw him, then again at the end when he wanted to hold her. She also screamed at the doc when anyone started messing with her. She seems okay out in public with lots of strangers, apparently just doesn't like the focus on her.
I have some bubbles coming in the mail, it's cool weather today finally so I'm excited to see how L and our dogs react to seeing bubbles for the first time.
That's about it here! Hope everyone is having a good day
VRogers - I hope the flu shot is beneficial to L! I hadn't even thought about one for V. I am undecided about it.
Sounds like she is growing well. Violet is the same with stranger anxiety. She has been like that for quite a while

Ally - that's great you're making some progress with Isa falling asleep on his own. I don't think it's imperative that you do it all night at first. You could wait until he's mastered it for naps and bedtime and then try it for night wake ups if you are feeling up to it/like Isa is ready/etc. Sorry you had such a rough night the other night.

Apple - that is so sad about ds starting nursery soon. :( That's also terrible about your first day back at work on Christmas Day, but good thing you can take leave until January! It's so wonderful being on maternity leave, isn't it?
I am also a huge Christmas fan. Your Christmas cake sounds yummy!

AFM - Violet is still quite sick and whiny, but the whimpering has definitely quieted down a bit. Looking forward to the poor girl feeling all better soon.
Another busy week this week. Feels like we are always running from activity to activity lately! Yesterday I had physio in the AM, aerobics in the evening, and then DH went out for wings with friends when I got home.
Today my sister-in-law came over to drop something off so I invited her to stay for a little visit (conveniently, my house was actually clean for once!). So, that was nice! Also had my exercise class this AM, but there are a lot of new people and they all have younger babies than me, so I am feeling a bit like the odd one out. This might be the last session for me.
Hope you're all doing well.

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