January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Literati- I hadn't even given the flu shot a thought (I never got one until I had L in the hospital) but they mentioned babies already coming in w/ the flu so I decided to go for it. She's not in daycare, dh got his shot and we don't go out a whole lot so I'm sure the chances that she'd get it are slim but better safe than sorry I guess.
Glad L isn't the only one with stranger anxiety! I know our families probably feel offended but at least it's a normal developmental stage and not something that needs to be "fixed".
I hope Violet continues getting better. Does your dh work weekends, I'm sure you've said but I can't remember?
I don't blame you for feeling out of place in the exercise class. That's too bad, I hope it works out either way!

Afm- I was supposed to start my Zoloft last night but forgot, of course. I'm now on that, the supplement, and the prenantals and I'm already not good at remembering to take it. I'll have to set an alarm on my phone.
I think I asked this before, but what do other SAHMs do during the day so it doesn't drag so much? We have quite a few toys for L but her attention span is so short she cycles through them so fast and other than her jumper and swing outside, I run out of ideas pretty early in the day. Guess I should try getting out more!
Aw guys, I will read later but just wanted to say my Isa is unwell. He got a rash on his body and we took him to hospital. He has foot and mouth disease PLUS tonsillitis!!!! My poor boy. He's got Antibiotics for the tonsillitis but the foot and mouth disease just has to run its course. I feel so so so sad for him. He's quiet and sad and of course isn't eating, drinking or sleeping much. The dr was re assuring though and said its common and can be caught from anyone - e.g. Someone coughing near him etc. send us positive vibes please, I'm a sad mummy xx
Oh no Ally poor little Isa , are you home now ? Sending lots of hugs to little man and to mummy. My ds was admitted with tonsillitis :( horrible .. antibiotics should kick in soon x take care
Ally - oh goodness, you poor thing. I've heard hand, foot & mouth is the worst! Poor little Isa. I hope he feels better really soon.

Apple - so sorry your ds has tonsillitis as well. :( It seems sickness is pretty inevitable at this time of year. I am now quite grateful that my girls both just have colds!

VRogers - it's much easier to fill the day up with an older kid, I find. Violet just tags along with whatever we do. TBH I have almost constant housework to do with both kids. I also do quite a bit of baking when we have an at-home day. If Violet is fussy or clingy, I just stick her in the Ergo.
We try to get out for walks to the park (although I do this less often than I should), we go to indoor play areas at times, or meet up for play dates. Do you have any SAHM friends or even kidless friends who are ever free during the day? It can be a nice way to pass time, and I find there's so much less opportunity to see friends once you're working. We also go to the library regularly. The libraries here often have storytime or music time for babies, although we have rarely made it to those. Might be worth checking out? Also look up local play groups or mom & baby programs? I hope you can find a few things to do! :)
To answer your question, my DH has weekends off! It's very nice.

AFM - I had a massage today, which was lovely! Both my girls missed me terribly while I was gone. We then went to McDonald's for lunch and let dd1 play, and then we went to a little straw bale maze for kids. Now we are just relaxing at home and getting some things done. Violet is still sick and clingy. Poor girl.
Hope Isa is better soon!

I am a SAHM. Typical routine on weekday is take LO to school at 8.30 and walk home. Home at 8.45 as a short walk but if it's nice I walk the long way which is about 30min. Usually violet will nap about 9.30am and often naps till 1.30pm but if I go out I do it in the mornig and she sleeps on and off in case at or pram. If at home I craft while she is asleep or do my course.

In the afternoon it's lunch and pick up Jade xx
wee update: isa today is so much better, amazed at how fast he is recovering. He slept from 7pm to 9am yesterday, and only woke once in that time! dh and i feeling much more rested now too. Today isa has been eating and drinking as normal.
just hope his rash clears up quickly.

vrogers- you know, isa never has stranger anxiety, he seems to love going to other folk. sounds like she is doing great though! how is pregnancy going ?

lit- its good to be bus, all the activities sound great! Hope v gets better soon. Massage sounds so good!i would love one.... ahhhh

midnight- wow V takes a long nap! 4 hours! what time does she normally wake up and go to bed?

apple- Thanks xx yes we home, he wasn't kept in overnight or anything in the hospital, just a quick check and then they sent us home. Dr said best thing for isa is just to make him comfy as possible as his skin etc will bother him.
Vrogers - I hope the Zoloft helps. I'm not a SAHM, but I'm home more days of the week than I am gone. I think it might be easier for me to entertain T than it is for you to entertain L. Only because I have O to help. I give him areas to "explore" safely. Gives him a sense of independence. I find that toys aren't as interesting as cabinets and small baskets of things to get into. Does your library have an infant story time? I started taking T to ours. It's only 30 minutes, but they have some play time after. While the weather is still manageable O goes to the park with DH.

Lite - I really hope Violet gets to feeling better soon. I need to get our boys out to a pumpkin patch. Really just don't know when.. we never have free time together anymore. Bah..

Ally - Oh no.. that's no good. I hate viral infections because yeah.. just nothing you can do. At least the other can be treated. Poor guy.. I'm glad he's starting to do better, though!

Apple - Did O's teeth cut through? Is DS still doing well at school? I think when my oldest goes it'll be a disaster.

Jess - Congratulations!! I think I would be more excited than anything if I ended up pregnant right now. Baby fever is real.. although I know it really wouldn't be a good time to have another. My mind would just ignore that part haha..

AFM - I didn't reply all the way back, but wanted to get on here and finally reply. Nothing too new going on around here. I started taking T to infant story time and that was kind of nice. There were only two other moms and their babies. O went to the park with DH and had a blast so that was nice to just get some individual 1:1 time. Was going to take O to the preschool age group one, but I was not really wanting to do anything because I had a blocked duct. I had such extreme anxiety going to the story time with T, though. My fitbit read me as having active minutes the entire time.

About that blocked duct.. that was horrible. I couldn't imagine mastitis. The blocked duct was bad enough. It started hurting while I was at work and didn't get better so I went a whole day of no baby on the breast just pump so that definitely didn't help. The next day it hurt pretty awful. Wasn't draining at all. I noticed that I had a white spot on my nipple. It was a milk blister, but still draining a little so I figured it was up higher. Worked all day to try to get it to unblock. I finally pinched some skin of the milk blister and then a few moments later I started draining. The amount of relief was insane. So, I'm not sure if it was just the milk blister or if it was blocked further up as well. Either way.. glad it didn't last more than 48 hours. So I didn't take O to story time because it was too painful.

O has a speech evaluation coming up. I know he's going to qualify for the intervention. I had to call and get it started because whatever the pediatrician did wasn't moving along. They'll call around Wed to set up an appointment. I've been trying to work with him more, but he sure doesn't care to sit still or play along with my "games" I do. Frustrating. I just try and if he doesn't want to or becomes uninterested I step away. He's not going to gain from it and I'm just going to get frustrated. Ah well.. I'm really not that worried in the long run. I just want him to be ready for school when he gets there.

Potty training is kind of a nightmare over here. He is 100% during the day.. IF he doesn't have anything on his bottom. Doesn't matter what I try he just goes if something is on his bottom. With regular underwear he'll sometimes sit down.. and pee through them. :dohh: I read that you just shouldn't put a diaper on them ever to break the confusion except for at night, but haha.. like that is practical when we have to go places and do things. Oh well.. in time. The thing is I need him to start asking so that when he goes to daycare she can keep with it. He just won't ask. He wants to just go do it himself.

T is doing well. He's getting real steady on his feet! He will slowly lower himself from a free standing position to the ground. He has let go of something, turned, took a step, and grabbed my pant leg once. O was starting to walk around this time. He's so darn cute. I can't get over him. I think I'm going through a phase because I'm always gushing about how cute my boys are lately lol.. He has 4 teeth with at least one about to cut through. He's been a really good teether except for the 1st one. He no longer likes the paci. Which kind of sucks because he thinks he needs to suckle to sleep.
Vi wakes between 6am and 7.30 depending on her sleep at night and goes to bed 6pm-7.45 depending on her naps and morning wake. Yes she naps 3-4hrs atm but if she does she will only take one nap. I tried waking her and she was just really grumpy!


How are you all?
Ally- oh poor Isa, sounds like he needed that good long sleep! I'm glad he's getting better quickly. Also glad he's back to eating normally.
Thank you for asking, feeling much better physically moving into second tri, still going to bed earlier than usual. Have my next appointment next week, crazy how fast this time around is going.

Literati- glad your dh is off weekends! Mine is too, it helps me not go as insane haha.
Thank you for all the suggestions! I have been wanting to look into story time/etc with our library. My bff got a full time job around the time I had L, she doesn't have kids yet but it's hard to find time between her job and the baby. I did download the peanut app but I'm too chicken to reach out! I will however see if there's any mom groups in my city because I think I would have more courage not one on one.
Massage sounds soooo nice, I'm glad you were able to do something for you! Sounds like a fun day with your family too. Poor V, seems like quite a few babies on here have been sick lately!

Midnight- going outside when it's nice definitely helps me. Also the long nap does sound nice!

Ali- it seems like it's easier to entertain the older ones! Definitely makes sense. L is definitely more interested in anything that isn't a toy. Funny how that works. I remember looking into our local library story time when L was still a newborn, need to again now that she's older! The library seems like one of the best places here. That and getting outside. Thank you for the suggestions!
I would prefer a smaller story time, that sounds nice!
The blocked duct sounds awful. I hope it's feeling better now!
Good luck with the speech evaluation. What will they do, or do you know yet? I'm completely clueless on that.
Oh man not looking forward to potty training. It sounds stressful!
T sounds cute! L didn't like pacis after the newborn stage until she hit 8 months. We're not sure what happened.

Afm- we think L is cutting more teeth. She's still only got two but she's acting like she's teething. We've had issues with her not wanting to finish her bottles so Ive got a faster flow nipple coming in the mail, hoping it helps!
Not much else going on, the weather is finally out of the 90s (F) this week so will be getting outside more!
Midnight - that sounds insanely amazing that your V takes a 4-hour nap during the day! My Violet takes three 40-45 minute naps. Doesn't give me much of a break!

Ali - sorry the library storytime cause your anxiety to get so high. I'm glad you were able to get some one on one time with T, though. I get very little with V, but it is so nice when I get it.
Sounds like T is doing well and is very strong. That's no good that you never get any family time together. That is no fun at all. :( Hugs!
I hope O's speech evaluation proves helpful.
That sounds frustrating about pottytraining. My dd1 is also pretty frustrating to potty train although she has now had 3 accident-free days in a row finally. However, she has had many, many, MANY accidents during the process. Drives me crazy. I agree that it's impractical to go cold turkey on diapers, because of course while they are still learning they are going to have Accidents and you aren't going to want to clean up puddles on the floor when you're out and about! This past week was the first time we have risked taking dd1 out in just underwear, but before that we always put a pull- up on when going out just to be safe. I hope things improve soon.

Ally - poor Isa! Hope he feels better soon.

VRogers - it's hard when your good friends all work full time! I am lucky in that I do have a few SAHM friends. I hope you're able to find some library storytimes to enjoy.
Glad you're feeling better. I can't believe you're heading into the second tri already! That is shocking to me. Yay for your DH being off weekends. I agree on it saving my sanity. No idea how I would cope otherwise.
Yes, the massage was lovely. I've been getting physio and she recommended I get a massage for all my knots. I am so knotted up everywhere so the massage itself was kind of painful at times and has made me quite tender & sore ever since, but hopefully it will help with some of my problems. I think carrying a baby around all the time kind of wrecks the body!

AFM - Violet is still so miserable. I get the feeling she is teething as well, but I have no proof yet because a tooth has not cut through yet. She whines and cries what feels like all the time, she won't go to ANYONE for even a second, her little head feels all sweaty, and she has been pooping around 8 times per day which is driving me CRAZY (I can only assume it's from swallowing phlegm, since it doesn't appear to be abnormal/stomach flu type). I feel bad for the poor girl, but am finding myself quite worn out with her so out of sorts. :(
Ally/ glad Isa is getting better hon. Must have been such a worry but glad you got to go home with him x hope u r ok in Scotland with these winds !! Tv said it was going to be quite bad up there 😣

Midnight / your daytime routine sounds really nice what crafts do u do ? The long naps sound good :) v sounds like she is doing great.

Ali/ sorry you were anxious going to the group. Things like that can always be strange at first. Hopefully u will meet some nice mummy’s there :) T sounds like he is doing well. I never listened to any advice with the potty training with ds. With my older son I did find that when I used pull ups he would just use them like a nappy so they didn’t help. But with my four year old I tried them again and he did actually use them like little pants. I couldn’t do the no nappy at all thing as I was working at the time and it just wasn’t practical. I tried with ds for a few weeks and he wasn’t getting it so I gave him a break and started again and he literally only took about a week. I think main thing is just not feel obligated to get the out of nappies by a set age. They are ready when they are ready. That’s my view anyway haha 😂 and that way is much less stressful., I was also told to only have potty in the bathroom. Sack that lol.. I had them everywhere and it worked for us. He goes to toilet no problem now. O got his first tooth a couple of days ago ! :)

Lit/ hope little V is better soon, poor baby .. hugs x your massage sounded loverly..and family day, bail maze sounds really good fun. I loved the odd trip to mc ds on a lazy day until that silly woman smashed my car at the drive through lol ..,can u believe she is actually denying responsibility now with the insurers..😣 she drove into me as I was stationary from behind !! Makes me so cross !! Sorry for little vent 😂

Vroggers / glad you are doing ok. Time going quickly ! Not sure if our babies get offered flu jabs in uk?? Has L been ok after it ? I think other ladies suggestions are good for day time activities. I also need to make more effort to get to some groups. I go back to work soon and know I’ll be annoyed at myself if I don’t go! Hope if L does have more teeth coming they arrive soon ! Glad the whether getting better for u x

WJess: hope u r doing ok x

Update here: as said to Ali O finally got his first tooth !! the other day and I’m sure he is proud of it the way he is showing it off haha.. second well on way through. He is sitting and rolling around. He can get to where he wants to get but doesn’t crawl properly yet. Ds doing ok at big school, seems to be growing up every day since he started. He is super cute with all his little new sayings., “ actually mummy that’s very familiar “!! Where the heck did that come from haha . He has this new thing when he is talking and if i have an opinion he points at u and says “” no no that’s not it “ you just agree anyway haha 😂 he won’t have it he is always right ! Really bossy lol.in a cute way :) he loves writing and looking at books which I’m pleased about. Ds starts speech and language therapy sessions next week for his little stammer. Hopefully goes ok.

I was wondering what do u ladies give babies for finger foods? O is getting fussy with feeding off spoon. He has little bits of toast and sometimes egg and cheese, usual baby shop bought crackers crisps ect, I’m bit fussy about fruits at the min with him.. most ends up on floor .. he has a little catcher bib and he has sussed that when he has finished food on his high chair he gets the stuff he dropped out of his bib ha ..

On personal note I got dr in morning for my blood test results and looking like I’ll be referred to specialist 😞, trying not to think to much into it but finding that hard. I keep getting upset. I have a lot of responsibility with these 4 boys. Know I’m probably doing my own head in !

Teenager not had a good weekend but won’t bore u with details..been quite stressful though..he hasn’t been in a good place but getting better now hopefully, school have been actually really good.

just me and O tomorrow so going to have some mummy time !! Ive booked 2 days away in the school holidays for me and my 4 boys. Leaving oh behind for some peace ha .. for him I mean ! Lol 😂 really looking forward to that though we have good fun just us. :)

Hope u all have nice day ladies x
Vrogers - it's a good age for story time since they're more interactive. Yes T is always so proud of himself when he finds something he "shouldn't have. I'll say "What do you think you're doing?!" And he gets all excited with a huge grin. I did feel better but it blocked back up.

Lite - Doesn't sound fun at all. I really hope she comes out of it soon. I've been so fortunate that all T gas had was a little bit of a stuffy nose. That would be super exhausting if you can't even get a slight break.

Apple - I really hope what is going on with you isn't too serious. I never worried about myself until I had kids.. now I can send myself into panic mode.

O sounds cute with his tooth. I just give T small pieces of soft foods. Except bananas.. I'll give him a big chunk he can hold. Pieces of banana makes a mess.

AFM - My duct opened up but then closed back up. I think it might be draining again but it hurts something fierce still. I felt like total crap earlier and ended up taking a long nap. Then when I got up I was dizzy. There's a small quarter sized red area that I'm watching. It's been worse this time so I'm worried about mastitis. I work tomorrow as well. Ugh..
Ali - hmm, i would be a bit worried about mastitis as well. Might be worth getting it looked at before it gets worse! Sorry you've had to deal with that. So painful and crappy!!

Apple - I definitely hope everything is okay with you. How long will the wait for the specialist probably be?
That's so nice you're doing a bit of time away with the kids! I can't imagine trying to do a trip without DH along to help! You're amazing haha.
Honestly, no ideas on finger foods. I am at a loss as well and getting so bored of thinking of ideas.
I don't blame you for the rant. That's ridiculous she is trying to blame the accident on you! The nerve! I hope she loses and you get your full insurance payment.
ali- sorry about your blocked duct.. sounds horrible. I had mastitis, it was the worst. Urgh. Get the duct checked, it went badly wrong with me, and i had the abscess. how is it today? hopefully it will unblock and stay that way.
Hope speech evaluation goes well.

vrogers- yes your pregnancy is going crazy fast! cannot believe you are going into second tri! wow! aww hope L cuts her new teeth soon. Teething is never fun.

lit- poor V! hope she feels better soon. Its so hard when they are this young, they can't tell you whats wrong and you just have to guess. that is a lot of poop!!!!!!

apple- was a bit windy but didn't feel stormy at all. I went to uni as normal. Yup Isa recovering very well and his rash is clearing up yah! little solider.
ur trip away sounds nice, where r u going to go?
I woudl worry too, its natural, but really hope all is ok with you... positive thoughts yes!
finger foods, i normally buy them, there are wee biscuits from heinz, or ella kitchen finger foods like tomato and basil sticks. Isa just loves them, and he eats them so well! Otherwise i might give him bits of fruit like apple or pear, but mostly it ends up on the floor!!
yah to O on getting his tooth!

afm- Isa has been recovering well, rash is clearing and hes eating well etc. Its lovely to see him happy and smiley. Hes been sleeping a lot, last night he slept 13 hours straight and didnt wake once...felt quite well rested this morning. I woke up, thinking it was weird that isa wasn't in the bed. checked the time, it was 7,30am and he was still asleep and dh and i got to cuddle in bed for once.
Apart from that just the usual, uni. Dh and i are doing a month of gluten free and junk food free. We have eaten loads of fruit and veg but just now i sent him out to the shops to find a snack we can eat with our tea haha. on friday we are doing a date night and going our for a meal and dessert.
Isa getting really chatty, always making noises an trying to stand up. A few times he has stood without any support, i cant wait for him to start walking
Ally - I keep trying to get T to walk. He usually just gets down and starts crawling without trying. I can get him to stand, though. Glad he's starting to feel better.

As for my blocked duct. I'm pretty sure it turned to mastitis. I woke up around 230 am not feeling too well. I got up to go to the restroom. Started blacking out so I sat on the bathroom floor for a few. Got up did something and got super nauseated, but I didn't end up throwing up. Got up from the floor for a second time and almost completely blacked out. I crawled out of the bathroom and sat out in living room feeling awful with the chills. My breast has some redness. After sleeping in for quiet awhile I feel okay. I haven't spiked another fever so I'm just waiting to see if my body will handle it on its own. I missed work today, but I need to go in tomorrow. I'm pretty sure if I went in I would have been overcome by it. Sleep is so crucial when you're fighting an infection. I don't have insurance till 1st of December so kind of trying to avoid that bill.
Ali - oh, goodness, I can see your dilemma with not having insurance yet, but I really wouldn't recommend leaving mastitis alone without treatment! Definitely if you spike a fever again, I would go in right away. I hope it was just mild and can go away on its own. You poor dear. Feel better soon!

Ali - that's amazing Isa slept so long! I can't even imagine. I get excited if violet sleeps 2 hours. That sounds so nice to have a cuddle with your DH. Hope your gluten free/junk food free month goes well. I don't think I could ever manage that, although I suppose I could if I had to.
Hi ladies quick update I will read through properly later. Sorry can’t reply at the min to everyone. Had busy few days with teenager 😣.. bit shattered with it all really !

O doing really well at the min. Poos still bit loose from the virus a couple of week back but bright and smiley in himself. He has got the army crawl off to a T now and likes to get about and can finally get himself from lying down back up to sitting which is easier now for me. Still one tooth only.

I went to drs the other day as planned and my bloods came back as ok. Ive been referred to bowel surgical specialist, not quite sure what they do but I’m guessing it’s as the name says.. they may do further testing. I’m still very aware of the discomfort although it’s worse at some tomes than others. My appt is next Wednesday so not too long to wait.

O getting fussy so better end there. Hope u r all well. I will try and catch up n reply properly soon x
Lite - I wouldn't have gone more than 24 hours if I kept having fevers, but I didn't get another one. I mean.. your body is able to fight off bacterial infections, but generally our immune systems aren't the best while breastfeeding so the infection usually gets extreme if untreated. Thankfully I managed. If I would have went in that morning when I was having fevers and what not I probably would have been thrown on antibiotics, but I'm glad I didn't need to. I felt better yesterday, but I feel much better today. I was still pretty fatigued yesterday.

Apple - I'm glad O is getting better! I really hope you figure out what is going on. I couldn't imagine. Have you noticed it gets worse eating certain things?

AFM - Just a quick update. I'm recovering fine without antibiotics. The redness has cleared and I feel almost normal again. Still tender a bit and yesterday I was still really fatigued. That seems to have passed today. I'm glad I was able to work yesterday because I can't afford to miss more than one day right now. The other nurse called in on me, though. Then we didn't have a CNA show up. She showed up later thinking she had to work later, which was a lie. Then she went out for a "break" never came back. Then had another call in for the second shift. It was bad, but I just did my job and got through the shift. Suppose to be a nice day out, so I'm hoping to do some yard work and get some cleaning done. T is napping at the moment and O is watching PJ Masks so he can stay quiet and let T sleep. That's his new favorite lately.

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