January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Froggy- good to hear from you! You were in my state for a bit! Ice definitely shuts everything down, it’s frustrating when you have to travel.
At least Gage liked the hotel! He sounds like he’ll be walking soon, L is the same.

Apple- wow, 11 people! That will definitely be exciting. Have fun at the trade convention!

Afm- had my 28 week appointment today-glucose test along with rhogam injection and tdap. Thought I was going to faint at the end of my blood draw, was feeling sweaty and out of it. Ultrasound is in 2 weeks and I’ve told dh that he and L have to come to that one as it should be my last scan and he missed the anatomy.
L is doing good other than her sleep has gone to crap. Her normal bedtime is 7:30-45 and for the past week straight she has not fallen asleep before 9. Last night she didn’t quiet until after 10 and then was back up an hour later. Not sure if it’s molars but med doesn’t seem to touch it. I did also read when they are learning/about to learn a new skill it can mess with their sleep because of their brains going through such a big developmental change and since she seems to be about to walk that may be it? Either way we are hoping it passes ASAP because we miss our evenings to ourselves!
We took L to the zoo Saturday, it was fun. Was pretty chilly so it wasn’t crowded at all and L enjoyed the big cats pacing around.
Hey ladies been ages, hope u are all good.

apple- sorry O was difficult when u went to ur nans. Its a tough one, with sleep. Can go either way eh. Euro sounds fun, 11 of you! how was trade convention?

vrogers- how u doing? glad u got over the sickness bug quickly! Sorry about L's sleep, sounds like a phase though, just ride it out. Im sure it;s just to do with development like you said. How does she nap in the day? maybe if she naps late, try make it an earlier nap?

lit- hope interviews went well! Happy birthday to V

froggy- Glad Gage had a nice birthday :) The bad weather sounds scary! but funny about Gage staying up late and being excited to be in bed with yous haha.

afm- everything is all good here, its very quiet on here. Uni has been busy. Isa is free standing more, he took a few steps but not again since. He can walk, just doesn't know it and panics!
When he was born he has a tongue tie, and they snipped it so he could latch on for BF'ing. It worked, but they said at the time it was a severe tongue tie. He isn;t saying first words yet, which i know is fine, but i really feel like he still has a bit of a tongue tie, he cant lift his tongue properly i think. Gonna make a dr appt and get it checked.
We got his passport pics taken yesterday! his pic is sooo funny, he is actually pouting in it haha.Will try and upload it. We are going to italy in april for my friends wedding, was looking at pics of where she lives, up in the north of italy near the alps. So stunning, i really cannot wait!

We also went to get his hair cut last weekend and he hated it, cried so much and wouldn't sit still. The barber could only cut a wee bit of it, and ended up looking worse hahaha.
Ally- she was fighting her naps harder and longer than usual so I don’t think that was helping night time sleep. It seems to slowly be getting better, hopefully I don’t regret saying that haha. I try to kee her last nap of the day before 4pm-ish so she has about 4 hours between last nap and bedtime.
I hope the tongue tie check appointment goes well and you can figure out for good what’s going on and how to fix it!
Awww I bet the pouting passport pic is adorable!

Afm- wanted to jump on real fast to say I passed my glucose test, just need to take a daily iron tablet for low iron.
L has been walking more and more lately, not exclusively but she will take several steps randomly. She walks really well when we hold her hands too, she just needs the confidence to do it on her own!
Ally/ nice to hear from u, I know it’s quiet on here lately I think it’s with more and more of us returning to work and being busy with other things as these little ones get older :) O is definitely more demending these days but got a loverly little character, so cheeky. Yeah try and upload isas passport pic live to see, pouting haha bless him, I need to get one for O for October. Italy sounds amazing , I’ve always wanted to go..and April that will come round quickly. O isn’t saying anything yet either , just lots of babbling, if we say give mummy a kiss he will stick his tounge out and go as if to kiss u a big slobbery one and say aww at the same time hahah. That’s as near to a word we have got so far haha.. good luck with the gp appointment. Did your dh get a new job , I can’t remember, was he thinking about gardening at one stage ?

Vroggers, glad the glucose test came back ok :) that’s good news, things moving forward .. exciting!! Loverly time of year April to have a baby, my ds is an April baby :) hope u get time to rest if your iron is a bit low. L sounds like she is doing great with her little steps.. she will be off properly in no time :) loverly that u went to zoo and nice that it was quiet. We have an annual pass to our local zoo. I need to renew it O will love it this year :)

Well, we didn’t end up going to the convention due to snow and didn’t want to risk getting in any bother as we decided to take O with us. We ended up going out for a drive more local, still nice tho. Went out for breakfast just me , oh and O. Not sounding bad but it made a change not to have ds 4 yr old as he is full on at the min ha.. we actually got to have a conversation :)

Both me and oh have another day off work together today but planning on catching up on some jobs, I have plies clothes everywhere ! Need to have a sort haha O having a sleep so better crack on.

Oh and last thing I had a random moment yesterday and decided to go back to slimming world. I think it might help me manage my limiting fat diet for this silly fall bladder issue I have and keep me on track.. I’m determined to stick to it this time. I do like my Fitbit I got for Christmas it def seems to motivate me to walk as well haha x so fingers crossed I’ll stick to it this time! I want to lose about 1.5 st then I’ll just be below my pre birth weight.. I’m a size 12 now and adamant I want to be a 10 for my 40th !! in September ! 😂 not been a 10 for few years now so decided that’s what I want for my 40th birthday present to myself ! Haha

Hope u have a nice day ladies x
Just a quick check in at the moment. On the road to an appointing to get Os hearing checked. He failed a month ago in both ears but he was really sick during that time too. So fingers crossed it is resolved. Then tomorrow we have a meeting at the school (if it doesn't cancel.. more snow tonight) to go over the fake plan for O. They want to evaluate him for behaviors. Basically see if he has any that may hinder his learning. I always did say he acts out more than a normal child his age. Not towards others he just melts down and can't cope. The evaluation is like 60 days long so he may learn to manage before the end and not qualify. Either way I want to go through with it. He's fine at home. It's elsewhere.

Oh.. He's taken to saying "No thanks!" When we tell him to do something or stop something and he doesn't want to. It's quite comical. Because he gets all growly and instead of no it's no thanks. :haha:

T is doing great. He's just a lot of trouble! He's hitting some so we are already working on not hitting. Doesn't get in trouble and we try not to make a big deal out of it otherwise he will probably realize and keep doing it. He is a dare devil. Will get up on the couch and climb up on the arm and stand without holding on. :wacko: I told someone that and she said "I don't give mine the chance to do that" I'm just like "My child is uncontrollable!" Lol.. he is really stubborn. For real.. wouldn't change it for a minute but I don't think some people realize that children can be beyond stubborn when they have mild tempered child.

I'm doing okay. Fearful of the flu. Several people where I work have had influenza A.. the bad one this year. More worried about the boys.

Anyways I'll update later!
Another quick update. O passed everything so he's good!

Although I'm pissed off because a trooper was sitting maybe a half mile from the speed increase and nailed me with a damn 140 dollar fine. So pissed. He was just being an asshole. He didn't even check insurance.
Hi ladies just quick check in, just sat waiting for a friend in a coffee shop,

Good to hear from u Ali, glad Os passed all his tests. T sounds like a great little character. Hope u manage to stay away from that flu x

Better go Os not happy with me on the phone haha x
Ali / yay for O passing his hearing test this time! I totally understand feeling frustrated when other moms don’t understand just how strong willed some kids can be! I have the same issue. My kids are WAY more stubborn and emotionally turbulent than most kids, so it can be very difficult and annoying to talk to other moms who don’t get it. And tbh your kids sound even more strong willed than mine, so you really must feel annoyed at other moms! Haha.

Apple - good luck getting down to a size 10 for age 40! Just remember you’re beautiful no matter what size you are! :)

VRogers - is L still taking 2 naps? I’m guessing her later bedtime is because she’s getting a bit closer to dropping to 1 nap. You may have to deal with later bedtimes for a little while, but once she drops a nap I’m sure she’ll go back to an earlier bedtime for you. You can do it! Yay for passing your glucose test as well. Hope your stomach handles the iron okay.

Froggy - that sounds really scary with traveling on those icy roads. Glad you made it okay!

Ally - I hope everything’s ok with Isa’s tongue tie. Good idea to get it checked out.

AFM - well, my one interview went well enough that I got the job! If you remember me worrying I wouldn’t get another Technical Writer position, I actually did! So that’s a nice relief. Pays a bit better too. I start in 3 weeks. I am relieved to not be unemployed, but am feeling really sad because this new job is full time. Been spending lots of nights awake agonizing about missing out on Violet’s childhood when she’s so young. Also, Vi is still not adjusting to daycare and they seem unwilling to work with her and her clinginess. My mom is going to take her FT for the time being until we find a different daycare and can transition her there slowly. Poor girl is having such a hard time. She is impossibly clingy now and never stops nursing when I am home. I love her so much and she’s so adorable! Breaks my heart to leave her. Dd1 misses me but is adjusting a lot better and is having fun playing with other kids her age. She is short on cuddles, though, and will often act out and be extremely disobedient until I give a good long cuddle. She just misses me!

Violet is still not even interested in walking. I am ok with that but just find it kind of weird after she crawled so early. She doesn’t stand on her own either. She has about 5-6 words and definitely understands far less than Dd1 did at this age. It’s odd when your first one was so advanced and then your second one is just within normal range. Makes you feel like they’re behind when they really aren’t! Haha.
Apple- you sound determined, I’m sure you’ll be where you want in no time!

Ali- yay for O passing! And that’s hilarious about him saying “no thanks” at least he’s polite about it!
I have a stubborn one as well, there is no “not giving her a chance to do that” here either!
The flu is incredibly bad where I live, too. Here’s hoping we both stay well!
Ugh I’m sorry about the ticket though, that sucks.

Literati- she is! Her first is usually about 10ish, and lately has been super short, and then her longer nap is around 2. Yesterday that nap was two hours. I didn’t even think about the fact that maybe she’s trying to drop to one nap. Do you have any advice- should I try going without the morning nap and just doing an afternoon one, or is that too abrupt? Although it’s just about 10:00 here and she is acting quite tired. I guess either way I will figure it out eventually, I’ll just try to keep following her cues and getting through the later bedtime!
Oh yay, I’m so happy to hear about your new job!
Aww, I’m sorry about V not adjusting to daycare. You’re doing what you have to do for your family, but I can’t imagine how hard it is to feel like you’re missing out.
The walking thing seems like it comes out of nowhere, just like most other things they do!

Afm- L is trying harder to walk, she can take about 5-6 steps and is getting better about balancing herself. I’m in no rush for her to start though, because she already gets into enough as it is crawling!
Can’t believe I’m 29 weeks today, it is FLYING. I have an ultrasound the 19 to get a better look at baby’s heart. It looked good at the anatomy scan but they like to check again in the third tri especially with dh’s history.
It’s been a little chilly again here so I’ve been going a little stir crazy, hopefully we can get out of the house this weekend!
Vrogers - Right.. when I hear people saying that stuff I really wonder if I'm doing something wrong! I know that I'm not, it's just insane how many people I run into that act like they never have issues with their children being stubborn. I wouldn't change my stubborn children for a second. It was my stubbornness that got me places so if they can utilize it the same way they'll be good!

I can't believe you're almost in the last 10 weeks!!!! I think you'll come to really enjoy having 2. Honestly.. you'll be better off than some with them being close I feel. You'll get through all the "difficult" stages all in one blow.

Lite - So glad you got the job!!! I'm sorry about it being more hours.. the pay increase will be nice at least. So still on for baby #3? I hate the thought of missing out on my boy's childhood. I wish I could stay home till all my children were in kindergarten.

That's upsetting they won't try to work with her. I'd have such bad anxiety leaving my children somewhere if I knew they weren't doing well. I'm kind of in that situation again actually.. ugh.

She has more words than T! T says Go (with a dramatic point :haha:), Mama, Dada.. he does try to say other things though. Like cup and cat. He has said cat.. but most of the time he won't even try and just look at me. I would say T understand mores than O did. He knows that we're going to go take a bath, tries to copy everything we do, tries to put things together.. his mobile skills are right where Os were.

Yeah it's really a challenge to try to relate with other mothers. They both are definitely something else especially T! Even with O, though. The whole "behavior" thing really comes from him being stubborn. I don't think most people realize it and it's a bit disheartening because people turn around and act like I did the wrong in the situation to allow it to develop. Erm.. okay. I'm the one that can control them best.

AFM - Been a long day. O woke up at 3:30 am and has been awake since. Woke T for a hour or so at the same time. O went to sleep super early for a "nap" and never actually got up. Currently trying to get him to take a nap.

Have to go in and get paperwork done at the school. Oh boy. For his evaluation process. I'll be glad to see him get some school experience, though. Sounds like he'll be in the class for an hour twice a week and they'll work with him there. I'll find out more today. After the 60 days they'll decide if he needs intervention. I don't think he will. I think he'll adjust during that time.

I'm looking into getting a basal thermometer. I'm serious about this TTC thing. It's not just going to happen like it did with the boys since my cycle is all wacky. I really try not to nurse him, but it puts him fast to sleep.

Anyone doing anything for V-day? I'd like to get some cute pictures of the boys. I still need to do Ts one year photo shoot. I got a good idea, though! Going to get a white table cloth, do up a cake, get some balloons, probably get some different curtains for the backdrop and get pictures of him on the table smashing the cake. He never got a birthday party because we were all so sick and even though he won't know I just kind don't want to now. So he'll get his smash cake. He got his gifts and we did do something with him on his birthday so it's all good.
Lit/ fab news on the job hon I’m really pleased for you x
Sorry V not settling at day care. I totally get u with dd1 missing cuddles, my ds acts up all the time and I know he just wants cuddles. We do try and give him separate time and he is off school for half term so he has asked if we can bake cakes so that’s on todays agenda at some point.. :)

Ali, T sounds like he is doing great.. O doest say any words yet lol.. just awww when he cuddles ha.. really cute. The photo shoot sounds good fun. I’m not doing much for valentines prob just do us a meal. X

Vroggers/29 weeks wow time is flying isn’t it. Next scan shouldbe really good. It’s crazy how much they change and grow in just a few weeks:) exciting ! L sounds like she is doing really well , 5 steps is great bless her x

Well just a quick post as been up since 5 am,and o is co ally having g a nap, been the same every morning this week with O it’s looking like this is his new waking time ! 😐 I hope it improves soon I’m shattered as he is up in night quite a lot as well lately, not sure is he has more teeth coming. I’m going to meet a friend for coffee to discuss this website we are doing later. I really ant be bothered as I’m so tired but it needs doing. Hope u have nice day ladies x
VRogers - Oh, L will probably start pushing her first nap later and later and then you will know what to do! I wouldn’t worry about it until then if she’s still pretty tired quite early! I sort of wish Violet would drop to one nap now too. She’s been staying up til 9:30 or 10 pm lately, which is too late for me! Most days I am falling asleep on the couch by 9 ish because I’m so tired from work.
Sounds like L is doing great with her few steps.

Ali - Thanks. It is going to be rough for a while. They might be willing to let me switch to 4 days/week eventually (like in a year?) so I am hoping for that.
Sounds like T is doing well, though. Sorry you might have to switch childcare providers again. What’s going on?
Keep us posted on your TTC journey! Yes, we will at least be able to have a 3rd since this job will allow for another mat leave. We will still wait a year before trying though. Need to get out of a bit more debt. I don’t even have my cycle back anyway, and Violet is still way too needy to even thinking about baby #3 yet, although I do have slight baby fever and am looking forward to trying next year.

Apple - Thanks. That will be nice to make cakes with your ds! I am dreading not having time to do any of those special things with my kiddos anymore. :( Oh well - gotta do what I’ve gotta do.
Lite - Does seem so unfair to have to choose work over staying home with the kiddos. No matter how stressful they can make things I would choose to stay home with them 10/10 times. They only grow up once!

That's great that you can still have baby #3. There are a lot of reasons we should wait, but none I feel really make a huge difference in the long run. The biggest leap is getting another vehicle that is big enough for a family of 5, but we have to get another one anyways. So either way we are going to be getting a bigger vehicle this year.

I really should feel blessed in some ways to only have to work 3 days a week. Yeah those are long 3 days and I hardly see them on those days, but it allows for more full days with them. Even if I had more time in the evenings we can't really do anything together outside of doing something at home.

I will definitely keep you guys updated.

Apple - The super early mornings don't bother me too much as long as they go to bed earlier. I have to get up early on the days I work anyways.

AFM - I got a thermometer and going to start temping tomorrow. I really wanted to have an October baby, but I've come around to a November baby. Like I can decide that I will get pregnant. :haha: I still haven't had an actual period. It's really hard to know what my body is doing. I keep having cramps, gas, and my face is breaking out real bad (sign of AF), but still waiting on her to show. T is still night feeding quite often and I need to break it otherwise I probably won't be able to conceive very easily.

The boys are doing well. O starts his evaluation on Thursday. Hoping he does mostly well.

Other than that not too much to report. Been snowing a lot lately. So O got to play in the snow. Waiting on snow boots to come in to take T out in it. Need to get a warmer set of hats and gloves, though.

T is trying to say new words. I got him trying to say blue and he was saying clap in his own way. Was more like "Cla". I'm going to be overly concerned and really trying to enforce it with him since O took forever to start really talking.
Ali - yeah, I could see there being positives to working 3 really long days. It would suck on those days, but sure would be nice to have those days off. I don’t know if I would have the energy to handle 12s, though!

I agree that I would love to stay home, even though it can be very frustrating and stressful at times. A November baby would be exciting. I hope your cycle comes back soon so you can get on that! Haha. I am happy my cycle is staying away for now, although I am starting to wonder if Violet’s sleep will EVER improve.
That’s great T is trying out words so much!
We already have our huge vehicle for 3 kids, but I sort of regret getting that early because it’s a major gas guzzler! Ugh.
If we can be disciplined and wait another 15ish months to TTC, there’s a chance we could be debt-free by the time I finished mat leave with baby #3 which would mean I could look for something with minimal hours to just help supplement our income a tad. I am hoping for that, anyway!!
Hi ladies, just a quick pop on.

Ali/ exciting that u are temping :) hope u get a bfp soon. Would be nice to have a new arrival just in time for Christmas :)
I’m normally ok myself with the early mornings I think it’s just catching up on me. I’m averaging around 4 / 5 hours sleep a night. I’m ok for the first few days but then I’ve noticed a definite pattern that I start to get mouth ulcers, and a lot of them😣 so I think this must be my bodies way of saying something..annoying 😣
T sounds a cutie trying to say his words :) O still just babbles lol..glad your Litte O got to play in the snow. My ds kept asking last week, but it didn’t stick. I’m actually thinking of taking him to an indoor sky place near us as they have a place in it you can make snowballs lol,. We are very close to the sea and it very daily snows here :(

Lit / will u def be going for ttc3 ? That will be nice , I wonder if u would have a boy this time :)
I would love to stay home more if poss as well , especially with O being our last. That’s why I’m trying to sort this work out with my colleague as we both feel the same. It would just be so much more practical. I’m glad u managed to get a job that u wanted although I know it’s not the hours u want ideally. It would be good if you could go to 4 days next year and be better off. I’ve got a bit to clear. I just keep shuffling it around lol.. I’ll get there. Hope u don’t mind me asking but what do you actually do in your job? I’ve not heard of that role before..is it something u could do from home for some hours ? Although I know most jobs are not appropriate really with little ones at home. I can do some admin from home but it’s always a nightmare 😣 and I end up doing the washing haha..

Well I’m having a morning with youngest boys staying in. Weather in rubbish , raining and cold. I was planning to take O for his first shoe fitting. I’ve not bothered so far as he just chucks anything off his feet lol.. but little man took 6 steps yesterday !! :) we were trying to encourage him for ages but then ds wanted to get involved and O walked straight over rug trying to get a biscuit from his big bro ha ha .. ds was very pleased with himself haha ..
I’d got into habit of getting him to sleep in his pram after he had a bad cough a few weeks back. I decided 2 nights ago to try and put him down awake in his cot and wait outside room to see how he got on. I can’t believe both night he has gone off by himself. I’m so pleased I was dreading it. I’m going to keep it up now.

Ds is watching star wars for first time. I must have had 100 questions a minute so far haha x

Going to make a Victoria sponge this afternoon I think if weather doesn’t change for oh for Valentine’s Day from ds . It will be a meal with kids tomorrow we do it each year lol.. reality romance with little ones ..lol

I’ve edited this later In day , I got O his first shoes today and he had a total meltdown in the shop being measured haha 😣 laughing straight after again. Ds ended up coming out with a new pair of wellies with jet planes on ,,

Hope u all have nice evening x
Apple - yes, we for sure want 3 eventually. :) I hope you can sort things out so you can stay home more. It is so hard to balance work and family life, isn’t it?
Yay for O taking some steps! That’s amazing he’s drifted off in his crib as well. Violet is still extremely dependent on me to sleep. Ah, well! At least we are able to soak up lots of cuddles to make up for the time that I’m away.
My role is writing all the technical documentation for my company which is basically an engineering firm (although they do more than just that). I write reports, proposals, etc, and for this new job I will mostly be writing user manuals for the software and products they create. It is basically just writing about really boring topics (haha), but I do like it. I also do lots of editing & proofreading. They are all things I’d like to do from home eventually once we aren’t so dependent on my steady income... but I don’t think the company I work for would allow me to work from home. Kind of a shame, but as you said, it’s really difficult to get much done with kids around anyway.
Lit/ yeah I’m really pleased with O, both steps and the bedtime routine:) I’ve just put him down again now so we will see how he goes on. I’ve started skipping the afternoon nap now though most days so I think he is ready for a sleep really from 4.30 pm but I have been trying my best to distract him and ds helps that as he is so active around him after school. O is then really ready for bed. I’ve been putting him down between 6.30 and 7.30 and he sleeps prob until 1 has a bottle then it varies through the night but he always ends up in for a cuddle. I’m making the most of those moments with him being my my last baby. When he is at home he always has a mid morning nap sometimes for a couple of hours but when at nursery he won’t sleep for nothing, it’s the stimulation and busy children legging it round. I do think he likes the freedom he has there though as well. So when he comes back from there he crashes out in the car before the end of the road. I’ve been making the most of thoses afternoons as I’m using up my leave still and can only do that until the end of March so Thursday afternoons are mummy time at the moment :)
Your job sounds like u would really need to concentrate. I smiled when I read u prof read things lol.. I bet u have a right laugh at some of my posts .. I bet Ally does as well With reading loads of essays haha..sometimes I read them back after posting and I’m like what the hell did I write there 😂😂 I’m always on my phone between sorting kids so sometimes don’t check back ha..thought I’d better just read back now as we are on the subject and id written “your nob instead of your job” ! 😂😂😂 !!
Well O has fallen asleep whilst I’ve been typing, that’s a result ;)
I made us a little family valentines meal tonight and let ds help out. We made heart decorations for the table. We are stuffed now. My teen is at his dads and both younger boys in bed so think I’ll get off and see if me and oh can have a chill night x hope u all had a nice valentines ❤️❤️❤️
Lit just noticed your dd1 name at the bottom of your post , very cool name .. love it x
Hey ladies!!!
not been on in a while, but going to very quickly read and try and catch up, as im at uni and have loads to do!

vrogers- well done on passing glucose test! thats cute L is taking steps now. How is she sleeping now? still later than normal, or more settled? i cannot believe how far on you are either!! flying by!

ali- nice yo hear from you. well done on O passing his tests! Are your brother and family still with you? can't believe you're gonna ttc already haha. Crazy!!!
well good luck on your TTC journey, we will all look forward to your updates haha.

lit- congrats on the job! shame it will be full time, but hope u manage to find a different daycare for V. Probably best that your mum has her for now. I think your job sounds interesting. I like reading and writing stuff, proof reading and all that.

apple- slimming world sounds good, my aunt has recently lost 1.5 stone on it, and she still eats lots. DH is doing little bits of gardening work, and im doing bits at uni, so we just getting by. Its hard to work and study, and look after a baby too. But we decided that keep it this way for now, and once his semester ends (may) he can work more, and my thesis will be done by then, and i can find a job. Then we need to move into a 2 bedroom flat.. thats the plan for now, thank god for savings lol.
Is o still waking at 5am!!!? try to go to bed earlier and get some sleep?
thats great he sleeps on his own, Isa does that too but recently, hes had cold, and thats gone down the pan haha. Will start again tonight. is that o on one nap now? isa is the same, just one nap, usually 11ish to 12.30 or 1 and then i put him to sleep about 7/7.,30.

afm- we had a nice valentines, dh and i got each some cheap gifts , he left me a rose in the bedroom when he left for college. He can be so cute sometimes. Really busy with uni, trying to finish up my thesis, and all the other little odd jobs end up taking more time.
but its nice to get online here and catch up :D
isa has a cold but hes better now. He goes around the house so fast pushing his walker, so fast!almost running, but wont take more steps. He is saying what i think is his first word?! He says "Ajaaa" which is come here in urdu lol. My mum says it to him all the time. He says it constantly lol.
reading others talking about work life balance, its so hard. Im gonna look for part time job after i finish, and hope dh once he finishes his course can get a decent paid full time one. I hate the thought of missing out on the early days too much. I also love the idea of home schooling etc, so full time work isn't really gonna work for me i think. But i do like my work, uni, n teaching, so i want to do something with it, otherwise i think i'd feel like i haven't done anything with my uni degree. And realistically, would like one more baby.
anyway that is my rant over! i really wanna keep chatting, but gotta go write. Will get on here again soon
Literati- I’m the same way, by 10 I can barely keep my eyes open and the late nights mean less time to just chill by myself. She had a few days where she woke up around 8:30 which pushed her first nap to 11:30, meaning no time for a second nap. It made bedtime a mess so I THINK she’s still at the tail end of needing two naps.

Ali- TTC is exciting! Good luck with the temping. I temped in the cycles leading up to getting pregnant with L, it is not easy! It was nice to know exactly what was going on with my body and when ovulation happened and whatnot, though. I hope your cycles sort out soon enough, I imagine that’s frustrating!
So jealous of the snow! It’s already starting to really warm up here.
That’s so cute T is saying new words! I’m trying to get L to say “puppy” and “ball” but she still seems to mostly babble? Or maybe I’m just not understanding what she’s really saying? It’s hard not to be concerned that they are on track including with their language!

Apple- yay for O taking 6 steps! He’ll be walking in no time! Sounds like you had a nice valentines.

Ally- thank you for asking about L! She seems to be sorting it out for the most part I think, although we have been doing bedtime a little later than usual. When she goes down to one nap we will go back to old bedtime.
Glad you had a good valentines! Dh sounds sweet to you.
Sounds like Isa does have his first word, how exciting!

Afm- feels like I haven’t been on in forever. L is officially walking, she chooses walking over crawling now and can move fairly fast. It happened within a week or so, where she would take a few steps and fall and keep trying, and now she’s quite steady! It’s so freaking cute, dh and I say she looks like a baby deer walking.
Working on getting bedtime sorted, the routine starts about an hour later now and she’s still on two naps for now. Hoping the earlier bedtime works out when she drops a nap!
I had my 30 week appointment today which included an ultrasound, everything measures perfect, fluid and placenta good. Baby is measuring 3 pounds 12 oz, which is apparently above avg and they said she’ll most likely be bigger than L was at birth (she was 6 pounds 14 oz). Has really long legs too! She was sucking on her umbilical cord which was really funny to see, her little tongue would stick out and lips poke out.
I was worried because we don’t have family available to watch L when I give birth, and I’m expecting another section unless I go into labor on my own. I was planning on going through the section and hospital stay alone and quite anxious, but talked with my doc today and she said one of her nurses could entertain L for the 30ish min so dh could be with me, and at night I would just send him home to take care of her. Feeling much better about that!

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