January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

That's probably the one I'll be getting! I can't wait to hear your review Froggy!
I ordered from fetaldoppler.net. they got really good reviews, and have a PayPal option at purchase. I saw only a couple of bad reviews about shipping, but all of those people chose shipping other than the free option. Unless you live in Canada, the you have to pay. But the one reviewer from Canada received it in like 4 days.
Froggy I have the Sonoline B!

NIPT - I'm getting that and the FTS. Combined is $1000 and $400 of that we can claim on our health spending account as part of our benefits. We will get the results about ten days after the test. They have to send the blood to the US.
Yo yo - it feels so slow to me too, although thankfully it's going a little faster than the first two weeks after I found out. Still feels like I'll never be out of the first trimester...and all the hormones and mood changes and such are making me feel quite down and depressed. I felt the same way last pregnancy until I was out of the first trimester, so I can't wait until that happens again.
I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow. I'm so excited to be in the double digits. Thanks to the advice from you lovely ladies I just ordered my doppler (Sonaline B - seems to be the popular choice). Free shipping, they predict because I'm West Coast I'll have it in about 4 days. Perfect timing. :D <3

I'm with you Literati - I feel like 1st tri will never end! I just want to stop being so tired!!!
Angel what part of the west coast are you? I'm also on the west coast.

Sorry I haven't caught up to everyone.

Afm- I'm coming out of the ms that I've had since the very beginning. Just nausea every now and again. I'm excited 3 more days then double digits.

I had some drama with my mom yesterday. I'm still kinda fuming at her. I told her that our pregnancy was a secret and not to tell anyone. Period no one. The only reason I told her was because if something happened I want a support network. She decided to tell my uncle, my cousin ( both who I've not talked to in over 3 years) and one of my friends from high school. She didn't understand that it's not her news to share. I'm actually surprised she hasn't posted anything on social media after I found out she's been blabbing her mouth. My hubby and I don't want everyone to know since we are pretty private people. She was upset at me by my reaction to her telling people. Like seriously woman get out of MY UTERUS. We want to share the news when we know without a doubt that everything is great.

Sorry for my rant. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Sorry about your mum Thorpedo. That sucks. I suspect my mother has done the same as all my siblings have conveniently started asking when I plan to have another.

I cant wait to friday. I have my first ob appt so I feel like FINALLY something is happening. First trimester takes FOREVERRRRRR.

I have so far resisted the urge to buy a doppler but hearing everyones reviews makes it hard!
Thorpedo - I just don't get how people do something like that. I would never in a million years betray someone's confidence like that. Sorry your mom did that. :(
Thorpedo - I'm in Waahington state, near Seattle. You?

That's a horrible thing for your mom to do. Rant away! I completely understand your feelings, my mom did the same thing to me. She told my aunt, the one who the family jokes that if you need some news spread to the extended family to tell her and everyone will know in a day or two. And she's clearly told a couple their people because she was talking freely about it in front of a friend of hers who came with her to my graduation :growlmad:
That is specifically why I have forbidden my mother in law from being told! She can't keep a secret to save her life. If I have my way (which I don't usually), she won't find out until I'm at least 20 weeks... not sure if I can keep it from her that long, but I hope I can get close. It helps that she's out of the country right now, but the second I tell her, the entire family will know. She's better than social media!
Morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm having a bad case of the Monday's and I much rather be in bed right now, not in the office :)

Thor - I'm so sorry to hear that. When we had our first BFP last year, we decided to tell my future MIL right away. We said we didn't want it on Facebook but, within minutes she made an announcement on FB but, didn't tag us. When we confronted her about it and explained that we would like to keep it quiet until we're out of the first trimester because of the rate of MC's, she told me that I wouldn't miscarry. When I DID miscarry in December, she started smoking again (after being diagnosed with COPD) and told me and FH that it was because I miscarried. This time, I threatened him and told him she will NOT know until we've seen the HB at least twice and I told him that she MUST NOT put it on FB again and announce it to the world. Ugh, she pisses me off lol.

I actually have an appt. tonight at 6:30, can't wait to see how much bubs has grown!
Omg TTCBaby! That's awful! What a horrible thing to do!! At least my moms kept it off social media. Sometimes parents are the worst!! The only reason my mom even knows is she called me at then exact moment I had got the "YES" on the digi and I was crying and she freaked out about why I was hysterical. Otherwise we would have kept it quiet from her until closer to now
Angel - I definitely didn't appreciate it and I still hold a bit of resentment about it. I know FH really wants to tell her but, she ruined it the first time.
Thorpedo, angel, and ttc. Someone would have definitely gotten told off if that had happened to me. That is just so horrible. Not only would it suck if something bad happens, but once YOU feel ready to tell, it takes those moment away from you.
Oh my gosh! Those are crazy stories! I would be so upset I can't even imagine.

Afm- I had a couple days of less nausea and then today BAM! Full force with extra sickness. I'm so ready for 1st tri to be over.
The same thing happened to me with my mother in law. I told my mom and sister because I know they don't blabber off. Y husband wanted to tell his mom, I had a bad feeling about it but I didn't want to tell him no. So we told her and we also told her not to tell anyone, and she played along and said of course it should be kept a secret until I'm at least 4 months. Within a week the entire family knew and my husband has a HUGE family. I'm not a very angry person so I let it go but I was absolutely annoyed. :wacko:
Not only that but she's already decided that she's naming the baby and if it's boy we HAVE to name him after her husband. Her husband has the same name as my nephew who is so close to me he's practically my son as well. In my family its looked at as fairly strange to name first cousins the same name. And my husband and I already have names picked out we've been decided on these names for a year now. I hate confrontation and I'm a bit of a push over but I'm not letting this go we're going to name our baby what we want to name our baby. I'm seriously not looking forward to that drama :wacko:
And then she keeps trying to pressure my husband and I to get government aid for the baby. My husband is not eligible for government aid but I am, I'm just not comfortable with asking for government aid when I don't need it but she just won't leave it alone. If we don't need or want government aid then that's the end of it. I wish she would stop bringing it up
Okay I'm done ranting. I never ever speak up to her or my husband about her trespassing like I said I hate confrontation and I'm a bit of a pushover. I know she means well but it's annoying. Sometimes it's just nice to get it out. Lol but I'm done.

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