January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Well I had my US, don't have my official results yet but the tech said it looked pretty much the same as last time... So no heartbeat. Will wait for my GP to call with results, but most likely I will be leaving the group :cry:
Mrs green- I know what you mean about constantly checking for blood since this is when you bled last time. And it feels like a big milestone to make it past when you miscarried the last time, although technically something could still happen.

I agree with Vankiwi. The innocence is lost after a mc. I will never be so blissfully ignorant and hopeful again, sadly.

TTCBaby - what a beautiful and clear ultrasound pic! So happy things are looking good!

808- so sorry things aren't looking good. :hugs: Hope you hear from your Dr soon. Have you had any spotting since last time?
V - I've never had one so I'm no help. Hope your it clears up soon!

Chi - thank you so much. Still can't believe how much bigger she is.

Angel - I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Big hugs ❤️
808 - I'm so sorry sweetie. You and DH will be in my hearts ❤️

Lit - thank you!
Malia I'm so sorry!

Angel - it's to check for UTIs and also protein too.
808- so sorry things aren't looking good. :hugs: Hope you hear from your Dr soon. Have you had any spotting since last time?

No spotting, which is why I was so hopeful... Now just have to wait and see what my Doc says.
Malia - I'm so sorry.. my heart is breaking for you. :(

TTC - Amazing US!! I'm hoping the one on Thursday is much more clear. Although, it was constantly blurry with my son as well. Their other machine is much better.

I've only told two people. My aunt who I trust and I do believe she kept it a secret. We confide in each other a lot. Then a friend from school who has no ties to anyone else I know outside of class. Last pregnancy my dad was the one who couldn't keep his trap shut and I should have known. Really considering holding out longer than 12-13 weeks just because of last time. My mother will find out by some random person unless DH decides to tell her. I have almost 0 ties to that woman. We don't have a good relationship.

My MIL is a whole different and complex story.

Time for me to get some sleep. 4:30 am will be coming way too quick for my tired pregnant self.
3 of my friends know. We will tell family after our 4th scan next week if all is ok.
To everyone who has been going through family spilling their secrets - I'm so glad that I'm not the only one but so sad that you've had to go through this as well. It's awful. In my case, there is a no contact order between myself and my father, after he pulled a gun on myself, my husband and my mom and threatened to kill us back in October. A few week after that I had my second miscarriage (I was only 5 weeks). I told my mom I didn't want anyone to know because I certainly didn't want my dad to know. He's a manipulative narcissist and I don't want him to know and find a way to use it to manipulate any of us. The aunt my mom told is the one my dad is living with. I'm still beyond angry about it. I'm just glad it's stayed off FB and social media for now.

vrogers - my husband tried to say we shouldn't spend $ on a doppler too, I basically said I make money and I'm buying one or he'd have to put up with my incessant freak outs. :rofl: He agreed. Mostly I want one because I get my weekly appointments until 12-13 weeks and then I'm on my own for only nce a month and that freaks me out.

I've never had a UTI without the burning. The only two times I had a UTI it came with severe burning (unbearable pain). Is that why they make us give urine sample at every OB visit?

Malia - waiting for your update. keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you!!

Oh I would definitely buy my own but right now I'm in school full time and he's the only one with a job. It drives me crazy haha.

The burning sounds awful. My mom said her only symptoms are the foul smelling urine (sorry, I know that's not a lovely picture) until she gets a kidney infection, so maybe I get that from her. Just glad it's being treated now. I definitely had to google at my last appt when she made me pee in a cup! I was like uhhh why, I already had a US and saw baby, we know I'm pregnant! Haha apparently it is to check for UTIs and proteins!
Hi everyone

So sorry I haven't been on in ages. Been away on holiday and then had a nasty chest infection and I've just needed to sleep or at least try to sleep when I can but its hard with 2 children and the usual nasty early pregnancy symptoms lol!

I'll hopefully catch up on the 40 odd pages I reckon I've missed!

Not really much to report for me. I finally had my booking in appointment last week and hopefully will get a scan date in the next week too.

We discussed home birth a lot at my appointment as Emily's delivery was extremely quick. I went from 2-3cm to having her in my arms in just 15 mins!!!! Hospital is 25 mins away so the risk is far too high that I'll end up delivering on the way so as long as the pregnancy goes well and baby behaves I'll be aiming for a home water birth! So excited :happydance:

Hope everyone else is doing ok, will start reading through some of the old posts I've missed over the last 3 weeks!
So sorry Malia! :hugs:

WDWJess - wow, what a fast birth! I don't want to go quite that quick, but I'd sure like the pushing stage to be shorter with this one. I pushed for four hours with DD!
Hi again all, I was starting to do my whole am I pregnant thing again so bought a digi so pleased with the results haha, wish they told if you were any later though as we are still unsure on dates?! The sickness is getting worse as is the tiredness and sore boobs but I'm now excited for this pregnancy even though it was a surprise! Private reassurance scan booked for Sunday on Father's Day, so can't wait!!
We won't be telling family for a while as we are not that close and I know they won't be supportive, have told a few close friends and my husbands eldest step daughter from his first marriage as she is also pregnant around the same time too!!!

808 I'm so sorry Hun xxx

Caz xxx


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Eeesh, sorry to hear so many moms and MILs have no sense of boundaries. I just don't get it!

Anyone else experiencing shortness of breath already? Like I feel like there's a weight on my chest a lot of the time. Ugh. I don't recall having this so early last time. I think bras are going to make a disappearance earlier than last time. I couldn't stand to wear a bra in third tri with my daughter. I felt like I was being squeezed to death.

Yes I have shortness of breath, mostly when walking up stairs or any long distances. This happened in my last pregnancy too but much later.
Eeesh, sorry to hear so many moms and MILs have no sense of boundaries. I just don't get it!

Anyone else experiencing shortness of breath already? Like I feel like there's a weight on my chest a lot of the time. Ugh. I don't recall having this so early last time. I think bras are going to make a disappearance earlier than last time. I couldn't stand to wear a bra in third tri with my daughter. I felt like I was being squeezed to death.

Yes I have shortness of breath, mostly when walking up stairs or any long distances. This happened in my last pregnancy too but much later.

I'm actually noticing it just when sitting sometimes. Super annoying to have so early, though it's another "symptom" so a little reassuring.
Which pre-natals is everyone taking?

My samples are almost finished and my doctor told me that it probably be cheaper for me to pick them up in store.
I'm just taking the brand my pharmacy sells. They're actually the cheapest. But I compared a ton one time at the store and they almost all have the same things in them. Unless you get one with DHA.

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