January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Your mothers and MILs kind of sound horrible! I'm so aorry ladies! I would be so upset.
Eeesh, sorry to hear so many moms and MILs have no sense of boundaries. I just don't get it!

Anyone else experiencing shortness of breath already? Like I feel like there's a weight on my chest a lot of the time. Ugh. I don't recall having this so early last time. I think bras are going to make a disappearance earlier than last time. I couldn't stand to wear a bra in third tri with my daughter. I felt like I was being squeezed to death.
Thorpedo, my MIL did the same exact thing... we showed up to my nephew's 1st birthday party last month and when we walked in EVERYONE shouted congratulations. Like people I don't even know were coming up to congratulate us. I hadn't even told my own mom by that point and complete strangers knew before my own mother. We haven't talked since the party.

Had an OB appointment this morning. I am cramping very badly after my pap smear, so am on bed rest all of today and tomorrow.

Not getting any of that blood testing done because my HMO insurance doesn't cover any of it, so will just have the regular 12 week NT scan.

They prescribed me zofran for my horrible nausea, and zoloft because my depression had creeped back up in the past 2 weeks.
Ahh, sorry some of you have had your secrets spilled! My sister asked outright today so I did tell her. I know she'd never post on social media but am a bit worried she'll tell one or two people because she secretly told me when her SIL was pregnant last time!
I'm so sorry to the ladies who have had their secrets told! That really sucks. Besides the fact it's disrespectful it also takes away your joy of telling people! Boooooooo.
I was annoyed about the fact that MY parents didn't even know yet and now her FB friends knew. I never even told my parents about my last pregnancy. I'm not an emotional person and when I deal with something sad, I tend to NOT want the attention or support so, I chose not to tell them. If everything goes well tonight and we hear another strong HB, I'll be telling them this week. I think I may ask FH if we can hold off on telling him mom so I can tell my parents first this time. Only seems fair.

Regarding the blood tests, my doctor told me to not bother since my insurance will not pay for it. We really don't have the funds to lay out for it either so, we won't be doing it.
Ugh so sorry to hear everyone who has had their secrets spilled - that's so annoying! I would be livid if that happened to me.

After seeing Froggy's post I ordered the Sonoline B 3hz from fetaldoppler. I was a bit worried after seeing poor reviews about the Company, but they seemed to be mostly shipping related. Plus the Company is based only an hour away from me in Buffalo Grove, IL, so hoping it ships quickly through the mail!

Today marks 2 weeks until my scan, and I'm at 9+6. Can't wait to join the double-digit club. In 1 week I go for "cell-free fetal DNA" testing (I don't really know what that means, but it's the blood test for genetic disorders that also tells you gender). Doctor said it will cost between $150-$200 out of pocket after insurance.

Hope everyone else is doing well - can't wait to see pictures from the next few scans coming up!
mrs - thank you! I'm getting anxious now and worried. Last time when I MC, we never seen the HB, this time I already have but, it was at my 2nd appointment that we found out the baby never grew and there was no HB so, having some anxiety over that.
Well today I will have all my questions answered be it good or bad... I have blood tests and US today so my wait will finally be over. My GP is leaning towards not good, but at least I will know and will be able to start either grieving and moving on or jumping for joy! I'll keep you all updated...
808 - been thinking of you. You're in my thoughts today. FX that everything goes well <3
808- good luck! I really hope you get to jump for joy!

Ttc- the anxiety of pregnancy after a loss is no joke. With my last I started spotting at 7 weeks exactly then mc at 8 weeks 2 days so all day today I've been running to the bathroom to check for spotting. But I shouldn't, since last time the baby measured over a week behind and I knew exactly when I ovulated so I should have known. But this time they only measured a day behind which is totally normal and I heard both amazing heartbeats. Which is what you'll do tonight! Hear a beautiful heartbeat
Pregnancy after loss is super stressful. With my first pregnancy I was blissfully hopeful. Ever since that loss it's been hard!

Appointment went super well!! Baby has grown so much and HB is now 186. We got to see her arms moving and my doctor said if he was in Vegas he would put money that baby is a girl. So excited that bubs is doing well.
Oh my gosh! So so happy for you Ttc! One more sign you're getting your girl.
Lol! She got so big!!! I couldn't believe it. We also got to see her little legs moving. I cried the whole time lol.
Regarding the mothers and the secret telling, I had the same thing happen. My mom told her twin sister (both my mom and her twin couldn't keep a secret to save their lives) and then my dad told a bunch of people at church by showing them my US picture. Thankfully I talked to my dad and reminded him we're not telling yet, but there's no stopping my mother unfortunately. I'm just glad it's off fb until I say so.

I've been wanting a Doppler but my husband is being pretty strict on not spending money on one even though I've found some on sale. :( my appt is still over 2 weeks away so it would be nice to have the reassurance.

Today my doctors office called and my results from my pee test at last appt came back showing I have a UTI. I've never had one and always just assumed it would burn when I pee (which it doesn't) I only have one or two "smaller" symptoms so I was shocked. I got my antibiotics tonight.

808, hoping that you and your doc are surprised w/ good news!!

Congrats on the healthy beautiful scan ttc!!

Hope everyone else is feeling good, not too sick but still pregnant enough! :)
Beautiful scan TTC - congrats!

Malia - good luck to you sweetheart!
To everyone who has been going through family spilling their secrets - I'm so glad that I'm not the only one but so sad that you've had to go through this as well. It's awful. In my case, there is a no contact order between myself and my father, after he pulled a gun on myself, my husband and my mom and threatened to kill us back in October. A few week after that I had my second miscarriage (I was only 5 weeks). I told my mom I didn't want anyone to know because I certainly didn't want my dad to know. He's a manipulative narcissist and I don't want him to know and find a way to use it to manipulate any of us. The aunt my mom told is the one my dad is living with. I'm still beyond angry about it. I'm just glad it's stayed off FB and social media for now.

vrogers - my husband tried to say we shouldn't spend $ on a doppler too, I basically said I make money and I'm buying one or he'd have to put up with my incessant freak outs. :rofl: He agreed. Mostly I want one because I get my weekly appointments until 12-13 weeks and then I'm on my own for only nce a month and that freaks me out.

I've never had a UTI without the burning. The only two times I had a UTI it came with severe burning (unbearable pain). Is that why they make us give urine sample at every OB visit?

Malia - waiting for your update. keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you!!

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