January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali - sounds like an amazing appt!!! Glad you got to see he/she move, I cried when I was able to see that on Monday.

Ana - Sorry to hear about the bleed but, hopefully it passes quickly. Why does your midwife wait so long to listen for a HB? Any guesses from you on gender? My doctor told me Monday with that HB he would put all his money on girl. I was in shock lol.
Ali - sounds like an amazing appt!!! Glad you got to see he/she move, I cried when I was able to see that on Monday.

Ana - Sorry to hear about the bleed but, hopefully it passes quickly. Why does your midwife wait so long to listen for a HB? Any guesses from you on gender? My doctor told me Monday with that HB he would put all his money on girl. I was in shock lol.

They just like to wait till second appt I think and next one now after my scan is my 16 week appt. Oh I've no idea on gender yet! We would love a girl but after 3 boys I've pretty much convinced myself it will be another boy lol
TTC - I haven't got to see baby move yet. She/He has just been chilling both times. I hope to next Wednesday.

I'm going to make a frame with a picture of DS and his handprint and footprint. I would like to do something around LO but I'm not sure.

Any plans for the weekend ladies?
Ali - I'm sure you will!

Nothing crazy happening this weekend. Taking my dad out to lunch on Sunday, that's all.
I'm taking my little one out to go see finding dory since my DH works today and tomorrow. Sunday will be our lazy day. One week from today is my first midwife appt. I'm excited. Then hopefully with in a week of that we will see our little bean.
Not much planned for this weekend for us. If this morning sickness gives me a break for an afternoon probably take kids out on Sunday for Fathers day.

It's only 7:30pm and I'm so tired think I'll be asleep early tonight! :sleep:
Nothing going on this weekend here. Dealing with running errands and hoping we can celebrate Father's Day even though it's our first.
We plan to go spend some time with my dad. I was going to tell them this weekend, but the way I was going to do it got spoiled since my stepmother is a snoop and looked up my name to see if I was registered as a nurse. I think I'm going to wait a week or so. I want to just tell them and there will be other people around.

I might still. Just depends. My father doesn't know I passed my boards so I could do it to him.
I'm enjoying the only weekend dh and I will have together until the end of July! I worked out that he had his first work trip two days after we got the positive blood test back and has been away for almost the entire time since. That was before I was 5 weeks and now I'm 10. I'll be leaving in a week to go home for four weeks, so basically, the whole of the first trimester, we'll be apart :-( We're going for a scan on Thursday, so that dh can see the baby for the first time (aside from photos) and I'll have my 13 week tests done at home with my mum. Going to he crazy for another month to come!
Hope you all are doing fantastic today. I run an in home daycare and 2 siblings were supposed to come over today but dd#1 was throwing up all yesterday so it's just me and the girls home now. We have a father's day bbq at my in laws later this afternoon and tomorrow we're taking the girls to the carnival in town.

Anyone else super constipated? I just had 2 glasses of water, a mug of hot green tea, took 2 colace stool softeners, threw everything up, then used an enema as a last resort. I feel like such garbage!

I won't be on much this weekend so I hope everyone enjoys themselves!
We don't have any Fathers day plans, really. DH doesn't have a father, and I've pretty much disowned mine, so nothing there and this is our first LO. I'm going to buy DH a fathers day card though I think. :) We are going with my sister and her kids to see Finding Dory though. They are military and on base they have incredibly cheap movie options, and usually less people. So we are going there. :)

I still can't find my LO with my doppler (I'm 10w+4), but I'm not worried. I just figure I'm doing something wrong. lol. Plus i got the 3mhz because from whatI Read that's better for continuing after 12w but prior to 12w it's harder to pick up so I am not going to stress. Since I still get weekly U/S until 13w I will get to see LO on Tuesday. Right now my doppler is just practicing for when I quit getting my appointments weekly and will want to check myself. lol.

As for symptoms: most of mine are minimal now. I do jinx myself though, every time i tell the dr I feel good then I'm sick for the next 2 days! Sore boobs still, and nausea is off and on but very bearable. The constipation and bloating are the worst but I drink a cup of coffee still daily (switched to decaf now that I'm on summer break), and that plus Chia Seeds in my yogurt is helping a lot.
Angel so funny you say that, on Wednesday the doctor asked how I was feeling and I told him I'd been nauseous but it was getting better. The next day was probably the worst day yet!
Vankiwi - that's been me EVERY WEEK! I go in every Tuesday and every Tuesday I've felt pretty good, and I say that, and then Wed and Thurs are HORRIBLE. But by the weekend I'm fine again so by the time Tuesday comes I'm like "yeah I'm feeling great...." LoL! I told DH I blame my students, by Wednesday I'm just so tired of them that it must be manifesting as MS. :p

I'm really hoping to move into 2nd tri and not feel sick at all anymore. Or tired. That's what I want to go away is the exhaustion!
With my daughter it started easing off at 12 weeks and was gone by 14, so I'm hoping I'm on the home stretch!

I told my family yesterday. Made it feel a bit more real!
Ugh I feel so awful today I really just want to cry. I hope it gets better soon!
Hiya girls

Danser- Sorry you not having a good day. These first weeks are so hard aren't they :-(

I'm having an awful day aswel today.. apart from feeding the kids I literally haven't been out of bed all day I can't shake this nausea and I didn't sleep well so I'm exhausted. Hoping for a better day tomorrow!
Anababe - your youngest two are 6 days apart? How did that work?!
I've noticed my MS picks up when I'm tired. The better I sleep the better I feel, with some waves of nausea built in lol

Just thouggt id start by sharing my 11 week baby bloat bump :) i know its my third and i have always shown quickly with each pregnancy but this is rediculous. Also today i am so out of breath i thkught i would have a panic attack earlier. This time around my bloat bump is so high. Ive carried low with every pregnancy, consideeing little bean is still so very small and very low in my pelvic im suprised im struggling so much. Im petrified its twins again but we will find out for sure on wednesday

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