January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Shobbs - love the baby bump pic! So cute!

Ana - sorry you're feeling so worn out and crappy today! I don't manage to do much of anything these Days.

Mrs green - I've noticed how much sleep I've had makes a big difference as well!
Nausea and fatigue have picked up again for me this week just when I've been telling everyone I've felt much better this pregnancy compared to the other 2!

Afternoons are the worst, I'm having to just lay down on the sofa and put the tv on for the kids, I just have no energy to play with them what so ever :nope:

Today has been hard, we've had both sets of parents over for Father's Day BBQ. Now in bed having tidied up and got the kids in bed but my youngest is hyped up and is chattering away to herself in her cot. Dare to go to sleep til I know she has gone coz I'll feel worse if she wakes me up crying and Daddy will stand no chance trying to settle her.

Haven't bothered with a Doppler before as thought I'd get too anxious but I have to say I'm very tempted now. Haven't even got a date through yet for 1st scan, getting very impatient!!!
Hi all! It has been an inappropriate amount of time since I last checked in and i'm so sorry! it has been crazy busy on my end and i've barely been on bnb for the last month. I just read through the last 40 pages (WOW! love how active the thread has been!!) and updated the front page. please let me know if i've missed anyone

welcome and congratulations to the new ladies!!

mrs green- how exciting about twins! congratulations! i love that we have two sets in this group!

malia- :hugs::hugs: i am so so sorry hun. thinking and praying for you during this time that your heart can begin to heal and you have your forever baby soon

I can't reply to everything, but to the gals who shared their stories about family members spilling secrets to others...i was so angry for you reading them! i can't imagine ever taking away someone else's right to reveal their news.

I am so happy for all those that have been seeing their little beans in ultrasounds and hearing heartbeats on dopplers and at the doctor!

AFM, we went in for our first appointment 2 weeks ago. My doctor opted to do an in office U/S rather than try to find the hb with the doppler and we got to see (but not hear) it flickering away!! melted my heart and almost instantly all my anxiety i had been feeling for weeks before was gone. there is only ONE bean (twins run heavily on my side so it was a concern). nausea has been kicking my rear end. in the last few days it hasn't been as bad so i'm hoping i am through the worst of it and can start feeling better. with DS, it started easing in the 10th week and was gone by 11 weeks so i am very hopeful it's nearly gone this time too!!

So i've been sitting here reading for a fair bit of time and for about 10 seconds or so I felt my LO moving around for the first time!!! It nearly shocked me with only being 11 weeks (tomorrow) but I feel pretty confident it was baby. With DS, I started feeling early movements right at 14 weeks in the same situation (laying still for a long period of time and then briefly feeling light flutters). If i hadn't been pregnant before, I never would have noticed the movement for what it was. It makes every ounce of nausea I have had for the last 6 weeks worth it. I have been struggling to bond with this baby like i did with DS. But right now my heart feels so full of love for my little bean and i know that they will fit into our lives and hearts perfectly <3
WDW - I am getting super impatient for an ultrasound too! I haven't even had a prenatal appointment yet and don't know when I'll be able to get in for an ultrasound once she sees me! Argh!

Sorry fatigue and MS are hitting you so hard now! On my days off I've definitely used the TV as a crutch with my dad so I can lie down and do nothing in the afternoons. It's so hard! I feel down about not having energy to do anything.
Shobbs- lovely bump pic :)

WDW - Sorry your feeling so bad at the min. I've been the same with the children if my OH has been out, just put TV on and lie down.

Kksy - I'm 11+2 (By my dates doc put me back a couple days at early scan but still going off my dates for now) and I swear I have felt the odd movement just a little flutter here and there. But 14 weeks is earliest I felt with one of my others so not totally convinced just yet! Nice to think it could be baby though this early.

I'm not bad today. Last two days have been horrendous I was so ill all day. Just hate the feeling of nausea fine if I actually am sick but to just feel nausea constantly through the day and night is awful. Feeling bit better today just so tired.

Got my 12week scan on 5th July I'll be 13+3. Can't wait it's going super slow at the min!
WDW- sorry the nausea and fatigue have been so hard on you :( I've had several days where the TV has been on too because I just didn't have the ability to get up and play.

Anababe- I've felt a couple flutters in the last week but thought it was way too early and figures it was gas. Last night was unmistakable though. This is my last baby so I am really happy to feel movements super early! I'm sorry the nausea has been so bad for you :hugs: :hugs: mine has always been the same- never actually sick but on the edge. Praying it goes away soon for you as you get closer to second tri. Your scan will be here before you know it!!
Morning ladies! Hope everyone is well. Nothing new to report here, still tired and I get nauseated if I don't eat. I have a few appointments coming up in July, one is for the screening and the other is just a normal checkup. I feel like even though I'm on the plus side, my belly is sticking out more and it might become more noticeable. Still haven't told my parents, not sure why I'm so hesitant. I think it's because I'm not married yet and I think they always wanted me to be married first. It also hasn't helped that they've both been working a lot as have I so, I haven't been able to sit down and talk to them. FX I can do that this week.
TTC- there is definitely no pressure to tell them if you aren't ready. Hopefully they won't be judegemental and instead just supportive. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I feel like once you're out of high school, most parents won't really care about married or not and instead just be excited.
I can't believe it's Monday again. This is the first week since 5 weeks that I don't have a doctor's appointment and am not seeing the babies. On Monday is the 12 week scan and I get the blood work done for the NIPT.

My sister gave me 8 bags of baby clothes, bib and blankets, yesterday. I just have to hope now that one of these babies is a girl. The nausea has been so bad the past week. It's not fair I hope it gets better as I get closer to 2nd trimester. I think I have a legit bump now it's consistently bigger and even noticeable in my maternity shirts. oy...
Danser - Sorry your feeling so ill. It seems to be getting a few of us quite bad this last couple week. Fingers crossed it passes soon!

TTC - Hope you manage to find time to speak to your parents. Try not to worry about it, hopefully they will be happy and supportive rather than think too much about you not being married.

I also have a little bump now. People who know me and haven't seen me for a while are shocked I'm showing so soon. But I expected an early bump being my 5th. I'll be glad when it's a bit more bump like and firmer than the 'is she pregnant or fat' stage :haha:
TTC- there is definitely no pressure to tell them if you aren't ready. Hopefully they won't be judegemental and instead just supportive. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I feel like once you're out of high school, most parents won't really care about married or not and instead just be excited.

I'm 32, 33 in August. I know it sounds silly and that I'm overreacting. I don't live at home, I'm engaged, I'm just still scared lol. It's the damn Catholic guilt in me!

Thank you ladies for the support <3
TTC- lol. My husband grew up catholic so I understand the guilt aspect. I'm sure your parents will be thrilled :hugs:

Danser- FX one is a girl!! I Dont remember - are they fraternal or identical? Sorry about the nausea :( I hope it eases for you soon :flower:

Anababe- I totally have a bump as well but in the "pregnant or fat stage. With DS, I didn't show at all until 23/24 weeks (though I was 50 lbs heavier too). I'm trying to just wear maternity clothes because its more obvious lol
Morning everyone. I've been a poor poster lately. Just been so busy!

I'm also getting some bump going on. I blame bloat but I'm def much larger than before, 2 sizes larger actually, but have only gained 3-4 lbs. :/ What a pain!

We went to a bunch of garage sales yesterday. It's probably too early to pick up baby stuff but garage sales are a summer thing so we decided we might as well. I found a baby play mat, and two wall pictures that match our theme, a bag of 30 bibs in good condition, and a couple stuffed animals that also match our theme (jungle theme). All in all spent about $15 on all that.

My mom bought a high chair at a garage sale too. I told her it was way early for a high chair but ..... couldn't stop her. lol
Love the bump pic Shobbs. Glad everyone here is doing so well and love to hear that everyone is getting little bumps, eeee!! :)

KK -I'm also totally in the "pregnant or fat" stage. Can't wait until it's the pregnant part of that stage, haha.

I had NIPT today - they take 2 vials of blood and try to bill through your insurance. They told me that even if insurance doesn't fully cover it, the most you'll pay is $200 (gulp). Not really sure how that works that you only have to pay $200 if insurance doesn't cover... Anyways they say expect results by phone call in about 10 days. So I should know the gender by next week!! Hopefully the results come back negative - I'll be anxious until then!
Wow! So many of you are showing quite early! I unfortunately LOOK like I'm showing but it's really just an insane amount of bloat! It's annoying because it's very difficult to hide even with Flowy tops!

Chi- I hope the results are good! It will be exciting to find out the gender early!

Danser - nice of your sister to give you so much stuff!
Literati, I have the same thing going on! My stomach is so bloated!
I'm chalking mine up to bloat. Although, from the time of my first appt to my second one, I lost 7lbs. lol
Literati I believe it's a bump now and not bloat but I wouldn't be surprised if it was still a lot of bloat. I'm tiny so it shows so much more.

I was hoping to hide this for another month at least at work but we will see.

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