January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Does anyone have name ideas already? We have had his name picked out for years lol.
Tweety- that's a beautiful scan pic!

Van- yay congrats on a girl!!!

Froggy- we have one for sure girl name that we picked out years ago. Throughout the course of Ttc we've come up with a couple boys names which I really liked before but now thag DH thinks we're having two boys he keeps talking about them with their names, and I'm not a fan. Lol
I have a big name list I've been working on for a couple of years!
Oh no Mrs green! Back to the drawing board! Maybe the names will grow on you, but you have plenty of time decide! Boys names are hard!
We have been calling him by his name since we found out his gender. His name is Gage Matthew.
My 11w scan was good! I have a couple pics but seriously looks like an alien, so I'm not posting right now. :p lol!! Could see both hemispheres of hte brain (so odd!) and could see the heart beating away, it was in the 160s. Baby started to wake up just at the end of the scan and we saw baby stretch and roll over completely. <3 I'm in love.

I have one more week with my RE and then I "graduate" to my OB too. My next OB appointment is July 6th, so I'll have an appointment the next two weeks. But I don't think my OB will do an U/S until gender scan around 20 weeks or so.

We aren't doing early screening, mostly because insurance won't cover it. So I'm going to have to wait to find out gender for awhile.
Congrats on the great scans girls! I'm loving all the good news around here.

I had my screening scan yesterday. Everything is looking perfect! Low risk for everything and heart and placenta both functioning well. Heartrate is 173.

We also told Zoe today she's going to have a little SISTER!!!!!!
Congratulations on having another baby girl. :)
We have a name picked out for both boy or girl same first name since its unisex we've been calling this baby by their name. With my DD we went back and forth on names until I was like 27 weeks pregnant with her.
We didn't find out DD was a girl until 22 weeks, had her name picked by about 24 or 25 weeks I think but didn't tell anyone. I guess we could start deciding soon this time! Eeeeeek.

I have my list but haven't shared it with DH so who knows what he'll think!
So I have flu like symptoms and am going to my appointment this afternoon rather than Friday. I'm hoping they do the scan still.
My scan went great! Got to see LO move but no gender guesses. I forgot to ask but I think she tried. I was too absorbed looking at LO. I tried looking at the photos she gave me but no good clear shot of the nub.

Blood didn't get drawn because I need to repeat my 1 hour glucose test. When she told me she made it sound like it exceeded the value, but they didn't get it to lab in time. :dohh: I didn't find out till I got home when I called and asked what the number was. I go back tomorrow to get my blood drawn. Based on the measurement she took at the scan I believe we're good on that part.
I'm glad everyone seems to be doing great! I'll catch up better when I can get on the computer.
Just got out of scan. Literally want to cry after my mmc last oregnancy baby is absolutely perfect. Measuring at 12weeks 1 day so a little further along :) baby was jumping around, waving and playing with its feet. Im in absolute love. Pictures to follow the sonographer asked if i had completely gone off caffenine???? Which i completely have i used to love it now the smell even makes me gag
I am so happy for each and every one of you. Reading about all the cute movements and scan stories made me tear up!
I had my first prenatal appointment this morning and all was well. She gave me a requisition for an ultrasound, and I was actually able to get an appointment today! :o So wish me luck! My appointment is in an hour. Really hoping for good news.

Congrats to those who had more great scans today!
Yay I'm so happy reading about everyone's scans. I'm hoping that when I go in on Friday to see my midwife that I can also get a scan the same day.
Tweety - Awesome scan!!!

Van - Congrats on the girl!!!!

WDW - Hopefully the time passes quickly!

Froggy - We have a boy name picked out, no luck on girl names yet. Love you name choice btw.

mrs - Hope you feel better soon <3

Angel - Glad everything went well today!

Ali - Glad to hear that the scan well well!

Shobbs - So happy to hear about your appt.!

Lit - GL! Can't wait to hear about the scan.
Wow! Everyone has exciting news! So happy for you all.

We've got an appointment tomorrow and it will be the first time for dh to see the baby. I can't wait to see his reaction. He was just lying with his head in my lap and started talking to the baby - so cute!

We've got a girl's name sorted but can't find a boy's name at all. Hoping it is a girl!
So glad everyone is doing so well no went to my appointment and I have the flu :( but it's ok because my babies are absolutely perfect! Great heartbeats and measuring right on track. I can't believe they've grown so much in less than two weeks. AND I get to keep my appointment for Friday with my regular on for a scan!
Mrs green - you're lucky you get so many scans! Sorry you're sick with the flu! That would be brutal.

Thorpedo - I hope you are able to get in same day!

AFM - the ultrasound went great! Baby is measuring exactly on track, with a heartbeat of 178 Bpm! Baby was wiggling and waving his/her little limbs around like crazy. I feel so much better now! :) Thanks for the support, all!

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