January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Sorry I've not been indulged in the conversation. I've been keeping up with everyone's progress, I just had zero energy to type.

I think that's awful that people, especially close family members would feel it was their place to share the news. I can see my in laws may be like this as they are a bit gossipy, so we've not told them yet and they've not guessed. But we have told my family and they were so excited and I trust them 100% to not say anything.

Glad everyone is starting to feel a bit better too. I've done nothing but eat my way out of he nauseous, which makes me feel bloated and sore at night but it was the only way! Hated it as I usually have a really controlled diet.

This is baby number 1 for me too and I'll be 32 when baby is born. Would've liked to try earlier, but circumstances didn't allow, so feeling very blessed just now and awaiting our 12 week scan on Wednesday morning when we'll start to tell some more people and my work. 😊 Have a great week everyone!
Good luck with your scan Kittie :D

I'd be so annoyed if my parents had announced my pregnancy for me. My mum and dad were the first I told but they both kept it quiet from rest of family til I was ready which I've only just done so they didn't say anything for 6 weeks.

My little girl is poorly and off school today, I had loads to do but have to stay home now so quiet day for us. I'm feeling a lot better lately, bit sick this morning but I've not eaten yet so that's prob why.

I'm seriously suffering with constipation at the min, sorry TMI, but it's driving me insane. I eat so much fruit and drink loads so no idea why it's so bad I need to get something off the doctor!

A week til my next scan now can't wait to see baba again :cloud9:
I'm a first time mom, too! In about 4 hours I go in for my 12 week scan. Haven't seen the baby since 7 weeks so am quite nervous!

Hope everyone is doing okay and sorry for those having a rough time right now - hugs.
Literati, that really sucks! I'm sorry your mom took that moment away!

First baby for me too. I'll be 29 when he is born. If we had gotten pregnant when we started trying I would have been 22.
First time mommy here too, I'll be 33 when the baby is born.

Sorry I haven't posted much, been a busy few weeks. Glad to hear everyone is doing well and MS seems to be disappearing for most. I have a regular OB appt. on July 6th, really hoping he sneaks a U/S in that day.
Welcome Kittie!!

I know I don't post too much, but I do keep up! I'm glad everyone for the most part has been doing well! I've been starting to feel better. I don't feel as exhausted all the time, but it's not completely gone. I'm also having less days where I just feel like total crap and nothing makes me feel better other than laying down.

I told my parents and two of my brothers. I still need to tell the other one, but hoping to do it in person. My parents were super excited. They weren't expecting it at all so I got the shock value! Other than that I told one of my cousins, another friend, and my might as well be 4th brother. I'll probably go public once I get the stuff that I want to announce it. It's my last day in first trimester as well! I'm super excited be heading into the second!
Thanks everyone!

kittie - thanks. Sure help your scan goes well!

Lots of first time moms here! I am having baby #2.

Glad some of you are starting to feel better!

Sunshine - nice to hear from you! I understand being too tired to type anything! I haven't been the best at replying.

Ali- congrats on being on your last day of the first trimester! That must feel so great to have it over with! I can't wait.

I think I'm starting to have fewer nauseated days (although still there and I threw up this weekend), but my fatigue just seems to be getting worse and worse and I also am so so cranky! It would probably be better if I could just sleep all the time so I wouldn't snap at everyone ahha. :p
Glad to see there are so many first timers in here with me :) seems silly but at 31 (will be 31 in a month) I feel so old. :haha: the rest of my family (cousins, sister, etc) all had kids way younger and I'm literally the only one without kids. On the other hand, I'm the only one with a good secure job and an education, so there's that :haha:

makes me feel better That I'm in good company here :) I'm so happy for those of you having your rainbow babies after so long!!! <3
Welcome Kittie and I hope your scan goes well!

I'm happy to see so many first time moms in here.

Alijo- I'm the same way. Don't always post but I'm trying to keep up with everyone. And congratulations on moving on to Second tri.

I'm sorry to everyone who's family is taking the joy of announcing away.

chitown- Good luck with your scan. I hope your baby is active.

AFM- morning sickness has died down some. I'm more nauseous during the day if I'm hungry or if I smell something bad.
I finally got my scan booked for July 6th. At 11:15 am. I'll be 13 weeks exactly. &#128513;&#128513;&#128513; so the day I move to second tri I will be getting to see this little one. I did find out my little girl won't be able to go with me. Which I was really hoping she would be able to. So I guess I will have to schedule a private scan towards the end of our pregnancy so she can see her sibling.
Just an update - there was a misunderstanding with my appointment. Apparently they don't do scans until 20 weeks. So didn't get to see the baby and have to wait 8 more weeks. I was crying with disappointment during the whole check up. Does anyone else not get a scan until 20 weeks?
Chit - You haven't had one at all? That seems like torture to wait that long. I got one last week, but I won't get one till 20 weeks now. Look into a private one?
I don't think my OB will do a scan until 20 weeks, but I don't know if that's just the standard there or if it's because I've been getting scans from my RE up through now. At my 10w appointment they just looked for HB with doppler because she sees me in her regular office, which isn't equipped for US, I'd have to go to the imaging department for that.
Chi so you haven't had a scan at all yet?

I always read but don't always post! I find it hard as I only ever am on bnb on my phone, so it's hard to remember everything to reply to!

I felt pretty good on the weekend but back to nauseous and exhausted now.
First time mom here too! Starting with a bang and having two lol

Chi- that's crazy you haven't had one at all? I have been spoiled and bad them often and early which will stop but my doc says they always do an early one around 9 weeks to ensure baby is in the right spot and everything is good!

My morning sickness has kicked up a notch and seems to be never ending.
Chi- that is so incredibly disappointing! I am so sorry! I did get the one u/s and won't get one again until 20 weeks. But none at all until 20 weeks!? That's a long time! I do know my friend's Dr didn't let her have an ultrasound until 20 weeks last time, but that was very odd.
Chitown, my office no longer does 12 week scans and so I basically had to beg since my insurance doesn't cover that blood test a lot of people do now... I have to go to another hospital and see a specialist to get it done. Would you be able to afford a private scan? There's this place in Oak Park on the corner of Harlem and North Ave called First Peek Ultrasound that does early gender scans starting at 15 weeks for $59... we went there last year and it was totally worth it!!!
Ah sorry for the confusion, but I did have one at 7 weeks because of spotting. I was just expecting to have one today (based on what was told to me at my last appointment) only to arrive and find out that it was a miscommunication and I won't get one till 20. Normal procedure there is apparently 20 unless you have issues. I was so excited to see the baby, so was really sad when I found out I had to wait another 8 weeks on top of the 5 I just waited! Oh well - I guess no news is good news. I will love vicariously through everyone else's scans so please keep posting pictures! I love seeing how the little ones look in the scans :)
Thanks for the support all, you've made me feel better.

And greats that is a great idea! Now I see how you've got your name :)
Thanks for the support all, you've made me feel better.

And greats that is a great idea! Now I see how you've got your name :)

Ha! But seriously, if you're interested definitely look it up! I'll be making an appointment there for the last Monday in July when I'm 15 weeks because we want to do a gender reveal at dd#2 1st birthday party on July 31st.

So my doppler arrived today! First time I could not find the heart beat for the life of me, but googled some tips and found it tonight! It got up to 168 and sounded beautiful! So relieved!
My due date is January 31st although my ob said February 2nd but that didn't make since according to how far along baby measured on the ultrasound.

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