January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

My doctor prescribed me magnesium when I told her about my headaches. You just have to drink plenty of water with it so it will work!
thanks everyone for the headache advice! got one this morning and it went away with tylenol and lots of water!
had awful awful headache today, fell asleep, had no energy at all.

I had a nap, painkillers, food, water, hot shower but nothing.... its just as bad.
I feel your pain ladies!! early night for me, its 10.30pm in the uk xx
Had a check up today, baby's HR was 148bpm. They told me I can stop taking my progesterone now. Had to go to the lab to get 6 vials of blood drawn and give a urine sample! Have no idea why they needed so much just for a panel and my thyroid check. Crazy!

NT ultrasound next Monday!!! I can't wait to see how baby looks!
I haven't had really any issues with headaches until today. My head has been throbbing all day and I was on the go working for 12 hours. Took some Tylenol and it came right back full force a couple of hours later. I just suffered with it the rest of my shift. Got home and took some a little while ago. Hoping some sleep helps.

Also my appointment got moved back because the person I was going to see won't be in. Little bummed but it is what it is.
Hi ladies! Sorry so many of you are dealing with headaches. I'm in the same boat. Turns out the majority of mine were caused by high blood pressure so I am now on meds. Today the nurse told me anytime I have a headache that doesn't go away with Tylenol something may be wrong and to talk to your doc or go in. Obviously I'm sure most are caused by hormones or dehydration or stress but just thought I'd throw it out there to anyone getting consistent headaches. I was getting them every day slowly getting worse.
i woke with headache still there, but a few swigs of coffee and i'm feeling more normal today...

good luck for ultrasound greats

I am feeling a bit sicky today, but no headache. Toddler in full force as usual and packing up ready to move 3 hours away and appeal school places. Needs must haha. x
I've had a few on and off headaches, most are work related and looking at excel. I told my manager yesterday, he is so happy and excited for me.
Glad to see I'm not hte only one with headaches!! Mine have reached migraine status, to the point where moving causes extreme pain. Tylonel does NOTHING, maybe takes the edge off. :( My sister was told by her OB that the pain from a migraine is significantly worse for the baby than meds are, especially if they are common (my sister gets them weekly when not pregnant, and was having them that lasted WEEKS while pregnant). If I continue to get them I'm going to put a call into the OB. Right now what has worked for me (sort of) is a combination of the following:

- Peppermint oil (pure, and safe for topical application NOT the kind that you buy in a grocery store for smelling purposes only) applied on my scalp, neck, forehead and temples (make sure it doesn't get in your eyes). It works like an 'icy-hot' feeling but it relieves the pain temporarily.

- hot bath with an ice pack on my head/neck while in the bath. Obviously not so hot that you are roasting, becaues of the whole pregnancy thing, but hot enough. Can't be cool or lukewarm.

- I'm taking 2 Extra Strength tylonel before the peppermint oil, with some caffeine (doctor says up to 200mg is safe, that's 2 cups of coffee a day), and then after the bath if it's still there (it's usually reduced but still there) I take another 2 Extra Strength tylonel. Shortly after that it has usually reduced to a manageable pain that I can sleep through.
For those of you that switched from your RE to your OB, what was the first OB appointment like? Did you get a scan? I have already had 3 scans from my RE and don't know what to expect. DH wanted to be there for all scans, and I would really hate if I got a scan tomorrow and he wasn't there
For those of you that switched from your RE to your OB, what was the first OB appointment like? Did you get a scan? I have already had 3 scans from my RE and don't know what to expect. DH wanted to be there for all scans, and I would really hate if I got a scan tomorrow and he wasn't there

I was with my RE until 12weeks. I have had OB appointments at week 9 and 13. My OB didn't do any scans because I'd already had the "initial first tri scans" and my RE had sent all those files over before my first OB visit. My first visit was a lot of talking and getting to know the OB. They took vitals and drew a LOT of blood for the initial blood work, and drew blood for the first Tri tests and for whatever tests that my RE hadn't done yet. Also urine sample (which is probably going to happen at every OB appointment from now on). My OB looked for baby HB with a doppler, but didn't order a scan. Mine isn't going to order a scan until I'm close to 20 weeks. I think if I hadn't had scans with my RE I would have got one during one of those first two visits. But a lot of times they don't order an extra if you've had at least one around that time to see that baby is developing okay.
Seems headaches are quite popular with us all at the moment :(

I have suffered headaches and migraine before pregnancy anyway so it's nothing new to me but I just hate them so much. My headaches are more in my eyes, more migraine like and a nightmare to shift. I woke up with one this morning in/and above my right eye which moved into both eyes over day and is now just back to being my right eye. I find it hard to cope with as it is but on top of being exhausted and the ms I've just had enough today I just want to cry :cry: looking forward to the kids being in bed tonight and just relaxing with OH.

14 weeks tomorrow. It's about time I was saying goodbye to the MS but it seems to want to hang around! Lol

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