January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Froggy- I transitioned much sooner than you but I did get a scan at my first appointment. I would call and ask what to expect so your DH doesn't miss anything
I called and got a call back from my nurse. It's just basic bloods, urine, physical, and going over medical history. Thanks for your replies ladies!
Glad to see I'm not hte only one with headaches!! Mine have reached migraine status, to the point where moving causes extreme pain. Tylonel does NOTHING, maybe takes the edge off. :( My sister was told by her OB that the pain from a migraine is significantly worse for the baby than meds are, especially if they are common (my sister gets them weekly when not pregnant, and was having them that lasted WEEKS while pregnant). If I continue to get them I'm going to put a call into the OB. Right now what has worked for me (sort of) is a combination of the following:

- Peppermint oil (pure, and safe for topical application NOT the kind that you buy in a grocery store for smelling purposes only) applied on my scalp, neck, forehead and temples (make sure it doesn't get in your eyes). It works like an 'icy-hot' feeling but it relieves the pain temporarily.

- hot bath with an ice pack on my head/neck while in the bath. Obviously not so hot that you are roasting, becaues of the whole pregnancy thing, but hot enough. Can't be cool or lukewarm.

- I'm taking 2 Extra Strength tylonel before the peppermint oil, with some caffeine (doctor says up to 200mg is safe, that's 2 cups of coffee a day), and then after the bath if it's still there (it's usually reduced but still there) I take another 2 Extra Strength tylonel. Shortly after that it has usually reduced to a manageable pain that I can sleep through.

i was prone to headaches and migraines before pregnancy and get them now, maybe a couple times a week, they usually last the whole day and sometimes into the next morning. Sometimes i can feel them all over my forehead, sometimes just on one side, and other times round my face etc. Thanks for your tips- will try the pepper mint oil. I have found caffeine helps too.

Got my "12 week scan" today. Not a NT scan just a check to make sure they're going and thriving and they are. I'm absolutely convinced it's a boy and a girl and I think I'll be crushed if it's not. I won't go back to the doctor until 16 weeks and won't scan until 20 weeks. Babies are crazy! They were bouncing around waving. It looked like they were dancing.
Also, doc said once I hit 20 weeks I'll be seen more often and will need to get paperwork and what not done then too for delivery. Most people don't have to until around 30-32 weeks but I guess with twins they want to make sure everything is done well in advance.

Oh and about headaches- my doc also said magnesium, small amounts 4-6 oz of coffee or tea a day, and try one day of round the clock Tylenol, every 6 hours for 24 hours. So just thought I'd pass along the info.
15 weeks today yeahhhhh

Same!!! :happydance: Five more weeks till we're half way there!

I threw up this morning for the first time. Hoping it was just a one time occurance.

Woot woot! 14 weeks here today. Looks like we have a lot of Tuesday turners :)

I'm technically a Tuesday turner as my scan brought my date forward by 2 days but I haven't bothered updating my ticker.

So sorry there's a lot of you suffering badly from headaches. I really feel for you all.

What's everyone's next big thing they are looking forward to? Mine's hearing the heartbeat for the first time at my 16 week check up next Tuesday and also I can't wait to start feeling baby move more (I know I'll regret saying that once I'm getting kicked and elbowed all over the place :haha:)
I am looking forward to my OH feeling the baby. Its his 1st and he is so excited! We managed to hear the HB with a doppler which was lovely especially as he cant always make my appointments.

I have been sicky too but think my heartburn makes it worse. Now I know how poor ruflux babies feel!

I'm looking forward to finding out the gender. One week from today!
Next big things for us I think are finding out the gender in just over a week and hearing HB at 16 week appt.

I'm feeling the odd bits of movement now just little flutters now and again. Can't wait til OH can feel, I have 4 children but this is his first :D

I'm feeling ok today with ms, been out all morning just got home and feeling a bit tired now so probably will end up falling asleep for half hour before kids get home.

14 weeks today.. Can't decide if it's going quick or slow, it doesnt seem two mins since we was both sat at home staring at two lines on a test and thinking omg how has this happened.. :haha: yet also feels like I've been being sick forever!

Hope everyone is feeling ok today :D
I was thinking about that this morning anababe! It feels like I just found out but at the same time like I've known forever, however that works haha. And it feels like we JUST started this group and now most of us are in (or headed into) the second tri. What the heck!
Next big things for us I think are finding out the gender in just over a week and hearing HB at 16 week appt.

I'm feeling the odd bits of movement now just little flutters now and again. Can't wait til OH can feel, I have 4 children but this is his first :D

I'm feeling ok today with ms, been out all morning just got home and feeling a bit tired now so probably will end up falling asleep for half hour before kids get home.

14 weeks today.. Can't decide if it's going quick or slow, it doesnt seem two mins since we was both sat at home staring at two lines on a test and thinking omg how has this happened.. :haha: yet also feels like I've been being sick forever!

Hope everyone is feeling ok today :D

I have 3 and this is my OH first too. Makes it a lil bit special (I know it always is...but you know what I mean!)

Sometimes I feel it is going fast, other times slow. Feels like I have been sick ages but I do not feel very pregnant.

I feel the baby every day now. Usully when I finally sit down. Where I guess the baby is is always where I find with doppler too. The pressure gets really strong! Doesnt last long. Just a little wriggle and that's it.

We are relocating 186miles away, so i am so busy with that and I think it will fly by. That busyness Is keeping me on team yellow! Xx
I'm a Tuesday turner as well, yesterday I hit my 2nd trimester. This is both our first baby (had a MC in December) so, we get excited for everything lol.

I have my NT scan tomorrow so as always, I'm excited to see bubs on screen. Maybe he/she will stay still long enough this time.
H picked up a beautiful wall hanging for the nursery last night. It made me so happy. I hope it means he is feeling more confident we will take these babies home. My doctor said I was able to take Sudafed for my congestion so I took some we will see how it goes.

I think I feel movement, not 100% sure.
Wall hanging sounds lovely.

I think the mix of this being my 3rd and OH 1st actually turnt out well. I know the score and can explain stuff to him. He is so excited! Xx

Good luck for NT scan xx

Glad you can take something Danser xx
Good luck with NT scan,

feel the same as anababe vrogers and midnight fairy- feels like yesterday i saw the two lines on the test, but it also feels slow- only 14 weeks?!

Feeling a headache coming on today :( feel so fed up with them.

I booked a private scan- just cannot wait till my 20 week scan at the end of august, feels so long away. Scan is on 26th July... hoping can find out gender.

Anyone starting to show yet? i have a massive bloat- have to wear loose dresses, all my tops are too tight.

Hope you ladies are all having a good day
I have massive bloat too. I am managing to hide it atm as my big kids do not know yet! Xxx
Monday turner over here lol

I'm most looking forward to finding out the gender at the end of this month! I can start doing some shopping if it's a boy or if it's a girl just pick up a few more sleepers and that'll be it.

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