January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

wasnt really online yest so catching up quickly now. Hope you are all well :)

AliJo- love the signature :) thank you so much- have added it on :)

Anababe- congrats on the girl. have a private gender scan on tues, can't wait...
I'm glad all of you like it! There are a lot of cute little bears that would make great signatures for us, but most are copyrighted! This was a coloring page that I just filled in.. worked out pretty good.
The group graphic is so cute, Ali! I like the font too and think the Bears look perfect :) thank you for taking the time to do that! I got mine to work by copying the IMG link as well
I'm definitely glad I found that font! It's called Kingthings Willow. I would love a wall decal made out of it for baby!
I think I figured out the signature image as well. Thanks for making that - very cute!

I'll be going back to my doctor next week. I'll be almost 17 weeks by then. Not sure if he'll be doing a scan or not, but if he does, hopefully we'll find out if it is a boy or girl!

I've finally had some quality time with DH, although he has been a little distracted. We talked out a few things, including how long my mum will come over to help. I'm sorry for those of you who don't have good relationships with your mums. It can be hard. I grew up with my best friend and she's always had a very strained relationship with her mother, to the point that they are almost estranged now. I'm extremely fortunate that my mum and I get on reasonably well. Even though she has her particular quirks, they're harmless and we both have a good attitude about either letting things go or discussing issues. I can handle being with her myself for three weeks... I'm not sure how we'll go with three MONTHS, plus DH, plus a new baby - could be a very interesting experience! We'll be booking her flight, so we'll make sure we get her a flexible return ticket :) Just in case!!! Best thing is, I know she'll be with us to help, which is what we'll need. Even if she doesn't do much for the baby, which I suspect she will, she'll be a godsend for doing the washing, tidying the house, taking the baby for long walks so I can rest (or being with me on those long walks so I get some exercise and get out of the house).

Looking forward to hearing more gender scans and other reports.

Got a question for you - are you telling people if you're expecting a girl or boy? I hadn't thought that far ahead (like most things). I had privately wanted to keep our (only) name to ourselves, but I discovered today that DH had already told his family - sigh! At least the two other extended family members who are pregnant have been forewarned that we've claimed that name! Fortunately, one is expecting a boy, and the other is due a couple of weeks after me, so hopefully I'll get in before her - haha!
Newbie - I think if I told people the name and it was taken I'd still use it! No one would spoil what I envisioned. There was a name I kind of was growing to like for a girl, but I gave it up for my cousin. Her son's name is Abel and passed away at 4 months. I really started to like the name Mabel, but I told her about it and she really liked it and felt it would be a way to honor her son. So it's hers!
I'm glad you get along well with your mother. My grandmother was like a mom to me, but I lost her to breast cancer when I was 15. I really don't have much family that can help me out.
My migraines have been extremely excruciating for the last week. I called in and got a prescription and it stopped working. Friday night was so bad, I called the midwife on call and she was concerned so told me to go into the ER. I had a CT done with dye to check for blood clots and it came back normal as well as my blood work. Pain meds aren't helping. They lower the pain but don't take it away, so now I have to follow up with a neurologist.
Froggy - That sounds awful. I hope they figure something out to help you. I've never had a migraine, so I can't really relate. I don't have any suggestions either. I'm sure you've tried everything.
froggyfrog- so sorry, i have been having regular migraines and they completely exhaust me, i had a 4 day headache.
However just magically the last 2 days I have had no sore head, and the only thing different i have done it been out more, in the fresh air ( my flat can get quite stuffy) and drank fennel tea.

Few other things i tried:
Tigerbalm on forehead
Fennel tea
Peppermint oil - rubbed on forehead
lavender oil- rubbed on forehead

Hope you feel relief soon.
Headaches are horrid. Its so humid. Currently trying to get kids to sleep. Absolutely boiling!
I'm having my NT scan at 13wks and 2 days, do yall think the ultrasound tech can make a guess on the gender? I was 14+5 when I found out with my first son
Hot - I would have her try! As long as you're aware it could very likely be wrong and you're okay with that.
Sitting down to do a (VERY long overdue) catch up. I am so so sorry that I haven't been on to update. Between terrible MS lasting until 14 weeks (i wont even go into how long my house went without being cleaned because of this as well...), my little guy being sick twice, traveling and unexpected house projects (read: things breaking), I have had practically no time for bnb. And once you are behind, it's hard to find enough time to do a proper catch up like you all deserve! I think i've got everyone caught up on the front, please comment if I missed anyone-it certainly wasn't done on purpose. There were nearly 70 pages to read through and I love how active you all are!

Ali very kindly offered to take over managing the thread to keep it up to date. I am extremely grateful for her offer. I'm leaving Thursday for a trip so between now and then will try and figure out how to get it over to her so she can update going forward. My parents are in town Tuesday so if I can't get to it tomorrow (errand day) it may be after i get back from the trip on the 1st. I hope you all wont mind if I stick around (and hopefully become an active poster again- i miss all the bnb ladies!) through the rest of our pregnancies. I would love to get to know you all better!

Van- congrats on team :pink:!!

Anababe- got your date moved to the 11th! i'm sorry about the fighting with your OH but glad you have started working through it. Congrats on team :pink:!! Have you told your kids yet? i'm sure your daughter is so excited to have a sister!

kittiecat - hello! :hi: i'm sorry it took me so long to get you added, but you are on the front page now!

hotbump- i've got you added for the 31st hun! sorry it's taken so long to get updated :flower:

chi- congrats on your little :pink: bundle! what a cute way to tell your hubby!

midnight- hello! I've added you onto the 1st on the front page. How exciting if you have a baby born during the holidays!

vrogers- I've got your EDD moved to the 11th :thumbup: and congrats on your :pink: surprise! how did it go telling family?

danser- congrats on your two little girls! will they do any further testing considering your history? and once they are here, you wont miss not having a boy - they will just light up your world

ally- hello! :hi: i'm so sorry about your previous loss but am happy that you are pregnant with your rainbow :flower: i'm sorry it's taken me so long to get the front updated, but i've got you on there now!

greats- congrats on your 3rd little girl!! I'm sure that as they grow it will be so wonderful to have 3 girls to be sisters. I have two older brothers and always felt a little left out/ganged up on as kids but i'm sure with having all the same gender, they will be best friends (most of the time at least ;) )

TTCBaby- yay for team :blue:!! have to try and even out the girls a bit on here lol. But seriously, having a little boy is just amazing :cloud9:

Tryingagain3- hello and welcome! i've got you added to the front page. how have you been feeling so far?

Ali- i LOVE the signature!! Thank you so much for creating it! I'll get the link added to the front page as well to make it easy for people to find.

LOVE all the scans you all have shared. So happy to hear it is going well for everyone (even with feeling sick, RLP, migraines etc) and that babies are all looking great. I couldn't reply to everyone but i am thinking of each of you all and praying for good scans coming up to show healthy babies. Can you believe we are in/entering into second trimester!! It has been a slow pregnancy for me so far, but with my first it was slow the first half and FLEW the second.

AFM, I am doing pretty well. MS was TERRIBLE this time around and lasted an extra month. I've heard pregnancies get harder but I'm hoping that the rest of the time is on par with my first (wishful thinking right?!).

DH decided he wants to stay team yellow this time (since it's likely our last and he wants the experience). I thought about finding out and keeping it from him, but it's more important to me that we find out together and have that shared experience than knowing ahead of time....so team yellow it is! We are doing gray, yellow and teal for the nursery. I'll save back a couple of items to purchase after baby is born- for a girl, hot pink and a boy maybe red? Not totally sure on that part yet.

I definitely have a little bump (photo attached) and have been feeling very sporadic movements since 10 weeks. I'm hoping to start feeling full kicks in the next month. Anatomy scan isn't booked yet but should be 4 more weeks. Next doctor appointment is in 2 weeks. I am finding myself so anxious this pregnancy. Considered buying a doppler but with the movements every now and again, I am holding off hoping they become more frequent to help ease my worry. We only get one scan (unless there are issues) so very excited to get to the anatomy scan and make sure baby is healthy.

Heading out to western New York this week with my DS and mom to visit her side of the family. Haven't been there since before my little guy was born so excited for them to all meet him. I'm really close with my aunts and cousins so it will be a fun weekend.

I've loved reading everyones updates and hope you all have a wonderful week! i WILL make it a point to be around more often! I have finally gotten caught up on (most of) the threads I've been behind on so just on to journals now. It's easy to stay caught up, hard to find time when it piles up on things to read ;)
lovely update, thanks for updating the front page and taking the time to reply to everyone.

Hope you have a good trip x
Lovely update KK. Hope you have a fab trip!

My OH couldn't make the scan to find out gender so I took my children (except the youngest he stayed home) so they were all there when we found out. My daughter is so excited to be having a little sister and so are my sons really, my oldest said we needed a little girl because there are too many boys lol.

Feeling ok today, very tired I feel like the first tri tiredness is the only thing that hasn't eased off so much as I've hit second tri. Not being helped by my children waking up before 6am!

Hope everyone is well, I'm not doing alot today just a quiet day at home. My mum is visiting tomorrow so will be a big rush round in the morning to get the house clean haha
Ana- that's so sweet that your kids were able to be there! And how funny what your DS said! Hope you have a nice relaxing day today before the rush tomorrow. I'm thankful that the tiredness has mostly gone away for me...it is miserable when you just Dont have the energy to get things done. Any fun plans with your mom tomorrow?

Totally forgot to include my bump picture last night...whoops! Here is my 15 week picture from last week...not big but considering i was 22+ weeks last time before i was this size, i suspect i will be much bigger the second time around lol. i dont even think i can write how much weight i've gained :dohh: because it is WAY more than what you ladies have been mentioning.

kksy- Thanks so much. I am getting blood work done today for to check for an neural tube defects. I have a 16 week anatomy scan today and a 20 week scan. We won't do any amnio unless the scans show us something wrong. I hope you are beginning to feel better and life calms down a bit for you.

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