January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Aww lovely bump KK. I think I've gained about 6lb.. not really sure if that's more than I should have by 16 weeks but trying not to worry too much about it. I swear most of that weight is in my boobs they have tripled in size! :haha:

Nothing planned tomorrow she won't get here til 3pm ish but think we are going shopping wed to buy a few bits for baby. Not got anything so far so pretty excited especially being able to shop pink :D
The heat is so disgusting here. I spent most of the weekend inside. I have a 16 week anatomy scan this afternoon I am so nervous and excited. Excited to see them and nervous something will be wrong. We bought curtains this weekend from Pottery Barn Kids. They should arrive in a week or two then MIL can help us hang them, she is so good with that kind of stuff.
Aww good luck at the scan Danser. I was the same on Sat, got myself all worked up the day before the scan panicking something would be wrong and she was perfectly fine :cloud9:
Finally caught up after being too busy to check in for a little while! Congrats to all those who have found out the sex already and are feeling movement. I've felt some small movements for a few weeks, despite being told I have an anterior placenta. I wasn't sure of feeling my DD until 19 weeks, but I must have felt her earlier and not known it.

My 20 week scan is Sept 1, so it's still a long wait before we find out sex. We're struggling with names, so it will be a relief to know the sex so we can just focus on one. I like to keep the name secret, though DH told some people last time.
Slammer we do the same, tell the gender but not the name!

I also have another anterior placenta, didn't feel DD until exactly 20 weeks, but did feel what could've been movements last night, not sure yet!
Thank you for taking the time to update and reply to everyone you could, kk! You're always welcome here no matter how often you can or can't get on :) and what a cute bump! Mine is still easily covered (only very noticible when I lift my shirt) but since this is my first I guess that's to be expected. My family is sooo happy about the girl, just trying to get my husband over his disappointment! He wanted a boy while I would have been just as happy with either.

I have to agree with Ana on the tiredness being the main lingering first tri symptom. I took a 2 hour nap yesterday and we completely missed going to my MIL's for lunch. Oops!

I have my 16 week scan Wednesday. Not as nervous as I normally am (it's usually been 4 weeks since I've seen baby) as I just saw her a week ago so hopefully I'm calm this time. When I get nervous enough I feel sick and I think I've had enough sickness for a long time!
I have a private gender scan tomorrow, but i get so nervous about scans and start thinking something bad has happened to baby..
can't wait for tomorrow 7pm to come so i know all is still ok...
danser- sending lots of good thoughts your way as you head into your scan today. what time is it at?

Ana- thanks hun! With my first, I didn't gain any weight until 24 weeks (i was overweight at the time)....this time is DEFINITELY not like that. The majority is water weight (had two times where I woke up 5 pounds heavier than when I went to bed...). I'm up
17-18 pounds :wacko:
. That's more than my total gain my entire pregnancy with my son...sigh. I lost 70lbs between pregnancies though and figured I would gain more this time. Like you, I'm trying not to worry too much about it. As long as diet isn't crazy, our bodies are just putting on what it needs to help support baby. And having lost a lot of weight once, I know it can be done again, right?!

Baby shopping with your mom sounds like fun!! Are you mainly looking for clothes or other items?

Slammer- i like the idea of keeping the name a secret....i crack instantly if anyone asks though so our names have been out there for a bit lol

vrogers- thanks :hugs: you ladies are so understanding and i can't tell you how much i appreciate it. Good luck on your next scan! i'm sure she will look perfect!

ally- :hugs::hugs: definitely understand momma. i have been so anxious this pregnancy and have been a ball of nerves before my OB appointments. I still have another month to a scan and know that my stomach will be in knots beforehand. I hope tomorrow night gets here quick for you so you can feel at ease a bit.

I think someone asked this a bit ago but now that some genders are being revealed, have you all started thinking of names (those that are sharing)? We are set on Claire Therese Lynn for a girl. Claire because my DH has loved the name for a few years- Therese after his mom and Lynn after mine (our DS is Charles Louis after both of our dads). For a boy, we are thinking Calvin Nathaniel. Nathaniel is set and after DH's brother who has done so so much for us. Calvin because I love it (probably 90% sure on it)
So many scans happening! I'm so excited for all of you who are having scans. I won't be having one until 4th August (not that I've booked, but I will try to call tomorrow).

I can't believe how quickly time is passing, yet how slowly at the same time. It felt like only a minute ago that we started this group, but when I think about it, it was about 10 weeks ago!

Oh my goodness! Weight gain! I swear I have been trying to eat reasonably healthy, but my stomach just keeps growing (and not baby). I'm trying to work out if it is bloating (and if so, what from?) because I only seem to have gain about 3kg (around 6 pounds). I was badly bloated a few weeks ago and it doesn't look like weight gain. Perhaps I'm still recovering from my flight back. Either way, my pants definitely don't fit and I'm only wearing loose fitting tops to try to disguise my larger belly. Can't wait until I go back to work and tell them so that I can stop having to hide (already ran into one family from school at the supermarket and a friend in a cafe, who picked me as pregnant at first sight). Might have to break out those new maternity clothes sooner than I thought I'd have to!!!
Ah KK don't worry about weight gain.. course you will lose it. I lost mine no problem after first 3 babies.. My 4th I struggled a bit and have stuck at a dress size bigger than I ever used to be. But I'm determined to try get it all off after this one.. surely running around after 5 children has to help burn the weight off!

Ally - I'm exactly the same and this time I was so worried I made myself feel very sick. Al for nothing as baby was perfectly fine. Hope all goes well at your scan.

We had picked Harvey for a boy but now we can rule out boys names I think we have picked our girls name.. about 90% sure unless something else comes up that I love but I really struggle for girls names.. My first choice I can't have as my niece has been named that. I think we are set with Evelyn Christine Sullivan.. I know quite old fashioned names but my grandma is Evelyn and she's been such a big part of my life (baby would be known as Evie to us day to day I imagine) and Christine is my partners mums name, she passed away when he was 16 so would mean alot to him to have her name in there. My daughter is called Lydia which is also an old name but I love it.

Baby is very active tonight! :cloud9: The movement is still very light but def very noticeable now, can't wait til we can feel it on the outside! Well if I press quite hard into where she's moving I think I can feel it a tiny bit from the outside but only because I know where it is and what I'm feeling for.. My OH wouldn't be able to yet, hopefully not long!
KK - It's great to hear from you!! Team yellow will be fun.

I've had an exhausting day and it still isn't over! DS and I are going in for a haircut. Definitely need to have his hair cut before Florida. It grows so fast.

My OH and I did the legal part of our marriage today! We plan on doing something for the family to join us in later. It's our 9th year together today and I really wanted to keep our anniversary so we just went for it. Still feels amazing! So we thought maybe we would do a vow renewal in a year when finances and time are more accommodating. I never had the moenet or time with me being in nursing school. I was dead set on getting married today, though.

Name wise.. I don't know! DH loves the name Saoirse (seer-sha) if it's a girl. I like it but it's so uncommon over here no one will ever know how to say it. It's Irish/Celtic and I guess it's getting more popular over in Ireland.

Ana - I really like the name Evelyn and it's been on my mind for a long time! I'm not too sure if I want it anymore. We planned to use the nickname Evie as well! I feel it's a great sibling name to Oliver! Evelyn is getting popular in the US. It's like in the top 15.

Weight gain.. I don't even want to go there! I swear my body is just being more efficient. I hardly ear any different but I'm still gaining way too much for comfort.

I couldn't reply to everything. I did on what I could see and remember! I'm on my phone.. well time for me to get ready again. I'll catch up better later!
Newbie - the bloating is super normal for pregnancy. I have been bloated constantly since about 5 weeks! Also - I bet a bit of your bump is baby now! I am definitely showing now, but it's also covered in a bit of flab and bloat so it looks extra big. I am having a lot of trouble hiding it this time. But remember your uterus is even bigger than your baby, and is starting to bulge out now! Plus, your organs might be shifting up and causing your belly to protrude as well.

I have already gained 8 lb which I am not enjoying very much, but technically I'm the same weight as I was at this point last time simply because I weighed about 4 lb less before I got pregnant this time.

I agree tiredness is still a major lingering symptom. Unfortunately, for the past several days I've been struggling with strong urges to throw up...a LOT! I don't really feel nauseated in between but suddenly it'll just come over me and it's all I can do to hold it in. Blech. I wish it'd just go away already.
AliJo I LOVE Saoirse! Loved that name for a long time. I'd have the same worries with pronunciation but I do know one Saoirse here!
Van - Really?? It's definitely not out. Maybe I'll do a nice middle name they can go by if they wish. Send her to class on the first day with a pronunciation card! :haha:

Lite - I honestly don't think I'll stop being tired for the next several years!
Hey all. Love all the names mentioned here. I want to share ours but worried someone will see. With this being our last we really really want to keep all under wraps.

So excited though.

So busy since moving and no wifi so sorry for lame updates x
AliJo I love Saoirse too! DH is from Ireland (born and raised), and I lived there for a little while too. But DH has a friend that knocked up and almost married a crazy lady, and she named her daughter Saoirse so I feel like it's taken. Plus DH doesn't want to torture a child with a hard to pronounce Irish name here in the US. We'll probably go more conventional, though so far we only have one girl's name that we both find tolerable, and no boy's names.

I'm up 10 lbs, which feels ok to me. I gained faster with DD, so this doesn't seem bad. And I can afford it because I was only 106 to start. :p
I really need to not worry about the weight gain. With my son I went up 50 lbs and I lost it all in just a couple of months. A good part of it was water weight, though. I was swollen all over towards then end and I remembered going in and being up 7 lbs in a week. Then the next week being back down.. then just back up again. By my 6 week postpartum appointment I was 15-20 lbs away from pre pregnancy.
Wow congratulations on the marriage Alijo.

Fab update & bump pic KK.

Just tried to upload my 17 week bump pic from today but it's too big!

I haven't got weighed since my booking in appointment so no idea how much weight I've gained!

loving the name choices. At the moment for us it's Alfie & Poppy but this could still change!
I'm finally in second trimester :happydance: it felt like it was taking forever!

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