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January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

I like the banner.

Bush - sorry to hear about the bbq. it sounds like it was a very stressful event. I'm not good with stressful events either. I like the people around me to be calm and serene. Also goodluck with your midwife tomorrow. i think the majority of them are caring people because that's the type of person who is attracted by the profession.

Buny - sorry to hear about being tired and sick. I had a few fainting episodes with dd. It wasn't nice. one was at the supermarket checkout as i was putting my groceries through. I was soooo embarrassed. Luckily there were a few older ladies around who looked after me.

KD - hello. How are you doing?

I'm also quite tired and sick. I think I'm not going to do the Harmony Test just yet. I have decided if it did come back positive i would have to wait for the NT scan anyway and go from there. So I'm just waiting for the scan now.

It would have been my baby girl's due date today. I'm thinking of my angel. Ironically i was scared about being due in June as we have to drive over 3 hours to the hospital. When there is bad weather here roads towards the hospital close and helicopters can't fly. Well today there is flooding and snow and roads closed a plenty so whilst I'm feeling sad I'm also quite relieved. my birth with dd, whilst not being the worst birth someone could have, it wasn't entirely straight forward either, and I do get scared about not being able to get to a hospital.
I don't see my midwife again until the 29th. My appointments are so far apart it makes me a bit nervous. I've been extra paranoid this pregnancy, though I don't have a reason to feel this way as I still have plenty of symptoms on and off and no spotting, I keep feeling like something is going to go wrong and I will not be bringing this baby home with me I just keep getting bad feelings, and every pregnancy dream I've had involved heavy bleeding.

I'm sorry if I'm complaining, I'm just finding it really hard to relax and enjoy this pregnancy. I'm lacking confidence and find myself constantly thinking "if we bring this baby home," or "if this baby survives or lives." Maybe I will call my midwife for extra reassurance.
Lock I am understanding where your at in this, what helps me is to remember that each pregnancy is different! Yep we've been on a shitty rollercoaster ride to get here and it's bloody scarey. Although try to be positive, talk positive even if you don't believe it 100% that's what I've done.

I'm going through this pregnancy as if it's as normal as can be, I've gotten baby stuff already, we have a feeling it's a girl so we chosen a name already! That's exciting and makes it more real.

Try not to let the past hurt your future with this lo... Positive is best and you have amazing support on here xxx hope you find the connection you long for and the happiness you deserve ��
Lock I am understanding where your at in this, what helps me is to remember that each pregnancy is different! Yep we've been on a shitty rollercoaster ride to get here and it's bloody scarey. Although try to be positive, talk positive even if you don't believe it 100% that's what I've done.

I'm going through this pregnancy as if it's as normal as can be, I've gotten baby stuff already, we have a feeling it's a girl so we chosen a name already! That's exciting and makes it more real.

Try not to let the past hurt your future with this lo... Positive is best and you have amazing support on here xxx hope you find the connection you long for and the happiness you deserve 😘
I love the banner!! :thumbup:

Shortened Banner Code:

I shortened the url's for the banner, so they take a lot less line space:


Make sure to take out the *'s.
Buny, how do I get the banner in my Sig along with the how far pregnant I am one?
Bushmumma: I'll write a siggy up for you so all you'll have to do is copy, paste, and remove the %'s. :flow: You have a lot of text, so I might need to shorten it to fit everything.
Sorry I've been AWOL, I had a week's holiday and then haven't posted because I'm on a bit of a downer lol.

Lock, that's how I'm feeling. I don't even have any strong symptoms either. I had some mild nausea for a few weeks but that seems to have gone in the last few days. My scan was a month ago and I have no dopler. I've had no bleeding or unusual pains, but I have this heavy feeling that something is going to go wrong and I can't shake it.

I've actually started telling a few people (we've told both sets of parents now) but the reason is because I decided I want to have the exciting moment where we tell and people are happy. I'm so worried that if I wait until the 12 week scan I'm going to find a MMC and my news will be bad news just like in January with my ectopic.

I have my 12 week scan next Friday so not too much longer to wait now. I'll only be 11 wks and a little bit but I'm on holiday the following week so they've booked it early in the 11-14 week window for me.

Buny, sorry to hear you're feeling rough. Fainting must be scary. Hopefully it will all ease off soon for you as things often get better around the 12-14 week mark.

Bush, hope you're having / had a good midwife appointment.

Fit, lovely early bump pics. I was going to start mine at 4 weeks but realised my full length mirror was filthy and I still haven't cleaned it! :haha:

Hi to all you other ladies, hope you're all doing good. Loving all the scans and dopler results - I should've got myself one of those.
Bushmumma- Sent you a PM. :happydance:

Lock- I'm sorry you're having such a rough go of things. Don't feel bad venting about it. That's what this group is for. We're all in such a unique position with our little rainbow beans.

Honestly. I'm still a mess, even with the regular scans. (Sometimes, I feel like my weekly scans make me more paranoid, not less.... so I'm going to be cutting back on them and not doing them so often after tomorrow.) I still can't bring myself to say "when the baby gets here," I just keep saying "if". I'm afraid that if I let myself feel positive about things that something will go wrong and it will all be taken away from me. It's ridiculous, and logically I know that thinking good thoughts won't make me miscarry simply from the universe spiting me, but dam*ed if I can emotionally understand that. I feel like if I can make it to 20 weeks, I will finally be able to relax. (There I go saying "if again.)
How wonderful Buny!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
I love it! I don't want to change a thing!
I still say "if" sometimes Buny 😕 I do try to be as optimistic a I can and dh and I have just agreed on a baby girls name..... That's pretty huge!! I have a feeling it's a girl lol.

I think if I make it past 18 weeks I'll be in my safe zone, although there's nothing pointing to saying I won't so I am going to enjoy it all the way through the best I can.
I'm sharing the news and enjoying telling those I love and it makes it all the more real.

It will get better for us I just know it!

Oh the name we have chosen is

Elizabeth Suzanne Hope Eeek!! I just love it!

Suzanne is my mum's name and Hope is dhs mums middle name.

Hope you all love it!
Morning everyone! Love the banner - thanks for getting that for us kd and thanks for the techincal help buny! I will add it to my siggy when I'm on my computer.

Everything nice to hear from you and don't worry about your mirror! I was actually embarassed about posting mine as well because my bathroom was such a mess. I don't think I remembered to post this before (baby brain) but I'm really sorry about your kitty. She sounds like mine who was also so protective after we couldn't find our last baby's heartbeat on the doppler and knew we'd lost him. She's not a lap cat at all but that night she sat with me for hours just clinging to my leg. Cats are the best.

Hope everyone is feeling okay, both physically and emotionally. PAL can be so scary, especially during the 1st trimester. Bushmumma I think you have a wonderful attitude and I'll do my best to emulate it. Though I will say I'm mostly positive at home as DH can't stand it when I say things like "IF the baby comes home". DH didn't really talk about the baby until I got my hcg done and we saw baby on the u/s but now he talks all the time about when baby gets here.

How are everyone else's SO's holding up?
Banner looks cool.

Bush, I love that name. So great to have a positive attitude.

I am trying to take things one day at at time. Feel so far behind everyone else as am due end January!
Lock, I completely understand. My last scan was at 6w6d, and now I'm 9 weeks. I have an appointment on Monday, but no ultrasound until at least 11 weeks. I feel like I'm going crazy between these appointments, and that something will definitely be wrong at the next appointment. I just ordered a Doppler, and I'm fearful that by the time it gets here, I won't need it anymore. I've had a bit of spotting, but it ended up stopping. I've been trying to relax, but I just can't imagine making it past 12 weeks. I know these are just fears based on my previous experience, and pregnancy will forever be jaded for me, but the only thing that seems to ease the fear is seeing with my own eyes that the babies are ok!

I hope everyone else is doing well!
Hi everyone. I'm totally hearing you all on the 'ifs'. I still say if. For me it's because I was so certainI i was going to get to take home my last baby. I totally and utterly let myself fall in love with my baby, so much so that I (as everyone here probably felt too) was just heartbroken and devastated when we found out abiut the mmc. It's the most heartbroken ive ever been. So I guess by saying 'i'f I'm just protecting myself.
I also try to remain positive too though.

Everything - someone in a thread here wrote the best thing to make me feel better. They told me that as a female we rely on our gut instinct but when we are PAL we can't trust that instinct in our pregnancies because it doesn't work properly. Our minds tell us it will go wrong. The person who wrote it wrote it more eloquently but I hope you get the gist and that it helps.
The time between scans is terrible too.

My worry now is an unhealthy baby because I knew my body was trying to ovulate from cd18 but it didn't happen until cd26. I know Google is bad but I've read that that makes for bad eggs.

Bush - I love the name. Beautiful.
Hey ladies. I'm at Walgreens waiting for prescriptions to be filled.

Love the name Bush!

I just had my 11 week scan. Everything looks great. Baby is now only two days behind at 38mm with a heartbeat of 176. Very reassuring. Ultrasound tech says she definitely can't be sure, but she thinks it's a boy. That's what my gut instinct has been saying, so I'm inclined to believe she's right.

I had my Panorama blood test drawn today. Should have results within two weeks. Progesterone drawn was done as well and I should have that result in two hours. If it looks good, I get to start weaning off my progesterone tomorrow. :happydance:

I'll post my scan picture when I get home, but Baby was not in the best position today so the pic didn't come out well.
Good morning ladies!!! It's 9:25am here in north Queensland and I'm super excited about my mw appointment today at 1:45pm, I want to discuss with her the option of having a home birth.
My previous Labour's have been very fast, ds1 was 2 hours and 45 mins, ds2 was 1 hour and 35 mins, DD was 35 mins and Harrison was expected to take over 18 hours and up to 3days, he blessed the world sleeping in only 6 hours! They were truly shocked, although i had no idea how long it would take as I'd never been induced before.

Anyway, with my track record I'm in between a rock and a hard place as the closest hospital does not deliver and Townsville hospital is an hour and a half away.

I'm not sure I'll make it to get to the hospital. So asking about a home birth and if it's a possibility will help set my mind at ease. Plus I really wanted that with Harrison :).

Hope I have not upset any ladies by talking about Harrison.

On a shitty note, my dad2 11yrs old was approached by the bully if the school yesterday after school and he attempted to "bash" him. Needless to say ds was able to duck the punches and was pushed around and thrown into the bushes. Upon he getting home he was wild! So proud to let you all know my boy did not punch back because his words " I dint want to hurt anyone my. It's not right".

The police were called and I spoke with the principle this morning and thus other child is so bad he already has a rap sheet longer than my leg!! Keeping in mind he is 10!

So all will be well I hope and I couldn't have taught my kids any better.
Although just quietly I would have not minding if my son had of laid one on him as this has been on going for over a month!

Thanks for listening ladies xxx

Oh and I'm so super happy you guys love the name!!
Buny woohoo for your growing baby!! That's awesome :) praying tests come back good and you can move forward with a positive outlook and begin to thoroughly enjoy your pregnancy!

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