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January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

Oh oh and guess what!!?? DH was in bigW last night and calls me to tell me he was in the baby section, aaaand checking out car seats!! A Bassinet and wait for it.......... Baby girl clothes!
Oh my god it was the cutest phone call ever and made things even more real!
Just got home from mw appointment and it was a success, she found bubs hb in about 1min and it's at a healthy rate of 156 :).
Also discussed a plan of a water birth but at hospital only as they don't do home births :(.

Even though we live an hour and a half away from the hospital they will subsidise us $120 PER DAY FROM 38 weeks until bubs is born an one night after that for dh.
They won't allow me to go any further than 41+5 if this day comes they will induce.

Oh and my blood pressure is a little low, that would explain my dizzy spells lol.
But nothing to be concerned about.
You're still lucky to get a water birth option. I really wanted one, but no one near me would allow water births as they deem them as "unsanitary" here.

That's great about your mw appointment! Can't wait for my next one :)
Bush glad your appointment went so well and you got to hear the heartbeat!! So cute about your DH doing some shopping too. Mine got his wisdom teeth pulled a few weeks ago and couldn't eat much but mush...he was making all kinds of concoctions in the food processor and said he using the opportunity to practice making baby food. :cloud9:

Buny happy to hear you had another great scan!

I was listening to Baby's heartbeat last night and I'm sure I heard movement as well - it sounds like a record scratching, and I heard it a bunch of times!! I listened to recordings online so I could be sure about what I was hearing. Praying that it means Baby is able to pee (my last baby couldn't, which is what killed him) and has plenty of amniotic fluid to move around in.

I saw a rainbow while driving this morning, hoping it's a good sign.
Lock, that's a bugger- they dint do go.e births here as the insurance is way too high! I was hoping for that as it would make life much easier for us (on the holidays we will have all 5 children)
I'm sure we will work around it though :). Looking forward to an update of your next appointment!

Fit- how cute is it when they are getting involved with things this early!? I'd love to know what they are thinking throughout anyone day about the pregnancy, I'm sure it's not that far from our own :).
I do agree you would be feeling/hearing bubs move I can too!! It's really something else :).

And rainbows, I hadn't thought about it like you but come to think of it we have seen at least 15-20 rainbows since finding out we are expecting :).
I'm sure it's a good sign xx
Fit - a rainbow sounds like a great sign. I believe in signs like these. I have also seen a few rainbows so I hope they are a sign for me too. And that must have been great to hear baby's heartbeat. I am perhaps wishing I had a doppler too as I need reassurance right now.

Buny - do you have that 11 week scan pic? I'd love to see it. I'm glad it went well and that baby is catching up.

Eswemba - me too. I hope that it all goes well for you but it is so hard not to worry and compare to our pregnancies that ended in losses.

Lock - sorry to hear you won't get your water birth. I thought about having one for my first but didn't in the end.

BushMamma - are you planning on a home birth? Or will you go to hospital for a water birth? And how exciting that DH is getting invloved too.

Hi to everyone I have missed.

AFM - I am 10+6 and having a few panic attacks. My morning sickness is easing. It did around this time with my mmc. I'm just not feeling pregnant at the moment. And where is my bump. I have enough fat but there is no hard uterus anywhere. So I am stressing. I don't feel like I can put the banner into my signature until after my 13 week scan.
Bush, glad baby is doing well! Sorry your bp is low. Did mw offer any advice to help bring it up? Don't guess there is really much that can be done about that. Hope it gets back up to where it needs to be soon!

Lock- I tried to tell my dh that I was going to have the baby in a birthing pool at the house so I could have a water birth and he practically laughed me out of the state. Lol. I got, "that's gross!" about 10 times and then he proceeded to begin dramatically shuddering and making icky faces. .....men. :shrug:

Fit- I love that you heard baby moving. I'm still a bit frustrated because baby's heartbeat is still really quiet on the Doppler. I have to count it out myself because the Doppler doesn't even pick up all the beats. The rate is fine, but I just can't help feeling that it should be louder by now. Don't know if baby is in the back or what. So I definitely can't really hear movement because I can barely hear baby! Is that normal? Can you hear baby loud and clear?

Spud, try not to stress! Push out the bad thoughts and just tell yourself you are grateful for a good day. I was reading on one of my apps that ms might be easing up in week 10 because your hormones have already reached their peak. Have you considered a Doppler? Mine was like $34 and has been well worth the reassurance it has provided. When is your next appointment?

hi to everyone else!!!

AFM, I am having good days and bad days. Bad days really haven't been that bad (until today). I have just been having some nausea that makes it hard to eat a lot of things on those days. I have really been neglecting the house the past few weeks, and decided to really get cleaning today as a present for Father's Day for dh (you know the house is messy when cleaning becomes a present :rofl:)..... and then I puked up my lunch 30 minutes in. Honestly, I didn't even get much done. He won't even be able to tell I tried (probably because I started with throwing away random expired things in the pantry. I have no earthly idea why that was a priority for me). I went a nice 13 days without puking. Thought I was done with that crap. I have now put myself back in bed for the evening. DH is working until midnight so I just get to sit here with the dogs and feel sorry for myself. Lol.
Well I'm out of state for the week visiting family while DH is on a business trip. By some miracle DS slept in until 11am today, pretty much allowing me to sleep in as well, which I really needed.

My next scan will be in the 30th of June, not much longer now! I'll be 13+1 then. I'm excited :happydance: I can't believe we are getting so close to 2nd tri already.

Still no bump yet here, but a lot of people I know are getting girl vibes from me. I honestly hope they are right :blush:
Bush glad your midwife appointment went well.

Fit mama great you heard heartbeat and some movement.

Spud sorry your feeling that way, its so hard after a loss to not get worried.

KD sorry you were sick, its hard to keep on top of the house work with exhaustion. When we are in 2nd Tri we will all have loads of energy!

Lock and Key not long until your scan!

8 weeks today! :happydance:
:hugs: Spud, sorry your feeling scared, but I think everything you're going through (including the fluctuating symptoms) is totally normal. Is getting a doppler an option for you? I know they don't work well for everyone, but have one has been a real godsend for me even though I know it's no guarantee that Baby is healthy. Hearing that heartbeat at least gives one less thing to worry about. Hope you're feeling better today (or worse if that makes you feel better!).

KD, happy 12 weeks to you! Baby could definitely be towards the back and that's why he/she isn't louder. Have you tried listening with headphones? I'm not sure which doppler you have, but I have the Sonoline B and I find the speaker a lot quieter than with the doppler I rented last pregnancy...plugging in my headphones really helps, otherwise I doubt I'd really be able to hear any movement either. I also find that Baby fades in and out a lot, which I'm hoping is because he/she is wriggling around in there! Oh, and mine doesn't do such a great job at counting the beats either - once in a while it gets it right, but most of the time it either doesn't count them at all, or counts them wrong. I'm sure your baby is doing great in there. :)

Lock, hope you're enjoying your visit with family. Your next scan will be here before you know it!

Happy 8 weeks Sporty!!

I have a detailed anatomy scan booked for tomorrow and will also get my blood test results back to find out if Baby is high risk for any chromosomal abnormalities. If anyone can spare some prayers and positive thoughts I would really, really appreciate them. I'm having a really hard time because when I had this scan last pregnancy I found out that my baby was going to die and I'm terrified of history repeating itself. It doesn't help that the place I'm going to for the scan/blood test results called me yesterday (when the office isn't even open) and didn't leave a message, which now has me terrified that they were calling with bad news about my blood work even though they told me they wouldn't be calling with my results at all, and that I'd get them at the scan...
Fit, sorry you are so worried about tomorrow. I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure baby is just fine in there!!!! Thanks for the advice on the headphones. I also have the sonoline B, so I'll give it a try!

I have my next appointment on Friday. Unsure if I will get a scan or not. I am thinking she will skip since I have had two already. Kind of makes me sad because I would like to see the baby now that it looks like a baby! And I also want to obsess over gender guesses. Lol.
Spud- I'm sorry you're so stressed, hun. :hugs: My scan pic is posted over in my journal this week. (Link in signature.) Baby refused to move into a good position, so we got what we got. Week 10 had such better pics. .... I hate that you're so stressed out. The panic attacks are awful things. My symptoms eased up a bit around week nine and then came back hardcore around week eleven. I think it's pretty normal because your hcg plateaus for a week or so before it begins its decline in preparation for second tri, when it plateaus you get a little break. I think some people don't even have the sickness come back after that. I started weaning off IVF meds in week 11 and that brought the sickness back again since my hormones are all over the place as my body starts taking over for the meds. Ugh, it's rough!

Is anyone else having the Panorama blood test done? I had mine drawn this past Thursday at 11+0 and should have results in 10-14 days.
Sorry some ladies are doing it tough, hold on in there and remain calm :).
I'm praying for us all that we safely make it the end without ANY excitement!

Looking forward to reading some results :).

Hope you are all well xx

AFM: I would have liked to do a home birth although they don't do home births here :(.
So if I can get a water birth I'll be super happy :).

Other than that my pelvis is giving me grief and I'm not even big yet!! When bubs grows and I get heavier it's going to be painful.
Although strangely looking forward to it.

Much love ladies xx
Heather hope your scan goes well,sure it will.

Bunny lovely scan photo.

Bush sorry your pelvis is getting painful. Its reassuring how after a loss/es we love the symptoms!
Welcome Rainbow :)

My 12 week bump. I think there may be a little something there

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