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January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

KD great your heard the heartbeat, its an amazing sound.

Spud sorry about the sickness. Great you have your scan date, it will be here soon.
Thanks sportysgirl. I see we both have little girls of a similar age. My dd is 2yrs 4 months.
Also sorry about Jessie :hugs::hugs:
Thanks Spud, it was a tough time. Sorry for your losses too.

Yes Poppy sure keeps me going!

I do feel well behind everyone as my due date is 31st Jan!
Sporty - same. My dd keeps me going to. I actually think if I was ttc my first I would have given up but I'm motivated by a sibling for dd. I want her to have the fun of a brother or sister.

May I ask what happened to Jessie? You don't have to talk about it though if you don't want to. We think my little one caught my virus I had between 9 and 10 weeks. She would have been due in 4 days. I called her Astrid Rose.
Thats a beautiful name. It must have been an awful time for you.

Jessie had complications secondary to downs syndrome. Heartbreaking.
Aw Sporty - that's very sad andheartbreaking. Now I've got myself upset. Sorry if I've upset you too.

31st jan isn't so late. It just feels that way. I was slightly gutted I didn't have a December due date as my lmp I would have been due 31dec. So jan 11th seems so late for me :)
Sorry your upset,hormones don't help. I am ok. Here if you ever need to chat. :)
Adorable bump Heather, I have no bump to post yet. Nearly 11 weeks with my 3rd and still flat as can be :( I don't think I started showing with my other kids until 15 weeks
Lock, you are lucky you don't have a bump. Somehow the entire office found out about my loss in November and now they all eyeball my tummy all the time. I am now so bloated that I look pregnant AND IT'S JUST ALL MY BELLY FAT GETTING PUSHED UP. :haha: I can see people eyeballing me more carefully now, but I don't think they want to ask because I haven't said anything. Lol. I wish I could be flat too! No peeping eyes that way.
Heather, what a cute as bump!!

I'm feeling bloated but I too have had the runs the last week, yucky!

Had a pretty dreadful time this arvo at my childrens school, they hold an "afternoon tea by the sea" eevery year (this is our first year here).
I offered to bake which I did and rocked up there with my goods and couldn't have felt more like throwing it at them then placing it on the table. They were rude!! There was much to still be done and I was the second mother there to help. Whilst I asked if they would like a hand and with what, I was thrown between teachers and the other mother and seemed that there was nothing I looked capable of doing. An hour past with me standing around Luke a wet potato sack that other mums started rolling in, within minutes they were throwing orders around like nothing else yet I was still not offered anything to. I then got blasted from the old lady cutting the cakes and slices "to get in and cut my own, why are they not cut Lynda?
I'm sorry I was asked to leave them whole as YOU would be cutting them.

I ended up calling my hubby in tears (make up ruined) and he said just go home and relax baby.

I called out to my children and asked them if they mind if I went home?
Of course they understood, but I feel like I let them down and failed them.

Rant over thanks for reading if you had the patience.
Sammy and Buny I love your scan pics! Sooo cute! Sammy yours are so clear and the 3D one is amazing - I wish we got pics like that here! Your babies are both definitely looking like proper little babies!

Glad you found the heartbeat kd, I knew you would! Best sound in the world, I just listened to my little one this morning. :)

Bushmumma sorry those other moms were nasty - when you're pregnant things like that sting extra hard.

Wow Heather I'm jealous of your bump! Even though I'm on the smaller side I don't seem to get a bump early at all (didn't last pregnancy either). I sooo want a cute little bump but I seem to be one of those people that won't get one until late - my cousin didn't even look pregnant at 20 weeks, so maybe it runs in the family. :shrug:

I've attached pictures of my "bump" (or complete lack thereof) below. From 8 w 5 d, 10 w 5 d (today) and from 13 w 2 d (last pregnancy). I can't tell if there's any difference between 8 weeks and 10 weeks (maybe I'm a bit flabbier) and I'm maybe a tiny bit rounder at 13 weeks, but not by much.

Sorry my face is hidden - I took all 3 right after I got out of bed so I'm not presentable at all. And don't mind my miserable face in the 13 week shot - I took that the day after we learned at an ultrasound that we were going to lose our baby, so my eyes were nearly swollen shut from crying.


  • Bumps.jpg
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Fit- I so can see a difference in your pics from 8weeks till now!! You'll have a bump before you know it.

Also I know your right, everything that anyone says is bothering me, there actions are pissing me coz they not matching their words grrrrr driving me crazy.
Poor hubby is always being corrected (I say sorry each time he pulls me up).

On a happy note I got Doppler out of storage and l picked up buns hb :) fingers crossed that all keeps going well!

Thanks ladies for having me here :) I really appreciate it :)
Hey ladies. Sorry for not being around the last week. The fatigue has kicked in at its worst yet and I'm a disaster. Passed out again. At least this time i didn't hit my head on the way down. Doctor ran more blood work and says everything is within normal range, so apparently extreme weakness and faintness is a big pregnancy symptoms for me.

Bushmumma- I'm sorry you had such a rough time at your kiddos' school the other day. That's good you went home early. I'm sure your littles understand that you're not feeling well.
Buny hoping the fainting improves, thank you for understanding.

I am proud to say that I am 11 weeks tomorrow and can hear baby's hb on the doppler and even though dh isn't home he can hear it over the phone!! It's a great pick me up for him while he us working away :)
Aw, buny. Sorry you are feeling so rotten. :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. Don't forget to come say hi once in a while!

AFM, my morning sickness is starting to get better over the last few days. I actually ate Chinese for dinner last night after not being able to touch my lunch at a meeting. I think lunch is still my number one enemy at this point. I do still get the odd moments of gagging (especially in the mornings), but it isn't followed by vomit anymore, so I am certainly happy about that. Did hear peanut's heartbeat on the Doppler again last night. HR was 156. Just over a week until my next appointment. I can't WAIT. I don't know if she will give me another scan or not. I'm almost tempted to not tell her where baby likes to hang out when she pulls out the Doppler so I can get another peek if she doesn't find it. I am evil. I just want to make sure baby is still growing and is the right size. And who can blame me, lol :shrug:
Oh! and we have a banner for our group....

unfortunately it is telling me it is too big for my signature, so I am going to have to do some tweaking to be able to use it myself. but here it is! And if you click on it, it links back to our group, which is cool.


and here is the link. Just take out all the *s (there are 3) [*URL="https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-after-loss/2307867-january-blizzards-2016-rainbows.html"][*IMG]https://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag147/kwynia25/JanuaryBlizzardGif_zpspqf1d8ro.gif[/IMG][/URL*]
Good job on the banner, I love it!

Tomorrow is my first mw appointment, her name is Amanda and I've spoken with her on the phone and she seems lovely :).

Fingers crossed that meeting her the feel I vs stay the same. Tomorrow I'll be happy to know that bub is growing and everything is a ok.

Have a good day everyone!! Xx

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