*January Bubbas*

Hi I am due Jan 21. 2012. I got my first postive test at 10dpo. I have been so worried about EVERYTHING! I will not rest until I go for my first appt. They are supposed to do an ultrasound then too. So then i can put my mind at ease! My first appt is June 13th.
I started at 10 dpo but I felt some twinges so I had a feeling. I also felt this other symptom where I have a hard time of falling back asleep after getting up to pee. It feels different than other restlessness. Anyway, it was nice to be in touch with my body and have a good feeling!

Congrats to you too, Elhaym!
You know, last cycle I had every symptom under the sun that would point to pregnancy and I got BFN!!!
Then this cycle, same thing except I had really bad AF like cramps mixed in with it all a few days after O. I swore it was the witch coming again. But nope....BFP!!!!
I still have some cramping on and off but nothing major. Its the low backaches that are getting to me...already!!! LOL!
My low back has been killing me (intermittently) since I was probably 7ish DPO. Its crazy!!!!

My bbs hurt SO bad that I have resorted to wearing a sportsbra 24/7 except for when I take a shower. When I wake up in the morning, they still hurt even with the bra on. They feel like someone used them for a punching bag all night. But then they get better as the day goes on, just to start all over again the next day!

My hubby is mad because he can't play with them right now. I dont think so Mister!!!!! :haha:
Same here. Lower Back Aches. Breast hurt sooo bad. Sometimes I get very mild crampy feeling. Irritable at times :( Bloated. Thats all my symptoms so far.
All the same...LOL!!!
Its funny, I worry when I cramp and then I worry when I don't cramp. Its a vicious cycle!!!!

Have had some mild nausea every now and then, but nothing major as far as that goes. Hope that stays away as long as possible.

I puked nonstop from about 8wks -12wks with my son. It was terrible!!!!
Oh I almost forgot.....Indigestion!

My last pregnancy i didn't find out till i was 6 weeks. And only b/c i keep feeling sick and laying in bed all day. So far I haven't had that yet, bui im waiting for it to show in 2 more weeks.
Ack! You poor thing. What prenatal vits are you taking? There are some that are supposed to help with the tummy.
Can I join? My EDD is 1/13. I got my BFP a week ago-I was so excited! But this has been a long week- I have been over analyzing ever little symptom, worrying about what it might mean. I have to learn to just relax and enjoy the ride!
Can I join? My EDD is 1/13. I got my BFP a week ago-I was so excited! But this has been a long week- I have been over analyzing ever little symptom, worrying about what it might mean. I have to learn to just relax and enjoy the ride!

Sure! Welcome to the thread! :)
I haven't gotten that one yet either. I had it a couple of times a few days after O but haven't had any since.
I am a terrible sleeper, have been for years. I was on prescription sleeping pills before I started NTNP. Then I stopped. So I don't sleep very well at all.
Im up every couple of hours.
I've noticed that when I wake up in the middle of the night I am SO hungry!!! But Im too lazy and tired to get out of bed and get something to eat. LOL!
Can I join? My EDD is 1/13. I got my BFP a week ago-I was so excited! But this has been a long week- I have been over analyzing ever little symptom, worrying about what it might mean. I have to learn to just relax and enjoy the ride!

LOL!!! We all do that!!!
I haven't gotten that one yet either. I had it a couple of times a few days after O but haven't had any since.
I am a terrible sleeper, have been for years. I was on prescription sleeping pills before I started NTNP. Then I stopped. So I don't sleep very well at all.
Im up every couple of hours.
I've noticed that when I wake up in the middle of the night I am SO hungry!!! But Im too lazy and tired to get out of bed and get something to eat. LOL!

LOL. I sleep ok ...when i finally fall asleep. I have a hard time going to sleep. My husband can fall asleep in 5 mins....lucky him! lol
Ohhhh I have that sleeping problem too! Not that I am a great sleeper regularly- but lately I have been waking up EVERY night at 2am and it takes a good hour to fall back asleep. That pared with with the fatigue makes me pretty grumpy during the day :dohh:
Oh and my least favorite symptoms has been the off and on light light spotting (which after EXTENSIVE research on this site I have found to be not a rare thing and more often than not is nothing to worry about....here's hoping!!) :wacko:
Hi everyone my name is Hellena and I'm due on my dads birthday Jan 12th. This is my first pregnancy and I'm really scared. I'm feeling all different kinds of ways actually. I was hoping to meet some women due around the same time as i am to hopefully help with questions and concerns I have :)
Hello ladies i am due jan 16th so exicted i have 4 sons and i want a daughter lol
Momof4sons & Henabena - Welcome!!!!! Im due January 16th!!!!
YAY for buddies!!!

Hope - Ive heard that as long as the spotting isn't accompanied by severe cramping it is considered "normal". If it continues too long though I would bring it up to your doctor just in case! but it sounds fine.

Tabathavm - I know!!! We lay down together at night and he's snoring in 2 minutes!! Sometimes I just want to reach over and pinch his nose! LOL! Im so mean. Hahaha.
Hope: I have very very light spotting too. It can just be a result of the implantation and continuing burrowing of the little bean. There's a lot of blood vessels there, ya know? Brown and light is good though as RN says!

Glad I am not alone on the sleeping thing, Ladies!
I am due the 21st as well!!! Got my levels back today 1052!!! Yay! Congrats everyone!
Thanks RNMommy for the welcome I am just so exicted to talk to woman experiencing the same things as me!!!

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