Hodbert: Silly question i'm sure but is it wind? Jennifer had this really bad for two weeks when she was 4-5 weeks old. She would arch her back, thrash her arms, bring her knees to her chest, scratch her face, contort her face in pain and scream a lot!!!

Another thing it could be is silent reflux, the HV told me that babies can have it even if they aren't sick and that it feels like indigestion. She said to sit Jennifer up for 20 mins after a feed and if she seemed happier this could be the cause of her crying.
In actual fact her wind issues are caused by her poor latch on the breast due to my very fact flow (I have sprayed her in the face 3 times this week - i'm like a hosepipe!!!), however sitting her up after a feed does seem to calm her. Hope this helps. Also if you don't mind me asking how are you feeling generally as I remember you saying you felt down a few weeks ago

Jaymeebee Congratulations xxxxx

All is good here,
(I took Jennifer to rhymetime yesterday and we go to a breastfeeding clinic/mum's social group on a Thursday. Plus BF is getting easier and I'm enjoying her so much
) except the sleeping thing. Jennifer is still in her inutero sleep pattern which means she is wide awake from midnight until about 2am, last night I laid her on my chest to send her to sleep as I was very awake, I remember looking at my watch and thinking I'd put her in her basket in 5 mins. 3 hours later I was woken by Dave (OH) telling me that he had put her in her basket as he had woken up to find her with her head between the gap in our pillows!!!!

I had fallen asleep and she must have rolled, pushed herself up me and fallen over my shoulder. Jennifer is fine but I can't begin to describe how awful I feel today.

What if something had happened to her? Why didn't my mummy instinct kick in and wake me up? She could have sooo easily suffocated

I cried for an hour straight this morning and couldn't bring myself to pick her up at first, I was so petrified I was going to hurt her. I just feel like the worst Mum in the world and thast its a miracle that she is ok

From now on she will have to stay in her basket or I will have to walk around will her, I can't believe how mobile she is for a month old!!!!! A lump catches in my throat everytime I think about it, I am just so grateful she is unhurt.
Still no birth story, will try and attempt it today if I feel less shocked later xxxx
Mum2be No Jennifer takes ages to burp but I have found that burping her everytime she unlatches or starts to fuss and look uncomfortable works best xxx