Hello ladies, sorry it's taken me a while to arrive! I've been reading on my phone but don't usually get time to reply
So are we all here now? Congratulations to everyone I've missed and welcome to all the new babies x x
Fraggles, must have been frightening

Glad all is well though x x
Sarah, the front page looks great! My daughter's name is Phoebe Josephine Zia if I may be updated please x x
Well, Phoebe hates the school run, screams every morning and afternoon

So I bought a dummy yesterday and was going to try it this morning. And guess what? She fell asleep almost as soon as we went out the door

Things are good otherwise though, feeding going well although it feels like nothing's getting done atm lol. My big kids are good with helping though - most of the time anyway!
Hope everyone is well and will try and catch up properly later x x