January JellyBean mummies

I won't be going back to work until January 2012 but I'll be putting Rhys into daycare I've had him on a wait list for one daycare since before he was born since waiting lists for infant care are so long. Once he hits 2.5 years old I'll be taking him to the daycare I work at for the convinence of it and he is most likely guarenteed a space.
On a side note what does everyone see if my display picture thingy on the side under my name? I still see my puppies but I changed it to a picture of Rhys and it shows the picture of Rhys when I go to the user control panel but not on the actual forums.
Can I join you ladies, please? :flower: my LO was born on the 18th of Jan

of course,welcome...will add you to the front page

Smiffy have a good day. Whats everyone doing about childcare or returning to work? I kmow its early days but I gotta make a decision about what im gonna do

Can you add me to the front page too Sar! :shrug::baby:
Can I join you ladies, please? :flower: my LO was born on the 18th of Jan

of course,welcome...will add you to the front page

Smiffy have a good day. Whats everyone doing about childcare or returning to work? I kmow its early days but I gotta make a decision about what im gonna do

Can you add me to the front page too Sar! :shrug::baby:

i still see two doggies, can you just give me details. sorry i didnt add you before, you need to change avatar pic xxx
aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh having a bad day today...not slept,eaten or washed:nope:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: join the club!!! I managed dressing as had to have Jennifer weighed (she's put on 15oz in 14 days) but am feeling really down today. Jennifer seems to hate me:cry::cry::cry::cry: she is never contented with me, is screaming she is hungry but not feeding, keeps flinging herself around in pain but doesn't seem to have wind, doesn't sleep and hasn't smiled. She just seems to cry and I feel like such a bad mum:cry::cry: I don't know if its because we haven't got a routine (she feeds hourly so in the middle of anything we do she is screaming that she is staving) and will not sleep in her moses basket for more than 10 mins. Even in bed with us she is now only sleeping about 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Off to try and eat something and see if i can give jennifer some gavisgon...Reflux has a lot to answer for :cry::cry::cry:

:hugs:Hope your day improves sar35

ETA I'll be a sahm as on my TA salary with the cost of childcare I would be earning £20 which seemed pointless. Think my school is paying the extra maternity which i turned down though so need to sort that out otherwise i'll have to go back to work for 3 months!
ive given up with eating and washing Joe is laid on his belly on my lap fast asleep waking occasionaly to fart then scream then go back to sleep
:hugs: lostunicorn. I know how you feel. Kieran is like that most days. It feels like If he is not sleeping or eating he is crying. Please don't beat yourself up over it. :hugs:
i dont get the maternity pay stuff
Jacob seems to of reacted badly to food ive eaten, gosh the wind the poo yikes. Got him weighed today 8lbs 1oz so he's doing well and on he 9th percentile which im happy with.
Had to register at a new doctors today as my current dos the receptionisy couldnt book me in for postnatal until Jacob was 3 months old. I tried to explain I have some problems but oh no there's no space.
i was meant to have the other rubella jab at 4 weeks but forgot, dont know if i can still have it
I will not be returning to work after my mat leave is up. we just cant afford childcare (and i work for a childcare center) Even with my discount (10%) I work a split shift before and after school and they said that my kids would be in daycare for half hour longer than the half day rate so they have to charge me a full day. My OH would still have to pay more for daycare and i would be working for nothing. Ive been looking into ways to make money from home other than daycare because we are not allowed to do that in this house and we dont really have the space anyways. I might start doing more photography and sell my picutres or start making baby wraps and pee-pee tee pees and selling them but not sure how much money i can make doing that.
:hugs: all round to those that need them x x

I can totally relate to feeling like all she does is cry when not feeding. I just keep reminding myself that she should be a lot more sociable in a few weeks and that this bit doesn't last long, although it seems like forever right now! Phoebes been feeding almost nonstop today too, probably another growth spurt.

Sarah I did try the dummy and so far it's a total failure! She seems to hate the carrycot
:(. I have got a moby carrier which she will hopefully like better but trying to master
trying to tie it with a screaming baby just isn't working.
:hugs: all round to those that need them x x

I can totally relate to feeling like all she does is cry when not feeding. I just keep reminding myself that she should be a lot more sociable in a few weeks and that this bit doesn't last long, although it seems like forever right now! Phoebes been feeding almost nonstop today too, probably another growth spurt.

Sarah I did try the dummy and so far it's a total failure! She seems to hate the carrycot
:(. I have got a moby carrier which she will hopefully like better but trying to master
trying to tie it with a screaming baby just isn't working.

Hi with the moby get tied into it without holding baby, get it all tied up asinstructed a little tighter thn you think you need then slip baby in pulling each side open in turn. The over tightness will go straight away as baby stretches the fabric a little. I love my moby well im sellign mine because I fancy a new colour :blush:

I need to go back to work as ive had 2 almost back to back mat leaves so going back to work to see how I feel. If I struggle leaving the babies i'll have to reassess once im back at work. Family have offered to care for the children but I live so far from where I work it makes it 15 odd hours a day.

I hope I get some sleep tonight I have a meeting with the bank manager tomorrow hope he copes ok with 2kids in tow and me breastfeeding :haha:
I am SOOOO pleased to FINALLY be posting here as a Mummy after several hundred months of pregnancy.

My Birth Story is here if anyone fancies a nap here.

Sorry its long and rambling... I'm not one for brevity!!!

I'm bloody exhausted at the moment. My milk still isn't in after 5 days and so we are still on 24/7 feeding to bring it in. I am knackered. Sofia is ALWAYS searching for milk and mostly at night.

Tell me it gets easier.
Still have a lot of crying over here too... Doctor said many times it magically disappears once baby hits 3 months....... I said "3 months?! thats like, years to me right now!" lol...
Massive :hugs: for those that need it. Dont forget babies hae growth spurts at 2 weeks and then 6-8 weeks so this may be the cause of some of your screamers. Things should get better soon.

OH and I had a massive row this morn as I did all last night (he generally does the last feed of the night and I do through the night) so he could catch up with some sleep as he has been getting up at 5am a lot of mornings to get in early for work. Anyway I was knacakered this morn and his alarm had been going off for half an hour anyway so figured he was pretty much awake when Holly woke at 6.30am so asked him to do the feed and got a well grumpy reply of 'I have to get up for work in 10 mins.' I was like...and??? You have time to at least change her nappy! Apparently I was out of order for asking him to get up 10 mins early as he has to work all day. I was like, and I dont??? I let him have a full 9 hours sleep but he couldnt give me 10 mins??? :growlmad: grrr....
This may sound daft as I have never done it before but don't the babies like the bath a lot colder than you do? I really want to bath with Toby but think it will be too cold for me.

Also today my boobs have been killing me after every feed I have done. I am trying to alternate boob and bottle and when I do consecutive bottles I try to pump the missed feed. However I have been getting pain today after either the pump-only managed once- and feeding him. He's also been mega fussy latching on but he has been fussy all day really. think it might be the onion gravy from last nights tea as hes been very gassy.

Anyone else get food that triggers there little ones to be extra gassy or fussy?


Are they still painful? May be blocked ducts or engorged if you have been combi feeding? :hugs:

Orange juice, choc and eggs make Alex stink!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning i woke up and he had pooh up his backl, down his arm and down his legs into his sleeping bag :dohh:

Hey ladies. Not sure if ive posted this or not so im giong to post now...sorry if its a repeat.

I FINALLY stepped on teh scale yesterday. I was kinda scared to after taking my post baby pics as i still think i look aweful. I am now 1 pound less than pre pregnancy weight! How is it possible that i weigh less than when i got PG but im fatter? I still have a huge saggy belly. Its soo gross! I cant wait until after my 6 week check so i can start doing sit ups and work out. OH wants me to call around about gym memberships as he put on a lot of weight during my pregnancy too....only thing is I had a baby and lost the weight and he didnt. he looks like he could push out a baby any day now....LOL

Thats great :)

Wish I could stop eating likea pig.........

Sorry been MIA. Hope everyone is well. I would love to have a mummy and baby bath but feel kinda freaked out that is would drop him or something. Question for BFing mummies - Kieran is 5 weeks now - should I still be waking him up to feed during the day or wait until he wakes on his own??

I would only wake him if it makes him stay up all night cos he slept all day?? Otherwise enjoy the peace i say!

Morning all!

Well I took the plunge - quite literally - and had a bath with Toby this morning and it was lovely. He laid on his mat whilst I got the bath ready and it wasn't too cold for me. Luckily he seems to like his bath more on the warm than the cool side. I know after talking to a friend that of her two children, her little girl liked it cooler and little boy warmer. He even laid on his mat wrapped in his towel whilst I washed my hair although not for long as he ctsrted to cry, so think I may have soapy hair still lol.

He's just had some expressed milk I did yesterday and is now sleeping again. I'm pleased as I need to get ready to go out to meet a couple of the ladies from our nct classes. So excited. One has had her little one and the other is still waiting to pop. It's seems like ages ago I was pregnant now.

Does anyone else miss there bump still?? I do. Not so much it makes me sad but I still find myself standing how I would stand when I was big, hand on hip and resting other hand on top of my tummy!!

I don't get leaky boobs at any other time other than the mornings really. And its usually from one side when I have fed from the other.

What has everyone got planned today?


Yep I miss my bump! :( Cant imagine never being pregnant again...

Can I join you ladies, please? :flower: my LO was born on the 18th of Jan


Ahhhh the terrible thought of going back to work :cry: I will be going back in January 2012 and we will have to find daycare for Kieran. If we could afford for me to be a sahm we would but sadly not. Maybe once we have our 2nd. I'll only be back at work long enough to get pregnant and do it all over again!

I have to go back in Aug or Nov if 3 months unpaid. :(
I am the main bread winner and i feel sick at the thought.... I hated it with Cainr but will be even worse this time :(
Hoping to go down to 3 days a week and not 4 but I manage a department so may not be able to. Also my studies start again (degree) in Oct, I am gonna have a breakdown :dohh:

aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh having a bad day today...not slept,eaten or washed:nope:


:hi: well nights are getting better, poor mite is going to toilet loads today I think its something ive eaten (possible cucumber) :wacko:

Got J weighed and he's now 8lbs 1oz at 4 weeks :happydance: So glad he's regained his birth weight and then some.

Yay thats great news! x

aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh having a bad day today...not slept,eaten or washed:nope:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: join the club!!! I managed dressing as had to have Jennifer weighed (she's put on 15oz in 14 days) but am feeling really down today. Jennifer seems to hate me:cry::cry::cry::cry: she is never contented with me, is screaming she is hungry but not feeding, keeps flinging herself around in pain but doesn't seem to have wind, doesn't sleep and hasn't smiled. She just seems to cry and I feel like such a bad mum:cry::cry: I don't know if its because we haven't got a routine (she feeds hourly so in the middle of anything we do she is screaming that she is staving) and will not sleep in her moses basket for more than 10 mins. Even in bed with us she is now only sleeping about 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Off to try and eat something and see if i can give jennifer some gavisgon...Reflux has a lot to answer for :cry::cry::cry:

:hugs:Hope your day improves sar35

ETA I'll be a sahm as on my TA salary with the cost of childcare I would be earning £20 which seemed pointless. Think my school is paying the extra maternity which i turned down though so need to sort that out otherwise i'll have to go back to work for 3 months!

:hugs: hope things are better soon hun xx

I am SOOOO pleased to FINALLY be posting here as a Mummy after several hundred months of pregnancy.

My Birth Story is here if anyone fancies a nap here.

Sorry its long and rambling... I'm not one for brevity!!!

I'm bloody exhausted at the moment. My milk still isn't in after 5 days and so we are still on 24/7 feeding to bring it in. I am knackered. Sofia is ALWAYS searching for milk and mostly at night.

Tell me it gets easier.

Yay! And yes it does get better!

Massive :hugs: for those that need it. Dont forget babies hae growth spurts at 2 weeks and then 6-8 weeks so this may be the cause of some of your screamers. Things should get better soon.

OH and I had a massive row this morn as I did all last night (he generally does the last feed of the night and I do through the night) so he could catch up with some sleep as he has been getting up at 5am a lot of mornings to get in early for work. Anyway I was knacakered this morn and his alarm had been going off for half an hour anyway so figured he was pretty much awake when Holly woke at 6.30am so asked him to do the feed and got a well grumpy reply of 'I have to get up for work in 10 mins.' I was like...and??? You have time to at least change her nappy! Apparently I was out of order for asking him to get up 10 mins early as he has to work all day. I was like, and I dont??? I let him have a full 9 hours sleep but he couldnt give me 10 mins??? :growlmad: grrr....


I had a nap today (first time in ages) and lvoed it! OH doesnt have Caine in the night as I am BF but he said he will have him one night so I can get at least 5 hours straight. Not had more than 4 hours straight since December I am overtired :( but body gets used to it,

Been to soft play today and going again tomorrow. Had a great time :)

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