January JellyBean mummies

Ouch is right!!:-({|=

Time for bed here.... Sarai has had her bath (first day with NO crying during bath! :happydance: ) lets pray she sleeps longer than 2 hours... Keep ya posted! Any ideas are greatly appreciated also :thumbup:
Blessed I get a 3 hour then 2 hour gap between feeds probably less in the day! Some evenings she cluster feeds before bed but that's less often lately. Just keep thinking this stage doesn't last forever!

Fraggles I'm yet to experience a 5 hour gap I only ever had 4, so have a little envy lol. Hope your nips get a little r&r today ladies! X
Has any breastfeeding ladies notice their baby have a dipped fontanelle? Bryce has had one for the past three days, which comes and goes but im still worried that maybe he is not getting enough milk from me?? :(
Naomi Jacob's dips and my last babies dips too. If its only a slight dip its fine.
Naomi Jacob's dips and my last babies dips too. If its only a slight dip its fine.

Thanks Hun, at least I know others do as well. I have been so worried that I'm not producing enough milk for him. x
As long as you are getting 6+ wet/dirty nappies baby is getting enough.

Gosh Jacob will only sleep on me today and is feeding every 2 hours and the cold weather aint half making the nips hurt more.

Im still bleeding too how long did everyone else bleed for? grumpy too as believe ive developed a fissure again.
As long as you are getting 6+ wet/dirty nappies baby is getting enough.

Gosh Jacob will only sleep on me today and is feeding every 2 hours and the cold weather aint half making the nips hurt more.

Im still bleeding too how long did everyone else bleed for? grumpy too as believe ive developed a fissure again.

Im still bleeding...almost 4 weeks now.

had another crap night. Quinn was really gassy again until around 2am....AGAIN! I gave him a soother so he wasnt sucking on me all night thou as my nips are killing me. He actually took it after about 20mins and did really wellat keeping it in his mouth until he had to pass gas as it hurts. I ended up with him in bed right close to me so my boob would hold the soother in his mouth and he could smell me...lol That worked until he was hungry at 5am. Im going to try and give him gripe water at lunch and dinner today to see if that helps the gas problems.
Its my birthday today! Woop! First one as a mummy and Toby is being a little star, he's ate and slept most of the day. Not had time to read all the messages but will do at some point this wknd maybe but we're in demand to see people cos of my b'day!! Hope everyone is ok.

Just to update Toby has now lost the ability to latch onto me properly. In the last few days I have been pumping bm so he still gets some but supply in decreasing. I'm happy I ahve managed a month tho YAY!

My parents are here now so better go. They are having Toby for us whilst me and Jack go into town for a few cocktails ON OUR OWN! Scary times lol!

Love to everyone!
Laura we do gripe water in the evening as we tend to get mst relief during bed time hours that way. He also has a small drop of aired water to was it down as this seems to help with the gas.

Welcoem Natsku :hi:

Happy birthday smiffy :cake: hope you have a great weekend.
Happy b-day smiffy :cake: enjoy the cocktails!

I'm also still bleeding brown blood and I am 5 weeks 2 days pp!! Wish it would stop already!

Had a bad night with Kieran. He peed through his sleeper and swaddle blanket twice and all over our bed! How can someone so little pee so much! He was also very unsettled most of the night. I will definatley need a nap today!
As long as you are getting 6+ wet/dirty nappies baby is getting enough.

Gosh Jacob will only sleep on me today and is feeding every 2 hours and the cold weather aint half making the nips hurt more.

Im still bleeding too how long did everyone else bleed for? grumpy too as believe ive developed a fissure again.

Still bleeding over here too :growlmad: I THOUGHT it had stopped, and it did for maybe 4 days or so... then spotting came back. Boooo!!

Sarai had a great night :yipee: Even gave me a 3 1/2 hour stretch! So proud of her :flower: She must be trying to fool me with a very fussy day... lol! :winkwink:

Confession: I had to go and google dipped fontanelle because I had no idea what you mamas were talking about :blush: In that case, Sarai's is a little dipped as well, nothing obvious to sight, but you can feel it with your hands. Is this of concern?

Happy Birthday Smiffy!! :)
if you cant notice the dip in the "soft spot" on the head just by looking at it then its no concern.

i find Quinns gas builds up over the day so if i give him gripe water during the day and evening it seemed to help.....for 2 days anyways but then i forgot to give it to him during the day 2 days in a row and had aweful nights both times.
Hey guys, looks like we are all going through it in different ways with our little ones. Michael had a good first part of the night and even got him straight back into his moses basket (made a nest in it with towels so he feels secure) but boy did the wind kick in at 4:30am! He was in pain and not much I could do to soothe him, little soul. He's been sleeping all day even though I've tried to wake him! Hope he wakes this evening for a bit so he will sleep during the night. Have purchased some gripe water today so here's hoping it will settle his tummy.
Does anyone else feel totally overwhelmed by the responsibility of looking after such a helpless little newborn? Maybe it's just because I'm on my own with him that I feel it so much. I know I am meeting all his needs but it is so different to my old life. I am just trying to tell myself that this phase won't last forever.
I'm feeling totally overwhelmed too. I feel like I have no idea what to do, and it doesnt help that I'm having trouble breastfeeding :(
just got in after a long day on childminding course, will be back soon
Hey girls :wave: Had a lovely long sleep last night so feeling very refreshed! Hubby and I have decided that we are going to give each other a full night each week to catch up with some sleep so I will do all wednesday night for him and he's doing fridays nights for me. So I slept from 10pm - 8am last night and then woke up and let him go to bed for a nap and have just slept from 8.30am - 11am on couch as Holly is snoozing in her swing! I could bounce off the walls!!! :thumbup:

As long as you are getting 6+ wet/dirty nappies baby is getting enough.

Gosh Jacob will only sleep on me today and is feeding every 2 hours and the cold weather aint half making the nips hurt more.

Im still bleeding too how long did everyone else bleed for? grumpy too as believe ive developed a fissure again.

I bled for about 5 weeks.

Hello, can I join now?

Hello and welcome! Whats your LO's name/dob? How are you coping so far hun?

Its my birthday today! Woop! First one as a mummy and Toby is being a little star, he's ate and slept most of the day. Not had time to read all the messages but will do at some point this wknd maybe but we're in demand to see people cos of my b'day!! Hope everyone is ok.

Just to update Toby has now lost the ability to latch onto me properly. In the last few days I have been pumping bm so he still gets some but supply in decreasing. I'm happy I ahve managed a month tho YAY!

My parents are here now so better go. They are having Toby for us whilst me and Jack go into town for a few cocktails ON OUR OWN! Scary times lol!

Love to everyone!

Happy birthday!!!!! Hope u have a lovely night with OH, try not to get drunk too quick!!! :rofl: :drunk:

Happy b-day smiffy :cake: enjoy the cocktails!

I'm also still bleeding brown blood and I am 5 weeks 2 days pp!! Wish it would stop already!

Had a bad night with Kieran. He peed through his sleeper and swaddle blanket twice and all over our bed! How can someone so little pee so much! He was also very unsettled most of the night. I will definatley need a nap today!

Arent these babies lovely? Yesterday morning at 3am Holly was sick on my pj top and then her nappy leaked pee and poo all over me so I had to change my pj bottoms too!! Lurrrvely! :sick:

As long as you are getting 6+ wet/dirty nappies baby is getting enough.

Gosh Jacob will only sleep on me today and is feeding every 2 hours and the cold weather aint half making the nips hurt more.

Im still bleeding too how long did everyone else bleed for? grumpy too as believe ive developed a fissure again.

Still bleeding over here too :growlmad: I THOUGHT it had stopped, and it did for maybe 4 days or so... then spotting came back. Boooo!!

Sarai had a great night :yipee: Even gave me a 3 1/2 hour stretch! So proud of her :flower: She must be trying to fool me with a very fussy day... lol! :winkwink:

Confession: I had to go and google dipped fontanelle because I had no idea what you mamas were talking about :blush: In that case, Sarai's is a little dipped as well, nothing obvious to sight, but you can feel it with your hands. Is this of concern?

Happy Birthday Smiffy!! :)

Blessed I had to look it up too and when I did I was like doooooh!! :dohh:

Hey guys, looks like we are all going through it in different ways with our little ones. Michael had a good first part of the night and even got him straight back into his moses basket (made a nest in it with towels so he feels secure) but boy did the wind kick in at 4:30am! He was in pain and not much I could do to soothe him, little soul. He's been sleeping all day even though I've tried to wake him! Hope he wakes this evening for a bit so he will sleep during the night. Have purchased some gripe water today so here's hoping it will settle his tummy.
Does anyone else feel totally overwhelmed by the responsibility of looking after such a helpless little newborn? Maybe it's just because I'm on my own with him that I feel it so much. I know I am meeting all his needs but it is so different to my old life. I am just trying to tell myself that this phase won't last forever.

Hey hunny Michael is still only really little and still new to you. I think everyone felt like this and probably still does, so we can all relate. If you need anyone to talk to we are all here. :hugs:

just got in after a long day on childminding course, will be back soon

Hey Sarah, I was just thinking about maybe doing some childminding when I go home in sept. I think I need to do something to pull in a bit of money myself so I might look into it. How are you finding the course? How many classes do you have to go to? My mum was a childminder but it was years ago and they've really tightened up on things now so I know theres a lot more hurdles to overcome now.
Gosh, so much to catch up on! Im having a Malibu as ive been on a course all day and been up at 1am, 4am and 6am so im kernackered!!! Joe been an absolute star though with his nanny and gramps... so glad im doing the course as it means i can hopefully stay at home with him and not go back to work as i missed him so much today. Had a good laugh too, think i was a bit delirious though, had to leave th room as i was laughing so much pmsl...

Alexander was feeding all night too! I just kept him next to me on the bed.

Had a fun day out with Caine and Alex at soft play and lunch with my nanna. Knackered now! I fancy a beer tonight or a biggggg glass of red :)
Did you get your beer?

Hi Emily!

We had a crappy night here in that she was up at 3am for a feed and did not want to go back to sleep! One v tired mummy here!

how you doing today Lisa?

Kieran gained 6.5 oz this week :happydance: :happydance:

good boy Kieran :thumbup:

dear me sounds like everyone been having a few restless/sleepless nights! (((hugs))) Think I might have to head to bed soon, since this little madam has zonked out on the sofa next to me, she don't usually bed down til 10-11pm so a little early for her! Might as well get some zzzzzz before she wakes for a feed!

Good to see our LO's are gaining some good weights, Fearne is 9lb already, safe to say she has no problems gaining lol, my newborn stage has passed pretty quickly tho with her being so big! Lots of clothes/nappies I'd bought to pass onto my pg friend since she's too big for them already!
annoying isnt it, i have got a black bag full of clothes that Joe doesnt fit, some of it never worn! will save it for the next one lol

Ouch is right!!:-({|=

Time for bed here.... Sarai has had her bath (first day with NO crying during bath! :happydance: ) lets pray she sleeps longer than 2 hours... Keep ya posted! Any ideas are greatly appreciated also :thumbup:

hi good to see you, Joe loves his baths and has NEVER cried while having one, he cries when we take him out though

Has any breastfeeding ladies notice their baby have a dipped fontanelle? Bryce has had one for the past three days, which comes and goes but im still worried that maybe he is not getting enough milk from me?? :(
Not breastfeeding but Joe had this quite bad when we drove to Devon, he was in the car for 4 hours, he did have a feed in that time but it was quite bad, scared us! It was ok by the time we got to Devon though! Keep and eye on it x

As long as you are getting 6+ wet/dirty nappies baby is getting enough.

Gosh Jacob will only sleep on me today and is feeding every 2 hours and the cold weather aint half making the nips hurt more.

Im still bleeding too how long did everyone else bleed for? grumpy too as believe ive developed a fissure again.

cant offer advice on BF but i was bleeding for 6 weeks and spotting after that, got my period at 8 weeks and it was v.v.v. bad, bled through clothes for 2 days,only recently ive stopped wearing pads, first time in months!

Its my birthday today! Woop! First one as a mummy and Toby is being a little star, he's ate and slept most of the day. Not had time to read all the messages but will do at some point this wknd maybe but we're in demand to see people cos of my b'day!! Hope everyone is ok.

Just to update Toby has now lost the ability to latch onto me properly. In the last few days I have been pumping bm so he still gets some but supply in decreasing. I'm happy I ahve managed a month tho YAY!

My parents are here now so better go. They are having Toby for us whilst me and Jack go into town for a few cocktails ON OUR OWN! Scary times lol!

Love to everyone!
Happy birthday, enjoy! Im not jealous at all :nope::hugs:

Hey guys, looks like we are all going through it in different ways with our little ones. Michael had a good first part of the night and even got him straight back into his moses basket (made a nest in it with towels so he feels secure) but boy did the wind kick in at 4:30am! He was in pain and not much I could do to soothe him, little soul. He's been sleeping all day even though I've tried to wake him! Hope he wakes this evening for a bit so he will sleep during the night. Have purchased some gripe water today so here's hoping it will settle his tummy.
Does anyone else feel totally overwhelmed by the responsibility of looking after such a helpless little newborn? Maybe it's just because I'm on my own with him that I feel it so much. I know I am meeting all his needs but it is so different to my old life. I am just trying to tell myself that this phase won't last forever.
Bless him, you are doing really well to do it on your own :kiss:

I'm feeling totally overwhelmed too. I feel like I have no idea what to do, and it doesnt help that I'm having trouble breastfeeding :(

awww its early days, it will sort itself out there are loads of bf'ers on here that will offer support :kiss:

anyone heard from Lucia? hope her LO is ok, she was having hearing tests wasnt she?
Edit i think it was ipretti no Lucia, hope they are ok x
Sarah I've decided Joe should be Holly's baby-boyfriend!!! :wedding: :serenade: :rofl: He seems so laid back and cool and I love his lil smile! :coolio: I think she's going to be a lil madam though!

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