January JellyBean mummies

Maybe I am reading the Internet too much but I am convinced Kieran has upper lip tie :cry: he has never flanged his top lip so I started googling why and I cam across upper lip tie and sure enough just had a look in his mouth and it looks exactly like all the pictures :cry: this could explain so much why he doesn't flange his top lip, why he farts so much (bad latch means lots of air taken in) and why he always has marathon feeding sessions :cry: I will be asking the lactation consultant on Friday for sure.
Eveing ladies!

Went to bed early last night and been out today, think I defo deserve that glass of red now..... LOL

Everyone ok?

I have 2 snoozing bubbas :cloud9: PEACE (for an hour or so :rofl: )

Mum is having Caine tomorrow night and am gonna express I think so Andy can do one feed in the night.... may let me get 5 hours straight at least :)
Maybe I am reading the Internet too much but I am convinced Kieran has upper lip tie :cry: he has never flanged his top lip so I started googling why and I cam across upper lip tie and sure enough just had a look in his mouth and it looks exactly like all the pictures :cry: this could explain so much why he doesn't flange his top lip, why he farts so much (bad latch means lots of air taken in) and why he always has marathon feeding sessions :cry: I will be asking the lactation consultant on Friday for sure.
i was the one that noticed Joes tongue tie, so you might be right, def mention it! im gonna google it now as ive not heard of that!

Eveing ladies!

Went to bed early last night and been out today, think I defo deserve that glass of red now..... LOL

Everyone ok?

I have 2 snoozing bubbas :cloud9: PEACE (for an hour or so :rofl: )

Mum is having Caine tomorrow night and am gonna express I think so Andy can do one feed in the night.... may let me get 5 hours straight at least :)

wow good for you! enjoy xx

Lisa, the course is over 4 saturdays (different days for diff areas) and it from 9.30 til 5 so long days, and we have to do a Level 2 literacy exam too.
You have to pay for a medical check from drs
pay for First aid course
Pay to register with Ofsted
Get Public liability insurance
get business insurance on your car
write your own policies and procedures
erm erm theres loads but hopefully it will be worth it

im in bed, my legs and feet are swollen, wouldn't mind but ive been sat down all day it feels like ive been walking for ages, Joe in his crib and ive got the mobile on and a remote control to turn it on when it goes off, he just sighing away to himself quite contently...hopefully he will go to sleep soon.OH working til 2 am so doesnt look like i'll be getting a lay in anytime soon!
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Hello and welcome! Whats your LO's name/dob? How are you coping so far hun?

She doesn't have a name yet, we can't decide on one! She was born 01/02, obviously deciding to wait just long enough to not properly be a Jan baby!

Not coping as well as I would have hoped but I think the hormone change has come today so that effects it but I'm hopeful things will improve soon. My OH on the other hand is coping great, he's such a natural with her!
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Hello and welcome! Whats your LO's name/dob? How are you coping so far hun?

She doesn't have a name yet, we can't decide on one! She was born 01/02, obviously deciding to wait just long enough to not properly be a Jan baby!

Not coping as well as I would have hoped but I think the hormone change has come today so that effects it but I'm hopeful things will improve soon. My OH on the other hand is coping great, he's such a natural with her!

its early days still and i think the hormones thing happens around 3 days after birth, i was a mess then, it will all come together, dont beat yourself up over it :hugs:
Hello, can I join now?

Hello and welcome! Whats your LO's name/dob? How are you coping so far hun?

She doesn't have a name yet, we can't decide on one! She was born 01/02, obviously deciding to wait just long enough to not properly be a Jan baby!

Not coping as well as I would have hoped but I think the hormone change has come today so that effects it but I'm hopeful things will improve soon. My OH on the other hand is coping great, he's such a natural with her!

its early days still and i think the hormones thing happens around 3 days after birth, i was a mess then, it will all come together, dont beat yourself up over it :hugs:

Thanks, I'm trying not to
Hi everyone

I'm a bit worried about Fearne, she seems ok but she is sleeping loads. She fed about half 5, thru back what looked like the whole feed by 6 then slept from 7 til 10.15 when she woke up as I changed nappy, she had a quick drink then fallen asleep again. It's just so out of character she feeds loads usually and is awake most of evening. Probably she will be awake lots of the night???

Has any of your LO's done this before?x
Not sure hun, does she seem ok in her self other than the sleepiness? xx
Hi ladies, I finally made it over to the mummies thread. I accidentally posted this in the wrong January thread this morning. lol :dohh:
Freya is 3 weeks old today. It's hard to believe how fast the weeks go by....especially when the days seem to drag on sooo long.

Things have been going pretty well for us lately. We finally got rid of our last supplemental feed. YAY! My husband is a little sad, so I think we might do one expressed bottle in the evening for him to feed her again.
We also got her on a decent schedule sleeping in her own bed. She goes to bed around 10 or 11 at night and sleeps about 4 hours. Then wakes up to feed and is back in bed within 45 mins. Then sleeps for about 3 hours, feeds, and then sleeps another 3. So I'm getting some chunks of sleep at night. During the day she goes about 2 hours between feeds. Sometimes she'll sleep and other times she'll be wide awake and just plays on her playmat or watches me type on the computer. She started cluster feeding again in the evenings. Must be that 3 weeks growth spurt. I'm a little worried about her though. She stopped pooping. She was really constipated twice last week. We think it was from the formula. She couldn't go and was in so much pain. Finally the constipation ended in a poo explosions. After both those times she started having a few regular movements before she stopped again. She went 2 days without pooping and showed no signs of constipation or pain. Yesterday another poo explosion. So bad that it was straight to the bath tub. The poo isn't coming out hard. This last one didn't even have the seedy texture. It was just pure liquid poo. Gross I know, sorry for tmi. Anyone know if this is normal? or harmful? I'm waiting it out before I call up the doctor because she doesn't seem to be in pain anymore. But if it happens again I'm calling. My quick google search on the subject only brought up older babies. Saying they could go a week without a poo. We still get lots of wet diapers, and she's gaining weight well.
Quinn still sleeps ALOT during the day. Only awake for a 3 hour stretch once a day....sometimes twice. I wouldn't worry too much as long as she doesn't have fever and is sstill eating but she might be awake more tonight.
Hope everyone is feeling ok hugs to those that need them, we are doing well apart from my nipple pain they are cracked and bleeding it got so bad this evening I resorted to nipple shields I know there not good but it did take the pain away, Mia seems to sleep for 4 hours at night in her own crib now although she's not impressed with it.
:hugs: lovealittle - it never hurts to ask and get it checked out!
Ok BFing mommies. Im starting to think about birth control. I will not use the depo shot again and i suck at remember to take pills. What are my other options? Any recomendations?
Ok BFing mommies. Im starting to think about birth control. I will not use the depo shot again and i suck at remember to take pills. What are my other options? Any recomendations?

The asprin method. Put an asprin between your knees and don't let go. :winkwink: Seriously though, I'm thinking about the Mirena IUD. It's good for 5 years (DH doesn't want more kids), but if you take it out you can TTC immediately.

Got my period back yesterday. meh.... Avery is only 5 weeks old.
Fearne has been following usual night feed pattern so feel much better now. She must be growing ;-) thanks for replies! She having a nice good feed now! X
Ok BFing mommies. Im starting to think about birth control. I will not use the depo shot again and i suck at remember to take pills. What are my other options? Any recomendations?

I'm thinking copper IUD. I I haven't used birth control for almost 8 years. When I was a teenager I found out the hard way that I can't use hormonal birth control methods. My body is like allergic to the fake progesterone in the pills, shot, etc... So my body rejects the progesterone and I end up really sick. So I stopped using it a long time ago. With my infertility issues we just never got pregnant until we saw the specialists. But now I'm worried. We aren't planning on having more children, so I want to make sure we are safe. The only hormone free method of birth control besides condoms is the copper IUD.
poor amanda holden has lost her baby at 7 months how sad, its awful:cry:

Hi ladies, I finally made it over to the mummies thread. I accidentally posted this in the wrong January thread this morning. lol :dohh:
Freya is 3 weeks old today. It's hard to believe how fast the weeks go by....especially when the days seem to drag on sooo long.

Things have been going pretty well for us lately. We finally got rid of our last supplemental feed. YAY! My husband is a little sad, so I think we might do one expressed bottle in the evening for him to feed her again.
We also got her on a decent schedule sleeping in her own bed. She goes to bed around 10 or 11 at night and sleeps about 4 hours. Then wakes up to feed and is back in bed within 45 mins. Then sleeps for about 3 hours, feeds, and then sleeps another 3. So I'm getting some chunks of sleep at night. During the day she goes about 2 hours between feeds. Sometimes she'll sleep and other times she'll be wide awake and just plays on her playmat or watches me type on the computer. She started cluster feeding again in the evenings. Must be that 3 weeks growth spurt. I'm a little worried about her though. She stopped pooping. She was really constipated twice last week. We think it was from the formula. She couldn't go and was in so much pain. Finally the constipation ended in a poo explosions. After both those times she started having a few regular movements before she stopped again. She went 2 days without pooping and showed no signs of constipation or pain. Yesterday another poo explosion. So bad that it was straight to the bath tub. The poo isn't coming out hard. This last one didn't even have the seedy texture. It was just pure liquid poo. Gross I know, sorry for tmi. Anyone know if this is normal? or harmful? I'm waiting it out before I call up the doctor because she doesn't seem to be in pain anymore. But if it happens again I'm calling. My quick google search on the subject only brought up older babies. Saying they could go a week without a poo. We still get lots of wet diapers, and she's gaining weight well.
maybe just adjusting to going back to bf,see how it goes:hugs:

Fearne has been following usual night feed pattern so feel much better now. She must be growing ;-) thanks for replies! She having a nice good feed now! X
glad she is ok x

ive been looking back at my threads on here, from ttc - all those tests! mmc, pg, scans, the time i went into hospital and had steroids, i think that was the time i really felt i belonged in JJBs as everyone was so worried, birth story! its good to look back and now to see where we are today
Sar it goes so fast doesnt it!

Neko ; Lol :D

Jojo glad to hear Fearne is ok

Laura - condoms?

I cant even think about doing the deed yet...... maybe Valentines :haha:
Morning everyone! or evening to my transatlantic friends :-)

I'm such an idiot! this morning it dawned on me that I've been taking cough medicine for my horrible cold and cough and not checked to see if it was ok with breastfeeding. I looked it up on the net and turns out it can cause baby to be sleepy so thats probably what was wrong with her! Probably caused the massive vomits she's done too since it says you shouldn't take it! very mad at myself for not even thinking before taking it! and I'm supposed to be a qualified nurse after my final 14 weeks placement :oops: :wacko:

I expressed for the first time this morning, 3oz off one boob :happydance: I've frozen it just wanted to start a supply off!

Sarah its awful about Amanda Holden, she even kept it secret for 6 months because she had had a previous mc, poor poor woman can't imagine what its like to go through that!

Joanna, if :baby: is feeding through them ok and you are getting a bit of relief for the time been then good! x

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