January JellyBean mummies

The dummy seems to be going well she has been really content since. I am trying not to rush to put it back in if it falls out to make sure she actually wants it. We will see if it helps night time feeding.
Fraggles, whats your name? Your on the NP threads alot too arnt you? :D
Laura Butler is me on facebook if any of you want to add me that have not already. Its a picture of Quinn.
OK Laura I will find you, you on the other ladies profiles?
Has anyone else been on antiobiotics while breastfeeding? I'm sure my antibiotics are making her ill, she seems to have an upset tummy, much more gassy, and poo-ing all the time. Its breaking my heart to see her upset like this :(
Ive had 2 lots of antibiotics in first 2 weeks for UTI that lingered. I'd say Fearne did poo lots but breastfed babies do, I'm not sure the piping all thru night was them or just her age. What are you on? And how long for? If you have an infection Hun it prob won't get better without them so even if upsetting LO's tummy end result is worth it! You need to be well to look after your baby x
So I have not had a cappacino all day today (but I really would like one...lol) Quinn still was gassy tonight but not quite as bad. I ended up going out to bingo with a friend (goig again next weekend with my mom) And OH said he cried a bit and then he gave him the bottle of my milk and he went to sleep and has been sleeping since (about an hour) but then Oh said :when did youpump that milk? I looked at the date and told himit was the 6th. Oh then pointed out that i was still drinking my cappacinos then. Do you think the freezing process would have eliminated the caffeine in it? I hope so other wise tomorrow is not going to be a good night. BOOOO!!!!! And that would also mean the 4 other bags of milk I have in the freezer would be no good either.
Hey ladies just a quick post to say....I'm in the UK!!!!!!! Soooo excited to be back! The trip was v long (10 hours to UK, 3 hour wait in heathrow then half an hour to manchester) but Holly was a star and apart from a small screaming fit as we set off from america she slept for 7 hours then was up for an hour then asleep for another 2 and then slept in her baby carrier through heathrow, woke up for a feed, slept again on domestic flight and then all way home in the car! Bless her! John and I didnt sleep at all until 6p, last night but were then up at midnight as the tie difference made it 8am for us :wacko: I managed to get back to sleep so am hopefully closer to being back on the right time, 8 hours is a lot to adjust to though!

On another note, we took tins of premade formula with us to save faffing with sterisling/making and heating bottles on plane. These were fine for America but when we went through baggage checks at heathrow they made me open 3 tins (holly didnt eat as much as expected so we had 5 left) and taste them. This meant that 2 of those tins have gone to waste now! I wasnt amused! They got through america fine but for a domestic flight we had to open 3! Bloody ridiculous!

Anyway, will try and keep up with you all but may not post much so :hugs:
Have a good visit Lisa if you don't get on again! I'm sure you will!

Laura no idea about freezing and milk but I'd imagine it may have some caffiene in there. X
JMS you inbox is full hun

Morning all well sleep is going better. Jacob rolled over yesterday think the bumpy playmat assisted this though :shrug: He slept 2-8 this morning so I think he's getting better at this sleep lark.
Got a new sling to try yesterday just washed it so once its dry will see how I go wrapping.

Laura I couldn't live without caffiene it can affect babies but soe should be fine. Ive read one of the worst things which can cause gas in babies is dairy in your diet.

Lisa glad the trip went well good to hear Holly did so well on the trip. Security at airports is crackers isn't it. Must sort the kiddies passports as im wanting to see America athough im not sure I could travel alone with 2 under 2 :shrug:
Ive had 2 lots of antibiotics in first 2 weeks for UTI that lingered. I'd say Fearne did poo lots but breastfed babies do, I'm not sure the piping all thru night was them or just her age. What are you on? And how long for? If you have an infection Hun it prob won't get better without them so even if upsetting LO's tummy end result is worth it! You need to be well to look after your baby x

I'm on Kefexin and Trikozol for 10 days. She's pooing more than she was before I started them, having to change her nappy a couple times an hour when she is awake.
Well feeling half human this morning as managed to get a few blocks of 2 hours sleep. Not the long deep sleeps we all dream of but better than being awake huh? When is it that babies start to sleep for longer periods between feeds? Maybe that can occupy my dreams. Off out to the post office in a bit with the little man and may even take a cruise around the town if it goes well.
Any tips for getting a 2 week old into a sleep routine? or not bother? he really is touch and go with staying in his moses basket - sometimes we get 4 hour naps, mostly it's between 30 mins to 2 hrs. He could sleep easily on us but trying not to get in to bad habits.... also how do you stop the rocking/nursing to sleep so they drop off in their cots by themselves??

I'll post in baby club too but thought that we're all at similar stages.....


I agree with Jade that 2 weeks is a little young but saying that we have been trying with Toby since about 2 weeks old to start getting him into a routine and *touch wood* it seems to be doing ok so far with the odd dodgy day. We bath him between 7 and half past (well we try to make it the same time but depends when daddy gets home as thats his job for bonding wih him), then in PJ's on whilst we put the cot mobile on for him to listen to. After that we take him downstairs for a bottle and we usually turn the lights off in the living room then. He sometimes goes to sleep after this bottle but sometimes he is happy to be awake or half asleep but just cuddle with us. The he usually has another bottle about 10-half past and is down and in his basket by 11. I hope that helps hun. I'm also hoping to start baby massage soon but the class is full till easter so having to wait till then. Taht can really help settle them too.

Hi everyone, I have given in and resorted to using a dummy. She had fussed all night and wanted a bottle to chew on the teat so my mum said to try a dummy and she has taken to it so well. I am really scared about her becoming too reliant on it though. I also don't want to be up and down all night putting it back in.

Do any of you guys use a dummy and when do you give it to LO? Do they sleep with it?

Lucy x x

Yep the dummy is a godsend although I worry too that he is becoming dependent on it. He does use it to get to sleep during the day and night, he has been a very sucky baby since day 1 and thats one of the reasons I ended up giving up bfing. He loves his dummy alot but he spits it out if he doesn't want it and when he is in a deeper sleep it comes out too. I think when theyre this young its ok I just want him to have got rid by the time hes learning to talk!

Hi everyone, I have given in and resorted to using a dummy. She had fussed all night and wanted a bottle to chew on the teat so my mum said to try a dummy and she has taken to it so well. I am really scared about her becoming too reliant on it though. I also don't want to be up and down all night putting it back in.

Do any of you guys use a dummy and when do you give it to LO? Do they sleep with it?

Lucy x x

i tried joe on a dummy last week sometime but he didnt really take to it, we tried it again yesterday and he seems a lot more relaxed with it, we gave it to him at night time, he doesnt sleep with it though, just has it til he is relaxed then doesnt seem to need it after that, i must admit he has had it a lot today and we've had a really chilled out day today!
got another day on the childminding course tomorrow but ive got Malibu for when i get home! Delivered a few Avon books tonight, there are 140 houses in my territory!!!! Didnt realise there were that many, will have to see how it goes.

Yeah toby is a chillaxed baby when we have the dummy in too!!

Hey ladies just a quick post to say....I'm in the UK!!!!!!! Soooo excited to be back! The trip was v long (10 hours to UK, 3 hour wait in heathrow then half an hour to manchester) but Holly was a star and apart from a small screaming fit as we set off from america she slept for 7 hours then was up for an hour then asleep for another 2 and then slept in her baby carrier through heathrow, woke up for a feed, slept again on domestic flight and then all way home in the car! Bless her! John and I didnt sleep at all until 6p, last night but were then up at midnight as the tie difference made it 8am for us :wacko: I managed to get back to sleep so am hopefully closer to being back on the right time, 8 hours is a lot to adjust to though!

On another note, we took tins of premade formula with us to save faffing with sterisling/making and heating bottles on plane. These were fine for America but when we went through baggage checks at heathrow they made me open 3 tins (holly didnt eat as much as expected so we had 5 left) and taste them. This meant that 2 of those tins have gone to waste now! I wasnt amused! They got through america fine but for a domestic flight we had to open 3! Bloody ridiculous!

Anyway, will try and keep up with you all but may not post much so :hugs:

How exciting for you hun! I saw on fb that evryone is wanting a piece of you!! Lol! Try not to overdo it hehehe! And that is crap about the formula - stupid security that is a bit extreme!

Morning all were off to my parents today so will be able to hand him over for a few feeds lol! Mum has brought him the fisher price rainforest lights and sounds gym too so can't wait to try him under it as hes starting to focus more on his cot mobile now!

Good night again last night sleep wise but eh was very unhappy between 8-10. Think it was tummy ache as his little legs kept stretching then curling right up poor little monster!

Well feeling half human this morning as managed to get a few blocks of 2 hours sleep. Not the long deep sleeps we all dream of but better than being awake huh? When is it that babies start to sleep for longer periods between feeds? Maybe that can occupy my dreams. Off out to the post office in a bit with the little man and may even take a cruise around the town if it goes well.

We've just started getting six hour blocks at night and J is just over 5 weeks old now
Well feeling half human this morning as managed to get a few blocks of 2 hours sleep. Not the long deep sleeps we all dream of but better than being awake huh? When is it that babies start to sleep for longer periods between feeds? Maybe that can occupy my dreams. Off out to the post office in a bit with the little man and may even take a cruise around the town if it goes well.

We've just started getting six hour blocks at night and J is just over 5 weeks old now

Very jealous 6 hours! We are on about 4 at a time now but 6! That's sounds amazing!

If anyone wants to add me on facebook my name is Lucy Peebles, please do! :hugs:
Oliver managed 4hours last night :thumbup: much better than the 2.5 hours the night before!

hb1 - i started trying to get Oliver into a routine at 2 weeks, mainly just so he knew when it was day and night. I would give him a bottle at about 8.30 and put him in his crib upstairs. Ive only just noticed but hes actually created his own feeding routine.
6am - bottle (goes back to sleep)
9am - bottle (wakes up for the day)
12pm - bottle
3pm - bottle
6pm - bottle
8pm - bottle and bed (crib upstairs)
11pm - feed
Then he will have 2 feeds during the night.

Hodbert - You aren't too far from me, we are off up Manchester ways tonight for a wedding :thumbup: Hope you are all settling in okay, with the time difference.

We seem to be having a nice chilled out day here. The house is a mess, but the washing is done, OH has cleaned the cars while Oliver had a little snooze outside in the pram. Ive just got to find an outfit to wear tonight and find time to get ready. I hoped to wear the dress that i wore to my graduation in May but it wont zip up :cry: i guess ive put weight on on my back. I have no idea what to wear now.

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