January JellyBean mummies

Thats what Olly is usually like. Im not sure whats going to happen when i try and put him to bed later.

How was your course today?
I just put Fearne down and she is grumping in her Moses basket, I'm trying to ignore her because she been on the boob hours and I'm tired and fed up now!

Glad Joe is being so good, I keep thinking I might have that in a few weeks! - well I can dream!

Come on olly be good for mummy x
Thats what Olly is usually like. Im not sure whats going to happen when i try and put him to bed later.

How was your course today?

course was ok, it was about safeguarding today, last one next week! and a literacy test!!!
Looks like i'll have to do another first aid course too as it has to be a 2 day one and ive only done a 1 day one, but apparently if im booked on to one, Ofsted will still register me, i've made a couple of friends there too.
Also, got a start date for Baby Massage which is a week on Wed and got Joe's wetsuit so Im gonna take him swimming soon...........also cos my son is special needs he can go swimming/use facilities for free at the local pool and we, as carers, can go free too!!!
Woohoo! I got a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night! Followed by a 3 hour... then a 2 hour... then another 3 hour! I don't know what happened... but I like it.. She's also been sleeping a lot during the day today..... :shrug:
Good stuff blessed!

Sounds like you got some nice plans Sarah!

I'm at my wits end with this child! I been trying to put her down since 10pm, she been sick twice in her bed and woke straight up, I'm exhausted, Paul not home and she's been feeding for 4 hours straight, maybe more. Everytime I lie her down she wakes rooting for more food, she won't take her dummy and I just want to get away from her for an hour! Can't let her scream and wake up Corey I've really had enough!!!! X
Good stuff blessed!

Sounds like you got some nice plans Sarah!

I'm at my wits end with this child! I been trying to put her down since 10pm, she been sick twice in her bed and woke straight up, I'm exhausted, Paul not home and she's been feeding for 4 hours straight, maybe more. Everytime I lie her down she wakes rooting for more food, she won't take her dummy and I just want to get away from her for an hour! Can't let her scream and wake up Corey I've really had enough!!!! X

Right there with you - he will sleep on me tho - but I can't just sit up all night being a human mattress - and I am a deep sleeper who does move around - co-sleeping is a no-go for me.

I'm going to try swaddling again after the next feed - I did try at the start but was always too loose and he is a wriggler - which I think is half his problem - he wakes himself up with his arms when I get him in the moses basket - so he stays down for 10 mins then wakes himself up - then he gets overtired and we're in a worse position than before - it becomes easier to let him sleep on me ( which can't be a long term solution!! ) and he ends up using me as a dummy ( another issue is knowing whether he's cluster feeding or fussing and soothing on me - how do you know :shrug: )

Woohoo! I got a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night! Followed by a 3 hour... then a 2 hour... then another 3 hour! I don't know what happened... but I like it.. She's also been sleeping a lot during the day today..... :shrug:

Wow - that's a dream night!!! v jealous!!

I have no idea what the difference is but I tend to go by time spent feeding,in her cluster feeding she on for at least 10-15 mins each feed before I put her down and she screams, she comfort feeds mid morning sometimes and only has 5 min feeds. I don't want to stop that tho incase she is just thirsty and needing a quick drink, how does anyone know for sure? She been down for 5 hour stretch only just waking now, I'm sure that's longest yet! Yay! If she goes til 7 now I'll have only one wake up, that would be amazing so wish me luck! X
Quarter to 6 but never mind wasn't far off! Thanks :-)

Well best make this a quick one I just heard a big blasteroo coming from her bottom! Hope a good night was had by all x
My 3 week old baby has gone from drinking 3oz last week to taking 5-6oz this week! Still waiting for more sleep though, here's hoping. Have a good day everyone
My 3 week old baby has gone from drinking 3oz last week to taking 5-6oz this week! Still waiting for more sleep though, here's hoping. Have a good day everyone

wow! how often? joe still having on average 3oz
Jacob normally only takes 3oz of EBM. I seem to have lopsided supply :shrug: right side is flowing and flowing if I pump it makes liek 6oz the left side makes 2-3 oz.

Yikes he's asking for food AGAIN. He's feeding hour;y this morning :wacko:
:wave: Joe woke at 1 and 4! I was up all night with sickness and squits....omg dont know what caused that but it really STINKS! :loo: :sick:
KNACKERED now! Joe in a bad mood too, i think he needs a poo!
Done small shop at Sainsburys as its local, will do the big one tomorrow.
do you know, i reckon if i can get joe to drink more he would prob sleep all night but i just cant do it...any ideas?
Urgh its me having the bad day today, not Olly :cry: I just cant stop crying.

Im fed up of being left to do everything. My house is a complete tip and i just dont have the energy to sort it out. Oliver has decided that he likes being awake all morning, i have no idea how to keep him entertained. OH is in bed after being on nights and wont be up until 2-3pm then he will want me to make him dinner while he sits on the computer or texting his friends. Then i will make his buttys and he will go to work. I just wish that i had a fairy godmother or someone who will look after me for once. Or just look after Oliver while i can have some time to myself.
I feel bad on the dogs because i keep shouting at them, in fairness though i keep sitting on them because they steal my seat when i get up from the sofa and one of them has just ran off with a pooy sleepsuit :dohh:

I keep looking at the fireplace, it has glasses lined up on it that OH said he would take downstairs yesterday, we had loads of plates up here yesterday too which he said he would sort, but no i did it after he went to work, emptied the dishwasher too. It not easy because we live in a 3 story house, the living room is upstairs and kitchen downstairs. So i keep having to run down to let the dogs out, which havent been walked in days, i felt sorry for them last week so ended up walking them and oliver in his pram, it wasnt easy :(

Sorry for the rant, im just so fed up of everything, OH doesnt understand and will end up having a go because im moody. I just wish that he could help me out, and OFFER to do things, not be asked and then say okay with a sigh. No doubt i will get moaned at today for not cutting his hair, and then when i cut it he will moan that it hurts because his hair is too long.

I think when OH is up later im just going to have to get ready and go out somewhere for a walk. I need some fresh air. Im going to write a list of things to do and maybe leave it lying around for him to see, then maybe he will get off his bum and maybe do some of it. :shrug: or maybe not. Wish i could be a super mum, but its bloody hard work :cry: Im not even close!
Oliver has finally fallen asleep so i may finally get some breakfast (ive been up since 8am) or maybe i will just skip that and start sorting the house out. Kitchen first!
Urgh its me having the bad day today, not Olly :cry: I just cant stop crying.

Im fed up of being left to do everything. My house is a complete tip and i just dont have the energy to sort it out. Oliver has decided that he likes being awake all morning, i have no idea how to keep him entertained. OH is in bed after being on nights and wont be up until 2-3pm then he will want me to make him dinner while he sits on the computer or texting his friends. Then i will make his buttys and he will go to work. I just wish that i had a fairy godmother or someone who will look after me for once. Or just look after Oliver while i can have some time to myself.
I feel bad on the dogs because i keep shouting at them, in fairness though i keep sitting on them because they steal my seat when i get up from the sofa and one of them has just ran off with a pooy sleepsuit :dohh:

I keep looking at the fireplace, it has glasses lined up on it that OH said he would take downstairs yesterday, we had loads of plates up here yesterday too which he said he would sort, but no i did it after he went to work, emptied the dishwasher too. It not easy because we live in a 3 story house, the living room is upstairs and kitchen downstairs. So i keep having to run down to let the dogs out, which havent been walked in days, i felt sorry for them last week so ended up walking them and oliver in his pram, it wasnt easy :(

Sorry for the rant, im just so fed up of everything, OH doesnt understand and will end up having a go because im moody. I just wish that he could help me out, and OFFER to do things, not be asked and then say okay with a sigh. No doubt i will get moaned at today for not cutting his hair, and then when i cut it he will moan that it hurts because his hair is too long.

I think when OH is up later im just going to have to get ready and go out somewhere for a walk. I need some fresh air. Im going to write a list of things to do and maybe leave it lying around for him to see, then maybe he will get off his bum and maybe do some of it. :shrug: or maybe not. Wish i could be a super mum, but its bloody hard work :cry: Im not even close!

Tell OH to make his own sandwiches for a start. Start going on strike hun. Dont sort his clothes, make him food. Your his partner not mother. (sorry ive got my strong single mummy head on)
Grab a drink and bar of chocolate and have a cuddle with your baby.

Well Jacob is a feeding machine today 5 feeds in 5 hours ouch. Think he's struggling to poo im not impressed with this gaviscon stuff.
Urgh its me having the bad day today, not Olly :cry: I just cant stop crying.

Im fed up of being left to do everything. My house is a complete tip and i just dont have the energy to sort it out. Oliver has decided that he likes being awake all morning, i have no idea how to keep him entertained. OH is in bed after being on nights and wont be up until 2-3pm then he will want me to make him dinner while he sits on the computer or texting his friends. Then i will make his buttys and he will go to work. I just wish that i had a fairy godmother or someone who will look after me for once. Or just look after Oliver while i can have some time to myself.
I feel bad on the dogs because i keep shouting at them, in fairness though i keep sitting on them because they steal my seat when i get up from the sofa and one of them has just ran off with a pooy sleepsuit :dohh:

I keep looking at the fireplace, it has glasses lined up on it that OH said he would take downstairs yesterday, we had loads of plates up here yesterday too which he said he would sort, but no i did it after he went to work, emptied the dishwasher too. It not easy because we live in a 3 story house, the living room is upstairs and kitchen downstairs. So i keep having to run down to let the dogs out, which havent been walked in days, i felt sorry for them last week so ended up walking them and oliver in his pram, it wasnt easy :(

Sorry for the rant, im just so fed up of everything, OH doesnt understand and will end up having a go because im moody. I just wish that he could help me out, and OFFER to do things, not be asked and then say okay with a sigh. No doubt i will get moaned at today for not cutting his hair, and then when i cut it he will moan that it hurts because his hair is too long.

I think when OH is up later im just going to have to get ready and go out somewhere for a walk. I need some fresh air. Im going to write a list of things to do and maybe leave it lying around for him to see, then maybe he will get off his bum and maybe do some of it. :shrug: or maybe not. Wish i could be a super mum, but its bloody hard work :cry: Im not even close!

Why doesnt he go to the hairdressers? Sorry you are having a crap time, i felt like this last week, you are a super mum, just dont try and do too much! As long as you and Ollie are ok, who cares about the house work?

Urgh its me having the bad day today, not Olly :cry: I just cant stop crying.

Im fed up of being left to do everything. My house is a complete tip and i just dont have the energy to sort it out. Oliver has decided that he likes being awake all morning, i have no idea how to keep him entertained. OH is in bed after being on nights and wont be up until 2-3pm then he will want me to make him dinner while he sits on the computer or texting his friends. Then i will make his buttys and he will go to work. I just wish that i had a fairy godmother or someone who will look after me for once. Or just look after Oliver while i can have some time to myself.
I feel bad on the dogs because i keep shouting at them, in fairness though i keep sitting on them because they steal my seat when i get up from the sofa and one of them has just ran off with a pooy sleepsuit :dohh:

I keep looking at the fireplace, it has glasses lined up on it that OH said he would take downstairs yesterday, we had loads of plates up here yesterday too which he said he would sort, but no i did it after he went to work, emptied the dishwasher too. It not easy because we live in a 3 story house, the living room is upstairs and kitchen downstairs. So i keep having to run down to let the dogs out, which havent been walked in days, i felt sorry for them last week so ended up walking them and oliver in his pram, it wasnt easy :(

Sorry for the rant, im just so fed up of everything, OH doesnt understand and will end up having a go because im moody. I just wish that he could help me out, and OFFER to do things, not be asked and then say okay with a sigh. No doubt i will get moaned at today for not cutting his hair, and then when i cut it he will moan that it hurts because his hair is too long.

I think when OH is up later im just going to have to get ready and go out somewhere for a walk. I need some fresh air. Im going to write a list of things to do and maybe leave it lying around for him to see, then maybe he will get off his bum and maybe do some of it. :shrug: or maybe not. Wish i could be a super mum, but its bloody hard work :cry: Im not even close!

Tell OH to make his own sandwiches for a start. Start going on strike hun. Dont sort his clothes, make him food. Your his partner not mother. (sorry ive got my strong single mummy head on)
Grab a drink and bar of chocolate and have a cuddle with your baby.

Well Jacob is a feeding machine today 5 feeds in 5 hours ouch. Think he's struggling to poo im not impressed with this gaviscon stuff.
How much Gaviscon is he having, i make 1 sachet go 3 ways, it helped Joe!

Oliver has finally fallen asleep so i may finally get some breakfast (ive been up since 8am) or maybe i will just skip that and start sorting the house out. Kitchen first!

Leave the house, OH wont see that you need help if you do it, get some food and a cuppa!:coffee:
He had 3 doses yesterday Sarah. He feeds minimum 8 times a day. The sickness after feeds has gone like magic but he has such severe bum wind and struggling for toilet now. I think he's now feeding hourly to pass through the poo/wind and to comfort. Im scared to keep going with the gaviscon as he seems in pain again.

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