Praying, I'm definitely not risking it even though I'm EBF, one LO is enough for now!!! Mini pill will probably be what I go for, in the mean time we're using condoms (I hate them too
Glad things are great with Violet Ditty! I always read your posts with great interest cause she & Harry share a bday!! Has she got herself a nice schedule yet?
Harry is great at night in terms of schedule-down at 8pm, wakes at 12, 4 then about 7.30. Hoping he drops one of the late night feeds soon *fingers crossed* days are harder, he cat naps for a nap in the morn, usually has a long sleep around lunch time the cat naps again in the late afternoon/early evening. It's not a schedule but is still somewhat predictable so I'm ok with it.
Brieri, I have read babywise. It's pretty good, but hard if you have a cat napper like me, it basically follows an eat, wake time, sleep schedule of roughly three hours, so great if your baby wakes, eats nicely, plays nicely for 1-1.5 hrs then sleeps for 1-1.5hrs, but mine doesn't so it's hard to stick to a set schedule. That being said, the book talks about parent directed feeding/sleeping, so you can try to somewhat help your LO establish a good routine if you work at it. I'm still trying to follow the principles. Good luck!
Sorry for the long post!!