I can't believe I missed the first baby birth of our group! Congratulations Betheney! I popped over to your journal and he is beautiful! I hope all is well. According to my pregnancy books, as far along as you were, chances are he will be a totally normal baby without any type of delays or anything, so even though he doesn't weigh a lot, his brain is well prepared.
I had a midwife appointment yesterday, and it was pretty nerve racking. I've decided to not let my epilepsy get in the way of me having the birth I want, so I simply omitted it from my application and prenatal care files for the midwives. For those of you I haven't told, I have absentee seizures, which means I simply blank out for short periods of time. They aren't violent, they rarely happen, I don't stop breathing, and they pose no risk to me or my child. But they still qualify as epilepsy which disqualifies me from giving birth outside of the hospital. So anyway, I thought I had gotten rid of any trace of epilepsy in my records, and apparently, I missed a page. They asked me about it and me and my husband were so caught off balance. I hate lying, but I admit, I did. And now I feel awful about it even though I still think its for the best...