Hope it's not your waters Melly.
I've got a couple of bottles left over from Meg and will just get some new teats for them for when I express. I'm hoping to EBF this time as well. I managed to feed Meg until she was 13 months and stopped when my supply virtually vanished in early pregnancy and my nipples got sore. I'll be happy to get to a year with this one.
I had no real issues last time. She was a bit slow to latch at 1st because she was a bit sleepy but I never got sore/cracked nipples. I had the usual 'toe-curling let down pain' at the start of feeds for a while but that was all and it really wasn't that bad. I used lansinoh on my nips from day one as a precaution and I'll be packing a new tube in my bag.
Night feeds were easy for the 1st couple of weeks - hubby would change her bum while I just stayed in bed, sat up and got a boob out ready.
I've started putting a few bits into my hospital bag now, though hoping I don't need it. The MW is coming for a home visit at 37+4 and will bring all the home birth stuff and go through everything then. Hope baby doesn't decide to come between 37 weeks and then otherwise I will not be amused!
Hubby had an 'oops' moment yesterday when his mum was here. He referred to baby as 'Darcey'. We haven't told people that we know the gender and haven't told people the names we've choosen either. I just casually said "or Finn" and MIL seemed too interested in the names to have noticed the gender slippage. She didn't seem overly keen on the names by her reaction but hey ho it's not her baby.