January Snowdrops 2016: 58 BFPs and counting (12 boys / 8 girls / 4 surprises)!

I must be the only one who won't breastfeed I didn't breastfeed my two sons and don't plan to this time I have no reasons or excuses other then I just don't want to
I did wish I could last time tho but he had a tongue tie and wouldn't latch but I can't lie I don't think I could have the patience for the cluster feeds etc when I've got two toddlers to look after also. I just prefer to feed them formula
I no about the pros and cons etc but formula has never done my kids no harm x
Glad to hear it went well mushy!

I plan to bf. My first 5 babies were all formula fed. I was sexually assaulted and sexually abused when I was younger so I had major psychological issues with putting my breast in my child's mouth. I felt like I would be molesting them. It literally made me sick to my stomach to even consider. For that reason I absolutely understand anyone who does not want to bf for whatever reason and would support them wholeheartedly. I believe God gave us formula for a reason.

With saying that, I did ask Jesus to heal me of the way I viewed my body and He was faithful in doing so. I had considered Bf'ing my 5th baby, but it went to the wayside when I was 32 weeks along and had major complications. By the time he was emergency induced at 37 weeks and barely made it out alive (his placenta abrupted) I could have cared less and went with what I knew best and formula fed him. I have never felt guilt or bad in any way to ff my babies. They were all very loved and cared for. Bonding was no different for me.

When he was a couple mos old my breast leaked one day and I remembered I had considered Bf'ing him. I though about trying to relactate since I heard it was possible, but then we found out we were pregnant with #6. So I prayed a lot and when he was born I bf him. I went in thinking I would just try and if it didn't work out, well I would ff. but it was horrendous. For the first 5 mos it was really rough. He had lip tie so a bad latch. That dropped my supply and he wasn't getting enough. I used herbs and brought supply back up and had mastitis several times along with clogged ducts. It gave me oversupply, but when I pump nothing comes out- no matter how full I was. They thought I had thrush and was treated for it several times before they realized it was actually reynauds phenomenon. Very painful. Also my son was allergic to milk, peanuts, and eggs so I had to eliminate things and add back in slowly. I also had to have a mole removed from the underside of my breast that kept getting rubbed on and bleeding. Pretty much if there could have been a problem I had it! BUT he refused bottles and formula completely and gagged on it. So I had to make it work. After those 5 months things got better. I was seeing the lactation dept at my hospital and they helped to fix his latch and were also able to help me deal with low and over supply correctly. When I was able to figure it all out it was lovely! I nursed him until he was 19 mos old and I was about 20 weeks along in my next pregnancy.

With my next baby I was already aware of her lip tie so latched her as I had learned with him. Also knew pumping did not work for me so was able to know what to do to not get mastitis or clogged ducts. Had learned with him how to nurse in a carrier, so was able to be up and around with her much earlier. It was a completely different experience.

I can't say ff or bf is easier for me. They both have benefits and challenges, but I plan to bf again for the financial aspect of it. I will always support fellow moms in whatever they decide. I would say if you want to try Bf'ing to get in touch with women who can help if problems arise whether that be friends who have bf or a lactation consultant. It was a blessing and such a big help for me.
Donna i don't believe you have to have a reason. If you choose to, then that's what's best. Honestly I wanted my last baby to take one bottle a day of formula since nothing comes out when I pump, but she refused. I think it was the nipple on the bottle she didn't like. I tried a bunch of kinds but nothing worked. I really wanted my dh to be able to feed her a bottle once a day at the end of the night while I showered. I was quite disheartened that it didn't work out. I will likely try it again. Loving your baby is what's best and most important. The rest is just details.
I will breastfeed, have done with the first 3.. Stopped with my youngest when he was 17 months. There is no doubt it is hard in the beginning, painful at times too but if u stick with it it really does get a lot easier
And has so many benefits for the baby. 😉 saying that everyone has to do what's best for them and their little one, I want to try and mix with formula a little once baby is a few months if I can as my babies seem to all be boob crazy and have never taken a bottle. My first didn't stop until he was 2&1/2, we go on holiday when she ll be 4 months and I want to be able to give a bottle of I'm by the pool/beach without worrying about getting my boob out!!

Scan and 9 tomorrow morning so not long now for me.. Then it's straight to work afterwards.. Day of teaching followed by a meeting I'll be shattered. Xx
Aww Hun bless you sorry to hear about ur past
I defo I don't feel I have to explain myself to no one there my babies and I do what's best for us but Ino some people hate formula lol.
My boys grew well gained weight there both so clever never did them any harm although Chad has cows milk allergy so he had to be switched formula a few times in the end he had nutramegin which is no cows milk
He can eat dairy now but stil can't have cows milk so he has soya milk
Chad self settled from
Young got in a great routine slept so well and slept thru the night from early and I do think this is due to the good routine we had going I'm so stuck on routines and that's why I don't think breastfeeding would work for me I may change my mind and try but I doubt it x
And to be honest I hate my boobs being full of milk and leaking Once baby is hear I want to work on finally getting some kind of confidence back and losing weight x
I'm sorry you went through that, Blessed. Hopefully bf is a lot easier this time and baby isn't tongue tied.

Embeth im the same, I'm going to try and stick to one bottle of formula a day with this one. My DS was a nightmare to get off the boob and I felt like I was literally attached to him for 10 months. He wouldn't even take pumped milk. So this time it's going to be a bottle a day consistently! Good luck with your scan tomorrow! How exciting you'll get to see your little girl again! What do you teach? I was a primary/elementary school teacher and sometimes I really miss it. I used to love the first day back when I could see my friends (haha that makes me sound like a kid!) and the children would be all fresh and eager to start the year.

Donna, I love the sound of a routine! My friends who ff also got themselves into a great routine much more easily than I did. 👍🏻

Im thinking maybe I have a little bug as I'm extra tired. Every time I get tire and have to nap during the day I get all panicked at the thought of being exhausted with a newborn.
Sorry to hear of what you went through blessed xxx

Lucy I teach PE in a secondary school so 11-18 years. It has it's ups and downs I only work part time now which suits me nice to have some time where I'm not running around after a toddler but wouldn't want to do anymore always can't wait to get home and see my boys after work!

I really hope I can introduce the bottle ok always found it so hard as I seem to make so much milk and boobs were always so full so missing a feed to give a bottle made them worse!

Very excited to see her again on the scan tomorrow just anxious she's all healthy. Will update at some point as to how it went and hopefully a pic!

Sorry about what you went through Blessed, but glad that you healed.

I don't like my boobs to be touched, so it's hard to imagine I'll like a baby sucking on it. And the nurses "teaching" you how to do it by grabbing you and positioning you (what I've been told by friends) almost make me want to not try at all. But I probably will, we'll see.

Oh, I've just made a video of baby kicking! It's so cute now I can look at it all the time and show it around haha.
I have the same problem with missing a feed too, Embeth. I usually have to pump when I miss one but I'm going to still make the bottle a priority. Fingers crossed it's easier this time!

Danna, I felt the same way as you in terms of boobies and breastfeeding 😁 but I guess something happens to you with hormones etc and it doesn't feel as strange when the baby is there. In terms of the nurses pushing the baby on the boob, I've heard they can be like that but thankfully I didn't have any like that! Mind you, I remember telling my mum to 'quick push it forward!' When I was trying to get my son to latch in the early days! Haha, I'm usually very private with these things but I definitely changed!
I plan to try bfing but with no prior experience I can't say if it will work or not...not.going to beat myself up over it if it doesn't.
Lovely bump pics ladies!

I bf'd both of my kids for a while. They both lost interest and switched to formula when they started walking (9mnths for DS and 11months for DD). After 12 months switched to cow's milk. I never liked pumping as it took to long so never built up a stored supply. Only pumped when engorged etc. I always used a nipple shield when bfing. It didn't effect my supply so never tried to wean them from it. I plan on doing the same this time. They can bf until they lose interest or they are a year old whichever comes first.

Went for my rescan of baby's kidneys Monday. They still can't tell if it's a horseshoe kidney or not.:dohh: Decided not to refer to the high risk Dr. unless they can tell for sure there s a problem. I really don't want another Dr.. My OB has done my last 2 c-sections and I don't trust anyone else to get my baby out honestly. Plus he is supposed to decide based on scarring etc. If it is safe for us to have any more children or if we have to stop. Don't think I would trust another Dr's opinion since they don't know my pregnancy history and all.

Good luck and happy thoughts to everyone with scans coming up!
I plan on exclusively bf again after bfing my first 2 for over a year.

For ladies who have not tried bfing yet, make sure you buy nipple cream and nursing pads, because those will be your savior!

Sorry about what you had to go through Blessed.

Lucy, hope you feel better!

Athena, I was the same way, I never bothered to build up a good enough supply so I could pump and store it. I never really had the time to pump, I was always so busy, or just too lazy :haha: Sorry to say I have no advice on introducing bottles from breast, both DD and DS refused bottles once they started bfing

My first 2 births were vaginal, so if all goes well (fingers crossed) I'm planning on going as natural as possible, though keeping an open mind knowing it doesn't always go as planned, but still hoping to have as little intervention as possible.

DS turns 2 this weekend and we are going to the Renaissance Festival for his birthday! I'm excited!

Also, this is completely random, but I found out today that one of the children's shows DD and DS watch is narrated by William Shatner! I was like "Whoa, whaaaat?"

Here's my 22 week bump pic, can't believe I'm 22 weeks already *_* it's going by so fast! But I'm so excited to meet her. DD already calls her "Claire" and today she told me "mommy I love Claire!" :cloud9:
Athena- I hope everything turns out fine and baby's kidneys are normal. I would love if my kids weaned themselves around that time and went to bottles!

thanks ladies for all the kind words! I am truly healed so it's all just an afterthought now. and nursing my last baby was a breeze. very wonderful experience. I wasn't even sore from the start even though I expected to be for a few weeks. a good latch from the start makes a world of difference!

I'm planning on doing the same as some of you ladies. will start giving a bottle a day right from the start so hopefully this LO will take to it.
I've had a pounding headache since yday won't shift doesn't help my kids get up so early lol! Back to nursery next week for CJ :) he can't wait
22 weeks today. :)
Thanks for all your replies ladies :hugs: I definitely plan on trying to BF but at least if it all goes t*ts up (pun intended) I will just formula feed and won't feel too bad for doing so.

I made my husband donate blood for the first time last night, neither of us have ever done it and I thought if I'm going through all this rubbish (blood tests, injections etc) being pregnant he can suck it up and have some pain too...Well he went white as a sheet and nearly passed out :haha: I kept saying at least you don't have to give birth! MEN!! :dohh:
Hi girls,

Had my 20 week scan this morning. All was good mainly. She said at the end she couldn't get a good view of the celebellum that is at the back of the brain and I have to
Go back in a week!😕 she said it was position and
She thinks she's saw it and it's fine but couldn't get a clear view. Of
Course I'm stressing tho! Everything else was perfect she spent so long looking at the heart.. Literally most of the scan and I was getting stressed but she just said it's fine. No pics either as baby was facing outwards so
Got no profile view.. Confirmed girly tho!!😉
We have a private anomaly scan booked for Saturday my do wasn't that impressed with her so we figure it's worth the money then the rescan with the nhs next thurs xx

Hope everyone is doing ok today.. Hope
Your headache shifts Donna, I had one the other week was awful took 2 days to shift! X
I'm sure she is just fine Hun :) Ino loads of people who had to go back for scans because babies were in the wrong position x try not to worry x
I'm sure all is fine Embeth! It must be hard to get all those measurements.

Argh I have a bad case of damp undies today... I keep worrying it's my waters leaking. I'm such a ball if anxiety, I want to put myself on bedrest until 30 weeks...lol... ;.;
I've got the worst heartburn today! And for some reason only my right ankle and foot is swelling. By the end of the day it's total cankle city!

And I always feel so guilty complaining about anything, because everything else is so easy for me.
I have to go back too embeth, apparently baby wasn't in the right position to see everything. It happens.

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