Morning girls I've moved up a block on my ticker yay! Can't believe in 25 days I'll be into double figures days wise that is
Lucy my first was 24 months when Chad arrived and he took to it fine .

he adored him even tho he wasn't really interested in babies . There will almost be the same gap this time between Chad and baby Barr two months which shudnt make much difference
CJ was a easy baby he's so laid back and easy going
Chad is the complete opposite he's into everything right now I hope he settles down before cruz is here
I wasn't more tired when Chad was born probably because he slept great from the start I can honestly say I've probably had about 4 bad nights with him if that he's always self settled and slept thru from
Before one even when he was a newborn he only woke twice
So I bet I'm destined for a none sleeper this time lol .
I am excited to meet him and see what he's like my two look different two CJ takes after me blue eyes and light her hair and Chad is like his dad dark hair and brown eyes!
I'm worried about getting CJ to nursery on time with a newborn to he wasn't in nursery when Chad was born and just in general looking after three but I've heard it's no different to two as such because u already have to juggle ur self x
I listened to his heartbeat on the Doppler last night found it pretty quickly considering I can't normally find it . My cousins due her little boy in just under 8 weeks by the time
He's here I'll have 10 weeks left! Wow x