bunyhuny- thanks hun! I wish I had that many options. this is the only place that will take my insurance, so if it doesn't work out I will have to find a new ob, or go with a family practitioner. either way I will NOT go back to my old ob
Donna and embeth- oh no, hope the sickness is gone very fast

and donna hope it moves up with no bleeding. I had it once and mine moved up in time.
Chelle- yikes take it easy!!
Sakura- oh my lady!!! get some fluids in you!
fitmama- so sweet!!

and happy v day
Mushymilk- your setup sounds really nice!!!!
Lucy- I have a lot of friends that like the wraps! I couldn't figure out the moby, which looks like it may be a lot like one of your pics. I do think they look so comfy on my friends. the ktan really looks amazing!!! I think I could definitely handle it! I found some youtube videos where these women were cutting off the bottoms of 3 t-shirts and using them one over each arm and around each leg and then the last one around their bottom as the seat. I tried it and actually used them with my last baby. I imagine it fits just like the ktan. was so comfy, you just have to make sure you get them the right size and tight enough.
I'm starting to have back aches during the day. think this is gonna end up an issue in the end. I've never had them this early